How to Create Crowdfunding, Fundraising & Charity Donations Website like Kickstarter With WordPress

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he´ll friends I am Nishita and today in this area teach you how to create a fundraising and charity donations website like Kickstarter IndieGoGo GoFundMe Just Giving excetra with WordPress in this website that we're gonna create in this video you can raise funds for your project startup nonprofit organization charity NGO etc and apart from regular fundraising features this website has some really amazing and unique features like first of all everything here happens on the front end whether you want to create or edit a new campaign creating rewards changing profile settings everything can be done from the front end your users don't have to go to the dashboard or the backend to do these things secondly it has really amazing front-end dashboard with beautiful graphs and information thirdly anyone can come to your website and they can create a campaign and raise funds for their projects and you can get a commission on that and obviously this is not just the end there are so many other features that I'll explain you later on in this video now before we start creating this website let me first show you a very quick demo about the website that you're gonna create in this video so right now I'm going to show you the exact same website that you will be creating in this video if you follow my step-by-step tutorial now the reason I show this demo website right at the beginning is because I want you guys to first understand the website that you'll be creating in this video understand the features that are present in this website what all are the different features and functionalities available how is the design and everything and you guys can make the decision right at the beginning whether you want to watch the complete tutorial or not so let's see that so this is the home page first of all obviously this is the home page now as you can see very simple very elegant home page and here at the top you will see your header at the left hand side you have your logo in the middle you have your menu and at the right hand side we have some really amazing option like if you want to sign up or log in you can click on this you will see this pop-up you can enter your information and you can log in now once you log in if you want to start a new campaign you can simply click on this button and you can start a new campaign then after that we have the first campaign which is shown over here and as you can see this is expired but where if it is not expired show you how many days are remaining how many backers how much percentage of this fund is no race completely will understand how this simple how this single campaign page looks like first let me show you the homepage so this is the first section then after that in the next section I am just displaying different campaigns based on different categories like campaigns based on technology category clothing category journalism and different categories that you can create then after that when you scroll down we have some recommended so here you can showcase your featured campaigns if you want okay and when you scroll down some popular campaigns running on this website then we have some basic information in a very beautiful way we are using some beautiful icons over here and we are delivering of you're just giving some beautiful or some useful information over here then when you scroll down you will see your blog section so in this video we'll also learn how to create different blocks and how to do blocking and this thing will really help you to generate some extra traffic then when you scroll down we are going to skip these two sections because these two are not really important now obviously at the bottom you will see your photo I'll show you how you can create your footer so this was your homepage now let's open a single campaign and let's see how it looks so let me open this one now this is how the single campaign page looks like and this is very much similar to those websites which I mentioned earlier like Kickstarter IndieGoGo those kind of website now this is the single Kickstarter page single campaign page and this looks very much similar to our website so first of all you have your title then after that you have some numbers like how much money is raised what is the total number of goal for example our goal is 10,000 of out out of that around nine thousand six hundred is raised how many backers how many days to go and if you want to back this project you click on this button then after that if you want to back this project or if you want to pledge without reward you can select this if you want some reward you can select these different pre-made rewards option so we'll also see how to create these kind of rewards in our video alright so this is how the single page looks like and also very much similar your title category how many backers how many people love it how many reviews maybe we can also leave some review this is the no different images or different videos you can enter those over here if you want to back this project you click on this button you are redirected over here if you want to pledge without reward you can enter that money or your amount of money that you want to prove a pledge then when you scroll down we have some rewards so if you pledge between 50 pounds to 100 pounds maybe you will get some reward then similarly you can create more rewards so this is how the single page looks like and obviously whenever this campaign is updated you can see different updates over your so on this date this campaign was updated and you can see all this different information over here alright so this is how the single page looks like and obviously whenever someone wants to back this project they can select a reward or they can just click on this checkout button they will be redirected to the checkout page and here they can enter all their information and they can make the payment so we will see there are several ways of accepting payments directly on your website I will explain you about those payment gateways as well now let me show you the other part of the website so what happens when you log in and how you can create a campaign so let's login with you or I guess so when you log into your website you will see your dashboard which will look something like this so as you can see all the different graphs and everything is going to I know here all your campaigns that you have created everything is present over here obviously if you want to create a new campaign simply click on this button add new campaign and now as you can see everything is happening on the front end we have our dashboard on the front end we don't have to go to the back end for the dashboard and to create a new campaign you can do easily from the front and you can enter all your information over here and after that just click on submit campaign and