How to CREATE MARGINS & COLUMNS in Illustrator (Tutorial)

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this is a positive not a negative this is a positive not a negative a smile hello welcome back to the channel i've only recorded this video twice before and published it and edited it and done all the things to it but why not record it a third time because you guys are amazing and come up with even better solutions every time i seem to publish this one specific tutorial columns and margins in illustrator guess what this video is the best way you can't convince me otherwise i realized twice before you've convinced me but this time it's for real let me show you how it's only going to take a couple minutes so we've got illustrator opened up and we're going to create a new document the reason i'm doing this and this one's going to be 3.5 by 2 inches this is a business card size in america anyway i'm using inches you can use whatever units you want i made a bleed here of 1 8 inch or .125 now i just wanted to show you that you can make a bleed while we create this new document that's pretty much the only reason i'm showing you that part so the bleed is the red line around the outside of our artboard now if we want to make a margin i'm going to create a shape out here just double click anywhere on your artboard and we're going to make it the size of our artboard 3.5 by 2 perfect now this little guy here let's zoom out a little more i need some more space okay so we got this little guy here we can go up to edit actually object down to path and then for a margin we're going to offset path now whatever you want your margin to be enter into this dialog box with a negative sign in front of it because we want it to go inside not outside so we're offsetting a path by let's say my margin is 1 8 inch 0.125 it's going to be negative 0.125 the miters don't really matter preview it i can see that it's going to be boom right there perfect okay now we have another shape and this shape is actually our margin how easy is that so i deleted the bigger shape we're going to take this margin shape and actually use it for columns so i'm going to duplicate it by holding option or alt on windows and now with this guy what we can do is align him make sure he's aligning to the artboard to the center and there's a nifty feature with guides we're going to be you know using guides and such down here in the guides section it's called make guides you can make any shape a guide also notice lock guides and show and hide guides they have shortcut keys as well i'll tell you them here in a second but make guides is command 5 or control 5 on windows so look at that we already have a margin because we have the offset path perfect that works really well now the column side is where it gets even cooler all right but this guide i'm going to go ahead and lock him in place that is option command semicolon or it's alt control semicolon on pc might want to remember that one same shortcut key to show now with this shape here we're actually going to make columns and first i'm going to go ahead and center that as well on my artboard by the way if you're not seeing any of these panels on the left hand side go up to window down to whatever panel you want to select so a line is up there the properties panel's down there you know whatever you're missing just go there you'll find them all right so the columns here we're going to go back to object down to pass and then down to split into grid and look at this you guys look at this we can check preview look we have columns on the right side i want my rows to be one i don't actually want any rows with this one but my columns we can select the number of columns if i want four if i want three if i want whatever we can select the gutter size so i'm going to just type that in there and look what's happening on our artboard it's creating the columns for us so we hit ok and we have all these columns out here we can do the same shortcut key command or control five and we have our margins and columns all set up now the one thing to keep this editable or keep it with another artboard is go ahead and save we didn't do it here but keep a copy of the margin rectangle somewhere on your artboard and you can just go back in and create margins or columns on your other artboards as well super simple super quick you can actually enter in columns and gutter you can enter in the amount of margin you want this is the best way can't convince me otherwise and of course i told you i'd tell you the other shortcut keys as well once you're working on your document if you want to show and hide these uh no not grids guides command semicolon or control semicolon to show and hide if you're on a pc that's it that's a super simple way of creating columns and margins in your documents sincerely hope this is the last time i published this tutorial thank you to the community for always keeping me on my toes and making sure there's other features in illustrator or any of the programs that work even better for what we're trying to do i'm spencer from pixel bracket i'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Pixel & Bracket
Views: 119,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixel and bracket, illustrator tutorial, how to add margins in illustrator, how to add bleed in illustrator, how to add columns in illustrator, how to add margins to artboard, illustrator margin tutorial, how to add margins and columns in illustrator, can you add margins in illustrator, can you add columns in illustrator, can you add bleed in illustrator, best way to add margins illustrator
Id: Q_0v5CGSsAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 32sec (332 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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