How to Create Objects with Archicad's Library Part Maker

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what's up everyone John here from Contra Bim and in today's tutorial we are going to dive into the archicad Library part maker uh in today's video we'll be using the version 25 uh but I believe it's available in I can't remember if it started in 23 or 24 but um yeah it's been around for a few versions I was actually looking on YouTube to see if there's any tutorial videos on it I was not finding much except for what was published by graphysoft So today we're going to dive into it and um uh yeah go through kind of step by step for creating a new a light fixture in this case and as we go through this we're going to kind of point out uh the keys to the workflow and we'll talk about some different modeling techniques as well today we're going to be uh yeah building a light fixture and we'll be using some different morph uh modeling techniques to kind of create some complex geometry on it so okay if you want to use the Library part maker then first off this is a extra download and installation that you need to go and add when you have done so you'll see that you'll get this new palette down here that says a Library part maker that's what that palette is that was on the screen there so we're going to turn it off and turn it back on so this is kind of the the main working panel when creating objects when we you can see I only have a few loaded up here I've been kind of going through and playing around with it a bit rigging up kind of a structure here in the Contraband template so that it's really easy to build these objects with we've been kind of creating some basic design tools some 2D symbols and then you can see here we have some some regions here that we've created a few objects with already and then some completed objects over on the right so so the whole concept behind behind this is let's we'll kind of walk through this step by step here and point things out as we go through it but we're going to create a new Library part here we're just going to call this a we're going to call this a light Barn fixture okay and we are going to Mark the design area here and I've been kind of stacking them here and we're just going to kind of add one right off to the side I've been trying to keep these somewhat compact so we're going to set this to 10 by 10 and so as soon as we hit this you'll see that it automatically added that label to it up there and we're just going to kind of pull this over here to the side and we'll we'll be building this within um this area so um so that's the first step here is now that we've created a new uh light or a new object section here we can see that we have this new region and um yeah we haven't added any components to it we'll do that here in a second but once you've created it here you can go through and usually it's good just to kind of check these and like you know choose what properties you want to be listing whether it's just from your basic property scheme or from a spreadsheet there are some other options there as well the details here so that's just our name we can put this the author in there as well there are some more options here as well you know these are kind of the typical object settings so we can go in and set those and we can create a preview of this later on um so okay so that's kind of the first step here um it's just the general review of the panel um let's do this I've I've been actually liking just to kind of keep things organized here I've been actually using just kind of like a general little like uh rig of a grid here these are just lines we are not going to be assigning these to any of the parts or the components over here but we will kind of start creating this structure here by really the first step is adding a dimension uh tool here so what I've been doing is I've been adding these Dimensions these Dimension objects these are kind of like the base point for the different objects and you can see here um I should probably talk about this a little bit um let's actually do this we're going to kind of switch things with within this component section we have all these different uh component options here the top one here is like a 3D model schematic so if we click on this and we actually turn on this selection here you can see that this turned green because we are now selecting this and it's actually going to do the same thing down here on this generic uh like table that I built and it's also going to do the same similar selection down here on this window so you can see that we are highlighting things here in green when we turn on that 3D model schematic so this is kind of how we can connect and assign different uh parts and pieces to these different statuses so if we go to like a simplified here you can see that that's going to switch over and now we have this 3D model simplified and it's going through and highlighting these so same thing with the 3D full you can see that we are now selecting these in um on the floor plan here it works the same way if we were to go and to just grab all these we're gonna do a more key around this real quick so you can see what's laid out here so as we switch these over you can see our 3D model full the simplified versions it doesn't really matter what Library part you're on uh on the top there this is going to update um in that same manner so I actually see we have an element over here that I need to add to that as well and so let's see I've noticed sometimes it's been a little bit tough to get some of these to actually stick um like in this case I'm trying to assign that there but for whatever reason that one is not um wanting to go but it did show up here in the 2D so it's a little bit strange um I think this is you know not too glitchy so far what I've seen but I have found that there are little quirks in it so um so yeah okay so that's kind of the the baseline or the base here is like we go through we assign these different uh for each different position here we need to have a