How To: Customise Page Layouts (Salesforce Admin Series)

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hey salesforce friends and welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to be looking at page layouts yes what are they what different types of page layouts have you got and how do you customize it more importantly so without further ado let's get straight to it [Music] so straight off the bat there are two types of page layouts kind of um there is the lightning layout and then the classic layout and the classic we mean the old salesforce ui user interface before it moved to lightning and in some orgs um some big companies in fact they've not moved to lightning yet because maybe they've done a lot of customization in the org or whatever but they're still in the old classic user interface so that's a type of layout which you will actually see in a moment when you customize a detail page record database you'll kind of see the old layout when you move fields around and things like that then you've got the lightning which is the new ui and i'm expecting that most of you watching this video will be wanting to know about the new lightning page layout customization now first let's have a look at an overview of the page layout and what the different sections mean and everything like that so what we're going to do so i'm straight into my settings but what i want to do is look at um a a layout and we've got the account here and when i load my page when i when i click on an account record so i can go um like i've done click on one of the accounts this is records out the box you'll see that it goes straight to related uh the related lists all the related records attached to this account record and i've got the highlights panel along the top if you want to know how to customize the highlights panel there's a separate video that i'll link to at the bottom bottom in the bottom in the description and at the top here in the cards so that's how you can customize this highlight section which also shows when you hover over a record link then you get to see a little summary quickly so if you want to know about that check that video out but what we're interested in here is understanding the difference between the uh lightning app builder and how you customize um the layout and the page detail layout customization screen so what is the difference what we're looking at here is if i have got um this layout and i click details there this what i'm looking at is really the core of the record for the account dickinson plc these are the fields and the information recorded against dickinson plc everything else this related tab here are the records like i said attached to that record and we've also got on the right here i've added a panel which has got my activity and chatter as well but this corbett the details bit is really where the information of the account is we've also got buttons along the top and we've got another video after this one where we look at customizing those buttons and understanding the difference we've also got a link at the bottom and we'll look at the how to do custom links as well and we've also got quick actions and things like that that we'll look at in another video as well how do you customize this page that's what we want to know now if i because in the old days when i had classic i would simply in the record that i want to customize i would go up to my setup bit obviously it was different in classic and i could see here when i do that edit page boom let's click it now when i do that i'm actually in lightening up builder and you can see that at the top there and i want to highlight this because i'm going to try and zoom in can i zoom in a little bit no it makes it smaller oh weird okay i won't uh increase the size of my page like that so hopefully you can see this but what we've got is lightning that builder is not for customizing your page layout it's for managing the structure and the components that you've got in your page layout sound a bit confusing well let's just hover over and see what we can do so you can see here by page structure i mean i can hide and show this highlights panel you can see here if i'm hovering over this highlights panel i've got a little trash icon at the top which means i can delete it i've also got this move component thing so i can actually move it to within this section there so i can actually put it in the right which will move everything up or i can actually just move that over into this section and put it in within that that kind of column as it were of where the record details and the related objects are but no i'm going to put it back at the top in this highlights panel just at the top i like it there and you can see i can change the structure so i can kind of put how many visible action buttons that i have at the top and various things like that you'll also see depending on how new your org is upgrade to dynamic actions i won't talk about that now there is another video that i'll link up to at the top where you can look at dynamic actions and things like that and dynamic layouts and some really good things that you could do with dynamic layouts so i've got a link at the top check it out carrying on looking at this you can see that i can move these sections around but if i go in and see oh let's say i want to change the related objects that i'm displaying there because at the moment on my account i've got quite a lot of stuff there i've got contacts opportunities understandable cases probably not relevant for sales maybe they are probably not more for service perhaps i've got partners maybe i don't care about that vouchers custom objects that we created energy audits we'll look at customizing the page with that so there might be some other stuff you want to drag in but you can see i can't i've clicked on it and i've got the different tabs there and i can move them around and i can add a tab and i can add a tab along the top there but i'm not actually customizing the related objects that i've got in this section there now to do that i need to go to the classic page layout editor and we're going to do that in the moment but that is really the key difference if i click on this details tab as well you can see that these fields here if i click on there i i can't change the fields i can't remove a field make it mandatory or anything like that so that's the key lesson of today is that when you edit a page you've got two different layout editors you've got the lightening up builder to change the structure and the components and everything the component properties and even do things like dynamic actions and dynamic layout functions then you've got the actual layout of the details page where you can customize the fields that you're showing on there and the properties of the fields make it mandatory or not you can also change the related objects that you display in there as