How to Create Interactive PDFs | Embed Videos & Links with this New APP!

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someone asked me once yeah is it possible to insert a video in a PDF and I was like hmm no unfortunately that is not possible you can insert links but not the videos I still feel bad for answering this because guess what I later found out that you can actually make interactive PDFs not only insert links and make the pages flip but add videos that can be played within the PDF itself what can you imagine technology is so good nowadays that you can also check statistics on the PDF like how many people read the document the average reading time how many Impressions and clicks it had well in this tutorial I'll show you step by step how to create an interactive PDF like this one we'll start by creating a beautiful PDF using a canva template and then we are going to transform it into an interactive PDF with the help of the new Issue app income and by the way issue is sponsoring this video thank you so much issue for supporting us and allow us to create more educational content for our community for now if you guys are interested in this tutorial let's go to my computer let's say that you need to create an interactive PDF to display your previous projects or share your products and services with a potential client let's go to and on this search bar type online portfolio hit enter and you will be redirected to this search result with hundreds of templates available from here you can choose one that fits your style or the layout that works better with what you need to Showcase all of these templates or I would say the majority of them have different pages inside the same template so as you can see we have one or two pages of eight if you want to preview all of the pages in the same template you can either hover on the template and see the other Pages another way is to click on this thumbnail and this pop-up window will appear you can preview the pages here click on this Arrow to see the other pages in the same template and if you like it and you want to use it you're going to click on the customize this template if you're not happy with this template you can close this window and keep browsing until you see a template that you like I'm gonna go for this one right here so I'm gonna click on customize this template foreign is to create and publish an interactive PDF shortly we'll explore how issue AIDS in publishing our documents reaching new audiences and maximizing the document's impact through their platform if you're new to canva let me show you quickly how to customize a template here if you need to change the text on this design you can double click on any of the text boxes to change the text if you want to delete any element on the page select the element and then click on the trash icon to replace an image on the design select your image you can go to elements to browse the canva library or you can upload your own photo I have a bunch of photos here so I'm gonna use this one I just need to drag and drop my photo in the design and now I have my own photo here to change the font on your design select any text box go to the font name or this drop down and you can select a font available in the library to change the color you can select any element on your design I'm going to select the background and then select the color icon and then select the color that I want to use these are the most basic actions you need to know for you to create your own PDF in canva but if you still feel that you want to learn more about canva we have plenty of tutorials on our channel that will help you master canva next I'll demonstrate how to publish a PDF on issue from canva with just one click the seamless integration between the two platforms is commendable additionally I'll show you how to make this PDF interactive using both canva and issue I want to stop in here because I want to show you something that may help you with your own PDF I just created this button right here so I want to show you the steps in case that you want to create something similar on your PDF my plan is to insert links or to create buttons on this PDF and for you to create something like this you just need to add a text box let's go to the text section on the left hand side and add a text box with this button now I'm gonna edit this text box I want to add another button called udemy so I'm changing the text now I want to change the font I'm gonna go to the font section and select monsterat extra bold now I'm going to effects I'm going to select the style background and change the color to Pink So it looks exactly as the one I have on top now I need to change the color of my text I'm gonna click on the text color button and select white I'm going to increase the size of this text box position my button right below the other one and I'm gonna add an extra touch to these elements so they look like buttons I'm gonna go two elements search for shadow hit enter go to graphics and then you would like to select one of these Shadows right here I'm gonna go for this one and see how it looks on my design I'm gonna make it smaller of course position it right below my button duplicate and then position this shadow on the other button you would like to make sure that your Shadow is behind your button and not in front like we see in here to make sure that our shadow is behind we are going to open this option that says position go to layers and then we are going to make sure that this Shadow is below our buttons so I'm going to position the shadow below these two buttons and now my shadow is visible but it's not in front of my button I'm gonna finalize this design and I will see you in a second I have finalized this design and I want to show you a couple of elements that you might find useful for your own