dimension marker so that provides essentially like the the dimension origin Point um and so that works the same way with obviously the 3D and the 2D symbols so we can see that those will get selected here as well the 2D symbols are um really all just determined by lines and fills so there is no 3D content that generates those there um but uh but yeah that's uh um we also have you know for the 2D we have um like electrical symbols here so this is like a 2d electrical representation or a 2d reflected ceiling representation here on this light fixture is kind of like our full kind of uh view of that box there so when we actually go here and we change our model view options you'll see that this is going to change depending on what we have specified in our model view option so that's kind of the nice thing with this is that these objects will change depending so we go here to see this in 3D we're going to turn off our view there you can see there's our light we can switch this over so that we're on like a medium detail you can see that's going to change based on whatever setting we determine which is which is awesomeness the power behind this workflow so okay let's um let's go ahead and we're going to kind of move this forward a little bit and start building up a new light fixture here so uh the first step here is let's just go and start assigning kind of our base points so we're going to assign this to our 3D model schematic we'll turn on our highlight there just to make sure that we can see it make sure that we're assigning it there we're going to copy this and switch that over so now we are on our simplified and then we're going to once again add our base point for our full so you can see that as we change these through here those are going to change depending on what we are looking at there okay so we're going to do the same thing down here we're going to assign this to like our 2D symbol low we're going to assign this one here to be like our 2D symbol electrical and then we're going to do this as our 2D symbol reflected ceiling plan so and I'm actually going to copy these over here because the light fixtures are a little bit different in terms of like you know how we are naming them versus just like the the low or sorry schematic uh simplified and full detail um I am just going to provide these notes here just to kind of make make sure that I'm you know clear on which one is which so okay so there we go we now have our base points um we're going to turn off this selection here and so that we can just kind of see this in our view okay so that's kind of the the setting up of this rig let's take a closer look at the object that we are actually going to be building and I'm going to pull up um let's see where's my web page here there it is so we are going to be building actually this similar fixture right here it's going to be kind of like a gooseneck style Barn fixture um let's go look at the the actual settings here so we're going to be building this kind of original LED Warehouse gooseneck this is provided by the barn light electric company so shout out to them um this video is not sponsored by them or anything but we're just going to be building this for one of our projects that we're going to be specifying this on so what's nice about this website here is it does have a lot of the different details um that we want to be working with we're going to be building a um I think we're building the 16 inch shade here so we can actually you know specify that there there's uh there's more there's actually a lot of downloads related to this which was awesome so we have our specification sheet we did already grabbed the IES files which we'll talk about and add to the prod product or to our object as well there's some different specifications here and installation instructions but um but yeah so we have gone ahead and kind of grabbed some of these parts and pieces here I've already downloaded a few of them here so let's take a look at some of these so we have our gooseneck specification um here you can see that there's a lot of different options here for the gooseneck I think we're probably going to be using probably something like this is I think kind of like the standard gooseneck shape um there are some other sizes but we'll be using this one here so we'll reference this in a minute um let's check out the finishes here so we can always change the finishes later on in the object settings um not sure what finish we'll actually end up using but nice to see these different options there and then the other one I wanted to pull up is uh kind of the main spec here and so we are going to be using yeah I think it's the 16 inch uh uh Luminaire uh shade is what we'll be using so it's going to look pretty much essentially like this with a 16 inch shade there so um okay so let's um let's do this uh we'll bring in just a few quick references here so we'll probably bring in this sheet because it is kind of a nice reference for our shade and then we'll also bring in um this sheet here just so that we can make sure that we get this set as well and so let's go ahead and we're going to bring in just those two quick reference files here and we will kind of build our object based off those so um so yeah the first one here let's expand this and um I want my oh where is it not that one sorry too many folders pulled up here um it is our there we go um so yeah we are going to be bringing in let's start with our gooseneck specification and we're going to be using one off this sheet so we're going to go ahead and place this and we're going to um what we'll actually do is we're going to just kind of crop this down a little bit we're going to be using that G22 has our reference here so um not sure about the scale when we brought this in but what we can do is we can do a quick measurement on this and see uh so yeah obviously that's not the size that we need um so what we'll actually do here is let's go ahead we are going to explode this into our current View and we're going to delete our reference there in the