How To Create Fabric Yardage With Your Scraps

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hi Claudia here from create with Claudia and today I'm going to show you one of my favorite things to do and that is to take scraps from old projects any kind of scrap you want and make a big piece of fabric out of it here's a big purple one I made a couple years ago I absolutely love doing this it's a great way to use up scraps from old projects I usually make them in one color wave and I'll show you some more later but you could make the multicolored whatever you want to do but it's just a terrific project and it you can use it in quilts in toy making whatever you want to do with it so here we go you're gonna need scraps and after quilting for 30 years I have a lot of scraps so I pulled out all these sort of medium greens that I like any pattern any shape any size I should clarify any size you don't want them too big because you like the right like the the crazy quilt look of the fabric I would say maximum maybe 6 or 7 inches because you like these longer pieces when the when the when your pears and your when your pears are getting larger you want to have a long piece you can put on a side you want to all shapes and sizes though because one of them's gonna fit in none of the nut no to blocks of these are gonna be the same as you'll see soon so anyway you're gonna take your scraps and here to start pairing the mother and I already did that with some just to make it quicker I mean this this one's an inch and a half wide this one's even smaller so what you're gonna do is you're gonna sew together two fabrics my only rule is that that's not the same fabric I like that different sort of that mixed up look okay you're just gonna go down and you're gonna keep going I'm gonna do a few of these it does not matter if they're not perfect I'm pairing these two up but you'll see there's like a half inch overhang that gets cut away later so don't worry about it I can see these are leftover cuts it doesn't matter it also you don't even need a perfect quarter inch seam for this do one more alright then what you're gonna do is I'll cut all those apart and you're gonna press them open and I've done that already with some earlier you can see all shapes and sizes you're gonna want to start trimming them up because you're gonna sew them together again so let's see maybe these like those maybe we could you try to match them up as best as possible like here we could do these two together so you want to make sure the ends or the edge of your fabric is nice and straight these are actually not too bad so I don't even think I need to cut those this one for example you'd want to trim off and make one even edge so here are these two pairs so let's show you how to even those up a little bit take your rotary cutter um you can twist on the diagonal you know whatever you want to do it's up to you but you want to make that one nice even fine that's the beauty of this project is it's almost like color like coloring with crayons again so those two together and one thing I do not even try to match up those seams this is all just however you want to do it there's no seam matching only match up the edge okay further reason I think I like this project so much is them it's almost like I'm breaking those unwritten rules I like to so there you go again there's no seam the only thing that matches up are those two edges you would press those open and then you're gonna have more pieces here's to that I did earlier and you can see I've done there's four pieces of fabric in each now these don't match up quite like I want them to what I might do is that a piece to this one and again those edges are pretty nice and straight if I was to add it to this which maybe I'll go ahead and use it you would just straighten that out with okay press it open at the ironing board I'm just going to finger press here today for time and then I would sew these two sides together so much even those edges see you can see that one's really rough all right so now I've added our there about nine pieces of fabric in there nice little piece little patch there and you're just gonna keep adding and adding and adding until you have bigger pieces I really like the way that's looking let me show you some other ones I've done here's that dark purple one I did I love that look it's like a little bit like a crazy quilt um here's a paler purple that's pretty - I did a navy one a red one last but not least I've done a peach one I mean you can sort of you get the idea from all these different ones but it shows you that really are you know you can do you could add red in here you can yell it whatever you want to do and here's a green piece that I finished it's a much bigger piece you can see how big they can get bigger than this this one has a few bigger patches in it and some things I made with them I made this great little kitty cat for my daughter once you can see all the patchwork and that was just made out of this scrap scraps of fabric that I had and then I just recently it took me like three years didn't take me long I made this quilt top and I really like the way this turned out it's just sort of lemon-yellow simple and just made out of scrap fabrics that I made just made out of patches of scrap fabric that I made from all my small scraps from projects all done over many years so thanks for watching and I hope you get a chance to do this project
Channel: Create with Claudia
Views: 176,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fabric, quilting, quilts, quilt fabric, sewing, diy tutorial, quilt tutorial
Id: 0-fHldW8Erc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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