How to Create Numbers on Tickets [Sequential Numbering] in Adobe InDesign

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Hi, this is Anne with Graphic Design  How To, and today I'm going to show you   how to add numbering on tickets in Adobe  InDesign. All right, let's get started.   So my end goal here is to have separate tickets  that pull from a spreadsheet. So we'll be using   InDesign, Illustrator and Google Sheets for  this. Ok, so I'm here in Adobe InDesign,   and I'm just going to create a new file. I'm going  to come up here to Print, and then choose Letter.   And I just need one page. And I don't want  facing pages, so I'm going to uncheck that.   And we'll Create. All right now  my ticket is already created, and   it's in Adobe Illustrator. All right, so here's  my ticket. I'm going to have a number here,   and the same number here. And then I'm going  to have a lot of tickets, and they'll each have   a different number. So I'm going to go back to  InDesign and place that file. So I'll hit CMD D,   or CTRL D. And here's my ticket file. I'm just  going to click once so that it places it at   full size. And I'll just kind of center it up on  the page, it doesn't really matter. Ok, so we're   good here for now. And now I'm going to make a  spreadsheet. So let's head out to Google Sheets.   And I've got a blank spreadsheet now. And in  A1, I'm going to type the word 'NUMBER'. Now   this is really important. You don't want this  to be your actual first number. You just want   it to have kind of a title here. But underneath  that, you'll have your first number. I want it   to be a six-digit number, and start with one.  Now when I hit Enter or Return, it changes the   format of my number. So I need to get on that  cell. And then come over here to Format>Number.   And I'm going to create a Custom Number Format.  And I'm going to type it right up here. And it's   going to have six digits just like this, and  I'll Apply. And this will give me the format   that I want. Now I've got 32 tickets to make. I  need to copy this number down 32 times, so I need   to put another one in. So I'll put number two  in. I'll have to change the format on this one   to my Custom Number Format, and Apply that, then I  can select both. Get right on the lower right hand   corner. Sometimes you'll see a plus sign. It's not  showing up for me right now. But you'll want that   plus sign. Click and drag all the way down to 32.  And this will give you what you're looking for,   which is all the numbers between one and 32. And  it looks like I need one more right down here.   The next step is to download this spreadsheet.  So I'm going to come up here to File>Download   and CSV or comma separated values. When I  do that, it'll go into my downloads folder,   or wherever you have set it up to go into if  you're doing something like this from the web.   If you haven't changed it, it'll be Downloads.  Ok, so let's go back to InDesign. And now I'm   going to bring up my Data Merge Window. So I'll  go to Window>Utilities and >Data Merge. And now   I'm going to make a text box about that size,  but I want it to be horizontal. So I'll hit T   on my keyboard and just draw a text box about that  size. Now I'm going to come up to the Data Merge   flyout and choose Select Data Source. And we're  going to navigate to that spreadsheet we saved,   and it should be in your downloads. So open that,  and now you can see your title. So we have NUMBER   here. I'm going to click on that. And this is what  we get. So I'm going to highlight this I can make   all my text changes. I want this to be centered.  So I'm going to hit SHIFT CMD C or SHIFT CTRL C.   That's also in Paragraph right here. I'm going  to change my text to Montserrat Bold, and I think   I want it to be this red color. I'm going to go  back to Illustrator to get that because InDesign   does not like us to sample colors from a placed  document. So I've got my A tool. I'll click on the   red letter and then double click my swatch. And  I'm going to copy this color right down here. I'll   cancel that. And then go back to InDesign. And  I'll double click on my text fill right down here.   And I'm just going to paste that color right here  and say, OK. All right, this looks pretty good. So   now I want it to be in this spot, and this spot,  so I'll rotate it. I'll hit E on my keyboard.   You can also hit R. E is Free Transform,  and I'll just rotate it up like this.   And I'm going to zoom in and make this the  same width as that white space and just   kind of center it up visually in the space.  I'll zoom out with CMD minus or CTRL minus.  And then I'm going to copy this with SHIFT and OPT  or SHIFT and ALT on a PC and put one right here   and we'll come back to my Data Merge Window and  I'm going to hit Preview. So this is what our   first ticket looks like. We've got five zeros and  a one and the same number right over here. So now   we can merge our document. I'm going to click this  little Create Merge Document button right here.   And this will bring up this dialog box. We want to  choose All Records. And instead of single records,   we want multiple records. I want a lot of tickets  on one page, as many as will fit. And then I'm   going to choose Preview right down here. Now this  is going to put it right up against that margin.   So if you want to change that, if you want it to  be more centered, for some reason, you can unclick   this, make the settings the same button, and then  increase the left margin. So this looks fine.   You can also increase the spacing between your  rows. If you wanted to have a little more space   between them. I don't want any because it's kind  of nice to just be able to cut right on that line.   Now, you might have noticed that this document is  not set up for bleeds. And it really should be if   you're going to make tickets like this because  the color is going off the edge. And if that's   ever happening, you want bleeds. But this tutorial  is just to show you how to do the numbering. I'm   not worried about the bleed issue. So this is  just a preview. I'm going to uncheck Preview,   and then I'll click OK. And now InDesign has  made an actual document. You can see it has seven   pages. And if we get down here, we've got ticket  number 23. And also has the same number here 24.   And like that. And so at this point, if this was  a print ready file, all we need to do is just   export. And I would make this print PDF, and then  print it to my printer, cut everything and be good   to go. And that's it. All right, if you liked this  video and you want to see more videos like this,   just hit the subscribe button and the little  bell next to it and you'll be notified every   time a new video comes out. All right, I'll  see you in the next video. Thank you!!!
Channel: Graphic Design How To
Views: 69,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: add numbers in order, adobe, Anne Larkina, bib tag, cc, document numbering, excel spreadsheet, google sheets, graphic design how to, How to, Create Numbers on Tickets, indesign, raffle tickets, ticket numbering, number, numbering in indesign, raffle ticket numbering, sequential, Numbering, sequential numbers, serial number, ticket, tickets, tutorials, add numbers to ticket indesign, in order, automatic, automatically, multiple on one page, both places, in two places
Id: p9ImGNgCS2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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