background and then we are going to rescale this or resize this with that control K move and then we're going to get this exact so that we are at 23.75 inches and so now we have this scaled as kind of our base point so um so as we're going to build this the order that I want to kind of you know approach this as is we'll start with like our full uh level of detail here and then we'll kind of work our way backwards and do some simplifications of it so um so that way we can get the the exact dimensions of the exact size of our full level of detail and then we'll kind of roll things backward and simplify so okay so there we go we now have kind of our gooseneck shape as well as our base here for that wall mount uh situation there a lot of detail here that came through that PDF we are not going to use all that um but yeah let's go ahead and get our shade in here as well so I'm once again going to pull up our reference folder here and we're going to drag and drop this and we're going to bring in this view that had those nice shade profiles there so okay so there we go once again um this is kind of in the wrong Dimension or sorry the wrong scale of course um what we'll likely do is um and I'm looking at this the here just kind of seeing which one this one does not have this extra Little Hardware on top there which we probably want to include so we may end up using this one as a reference but let's start by doing this so we are going to kind of crop things down a little bit once again and we'll we'll explode this so we know we're going to be using this 16 inch shade so there's the G22 that's actually the same one that we exploded up above um so let's go ahead and do this we're going to explode this one once again okay and we're going to delete that background and so now we already have this base so that's good um but what I want to do here is I'm gonna suspend my groups we're going to grab this and we are going to do a control K so that our Dimension B is exactly 16 inches so we're keeping this all in scale 16 inches and now that we've done that we can do this if we're going to try to match these shades I'm going to do this this might be a little bit funny of a workflow but we're going to take this Edge Point here we're going to come in and find that same Edge point we're going to rescale this down a little different profile on those but that's okay and we're going to shrink this up so that our width is exactly the same and then this little detail here on top with that radius we're going to drag this down okay so we have that radius there we don't need that but we can add our little cap on there sorry we don't need we're not going to actually be using this much detail but I want this to be like pretty well set to how we're going to be modeling this so okay so there is our um our size so I do want to just check 7.75 inches let's see how that looks so we're a little bit off there um so yeah maybe this didn't come through exactly how we wanted um on that size um it's pretty close um we could if we wanted to get this exact to 7.75 inches let's see I'm gonna just make a copy we're just going to pull this up 7.75 inches so that's essentially where our top would be we could take this and if we want to get this exact we can kind of shrink this down and then we can just kind of reconnect these here and so that's going to keep us at least in the same proportions as this and um yeah I'm happy with that so we can go ahead and run with these now so okay I'm going to get rid of all these kind of little side points that we have here we'll kind of get rid of all these get rid of some of this extra line work and let's kind of match this up now with what we have or with our actual gooseneck neck uh fixture over there so we're going to take this let's go find our piece over here now I may want to find like a nice clean Center Point here so if we have a line well that's actually not uh that's a polyline there so what we're going to do is we're going to just draw a line straight across and we're going to draw a line vertically here so that we have kind of a nice clean Center Point to work off of and um yeah let's take this we're going to certainly want to clean this one up as well got some text in here a lot of this is just going to disappear once we start actually building our object um but yeah for now let's just align these and we are going to kind of shift this up and we're just going to snap it right to that point and so yeah that is kind of where we are going to um set this for our next step here which is going to be the modeling components so took a little bit there to get this right but I'm pretty confident that we have this in a very nice um orientation that we can now continue with modeling so looking at this here there's really kind of uh I would say three different components for how we can build this we're going to have the base over on this edge here and looking at this here this kind of looks a little funny because maybe well I'm looking at this maybe this is a kind of a secondary piece here I was thinking it's going to be one kind of uh rotated profile that we would be working with here I think what we'll do here is we're gonna we're going to add another Center Line over on this side so from this point down to this point I want a center line here and so that looks good until we get out to this point but from here 51 64s yeah I think we're going to be rotating around this so I'm not sure what this little piece is maybe that's just a little bracket or a support there on the bottom but I think yeah we're going to be working with it in this direction so okay let's continue on here we've definitely spent our time getting this going so we're going to go and start with a morph here so in this case we're going to be using a revolve geometry on this and we'll start kind of with going straight down our Center Line so we're going to work our way in this direction here we are going to come up and I'm not going to have kind of the chamfered or the um the filleted edge here we could put like you