How to Create Veeam Replication Job on Veeam Backup v11

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so in today's lesson i'm going to talk about the veeam replication job so first off i want you to take a look at my first video which is introduction to veeam replication job and then i'm going to perform the task for application in this veeam lab so let's get it started by introduction to replication job [Music] vim replication is like continuous data protection with vss it's near a cdp and helps us to reduce costs and also will help you to bring up your virtual machine from a replica not only in disaster again whenever it's needed we can power on our virtual machine from a replica and it doesn't need any application to be installed on the target virtual machine the replication process is agentless and it doesn't have any agent to be installed on their target machine beam replication will operate on our virtualization layer and it will uses an image base for replicating our virtual machines beam onsite replication can be used for high availability in some cases it's like high availability in the virtualization layer veeam offsite replication can be used for disaster recovery and it's a great option for transferring our virtualization server to another location to prevent over utilization we can use the van accelerator to optimize our network bandwidth utilization between two sites when beam replication takes place a snapshot or checkpoint is going to be deleted and lastly let's check out a diagram for veeam on-site replication and off-site replication here is on-site veeam replication and here is a repository and these are the virtual machines so by using veeam data mover in source host we can transfer the vms with veeam data mover and of course to a target hose this is the actual process in on host veeam replication the second method is using veeam backup replication to another site or disaster site so again with on-host backup proxy we can transfer a virtual machine by using beam data mover throughout the van connection and of course here we'll have veeam van accelerator and by using vim data mover target and off host backup proxy we can move this virtual machine to the target host this is how veeam of host replication works in a real environment so now that you know what is replication and how it's worked now is the time to do the task of replication in our veeam lab so here i'm going to say maximum size and this is our vm backup and replication here by going to the inventory and the virtual machines you can right click and say add to the replication job or of course you can go again to home and say job to the virtual machine so that's great let's say replicate micro tick or whatever you can add one virtual machine or a few virtual machines to a single replication job and here is three options for a disaster site here as you can see these two options replica seeding for low bandwidth dr site and again we have network remapping for a dr site here which as you can see when you select this option we have network option that means we can change the actual ip to the new ip when our virtual machine transfers to another location which is our disaster site let's say that we have another site or disaster site and we want to replicate our virtual machines from original site to the disaster site of course in disaster site maybe you have another range of ip addresses here you can say the original ip address of this micro tick is going to be changed when using this option so that's great and this is the replica pre-ip as you can see this is for ip address and this is for virtual network so that's great and if this replication job is going to be your high replicated priority job you should select this option and we're going to say next and here we'll select the virtual machine by the way here you can do a search for example micro t or whatever and you can select it here and we're gonna click on next and here we should define the destination of our virtual machine here now we can see our virtual machine which is micro teak is hosted on 10 to esxi we want to transfer it to the 10.1 so of course here the destination is going to be 10.1 esxi host that's great and this is the source you can change and the vm folder and here of course you can change what data store that you want to move on on that esxi host of course we have the default which is going to be data store one and data store esxi is zero one that's great these two data stores and for your production environment if you don't use vm encryption policy you shouldn't use this data source that under vm encryption policy so that's great let's say for example to this one data so two and we'll say next here you can specify repository for replica metadata this is only metadata like veeam job as i said uh like configuration for taking backup let's say when veeam back up tasks like replications or taking backup once to a start they will use this metadata as you can see here we have the metadata for our job let me show you without this metadata if you delete it you cannot perform backup anymore so that means the task of replication and taking backup it will need the metadata file that's great here it says store the replica metadata to the default repository so you can select whatever repository that you have and here is the replica name suffix that means when you replicate that virtual machine you will have underscore replica to your virtual machine and here is the restore point to keep which most cases will use seven or let's say five or things like that here is the advanced you can configure notification here send an email and things like that if you want to know how to configure advanced setting of uh vim backup you should check out my veeam backup and replication course zero to hero which is great and high rated course so and here we're going to say next so this is the data transfer it will uses at the default which is our vimbackup proxy server the source and target are going to be the same because we don't have that heavy massive virtualization environment we will use the default beam proxy which is already installed when you install vim backup and replication for the first time so and here you can specify the van acceleration so let's say direct and next and here of course you can again enable application over processing we don't need it and we'll say next and of course here we can say run the job automatically at this time or periodically for example every one hour so in most cases for replication we'll use this option because we want to immediately transfer all the settings or all the changes in our virtual machine to another site this is a great example if you have a very important virtual machine in your environment maybe you will use one minute or something like five minutes every five minute any changes in your entire virtual machine something like your sql server your oracle your whatever application inside it it will transfer to the replicated virtual machine so that's great let's say for example one hour and of course here you can say enough to take replication on this time or things like that and this is the retry fail it and wait before each retry attempts for 10 minutes which is the default option of course you can terminate it when you reach for example the time work or i don't know time job or things like that and we're gonna say apply and we'll click on run the job when i click finish here you can see the replication virtual machine of our micro tick it's going to be a start so let's say what will happen and in the meanwhile if you go to the uh i mean vmware vsphere here you can see the recent task for that replication so first off the job it will start build the list of virtual process and is going to calculate the size of the disk of that virtual machine and it's going to start our application here we'll go back now as you can see reconfigure virtual machine taking a snapshot and again reconfigure and create a snapshot of that virtual machine this is all it's done by the beam backup and our application now as you can see we have a micro tick replica job here reconfigure the virtual machine copy the disks from original location which is micro tick to the transferred replicated virtual machine to another esxi or your i should say disaster recovery site so and here we will wait for the discus to be transferred to our replicated virtual machine so that's great here as you can see the speed and the duration process rate and of course we will have success one there is no warning and error and these are the rest of information that you can see again we'll go back to our vsphere now as you can see create virtual machine snapshot was completed successfully for this virtual machine so let's wait to this job so that's great it's success we should wait for 100 percent and then we're gonna start that virtual machine so that's great and here in our repository we can see that we have a replication metadata file here this is only metadata file as you can see it's only two megabytes so that means all the disks and configuration it will automatically transfer to the another esxi and it's going to replicate all the disks there is no need to copy that virtual disk to our vim backup like our veeam jobs here because we want to take backup but this time we want to replicate obviously when you want to replicate you want to transfer the entire virtual disks from the source host to the destination host so that's great so this is how replication works and simply we can power off the original one and turn on the new virtual machine but in your production environment let's say that this esxi i mean 10.2 is no longer available in the network for hardware failure or things like that you can easily use the transferred virtual machine by replication job and start it immediately that means why it is important to use the continuous replication between your virtual machines for example let's say five minute or 10 minute specifically between your very important virtual machine in your production network so that's great and here now we can see the virtual machine is work properly and it will transfer to the new ip address but the original one it was on 10.2 our esxi so that's great so i hope that enjoyed this video if you want to know more about replication i highly recommend you check out my website which is and theme availability and here we have the great veeam backup zero to hero which is i should say very complete and great course that you can master vim backup and replication and again i highly recommend you like the video comment below if you have any questions i will answer to your question [Music] [Applause] [Music] immediately
Channel: ServerTours
Views: 2,058
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Keywords: veeam, veeam replication job, disaster recovery, veeam backup, data availability, disaster recovery plan, veeam installation step by step, data recovery, veeam replication, veeam backup and replication 11, veeam backup and replication, veeam backup and replication tutorial, veeam planned failover, veeam failover, veeam backup replication, data protection, failover, veeam replication failover and failback, veeam availability suite, veeam v10, veeam training
Id: tFwKJ_HHaSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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