PDF we have created buttons as you already saw but we haven't inserted links yet we're gonna do that later with issue one thing that I love about issue is its feature allowing both free and paid users to add links and videos to their digital documents making them interactive stick around as I'll be showing you how to do this shortly on this page I have added my photo inside an iPad because we are content creators and I wanted to add this digital touch to it if you want to use the same frame let me show you where to find it you're gonna go to elements scroll down find the frame section and click seal you will find the iPad frame in here to bring it to your design you simply need to click and then you can insert any photo to this Frame so let's say I want to insert this one I just drag and drop this is pretty simple now let me delete this iPad because I don't need it now let me show you what I have in the following page I have a laptop and a video this laptop you can find it under elements you will go to the same section that we used before frames click see all you're going to type laptop or computer you will find these different options you're gonna bring your laptop and in this case I didn't add or drop the video inside this laptop because this wouldn't work if you see every time that I hover my video on the laptop this won't take it inside so my solution to this problem is to select your computer frame go to the toolbar we're gonna click on this gradient icon on the toolbar and I'm gonna add a color to the empty frame so I'm gonna use the same color as we have in this border I believe is this one yeah and now I have a black screen and I can position a video on top of this Frame so this is exactly what I have done in here I added a black color to the screen and then I positioned this video on top it is not necessary to add a video at this point because it won't play afterwards anyways I just have added here because I want to remind myself of the video that I want to add later on if you want to follow exactly the same process as I have done it you will like to go out of canva go to YouTube select the video that you want to add in this case I want to add this video click on the three dots click on share and then copy go back to canva and then simply Ctrl V like this I have added a video to my design and I can adjust its size and position it in the middle of my computer screen let me show you what else I have in the following pages I have another page with an extra button and then I have this other page in which people will be able to send us an email by just clicking on this button I will show you how to do that and to conclude the PDF I have a thank you page thank you it is time to convert our static PDF into an interactive one and for this we need to First create an issue account so we can later connect it to canva for those who don't know issue yet issue is an all-in-one publishing platform that allow content creators like us marketers or business owners to share discover and monetize Publications you can convert static files over PDFs into flipbooks increase your reach as others can find your content on this platform and it also helps you keep an eye on the performance of your Publications you can also easily transform files into different formats to publish on other social media platforms create articles and gifs okay now that we all know what issue is let's create our account I left a link in the description so you can open this page the sign up button is right here in the upper right corner and when you click it you should learn on this page with different plans you can start using issue completely free with the basic plan or you can check out the premium plans that will allow you to unlock additional cool features like embedding your flip books on your own website enjoying the full page reader with no ads letting people download your Publications or even selling them on issue with no commission fees which is actually pretty awesome now if you are interested in any of these premium features I have some good news for you we partner with issue to give you a 50 discount on all their annual plans if you want to benefit from this discount and pay only half the price you need to make sure that you are selecting an annual plan make sure that you are clicking the link in the description and it is very important that you use the code rondi 50 when you are checking out there should be a little pop-up box that ask you if you have a promo code click there enter the promo code rund50 then validate your purchase and you should get a 50 off at this point we all should have created our issue account free or paid and we are going to sign in we're going back to canva and this time we are going to open the apps section and search for issue hit enter click on the issue app this pop-up window should appear and you are going to click connect now if you want you can click on the remember me box and then click accept now we want to submit or export this design this PDF to issue and to do so we are going to click on this button here you will have some settings that you can adjust and then click export your PDF has been converted into a flip book and it is available on your issue profile let me show you something here because I have added a video in canva but when I try to play it nothing happens same way for the buttons I'll show you how to use issue for you to be able to insert interactive videos that you can play inside the PDF and also how to create buttons If you want to add links and videos to it you need to copy this link go to your browser paste it and hit enter now we are inside the issue editor and from here we can change the name of our publication so in this case we can name this portfolio and from this screen you can also get the link to be able to share it with your potential