know a small one in there if we wanted but I try to avoid the radiuses on these just because it can make the uh you know the the morph you know much heavier than it needs to be so we're just going to kind of go with a simplified outline here again we have all these little kind of jagged parts and pieces uh we'll go with it for now it may make this just a little bit heavier than what we want but it'll definitely add a little more realism at the same time so we'll just add kind of a few here and yeah this is going to end up having a lot of faces on it but that's okay gonna be a nice kind of detailed object here oops I got off a little on that one but Okay so we're going to bring this down to our point now this next step is really important we need to enter the force point of our Revolution axis which we want it to be directly on this line here so it doesn't need to be inside we can go on the outside um but yeah we need to just pick and then we need to make sure that we are getting that preview of that full rotation there so I always like kind of clicking and then making sure that we are getting the whole thing coming through and we just want to make sure that we are kind of stuck right on that same axis there and yeah let's click to finish this we're going the full 360 degrees there and so now we have our morph let's see where's a little bit tough to select that morph there with all that extra line work so let's do this we're going to pick up all of our line work and our well a lot of polylines that we had created there I'm going to deselect that one and okay so there's our new object awesome um okay so that would be kind of part one here now we're not seeing the whole uh display of it there just yet we'll have to check our object settings there but yeah there it is kind of nice and detailed and um yeah from here we can take this to our next step which is going to be doing the gooseneck um component but actually you know I say that but let's actually go and let's complete our lamp down here um as well so we're actually going to start this right from this point and we're going to come straight down first and let's get a little bit of a radius there on that edge so if we want to try to get a little bit more radius there then we can just kind of change our input method we can do this again so okay so we're going to create this to be a little bit more curved in this case we don't have too many of these fixtures on the project so um shouldn't kill us too much on our poly counts but yeah let's just get these kind of nice and clean and we'll do a little bit of inspection later on just to see how many faces we're actually adding to these revolved objects here so we're going to simplify this top piece just a little bit we're going to kind of take a little bit of an average through there and so I believe we're on that Top Line here and should be able to come in and okay so next step here we need to once again do kind of our Extrusion so we're going to click on our Center Line here I want to make sure that we get that full preview all the way through so sometimes it doesn't but there we go I can see those dark lines there and once again we're doing 360. and okay so uh we have those two Now set which is great um this next step here um I'm actually going to start this um really we need to connect these by means of um of these uh you know by what we're actually going to do here is we're going to uh extrude a circular shape here to kind of complete this gooseneck for us but what I want to do to begin with is well I want to try to offset all of these if I can and I just want to create a bit of a copy here so that we can get like a Center Line essentially so from here and this is actually going to help with having a 3D reference of this so what we're going to do is we're going to um with our with our morph we're actually going to draw kind of a center line here and so from this point I'm really trying to make sure that we are sloping this exactly the same like I want to just get that exact center point there so we're going to do a little bit more work on this we're going to take this point we're going to stretch it over we're going to take this polyline and we're going to create an offset set copy to right there and so now we have pretty good reference to take our morph we're going to go straight out we're going to stick this right on and so you'll see where this single morph is really going to come into play okay so I totally screwed that one up um because I was on the wrong input method so let's redo that here real quick so we're going to kind of bring this along I want to curve it on this Edge kind of follow our path here and we're going to stop this right down at the bottom there okay so let's inspect this once again okay so there's our two points we can see our Center Point there now these extrusions got a little bit off so um what I'm actually going to do is we're going to take this and we're going to use this line here as like our our base point and what we'll actually do here is uh let's do this we're going to with our morph we're going to create a our essentially our profile here and so there we go we now have this I find that it always is easier to rotate these things in 2D it is important or what we want to do here is um it like this point here is important for when we're extruding things actually it may not be so important let's let's do this I grab all this now what we obviously need to do here is we need to rotate this so we are going to change our rotation oh usually one rotating something like this I like having a like a square element or a square face to work off of so let's just create one right here we'll just send this up a foot we can put this right on our Center Line there's going to be a few adjustments that we'll need to make here but it's important to get this circle aligned really closely to our um to the center point there so okay yeah this is going to take a little bit of work a few adjustments okay so there we go and what's nice with this is we should have that