well and you can also which is very key change the buttons that you can see whether it be a detail button which you can see on the top in the highlights panel where you add a new one or remove them also detail page links and things like that so let's go to that other bit to customize it now i'm going to go back i'm going to leave the page i want to save the messing around that i've done so how do i customize this this in the way that i want to and lightening that builder we'll look at in another video because there's a lot of crazy stuff you can do there so instead of going to just the edit page function which as we know takes you there we can actually just go to edit object and it opens up a new tab and it will take me to my object manager section how do i get there another way well if i go to setup um you'll be able to see that i've got object manager here and i can just click the drop-down look at recent ones or click the link of object manager and go to the object i want to customize account and you can see i've got the same layout that i just did in this other tab where i clicked edit object so i recommend the shortcut um right now i can see page layouts i'm going to edit the main layout here and we'll look at profile specific layouts in a moment you can see that you can create a layout for each profile and as you can see here out the box we've got a sales one a support one and a marketing one they'll want to see different things different related objects and things like that let's just manage the custom one if i click on that you can now see that i've got what i call the classic page layout editor it's actually called page layout editor but i call it more classic so if you're in the classic layout in your org this is the layer editor that you'll see and so this is really what you can it can do and already if i try and zoom in a little bit let's i can ah this works a bit better i can zoom in there we go you'll be able to see that i can edit these fields and i've got this little section there which this top panel is effectively all of the fields that i've got on that object on the account object and the ones that are ghosted out if i click on it it'll tell me where i've got it in the layout i've already added it in the ones that are here i've not added them yet i can drag it in and then it's in the layout to remove a field if you hover over the field you've got this little icon like this no remove icon they've got to click on it and it just takes it out and puts it back in the little palette at the top and you'll see in this palette i've got fields but if i go on the left you'll see i've got buttons custom buttons that i can add in custom links quick actions again we're going to go through a video after these in in those in more detail and i've also got related lists as well so let's just go backwards a little bit back to the fields because there's a few things i want to highlight um about what you're seeing on this screen first thing off the bat highlights panel we mentioned highlights panel we saw it in in the layout earlier um now there is a previous vid another video a link in the top and in the description um to where we look at how you can customize the highlights panel and you'll see there that you can see customize the highlights panel for this page layout well if you've seen that video about highlights panel you'll notice that we talk about the fact that you can't customize it here but you actually do it in compact layouts so why is it saying i can customize it here well confusingly salesforce admits it is confusing and this is where you customize the highlights panel for the classic layout okay so this old not lightning the old layout view um of the older ui for lightning for most of you that have got lightning you wouldn't customize the highlights panel there you could change it customize it here it wouldn't show up in lightning you need to go to compact layout so again the link up there will be able to tell you how you can do that for lightning so let's ignore that for the moment we're going to move on from classic ui and just focus on on lightning you can see here i've got quick action section so it doesn't take a scientist or rocket scientist to know this is where you could probably remove and add quick actions and same for this bit here and the buttons the custom buttons you've got there now these custom buttons are the ones you've seen in lightning experience and they don't call the buttons they call them actions even though it's a button but anyway and you'll see here confusingly that you've also got buttons here so you've got standard buttons that come out the box that they add in the layout and then custom buttons what's the difference well again this is more the classic layout so the classic buttons that you've got in there this is the lightning so we'll focus on these sections in the other videos when we look at buttons more detail good stuff to know next now let's have a look at the actual record detail layout so these are the fields that you've got here we've already seen that you can add a field just by dragging it in from the palette and then if you want to remove it you just simply do that but you can also if you hover over let's see facts why have they still got facts in there this is ridiculous so if you're if your company's still using the fax leave the company get a new job um go with a company that doesn't still use faxes unless it makes you billions of dollars but i don't think any company does anywhere waffle waffle um let's say phone is really important in fact it's the mobile here mobile no there's a mobile this is just phone okay so here's the phone number let's say i want the website it's very important i want a website it's a mandatory field i don't want anybody to be saving a record an account record unless they put the website in there now what you can do and i'll probably click this a little bit too quick but what you can see is on the right let me just move this out the way a little bit you can see in next to where i would normally remove the field you've got this little spanner and the spanner is going into the properties of the field and if i um let me just click that again you can see that i've got a couple of options of what i can do i can make it read only and i can make it required okay now required is pretty obvious so if i click on that make it required you'll see i've got a red asterisk next to it so first lesson what are these asterisks is that is what it is it is telling you that this has to be filled in otherwise you can't save the record um so that's good to know and you can see there i've got a red asterisk next to account name you'll also notice i've got a blue dot next to account name and parent account well blue dots basically mean that that is that there's a relationship there there's a lookup relationship either a master detail or whatever to another record