this campaign will be submitted and once approved this campaign will show on this website now as I explained you earlier in this website if you want only you can create campaigns or you if you want you can also allow other peoples to come to your website and create campaigns and when they create a campaign whenever there is some money you can keep us you know certain Commission on that for example if you want to keep five percent commission on the campaign amount you can do that I'll explain you about all these things later on in this video in detail so don't worry about that or I guess so this was a very demo about the website that you will be creating in this video now there are so many things that we have to see for example there are several pages as well for example about page contact which I'll show you how to create these pages then we have the archive page single page many different things and many different pages are still left but I don't want to waste a lot of time oh yo I just wanted to give you a quick idea about the website that you will be creating in this video now I hope you guys liked the demo episode and if you want to create the exact same website make sure you watch the complete tutorial now before we proceed further make sure to subscribe to the channel and click on the bell icon and if you have any doubts any comments any solutions for me you can leave them in the comment section below if you find this video helpful give a thumbs up to this video and please share this video with your friends and family members on Facebook Twitter whatsapp whatever social media platform you use I guess so with that being said let's start creating this website or I guess now to create any kind of website whether it's an e-commerce website a crowdfunding website a membership website a simple blog or a business website any kind of website we need two basic things a domain name and a hosting account a domain name is simply the name or the URL of your website for example nyesha com all these things are different domain names so to create our website we also have to register a new domain so that whenever someone wants to visit your website they can simply type in the domain name in the URL bar and they can land on your website the second and most important thing is your hosting account our hosting is basically a computer where in your entire website is saved and that computer is running 24/7 so if you see the entire website that is you on screen all the different campaigns all the different pages post everything that you see this entire website is saved in a computer and that computer is running 24/7 so that whenever someone visits your website at any given time from any particular country they can always see your website life your website is always up and running now hosting is the most important part of your website because everything related to your web site is directly or indirectly dependent on your hosting your websites feed your website's performance the user experience on your website in fact your Google ranking the ranking that you will be receiving search engine ranking on Google is totally dependent on hosting if you have selected a good hosting your website speed and performance will be amazing and you will also get better search engine ranking and your website's user experience will also be good and obviously if you select a crappy hosting your website speed and performance will be really bad and you will find it very difficult to rank higher on Google search results now there are literally thousands of different hosting providers available in the market but unfortunately only few of them are really good but you don't have to worry about that you can simply open a new tab and type in blog /s g HD stands for site ground and this link is also given in the video description below so you can simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now here as you can see there are three different plans start up grow big and go geek now before we go ahead and before we understand these plans before we understand about this hosting first let me explain you why did we choose side ground so as I said earlier that there are literally thousands of different hosting providers now out of those why are we selecting side ground why not any other hosting now I am selecting and I am recommending side ground based on my experience I am creating these YouTube tutorials for more than 5 6 years and in this time period I have experienced many different hosting providers I've used site ground a2 hosting tmd hosting Bluehost GoDaddy almost every single hosting provider because I create these YouTube tutorials I get Hosting's for free so it becomes very easy for me to test many different hosting providers now out of all this I've experienced as side round is the best in terms of speed in terms of performance in terms of user experience also in terms of security and even in terms of support and that is the reason why even my personal web sites are also hosted on side ground the main web site my main source of income blog is hosted on side ground other personal websites that I own like nyesha Kampf ahem door teen those websites are also hosted on side ground so that is the reason why I am inside ground because I have experience with this and I am personally using this hosting and as I said you earlier there are three different plans now if you want a short and simple answer as to which plan you should select I would recommend you to simply select the grow big plan click on the get plan button and proceed further and if you want to if you want to understand more about hosting and if you want to understand why did we select this plan watch for a few more minutes in this video you will understand and you will learn something new so first of all whenever before you select any hosting plan first you should see few things first thing that you should be seeing is how many websites you can create with there with that plan so in this example as you can see while you're with startup plan you can create one website and with grow big and go geek plan you can create unlimited websites now let's understand this thing what does this mean so if you want to create for example if you are creating if you want to create this website this crowdfunding website so if you select startup plan you can create this website without any problem you can have a really functional professional website this website without any problem you can create unlimited pages unlimited campaigns no problem at all but tomorrow if you want to create another website maybe another crowdfunding website or maybe another ecommerce website or any other website you cannot do that with startup plan because here you can create only one website whereas if you select grow big or gugak plan you can create unlimited websites with these plans so basically you just purchase this plan once and after that for all your future websites you don't have to purchase another