Center Point there so we're going to be able to take this and we're going to drag it right up we're going to snap it right there and okay so next step we're going to move this over so that it is right on our face here or pretty close to we can always extrude that end there later on um but yeah now is the time that um we can take this and when we go to extrude this it's really important that we are clicking on our Center Point there to begin this Extrusion because that's the point you can see that little black dot there that's right on this line that's the point that we want to be extruding from not from any point on the edge or the side because that would get us off when we come to actually trying to you know create this uh kind of you know rotated shape here so okay so there we go we have we found our first node there that we have on our reference line next up is obviously we want to find our next point on that reference so from here it's pretty easy we're just using that reference 3D morph point there that we had created originally and now we're just trying to get this set as best as we possibly can and I'm looking for that final point I see it there but it's not quite like fully like in line with where I thought it was so that's one that maybe we should have cleaned up a little bit more I think I'm happy with just like bringing this I don't want to go too far here but um yeah I guess we're gonna go with that point there and then we're going to kind of finish this off and if we need to make a slight adjustment we can but yeah hopefully that's going to do it it looks pretty good I would say so I think I'm pretty happy with that so okay um awesome so last step here is let's just take all of our morphs with exception of our Center Line we no longer need and we are going to group these and actually what we'll do um we could even Union them um well maybe we'll do that later um but yeah okay from here obviously we need to rotate this so we are going to rotate this from our Center Point over on this side we've got lots of little Center points there you can see popping up but let's find one over here now it doesn't really matter that much where this point is all we need to make sure though is that we're taking this and rotating this and even 90 degrees so okay there is our light fixture that looks pretty good and all right so there we go um I think we've already grouped this but we're going to take this now and so now that we've completed that we are going to bring it into our Zone here where we've started creating our object and we can take this and what I want to do is I think we'll use well we've got some options here we can either use this as our base point or we can use the center of the fixture as our base point I'm kind of leaning towards the center of our fixture there and um yeah let's get wrong with that so um so we need to actually assign this it's not a sign so this is going to be our 3D model full okay so if we select this now we can see that we have now assigned that to that status there which is which is awesome so okay next step here we can kind of start um we've got a few things that we can do um let's do this for our full uh representation here like our 2D RCP um if we want this full detail here then we can take our line tool and we can kind of create some outlines on this so I'm hoping that's not going to go crazy so we could do that probably going to be cleaner in this case to just create a few circles though so we're going to set these to our 2D reflected ceiling plan so that's what this is so we're going to set that we are going to model maybe a few more here just to kind of get that shape coming through so let's pick up our circles there and let's drag these over and so now we're starting to get that coming through next up I'm going to well I really want this to be kind of right on so we are going to try this I'm going to create that shape with those lines now it's going to give us a lot of little lines there but um should work okay for us actually see we need to extrude that little face of our goose neck just a little bit so that it's in there definitely is slow here to do the magic wand around these morphs um but it seemed to work on the the main shade there so let's let's continue with this foreign but it made it so okay so from this point now since we have these guidelines this does make it nice and easy just to kind of move these in a set path there how many did it create here 149 that's a lot of detail there that we probably don't need um so let's simplify that up just a little bit so we're going to create a new kind of profile here we're going to do that with this so this is still a lot more detailed than what we really need but it's okay so there we go we're going to delete all of those there we're going to mirror this around and so now we have a much more simplified version of that okay next step let's take our lines and we are just simply going to create kind of our gooseneck shape and we're going to once again drag these down okay so that's probably good for our um our symbol there now of course we can add fills to these as well um if we wanted to if we wanted to give it just a little bit more kind of definition here so now I need to make sure that we are on our modeling here for fills so let's just add this we're going to obviously um this is a material fill we don't need that let's just make this a drafting fill and it's going to be like 50 percent and let's just kind of make this like a light gray with transparent background so it's green right now because it's assigned to that um so we're going to pick up this fill we are going to add one there and one there as well so we'll have a little seam there not a big deal we're going to take this we are going to it drag this out and okay so that is kind of our full detail with full fill turned on there we can see it's all assigned to that version of it um so this next symbol here we're just going to start kind of simplifying things down a little bit so I'm actually going to take just like two