How to create logo animation in cinema 4d and After Effects.

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome dear friends today's video we'll learn how to create this cool texture animation inside cinema 4d and we have perfect so let's get started [Music] okay i'm inside cinema 4d and i'm going to create this text logo by using spline tools and change the phone to something like that to black okay that's it because every kind of logo that we bring inside cinema 4d it has the basic shape of a spline and then we are going to extrude it okay let's make the offset like 50. and let's add some paper to the edges 0.1 is okay and maybe decrease the offset okay let's create a background for that okay that's better and i used this spline in order to extrude it and create a kind of background for the text level okay if we will change the bevel to 0.1 and let's adjust the position okay that's better we create a basic material for the text level and this is what we have so far it's where to rename them to appropriate names text logan text lego bg now let's go to mograph and add a veronica fracture and we make the text logo a child of rani fracture warning fracture basically it subdivides an object that is used as a child of this and we can use different things to control how the object is going to be divided so i'm going to use this um cube in order to divide the object i mean divide to text logo okay i'm going to drag it in the source and as you can see i've divided the text logo using the cube and the more we add to the segments of the cube the more subdivides we have from the logo and let's add some effectors maybe the plane effector okay let's change the position for the axis and let's also change the scale okay now that in order to control how the effector effects in the scene it's better to change the wall off and i'm going to use a box field in order to control the way that the effector is going to affect the object now as you can see when i move the effector the animation is going to happen okay we need to create some key frames okay go to frame 0 and make a keyframe actually we create a keyframe for the position attributes and go to frame 90 and move the effector to the right and create another keyframe and as you can see when we play through the scene you can see this the animation that we have created for our logo but in order to make it look great we need to create different cameras for our animation and let let's increase the timeline to 120 frames and change the last keyframe okay let's add some rotations okay that's nice let's have some renders now let's create the cameras maybe name this one camera one okay let's adjust the position for the first camera okay go to frame 0 and create a keyframe go to frame 90 and change the position of the camera that's good let's play it okay it's nice let's create the second camera okay let's change the position maybe we can use this angle for the second camera go to frame 30 create a keyframe and then go to frame maybe 90 or 120 and move the camera and create a keyframe okay let's play it that's nice that's good and now let's create the last camera for creating a look animation inside cinema 4d you can use two or three cameras and render the logo from different angles and at the end for the final camera you can create the logo appear in the scene okay let's increase the timeline for example to 300 and 300 frames okay and start the animation of the last camera from frame 120 okay create a keyframe then move to the frame 150 or maybe 180 and change the position of the camera and create another key frame let's change the interpolation from linear to spline then choose the both keyframes and from window then you go to timeline f cars we're going to create a kind of uh easy's animation so select the last keyframe and drag the handle to the left let's play it okay i think that's good or maybe change the position of the camera a little bit let's play it again yeah it looks nice okay now let's create some materials for the objects of the scene first i'm going to create a material for the text logo i'm kind of bluish and let's add some reflections and change the layer parallel to electric let's rename it to text logo okay create another one for the text logo bg background okay and let's change the color that's nice and let's add them to the objects okay let's have a render we need to make some changes to the runner setting let's add ambient occlusion and glue illumination and change the interlacing to best and go and add sky and use an hdri map the content browser if you don't have them just write the hdri word and search for that okay i'm going to use this one apply to the sky and add a rendering tag compositing and disable scene by camera option now let's have a render let's enable this secondary method to deliver the nomination okay that's better if you want to learn about using htrl maps and google animation in order to light your scene and we have another video discussing this topic and you and you can watch it in order to learn more and let's change the samples from medium to high have another in there okay it's great maybe it's better to change the size of the text background change of it to 750 and the height to 300 okay that's nice now let's add our cameras for the rendering okay in order to save your file you can go to save and choose a location to save these renders let's make this one for camera one and we can also save the composition project file in order to have the 3d data about like the camera and other things we have in the cinema 4d scene we can use them inside the after effects change the file format to tef pst and activate alpha channel and activate straight alpha and here we can choose the location of the file you go on to render and save the file create another copy for the second camera and you can change the position here and another copy of the render setting for the third camera okay now let's assign the number of frames in each render setting or camera one from frame 0 to 90 and camera 2 from frame 30 to 120 okay and for the last camera from frame 120 maybe to 270 from 120 to 270 that's good and then render each camera one by one and when the rendering is finished i see you and say that we have their dates [Music] okay welcome here we are inside adobe after effects and as you can see i have rendered all the camera files from cinema 4d and imported all of them in adobe after effects so here in the after effects we are going to composite all these uh render files that he rendered from cinema 4d and we are going to add some extra elements to this scene in order to add more details in the scene okay this is the camera one okay let's create