or another object record so account name i need that there that is going to be a master um detail um field so i need to have that populated it needs to be filled in for that that's why it's also required and if i actually do the spanner on there you can see that i can't make it unrequired if that makes sense um and i can't make it read only because it basically means you cannot have an account record unless you fill in that field because it is used for the relationship with other child records this parent account you can see that it's not dependent in in other words i can make it required if i really want to but i don't have to i can also make it read only maybe i don't want people to fill it in i don't know why you'd make it read only here but you know what i mean you could just remove it from the layout um but yes the blue dot is still there because it's saying if i do put a value in there i'm actually looking up to another record an account job done with that one um one thing to note though when i do my spanner and i've got a read-only option what that does is it kind of makes it read-only on this specific layout it doesn't make it read only that field read only for everybody on any other layout it's very thick a keen thing to be aware of i could still edit that field if i was in a different layout if i had a different layout assigned to my profile or if i'm in a list view um and i don't have you know record types i could edit in a list view i could edit that field so it's not read only it's only really only in that layout how do you make that field read read-only for everybody or send profiles or whatever you go into the sharing settings and you go to field level security as well on the um the actual field is in fact let me show you fields and relationships so i'm on my left the object manager i could see the fields here and let's say i go to uh one of these which is account source i can click on it and there i've got set field level security i'm going off on tangent i know this isn't page layouts but it's important to show that i can make this field visible or not to all of these and that will surpa that will go over and override any page layouts um that i've set if i could have added it to a page layout but if this is not visible i ain't going to see it so feel level security is the lowest level in the pyramid of security uh but that's why you would do it and read only that's where i could make that read only for just this profile or i could click the top bit and make it read only for everyone okay i'm gonna click cancel on there i'm gonna go back to what we were doing sorry sorry sorry um but i feel like some of these are really important for people kind of starting out and also to get your certification on an admin right um so those are the fields that's how i can move things around i've got blank space it's not great for messing with the layout i still only have two columns so i can you can see i've added a blank space there by doing that if i just move this back out the way i've added my blank space great and it kind of separates things out i can kind of line it up you'll notice i've only got two columns here how can i increase columns well you can't so if i've got my my it's ghosted out account information section i've got another spanner on the whole section and then what i can do is i can see that i can make it a one column layout or a two column and then you can say okay tab key order if i press my tab key and my editing going across they want to go left to right or top down so this is on a top down approach you can add a new section as well so let's you can see section at the top i've just clicked it and dragged it down and where it goes bold green i can then do new section um important stuff and then i can do it so one column two column whatever display section header on detail page edit page so i could just make it no header it's just i'm grouping um fields together in that section but i might want to display the header so it's obvious in an edit page i kind of don't see why you wouldn't show it in the detail page as well as in the main layout not edited edit layout uh to make it obvious you know what you're doing and you can see there i've got my section there and i might just put my email in the account email web address in there or stuff like that that's how you can customize the account detail layout even for lightning and obviously classic as well now the other thing that we want to look at now i've been making some changes here let's just leave it and what i can do is i can do a quick save quick save basically means just in case my insight drops out i've just made save those changes fine if i scroll down or if i click on the left section here related lists it'll drop me down this is where i can customize the related lists and simply by um against contacts i could do the x to remove it completely if i want to add it back in you've got against make sure you click related lists otherwise you won't see these and you can filter it by name so let's say i want i accidentally removed contacts i want to add it back in and there we go if i hover over it it tells me what the label is contacts great and i can then put it in i'll put it in above opportunities i can then move these around by clicking these little this rectangle of dots as well great and then i've got a spanner next to it as well if i click the spanner this then dictates what columns and the order of the columns that i see in the related list section so here we are contact name is the first field value that i've got from a contact that i'm displaying title email phone click your spanner you can see the available fields on the left these are the ones i'm displaying at the moment i could maybe add assistant phone that's all this stuff there we go uh let's put facts in for a laugh there we go i've added it to that section and this is saying right i could have multiple contacts in that related list against the account disney maybe there's one or two accounts against disney and what you can do is you can sort it default um which i think is contact name use your record name or something like that but i could actually do it by title or email or whatever this is probably more important if you're looking at a different object maybe you've got a custom object um maybe opportunities you know if i if i kind of cancel there and go to opportunities i might actually want to see it by sort it by stage or maybe close date and i want to get it in um and this is where i get is it ascending or descended i want to see the latest one at the top that would be descending i had to guess i could be wrong i could experiment i can do okay refresh the page and then see what it looks like and then if it's wrong just change it that's how i do it um and then what you can also do is if i click the little plus thing there i can also add and remove buttons against that related list