How to Create Multiple Nested Continuous Subforms in Microsoft Access

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welcome to another tech help video brought to you by i am your instructor richard rost in today's video i'm going to show you how to make nested subforms that's a sub form inside of another subform inside of a parent form and all three of these will be continuous forms they'll be list forms here you can see in the example we've got departments with each department having multiple courses and each course having multiple classes in it today's question comes from elaine from santa fe new mexico one of my access expert students she says i have someone who wants to enter info for each of the four tables in the database in one giant form i've created four different forms with continuous subforms i'm stumped as to how to get them to work together flowing from the top table selection and then related data showing through the other three tables how do you set this up elaine you could do this by setting up multiple continuous subforms i'll set it up with three of them for you we'll do a fictional college we'll do departments and each department will have multiple courses and each course will have multiple classes in it let's see how that works you can see here on the title screen i've got departments and then each department has multiple courses and then each course has multiple classes so to create nested subforms i need three separate tables i'm going to do departments courses and classes all right here's my list of departments math astronomy physics and so on inside of those you'll have courses like the math department will have algebra trigonometry calculus and so on and then each course type will have a list of classes like algebra 101 algebra 102 and you could put additional details in here if you want to this simply is just for the illustration of the class now for each of these i've created a continuous form so here's department here's courses all right each course has a department id that's how you make that relationship i've got lots of other videos on making relationships right you can basically see right here department one is math and over here there's department one all three of these actually right department one and those guys and they all have their own course id foreign key primary key okay and then inside of courses we've got classes there's the classes all right so here's the course id and this is the course id algebra's got those two what i want to do is make these nested sub forms so inside the department form we're going to have the course form inside the course form we'll have the class form and so on now i actually have another video that talks about putting a form inside of another form if it's a list form if it's a continuous form but i didn't do three of them and i got some extra tricks for the members at the end of this video so just keep watching you're going to learn something first thing we're going to do is take this class form and put it inside the course form so let's open up the course form for design view open this guy up and we're going to put it right down here in the subform all right grab the class form click drag drop it says a form of the subform object can't have its default view property set to continuous forms sure it can hit ok delete that label that comes up there line this guy up where you want it like right maybe right about there because i want the course i need to line up under the course id okay maybe make this a little bit bigger if you want okay like so and then go up into the properties for the form and you'll see it change the single form just change it back that's all like i said in the other video i don't know if that's a bug or if it's by design but it will let you get away with it save close and now open up that course form and there you go all right you can see these are linked up okay now let's put the course form inside the department form this is the extra step design view actually let's close this one open up department form design view let's do the same thing again drag this guy down like that grab the course form drag and drop all right same error message hit okay let's delete that label slide this over to the left a little bit like that do one of these do one of those change this back to continuous forms and now open it up and there we go don't have a lot of room inside of this one though so let's see if we can adjust that a little bit and just make this subform a little bit bigger there we go save it close it and now let's open it back up again there we go that's perfect i just didn't make this sub form big enough but now you can see here's my departments the courses and the classes all right astronomy physics doesn't have anything literature right i'm on star trek in this one who's your favorite captain and why is it picard lord of the rings we've got favorite hobbit potato recipes and so on if i want to add another lord of the rings title i can come right down here right there's gandalf's hat and it automatically fills in the course for me now if you don't care about seeing all these ids go ahead and hide them right they're only really for access to make relationships we don't need those unless you want to put your own kind of identifier in there alright they've got to be present it's easier to start with the inside one first design view they have to be on here to make relationships with but what i like to do is i'll just move them over here in the middle and then oh i i didn't click there we go click on them like that right click properties visible to no all right and then we'll delete that delete that and we'll put right here we'll make this label just say class or classes or whatever you want the label to say okay slide that over like so make this smaller now let's see what's in there oh that that i was wondering why this wouldn't go any slower that's because this is needs to be resized okay if you can't resize that means something's blocking it save it close it do the same thing with the courses design view right get rid of these right click properties visible no still want them on here don't need to look at them all right now we can slide this guy over a little bit leave it indented just just a tiny touch like so all right okay get rid of this and this actually let's leave the course one all right this will be the courses save it close it and finally design view slide that department id over here slide that over this way actually i forgot to make that invisible didn't i right click position send the back so this guy's in the front i want him there for design view visible is no and this will be department or departments whatever you want to be we'll stay plural since that first one's plural save it close it open it up there you go now that looks pretty and you don't have to worry about ids they're all in there all right all right we'll put classes in our astrophysics department right cosmos and then uh neil degrasse tyson's favorite hits i'm a big fan so i gotta put him in there gotta get him in one of my classes all right but now you can come in here you can you know and you can put all the supporting data in here as well i just built that simple for the for class you could put like in your courses here you could put other information like who the instructor is and all that all right for the classes you could put individual classes in there all right like the their their schedule what room they're in and so on in fact that could be a fourth level sessions right each class might have multiple sessions you've got access for beginners right session a might be monday wednesday and friday 6 p.m in you know bell hall room 101 or whatever all right this this gives you a blueprint of how to set something like this up and it's easier to work with it like this instead of having multiple extra forms that pop up all right having sub forms like this is the easiest way to organize your data okay and you got you know each one is is it shows you the layers below it want to learn more about nested subforms in the extended cut not only will i show you how i built all of this stuff all the tables all the forms from from scratch from the beginning but i will also show you how to set up a student's table and student subform we'll create a junction table with a many-to-many relationship so many students can belong to each class and each class can have many students associated with it we'll build a combo box and then we'll put that inside the classes subform so now you can pick your department the course the class inside each course and then pick the students that are inside each one of these classes right and there you go that's another level this is a many-to-many relationship these are all one-to-many relationships once again that is the members only extended cut edition of the nested subforms video how do you become a member click on the join button below the video silver members and up will get access to all of my extended cut tech help videos live video 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Channel: Computer Learning Zone
Views: 17,242
Rating: 4.9102564 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft access subform, ms access subform, ms access multiple subforms example, ms access filter subform, ms access create subform, ms access continuous form with subform
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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