of these Maybe we're going to copy these over now we're going to set this to our electrical and we're going to do a little different type of symbol here by um we're going to pull up our line we're going to just kind of draw an X through this if I can stick this to my guidelines here so one in that direction One in that direction we're going to take these rotate just like 45 and once again here I want to pick these up gonna drag this over so at least we have a reference here on our kind of Base point there and we are going to definitely do this a little bit more simplified we're just going to use this as a reference Okay so and even more simplified here 2D low we're just going to copy all of these over we're going to select all of these and assign them to the 2D low okay so we are moving right along um this next one here for the electrical model now um we really have some different choices here for how we want to represent this um I'm actually thinking this would have been kind of nice there to actually just have this single line morph as part of this um so I'm kind of regretting right now not having moved that with the rest of our object um but doesn't mean that we still that we can't get this to work for us so let's try this we're going to take it from our base Point here we're going to kind of roll this around so there we can see our Center Line point we are going to rotate this now I'd realize that we're definitely off so we're going to be kind of pulling it away from things but that's okay we're going to take this and we're going to try to find like a nice kind of clean radius Point here which we can get if we hover over this and snap it right there okay so there we go so this next version here you can see that there's our unassigned element we are going to take all of these here we're going to copy this over so this is now going to be just a little bit simplified of a version here now the other thing is we're going to actually Sim we're going to create another morph here sorry I'm kind of bouncing around a little bit but we're going to create a version of this that is very much more simplified so we're just going to bring this straight up we're going to kind of cut the corners on this extrude okay so we're going to use this one instead so of course we need to rotate that and which we'll do here in this next step do a marquee around these there's our new simplified version which actually doesn't look too different from our previous one so um so that's okay but yeah let's rotate we can find point there Stick it to we're going to grab all of these here and assign these to 3D model simplified we'll leave that one with more full detail okay so it looks like we got off just a little bit there not sure on that rotation now I can see that it's when we rotated that it did not rotate the way that we wanted so got to be careful with that that's why again I like using those those references there like a a square box something that we know is going to be like a easy face to work from so once again we're going to add kind of a little reference box here we'll do this in line one foot okay bring back the Marquee so looks much more Square great okay there we go so these are the 3D simplified 3D simplified okay all right and finally here this last one I guess we're going to use that we are going to create a morph I'm going to do this we're going to just create kind of a General Circle here we obviously need to rotate this set our working plane to vertically which a has definitely way off okay so try to do that without our little trusted reference point here but did not work so well so once again create that reference so all these here we are going to set this to schematic and then finally we are almost there on this object so let's rotate I'm gonna extrude and okay so a little bit more simplified there okay so now that we have these let's do some checks actually there's one more thing that we can go ahead and um add here but before we do that before we actually add our light source so that when we render with this uh it will include that light source let's do a few quick checks here so we're just going to start with our 3D model full so we can see that okay that looks good we have pretty much everything here this morph that is selected here we don't need any more so I'm going to pull this off to the side um and Okay so 3d full looks good simplified looks good schematic looks good our 2D symbol low that looks good our electrical looks good and our reflected ceiling plan okay so we have a few more things that we need to do here and one of them being we want to add a few hot spots here so I'm just going to we'll try to get this right on where we want them um and we can just add a few here so that it's easier to grab these elements later on so we're gonna just add them at the corners and that should be plenty for that one so let's do the electrical so I'm going to add one right in the center we're going to add one at each of these four corners and then we'll just do one at the base our low we're just going to add one right in the base again one there and we'll do it at the Four Corners also Okay so all right we are almost done with this object um we got several different variations of it now um let's finish this off by uh bringing in actually um one of the nice things with our um download from our website there was that we have the actual IES files so for our 16 inch shade we actually have some different files here one of these checkpoints not sure what those are but for these we have either a dome or a flat at either 3000 lumens or 1250 lumens I'm not sure the difference between these I think in our um guide here they had on the last page some different lenses whether it's a dome lens or a flat lens um not sure really if that's going to be a huge difference but yet nonetheless we're going to go ahead and use those we'll definitely use the 3000 lumens so okay so how do we add these to our model element well number one we can actually just go we have a few kind of you know placeholders