How to create Realistic Materials in Twinmotion

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what's happening ladies and gentlemen this is min from architecture inspirations today I'm gonna show you how to create realistic materials into in motion let's get started turn motion actually has a good material library but the cool thing is that you can also import your own materials and create a custom library for this video I would download some materials from polygon which is a good website for premium materials but it also has many free materials I would use this metal panel material here after you download it just unpack the zip file to get these different Maps now let's go back into - in motion first we need to add some objects where we can apply materials I will go into the library and add some objects such as eye plane and a sphere now I would use the material picker by clicking here or press T on my keyboard and then click on one of the objects you can see that this is a base material that comes with the object if you click on this grid icon and will switch to the multi material view where we can create a new material now we can click here to go back to the single view mode unless F maps to our material starting with the color map the color or diffuse map is a map that contains color information in the color control we can click on the more' button to import our own color map to know which map to use we can look at the name of each map to see what type of maps they are now I will load in the color map you can see that the preview has been updated to show our material with the color map now I can drag and drop our material onto an object to apply it you can also change the brightness of the color map by adjusting the luminosity here but I usually leave it as its default 50% now we can click here to go back to the previous menu I can also use the color control to add a tint to the color map if I like note that this only works for a lighter material darker materials will not be tinted because well is too dark next is the roughness map a roughness map is a black-and-white map that defines how rough or smooth your material will be by clicking on the more button under the reflection section you can import your own roughness map you can see that even though we already added a map nothing seems to change but if we go back to the previous menu we can adjust the reflection slider to make it more reflective I will switch to a different angle to make it easier to see but it's still hard to see how the map effects the material to make it easier for you to see I will remove my color map for now and add a dark gray color like so now we can adjust the intensity and see the effect of the roughness map a lot easier into in motion when I increase the slider it will blend the texture with a black color making a material smoother and more reflective on the other hand when I decrease the slider and we blend the texture with a white color making a material rougher and less reflective from my experience a value of 45 to 50 percent seems to work best for me next let's move on to the normal map a normal map is a blue or purple map that is used to create an illusion of death on the surface of an object by default to emotion already has a map for the bump so if you increase the slider you will see some kind of crumble texture but this is not what we want because we have our own normal map for this material so I will load that in and increase the bump to 100% to make it easier to see our roma map I'm going to turn down the reflection to 0% and change the color of my material a bit I will also adjust the Sun so I can study the material easier as you can see the map is added but it looks like the direction of the bump is incorrect these cracks are supposed to be pushed down and set up up this is because there are two types of normal Maps directx and opengl twin motion uses Direct X while the normal map that we downloaded from polygon uses OpenGL so we need to convert this map to make it work into in motion first let's open it up in Photoshop then go see the channels tab now select the green Channel and press ctrl I to invert it now we can turn the RGB channel back on and export it now let's reload our normal app there we go that looks correct even though the change is very little but for other materials like bricks using the normal Maps correctly can make a huge difference you can see here that with the incorrect normal map the shadows of the bricks are in the wrong direction so just make sure you're using the right type of normal map next is the metalness map but before we add the marinus map let's reset the color tent to white reload our color map and increase our reflection back up to 45% now we can go to the metallic nest control and click on the more button to add a meta nest map a marinus map is a grayscale map where the white represent Forli metallic and black represents non metallic as for the intensity of the metallic slider I find have it at what home percent works best for me once you are happy with your material we can right click and rename it you can also save it by using the add to user a library option so next time you won't have to reload automatic in but instead you can simply use it from right inside of the twin motion user library pretty cool huh that's the workflow for metallic materials for non metallic materials sometimes they use the specular workflow which often do not have the roughness and marinus map but instead they have the gust Ness and reflection map if you're using polygon materials I recommend you not use the reflection map but you should use the cousinís map instead because the Gaussian is map is the exact opposite of the roughness map so just take it into Photoshop invert it save it and load it in the reflection slot now we can adjust the reflection intensity to about 45% there we go the other maps are the same workflow as before the normal map still needs to be flipped along the green Channel [Music] and II color map can be loaded as usual that looks pretty good and since this is a nonmetallic material we can just leave the metallic intensity at 0% for materials that have transparency like this chainmail material here just load in the PNG map which contains an alpha Channel and then activate the transparency by turning on the opacity mask there's also this option for two-sided if the object doesn't have a material on its backside then you can turn this on and the material will be applied to both sides of that object finally there's the globe map which can be used to define where your material were mid-flight note that this doesn't actually carry a light source it will just make your material shine if you turn on the date cycle then the material will only shine when it's nighttime while in a daytime it will automatically stop emitting light and there we go that's how you could create realistic materials into in motion now just repeat this workflow to create more materials to in motion is free now but it won't be free forever if you want to get to emotion then follow this link here and that's all for today guys leave a like if you enjoy the video comment below and let me know what you think of this software stay inspired guys and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Architecture Inspirations
Views: 106,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archicture inspirations, twinmotion, twinmotion sketchup, twinmotion interior tutorial, twinmotion materials, twinmotion materials tutorial, twinmotion interior scene, twinmotion tutorial for beginners, twinmotion sketchup interior, twinmotion vs lumion, twinmotion vs vray, twinmotion render interior, twinmotion render, twinmotion how to render, twinmotion realistic, twinmotion realistic rendering, twinmotion realistic materials, twnimotion bump map, twinmotion reflection
Id: 1FF7XWBj39w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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