plan you can host all of them in one single plan so this is a one-time investment then after that you have to see how much web space are you getting so in start a plan we are getting 10 GB in go geek we are getting 20 in go geek you are getting 30 GB of web space now let me explain you how much web space do you actually need so if you see this website this website that I have created through literally maybe I guess hundreds of different campaigns that have created tens of different post pages many different things so this is a complete website that you see on the screen and this entire website is not more than 200 MB so you don't have to worry about that so basically if you select grow big plan for it for example you can create literally 200 different websites like this one and even if you're crowdfunding we have said maybe becomes very big very popular hundred thousand different campaigns added and everything still you don't have to worry about that your website size will not be more than five GPS so just don't worry about that and most importantly this Web space is SSD space now basically that two types of space SSD and HDD these guys at site ground are using SSD space in fact the fastest the best quality SSD space and when your website is hosted on SSD server your website speed and performance is really amazing really smooth and fast other hosting providers in fact most of the hosting providers use the HDD plan and main reason is because that is very cheap and when your website is hosted on HDD server your website speed and performance is really really bad so if your website is hosted on for example HDD server whenever someone visits your website it takes a lot of time to completely load your website and whenever they try to open a new page or a new campaign it takes a lot of time to load data entire page so it is not really good but you don't have to have to worry about that because you're at Sai ground these guys are using the fastest SSD plan to store your website then after that we see third step is just third information with your is just to give you an idea about which plan is better for what kind of website for example your startup is better for those website that get around or that generate around 10,000 monthly visitors similarly grow big for those website that got around 25,000 monthly visitors and go gig is best suited for those website that can generate around 100,000 monthly visitors now many people get confused or your they think that for example if they have selected grow big plan and if your website is getting more than 25,000 monthly visitors many people think that site Ron will ask you to you know upgrade to go geek plan but that is not the case even if you select grow big plan and even if your website is getting more than maybe 50 60 thousand monthly visitors grow big plan can easily handle your website you don't have to worry about that this is just to give you an idea just to help you to make a decision then after that we have some really amazing features like we have unmeet traffic or unlimited bandwidth then we get free wordpress installation free wordpress auto updates and after that we have two very important options over here we get free SSL certificate in also we get free daily backups now what is this SSL certificate first of all so if you see the demo upset that I have created when you see my website this is the URL bar and besides the URL bar you will see this log pad when you click on that log pad it says connection is secure so this is what an SSL certificate is this is very important if you don't have SSL on your website you cannot accept payments on your website and whenever someone will visit your website it will say that this website is not secure but you don't have to worry about that with you because at site ground you are getting free unlimited SSL certificates then after that we also have free daily backups so even if something happens to your website even if your website gets hacked or something you have the daily backup you can easily restore your website then we also have free CDN and this will improve the security of your website we have free business email accounts so instead of something regular like Nayar at or near at you can create a business email account like support at website admin at those kind of email accounts you also get unlimited databases and some more amazing and advanced features like you get dynamic caching this will furthermore improve the speed and performance of your website you get on demand backup copies free professional site transfer so if you are using some other hosting provider so if you're using some other hosting provider maybe if you're not happy with your website speed and performance or maybe if you're not happy with that support you can simply get a free professional site transfer over here you can also add collaborators and with Gogi plan you have some more features like you can have white label clients higher tier of resources priority support and so on basically for most of you guys have recommend you to start with the grow big plan obviously because here you can create unlimited websites you have more space and get more resources then this startup plan so just select this plan and click on this get plan button now once you click on that get plan button you will be redirected to this page and here you have to register a new domain name so just type in the domain name that you want to register for example in this case if I want to register an air shake I can just type in a shake then I can select the perfect domain name extension like dot-com dotnet obviously you should try to get calm if you don't get calm go with dotnet if you don't get dotnet go with some country-specific for example if you're from India go with dot in if you're from New Zealand go with this option co dot NZ so make sure to first search for offers try to get calm so whatever domain name you want to register simply type in that domain name select the perfect domain name extension and after that click on proceed now if you guys have already registered a domain name you can select this option I already have a domain name so if you have already registered your domain name on some other website like GoDaddy Namecheap those kind of website you can just enter that domain name or you can enter any domain name that you want to use with site ground and you can click on proceed now you'll come to step 3 and here first of all you have to enter your account information in your account information you have to enter an email address and after that you have to enter a password or you have to choose a password now this thing is very important whatever information you enter over here whatever email address and password you enter over here this will become your login credentials so whenever in future if you want to log into SiteGround account they will ask you this email address and password so whatever you enter under account information make sure you remember