clients so if you are using one of the paid versions you will be able to copy the full screen link which look like this this is an immersive experience of your interactive PDF and you won't have any ads or any other information around your PDF now coming back to the editor let me show you the other option that you have to be able to share this flipbook or PDF gonna click on this arrow and click publication link the link has been copied and now I'm gonna show you how it looks like I'm gonna paste the link here hit enter and this is how our PDF would look like with that link and to add links and videos to our PDF we are going to the menu on the left and select this option on the right you will see this menu for you to select the page where you want to add the link so I'm going to page number two and I can insert the links from here so I'm gonna add a link and I can select the section on the page where I want to insert this link then insert the link in this box and click save now let me show you how to embed a video into your PDF I have a video on page number four I'm gonna select it here on the menu that we see on the left and now we are going to click on insert video I'm going to YouTube and copy the link of the video that I want to insert so I'm gonna click on the three dots click on share copy the link go back to issue and paste the link of the video here now you have three options here the first option is available to all issue accounts it can be a free account or paid account and then these other two options are available four paid issue accounts let me show you first how the first option looks gonna select it and then click save now let's go to page number six because in here I want to add a special link for people to be able to send us an email by just clicking on this button so let me add a link I'm gonna select the button and then from here I'm going to type mail 2 without any space colon and then you are going to type the email that you want to add on that button in our case I'm gonna type our email and click save I do suggest that you check all the links and videos that you have added to your PDF and then hit publish changes you will see this little pop-up window that says success your content is live this is our issue account and here we find the portfolio that we just created with Kanda I'm gonna click on the portfolio to show you how it looks our PDF looks now like a physical book you can see the flipbook effect going on in here and we can also see the links being highlighted in the video in here now when I click on this button it is taking me to our YouTube channel this is the link that I have set on this button now let me go back again to the flipbook now let me show you the video when you click on the video this window will open overlaying the content of our flipbook we can view the video from here and we can can pause we can you know like play around with the settings of the video increase the volume and all of that but again the content is on top of our flipbook now let me go back to the issue editor because I want to show you the other versions on how to add a video to your flipbook here I am in the editor I am on page number four I'm gonna select my video and then click on the pencil icon now this is the option that we have selected previously play in overlay so this is the little window that was overlaying our flipbook now what happens when I click on the second option embed in publication I'm gonna click save then publish changes remember to click this button this is very important now I'm going back to the flip book and show you what it looks like here I am in the flip book I already refreshed the page to be able to see the changes on the video and now let's click here and as we can see there is no window overlaying the content of our flipbook this is very important because the viewers of our flipbook or our interactive PDF will be able to read the information surrounding the video now let me go back again to the editor to show you the last option I'm here again on page number four I'm selecting the video click on the pencil these two options embed in publication and embed in autoplay are available for premium and Optimum issue users okay let's select the last one embed in autoplay click save publish changes I already refreshed the page of this flipbook and pay attention because when I'm going to flip the pages you will see the video Auto playing so I'm flipping flipping and as you can see in the video is playing automatically without me having to click on the play button now I want to know which option do you prefer the one that you have to click to play the video in overlay or the one that you have the video embed in the PDF and it auto plays if you prefer option number two this is a premium feature in issue and remember that we have a 50 discount on all annual plans we left the link in the description and the promo code as well now if you want to learn how to create a newsletter using canva an issue you need to watch this tutorial right here I guess this is it for today I really hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and see you in the next one bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 42,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interactive PDFs, embed videos in pdf, issuu tutorial, how to create a digital magazine, how to create a flipbook, how to create a flipbook in canva, how to make an ebook, digital book, embed content, how to use issuu, how to use issuu for free, online publishing, interactive PDF NEW App in Canva flipbooks make pages flip embed videos in pdf, interactive PDF, NEW App in Canva, flipbooks, make pages flip, Canva, ISSUU, embedding videos, Dynamic PDFs, embed video in pdf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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