over here we're going to grab one of these here that's an IES light and I'm just going to copy this over and we're just going to place it right here under our uh fixture so we're just actually going to do a marquee around this to pull all of these up and so now I want to be able to just see kind of right where that light is positioned we're going to take this down and we are going to kind of set this um well actually one thing that we need to do here is I'm going to delete out this bottom surface there so now it's a little bit more concave in there which is really what we want on these so I'm going to do the same thing on this one by selecting that surface and deleting and we'll do the same thing on this last one by selecting that surface and deleting so um okay so now we can take our light and we are going to drag this down and we're going to just kind of fit it pretty much right where we think that bulb would be somewhere like right in this vicinity and so there we go we've now placed our light source we can assign this to our 3D model full so now it's all connected there and um yeah there's our light but if we go and inspect this IES light here let's just see what it is um so we can see kind of the parameters there so this is a wall washed sample light so we can actually go and we need to load in our IES light and we can do that by adding that into currently in this file we have this embedded library of these Library parts we can actually go to our library manager and quickly load in that IES file that we had downloaded so let's do that now and we'll just make this available so okay we're going to our IES lights we don't have anything in this file but we're going to import a new object here and so here we have our different uh lights so let's go with that 16 inch that we added we will do I guess the dome 3000 so let's go ahead and open that up so now we've added it to our project we're just going to hit OK and so that should have made it available to our selection settings here under this lamp so let's go in and just see if we can grab it so there it is there's our new one uh we'll change this over and we've now added this and um are light distance here now I don't know if um yeah that actually is going to change our representation there in 3D um I know these are going to be mounted about 10 feet tall the light distance on these um this is actually one thing that we'll want to probably play around with in the settings here it's always good to play around with the light settings before you save out the object you can always save it over that object later on but um we're going to not have the fall off let's use the intensity given from the photometric file and let's just see what else we have here use area shape and size given on in photometric file I don't know if all this is available um but let's just go with it for now we can always come in and modify these settings later on by re-saving this out okay so there's our light it is in there we can take this I'm actually probably going to do this here in 2D so let's pick up our light source here we're going to copy it over um and we're going to assign this to our simplified there now remember when we change our different settings here it should change those as well um so yeah I can see those changing a little bit there but I think we're really at the point where we cannot we can save this and um do some testing with it so okay number one let's um I think we've assigned all these we're going to do now that we've gone through we've set up our six different configurations on this we are going to uh down here at the bottom let's see well we want to make sure under our check and save that we are set to a lamp so that's good let's go ahead and hit check it's going to run through and pull out anything that may be an issue it does say some elements have no component type assigned which I know in this case are actually these guidelines that we had created here so I'm not that worried about those it hasn't really created any issues yet if we took these and we'd kind of drag it to the outside and we run this check again I think it will probably not show those this time so no issues found um so yeah that that looks good to me let's go ahead and let's check our parameters so by opening this up here we can see our different parameters we can see that we do have some fills assigned to this right now that's the fills associated with this one there so if we created different fills for different states here like electrical versus RCP versus low we'll get different options here so when those do change by the different mvo settings um that uh that will work for us um but uh but yeah as of now I'd say all this looks good we can always go in and change these settings if we wanted um but we can do that later on in the properties as well so okay let's it's time to hit save on this so we're going to do a save as I'm going to save this under my library part manager lamps we are going to call this a barn gooseneck 16. inch okay let's hit save oh we can't save that symbol so we'll just call this 16 inch and all right so time to go do a test on this so we can see that it's already loaded up here as part of our object so let's place it and right now we're on medium detail so let's go to full detail we can see how that's changing over for us we can go to RCP it rrcp is kind of our full detail is set in our settings here our low detail we can see how that changes so that is working awesome let's take this and we're going to check this out in 3D so okay so there we're on our low detail our medium detail our full detail awesome so there we go now what we are not seeing here is our light source here but I believe that it's still embedded in there so let's go into our object settings so we can see that yes we do have a light source that's embedded in here but that's one of those things is once you have saved the object with the light source we don't really get any additional settings there for um the light um settings themselves so it's kind of stuck and