that all right then after that you have your client information here you just have to enter your basic information like your country name first name last name your city your zip code your street address basically your address and phone number then after that you can leave these two things company name and tax ID these are not compulsory so you can leave them then scroll down after that you have your payment information in payment information you have to enter your credit card debit card your ATM card number card expiry date CVU number which is given at the back of your card and obviously your card holder name now one thing to note over your that three types of cards are accepted oh-yo Visa MasterCard and American Express now Visa and MasterCard are very common throughout the world so I expect I hope you I have one of those now if you have some other type of card for example most of the people in India have the Rupa card because that is a country's country sponsored domestic card so if you have a Rupa card or any other card you cannot make the payment to here because those cards are not accepted over here so if you have a rupiah card you can simply go to your bank and you can request them they will replace your card with a MasterCard or a visa within 7 days so make sure you have either of these options all right then when you scroll down you will see your purchase information you don't have to change anything or you just have to check everything so under plan we have selected Grobe plan and the data center now data center location will be automatically selected for you now based on your location because I am from India for me Singapore is selected if you have some some other country some other data center location will be selected for you then after that you will see period and by default it is 12 months I also recommend 12 month make sure you don't change that thing if you change it you will have to pay some extra money so make sure don't change that thing let it be 12 months then again when you scroll down you will see these two things make sure you take mark this thing and if you see the total amount that you have to pay is just $71 for one complete year of hosting now as I said you all your side round is right now the number one hosting provider according to me according to my experience so you're getting the number one hosting provider for one complete here for just 71 dollars and that is really amazing so you're getting a really good offer over here so just go ahead and click on Pay Now and make the payment complete the transaction okay so once you make the payment once you click on that pay now button and make the payment you have to open a new tab and type in my dot side rom-com and here you have to enter that email address and password which you have selected in your previous step under account information so under account information whatever email address and password you have typed in or you have selected type in the same email address and password over here and click on login then you will see this page and over here you have to click on this option websites and here you will see all the domain names that you have registered out that you're using with side down with this account so if you remember we have registered this domain name nation komm so you will always see your domain name and below your domain name you will see this button side tools click on that button now here there can be two scenario first of all the first scenario can be that you have just registered a new and fresh domain name so don't have to do any extra step the second scenario can be that you have already registered a domain name on some third-party web site like on good add your name cheap so if you fall under c9u - you have to first link your domain name with site ground let me show you how that is done and that is really easy just go to GoDaddy or any other web site wherever you have registered your domain name sign into your account and once you sign into your account you will see all the different domain names that you have registered with this account so for example if I want to link this domain name privilege with psy ground I can select this domain name and besides every single domain name you will see this button or you will see this link DNS click on that and here you will see the default name servers click on change and change or delete these name servers from here delete both the name servers now come to your account come to this website that you have opened scroll down and here you can see your own custom name servers now copy your names over number 1 and paste it under line 1 copy your names over number 2 and obviously paste it under line 2 and click on save now once you click on save this can take up to 24 hours to link your domain name with cyclone but you don't have to wait till then by that time we can also do a few more things so let's install SSL certificate on a domain name so you will see this option at the left hand side security click on that and under that you will see SSL manager select that option now from here select the domain name on which you want to install SSL so in this example I want to install SSL on this domain WPC f2 dotnet calm so select your domain name after that you will see select SSL under that sets encrypt and click on get once you click on this get button it will take around 2 minutes and after that SSL will be successfully installed on your domain name now for me it is already installed on this domain as you can see besides this domain it says active so for me it is already installed so why so successful install ssl on your domain name now you can install wordpress on that domain so to do that from the left hand side click on WordPress click on install and manage now you'll get two options over here select the first option WordPress and after that select the domain name on which you want to install WordPress so I'm selecting this domain which is over here WP cf2 now leave the installation part don't type in or don't do anything with that leave the language now untag this thing here if this thing is already tick mark for you WordPress starter this is basically a plug-in starter plug-in we don't need that plug-in so you can untag this thing then after that you have to choose and username over here so I'll just choose some username for me obviously we can just choose and username for yourself then after that choose a password and just enter your personal email address now these two things are also very important your username and password so make sure you guys also remember these two because whenever you want to log in to your WordPress dashboard they will ask you this username and password so make sure you remember them now once everything is filled in just click on this install button and now as you can see WordPress has started installing on that domain this generally takes around 10 to 12 seconds so let's wait rageh so as you can see wordpress is successfully