a kind of focus and d focus for the camera create a new composition and name it lens and change the duration maybe two eight maybe two six seconds okay that's good for five seconds and change the frame rate to 30. okay here we need two solids one black and one white create a solid and rename it to white change the color to white okay and now create another solid and name it black and change the color to black that's good now while the black layer is selected choose the pen tool and create a mask and press f to bring up the mask filler and increase the mask later we're going to use this uh composition in order to create some kind of focus and d focus for our camera add that lens composition to the scene create another create an adjustment layer and rename it to camera lens or maybe camera depth okay search for the effect camera lens blur and add it to the camera depth layer and change the blur map to lens and i'm now hide it as you can see we have created a kind of depth and let's make some changes okay mask a little bit and increase the bladder values and change the shape to triangle uh if you want to create this uh focus and defocus effect inside cinema 4d it really takes a lot of time to render your scene and for this kind of projects you can create these uh focus and the focus inside of the after effects and that's really easy and it doesn't take much of your time let's create a background recomposition create a solid and apply the gradient ramp effect okay let's change the position of the colors create the colors some kind of bluish color send this one to black okay go to camera depth layer and check edge behavior option repeat h pixels you can see that how if it affects the edges of the scene now let's create some elements choose the pen tool and create a line then add different pads to that and let's make some animations for the shape let's make it 3d and change the position rotate it 90 degree and divide in the z rotation z axis okay let's make it a little bit longer okay that looks nice let's put it under the camera depth layer decrease the size of the line maybe t1 it looks better create our duplicate and change the position let's change the length okay that's better now as you can see this is what we have so far nice let's change the keyframes of the lines to make some variations and that's it bring down the opacity let's create a great for the background create a new composition then create a new solid and rename it to grid now search for great effect let's write great and you can find it here add it to the layer and bring down the border to one it's good let's add it to the camera one composition and make it 3d that's nice okay good it's pretty weird it is really nice it is really nice now let's create some adjustment layers for the color correction of the scene search for curve effect add it to the color collection layer and just make it brighter let's create another adjustment layer for color correction rename it to cc2 and this time search for contrast brightness and contrast and increase the contrast 21 is good before after okay it's good to create another one rename it to cc3 and this time i'm going to use some of the effects like match bullet locks and this effect has lots of presets for color corrections and they are really great for color clicking for color correcting your footage and you can see it has a bunch of different presets that you can use in order to do color correction for your project yeah i think i can use i think i can use one of these presets go to enhancement and i'm going to choose this one you can see before after that is nice let's add human saturation to the main layer and just change the color a little bit color creation is one of the important issues when you are going to edit your footage and as you can see how we could add extra details to the scene using different layers and different color collection effects yes as you can see it's what we have so far and it looks nice okay now let's move to the second camera composition it's really easy now we can copy some of these layers and just paste them there in the second composition okay let's add the grid here make a 3d let's scale it up okay copy the shapes layer paste them here okay change the position okay that's good let me increase the stroke width okay copy the camera depth paste it here go to camera depth layer and change the layer to lens one let's copy the three color correction layers and paste them here let's copy the hue and saturation effect and paste it on the main layer in the second composition so yes it's really nice now let's move to the camera 3 composition and do the same process just copy some of these layers and paste them there okay let's change the size bring it down okay i think it's better if i make it three okay that's nice go to shape layers paste them here cage in the position of them bring them down a little bit so okay continue copying the effect the camera depth and lens one place them here and duplicate the lens one composition go to lens two and here just change it mask okay maybe something like this is good let's replace it here and choose the lens 2 layer okay copy the color collection layers and paste them here let's review it that is nice so now we have to create another composition and put all these camera compositions together okay creating composition and rename it to render make it about 15 seconds long and let's add all the camera compositions here camera one camera two and camera three okay let's play it and that's it let's review all the camera renders together first camera second camera and the last camera okay maybe you can add kind of blur at the beginning of the third camera add some blurriness at the beginning maybe 15. and create a keyframe for that move about one second and bring down the blurriness to zero and select the board keyframe and as username select the last keyframe and go to edit graph and bring it to the left okay this is for today's video i hope you have learned something about creating lugani missions using cinema 4d and the way after effects but don't forget to subscribe our channel because we're going to create more and advanced animations i mean look animations inside cinemafolia after effects and i hope you enjoyed today's clip and till next time goodbye
Channel: CG Course
Views: 3,040
Rating: 4.9560437 out of 5
Keywords: How to create logo animation in cinema 4d and affter effects, logo animation, cinema 4d toturial, cinema 4d, cg course, blender, compositing
Id: wee3FnFwTMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 30sec (2730 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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