permanent is what I've found once you have created this object but yeah now that we have this here that's great um we can turn off our highlight here so that we can kind of see this in its normal settings we can change our 3D style so that we uh are a little bit you know closer to what we want let's do this I want to do just like a quick kind of test here um on our walls or by creating a little bit of a wall here so let's add like a brick veneer wall we're just going to kind of do a really quick like little you know Corner section here I'm just going to grab a slab for our floor so wood flooring let's just change this over to like um I don't know like some concrete pavers we're just going to create a tiny scene for ourselves here and what I want to do is just kind of copy a few of these in we're just going to space a few out let's go check this out in 3D and we'll probably have to adjust our settings there okay so let's go full detail now what's kind of interesting there is it looked like it jumped in location a little bit yeah that may be something I needed to adjust there it looks like our base is good but something happened in these jumped a little bit in height but that's okay something that we can work out obviously we're trying to do this a little bit fast today um so these are going to be mounted at 10 feet is going to be the the height on these um now I want to kind of do a quick check here to see where our zero point is so that's another thing that maybe we needed to check so when I hover over this I can see eight feet is that Anchor Point so that's probably something I need to update is make sure that we were on the the zero point there is where we wanted that so that's actually something let's check this here really quickly just to see kind of where our base point is in relation to zero here so okay so let's do a quick measure so that's minus two so that's why we got a little bit off there so we're going to take all of these we want to find the bottom Point here of our shade essentially and we're going to drag these up so that we are right at zero so when we're doing these we always want to have zero being kind of the base point on those so but what's great though now is all we have to do is we can just recheck our object we can do a save and just go right over that really quickly replace it let's check it out over here and you can see that those already adjusted their height our new base insertion point there we can see that we're at eight feet here um yeah that's where we want it so if we drag this down that's distance of eight feet so perfect so that way when we specify the bottom of the light fixture is exactly where we want based in our elevation settings sorry that's something I should have pointed out earlier so okay final step here let's just do kind of a quick render on this we can check our settings very very fast um our render settings so let's just go pick a scene we'll do a um like an outdoor because these are outdoor lights outdoor uh dusk basic and I really don't want any of those honestly let's do an indoor lamps only we'll do a medium here hit okay so we only have our lamps in Illuminating surfaces turned on um our background here um let's just uh we'll leave that at none we can do a quick preview see if those lights are coming through so yeah it does look like they are coming through so those IES files that we brought through yeah are there um we don't have any I'm just gonna actually make this uh we'll make our background just kind of like I don't know like a dark dark color and let's just cap this off by doing a quick render and there we are so we've embedded those IES files which is awesome because that's going to should be pretty accurate for the light um I don't play around with that a whole lot but uh yeah hopefully it works somewhat okay in this uh little sample render and yeah we can see that the light sources are coming through and um yeah obviously we don't have any global well I think we do have Global illumination turned on in this case but um we don't have any sun or anything else here so very dark scene just wanted to check to make sure that these lights were rendering as uh we had hoped they were and there we go so now we have those in that looks uh you know pretty basic to begin with here but um yeah that is the workflow for the Library part manager um yeah we went a little longer on this video than what I thought we would but yeah it definitely took a little bit of time to model that up and um yeah now that we have this it's there we can continue to make adjustments to any of those statuses later on and um yeah hope you enjoyed this video learned a few things along the way and now that we have this set I'm just going to go through kind of clean up some of these things we're just going to kind of archive one of these here on the side and that is the Library part manager so if you want to learn more about the Library part manager then I am working on developing a course on it so that we can go through and explore a lot of the different types of objects and their unique settings that we can go in and create so from Windows to doors skylights MEP objects is one of those um that I think that this is really going to be useful for building objects with connections so yeah lots more to come in the way of Library part manager and training here from contrabym so yeah if you are interested in more training on this then like I said we're going to be doing a full course as part of the contribute membership so definitely go and check that out and yeah we'll have a lot more information on that coming as well so let me know if you have any questions and we will catch you again here on another Contraband tutorial coming soon thanks for watching
Views: 18,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graphisoft, archicad, CONTRABIM, Library Part Maker
Id: 7qopY5TukJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 3sec (4323 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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