like i said we're going gonna look at another video after about the buttons so yeah forget that for now but this is where you would also customize the buttons great um let me do okay and you can see that i'm now i've got a couple of arrows next to closed date it's to now sort the opportunities in order of the close date there cool okay now what we're going to do is we're actually going to create a new page layout and we're going to assign it to profile so we're going to look at that what we're actually going to do is we're going to follow the trailhead module and link in the description below again like i said in other videos we're doing a lot of trailhead modules to help get your certification so please follow along with this one get your points in trailhead get the experience you learn by doing by clicking and in the example um what it's saying is to use the energyaudits object that you've created to create a new layout from that so that's what we're gonna do now how do i get to it do you remember yes you could go to the record and then go to edit objects from there but i'm not there so i need to go to object manager i'm then going to go to my energy audit and scroll down to energy audit there we go click on that i then get to see the left page layouts energy audit layout there's already one there when you create a new object it creates a default one but i want a new one so you click new in the top right there you can do it from scratch existing page layout or you can use an existing one i usually recommend that and then it says put in the name energy audit sales layout and click save done it then takes me straight to this page layout editor the kind of classic-y looking one and if i scroll down the trail head if i actually show it now is telling me to do a couple of things and i recommend logging into your trailhead follow this along get your points and it's saying okay let's make this a nicer order okay and to do that um we're gonna move audit notes and type of installation to the right column above owner so let's have a quick look let's have a quick look so type of installation and audit notes under there there we go in fact let me just double check because you have to get this right it's above owner what did i say under or maybe i'm getting confused so type of installation audit notes owner what else does it say move account below energy audit name so we've got account there so let's do that do it do it star skinheart just do it let's go down there awesome is that it am i going to get points just for doing that click quick save and ah quick save and then in the related lists drag files in so i want to add the file section so you should know how to do that let's do a quick save you don't have to do that because we're doing quick changes but there you go we can scroll down i can see i've got no files so how do i add that in i go to my related list bit there find files and drag it in man there we go and i can change the order of it as well does it tell me a specific order no it doesn't tell you where to do so you just stick it there but again you can move it around like that if you want to let's click save and do yes and we've now got our sales audit layout now next what we're going to do is assign that layout because now we've created it awesome no one's going to be using that layout no one can access it because we've not said in the system this profile this user who's got this profile is going to use this layout so let's do that easy peasy up to the top right next to the new button you've got page layout assignment and in there a bit of a classically classic ui look we've got going on here you can see that i've got the ability to edit assignment and on the left i've got all my profiles let me just click edit assignment you can see i've got all of the profiles on the left and i've got my the layout that i've got here one little note if this energy audit object had more record types and if you don't know what record types are you can look at another video on that one and then you'll see the record types as column headers along the top so it might be record type sales record type service record type whatever um that might you know mean you've got different type of options and pick lists and feels and things like that i can manage stuff like that um but and therefore you can assign the layout to a different record type for each profile as well however we've got one record type page layout we can then see we've got the energy audit layout assigned there page layout to use if i go sales layout you can see that i've selected it but it's not changed here it's because i need to select the profiles that i want to do i want to change now i can do it one by one or i can click click on the top one or one of them and then hold my shift key down and then click on the other profile and it selects them great let's also click command key or apple key if you're on an apple laptop or control on a windows lap um keyboard and if you keep hold of the control key or apple command key you can click on another to select them independently like that and then you can kind of uncheck others like that so that's different ways in which you can select the different ones oh it even tells you along the top it's amazing if you just read now i've just checked the trail head and it just says just do it for system admin because obviously your system admin at the moment and you're logged in so let's just do that but now you can know how you can select the different profiles and then once it's selected then select your drop down then do energy audit sales layout and you'll see that it changes there and it's in italics say that's been edited click save so i've just go into that record now and you can see the changes that i've made i've got audit notes type of installation and owner there and an account underneath the energy audit name awesome and in terms of the related um objects if or related items i've got there i've got files here there we go so all i need to do is upload a file and there we go we have finished that congratulations you've now finished that module in the trailhead you now know what page layouts are the difference between the layout detail editor and the lightning app builder again which is changing structure and the components you've got in there again check out the videos that i've been mentioning throughout thank you very much and until the next time may the salesforce be with you
Channel: Adam Foyston
Views: 569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salesforce demo, salesforce, trailhead, salesforce tutorial, no code, Salesforce, CRM, Consultants, Administrators, Developers, salesforce lightning tutorial, salesforce training videos for beginners, salesforce page layout tutorial, salesforce page layout assignment
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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