How to create Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr || Spring Boot Project with IntelliJ Idea.

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hello guys in this video Let's create one sample project using spring initializer the spring initializer is officially provided by Spring framework it helps the developers to generate skeleton projects quickly to start the spring boot application so it is a web based tool that generates the project structure now let's create one sample project open any of your favorite browser type spring in initializer on the first link here you can select whether you want gril project or Maven project and also you can choose the language Java cotlin or groovy you can select the spring wot version here then provide some project details here so I give the name as com program example so here the name picked as package name can also give the artifact let's say spring hello here you can select the packaging so usually we select jar and Java version either 21 or 17 after that you need to select the dependencies we need spring boot d tools lambach spring web and database related stuff like my SQL driver jdbc API or H2 database whatever we are using and after adding the dependencies you can click on generate here so in in downloads you can see the jip file you can unzip it and open the project you can see here basic project structure and all the dependencies already added in the pom.xml file so the advantage of spring initializer is you no need to worry about any configuration parts simply you need to focus on the business logic this is the way you can create the skeleton of a project using spring initializer thanks for watch
Channel: Learn Code With Yoshi
Views: 152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Km9gg2ao2TA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 9sec (129 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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