installed on this domain and once it is successfully done you will see your domain name at the bottom and besides your domain name you will see this button login to admin panel click on that button and now as you can see a new tab has opened and here you will see your dashboard now let me explain you what this thing is what you see on his screen this page this dashboard page is the most important page of your website because this is the page from where you will be controlling your website if you want to change this style of your website if you want to install a new theme or if you want to change the functionality of your website changing everything or managing everything for example creating pages creating post managing comments everything will be done from here basically you will be controlling your entire website from this page very important page so whenever you want to come to this page just type in your domain name after that put a forward slash WP - admin you will land on this page now whenever we install WordPress new domain name there are few basic things that we have to understand and there are few basic settings that we have to do so first let's do those settings and after that we can proceed further now first of all we have already seen this is the dashboard now at the left hand side we have some more options then you have you will see your post option here if you click on post you will see one post will be already created for you one blog will be already created for you hello world if you want you can just delete this thing and from this page you can create new post you can manage those post then after that you will see media option obviously this option is to manage your media so all the different images videos whatever media is uploaded on your website you can see all of those over here then you will see the pages option and from here you can create different pages you can manage different pages then we have the comment section so you will see all the different comments that is posted on your website you can approve them you can approve them you can mark them spam you can delete those comments as well you can do everything with that from here then after that we have a very important option which is the appearance option when you click on that option you will see there are three themes which are already installed and one of them is already activated on your website so 2020 theme is already installed and activated on our website now what is a theme a theme is basically the design or the appearance of your website for example let me open this website in a new tab so right now your website will look something like this okay this is because of this theme now if I do one thing if I just activate some other theme for example let me activate this 2017 theme so if I activate this theme and if I come back to my website and refresh it now as you can see my website looks totally different now it looks like it seems like I have just landed on some other website so this is what a theme does a theme will completely change the appearance of your website and you should always have only one theme installed and activated rest all the extra themes we can delete them from here alright now later on in this video we'll be using some other theme because this is not the theme that we want to use this is a really bad theme later on we'll be using some other theme that will make your website something beautiful like this one now come back to this page again come back to your dashboard and now at the left-hand side you will see plugins and under plugins you will see one Ragan is already installed and activated for USG optimizer and this is a very important plugin because this plugin will improve the speed and performance of your website now one thing to note over here is that this plugin is only available for SiteGround users as you can see only for site ground users so if you're using some other hosting you will not see this plug-in over here now what is a plug-in a plug-in is like an add-on it's actually an add-on a plug-in is an add-on or a software that will add some extra features and functionalities to your website now later on in this video we'll be using some plugins and those plugins will add all the campaigning how to create a campaign all the crowdfunding functionalities to your WordPress website so you'll understand about this later on in this video now at the left-hand side you will see settings click on that and oh yo first of all you have your general setting so first thing that you see over here is your site title so you have to delete this my WordPress thing and type in your website name so whatever you want to set your website name just type in that name then after that you have your tagline so under tagline you just have to describe your website in few words so whatever your website is about just describe your website's in five six words then after that he will see your WordPress address and site address now right now if you see this website is not secure here if you click on this option it says not secure your connection to this site is not secure that is because it is default set to http we have to set this thing to HTTPS so make sure both at top and bottom it is HTTPS then after that under admin email address make sure it is your personal email address typed you know here if it is not just delete that email address and type in your personal email address now under membership make sure this thing is tick mark anyone can register if you don't take mark this thing no one will be able to sign up on your website so big problem now where the bottom and simply click on Save Changes now once you do that you will be logged out to off your website and you will have to login again now under settings you will see permalinks click on that and make sure from these options post name is selected if some other option is selected for you just select the post name option go at the bottom and click on Save Changes now again let's come back to dashboard now whenever you land on your dashboard you will see these widgets now these widgets are not really useful so we can get rid of them you can click on this screen option which is given at the top and we can literally just untick everything I think this one is important site health status so except for that just untick everything now later on when we use new theme and new plugins now those plugins will add some really useful widgets so here so we can use them or I guess so with this your basic settings are now completed ok so right now if you see this is how your website will look like ok so it looks really bad and to change the appearance of this website we have to install a new theme and to add those crowdfunding and functionalities we have to install few new plugins so to do that you can simply open a new tab and type in blog slash patriots now this link is also given in the video description below so you don't even have to type in this thing simply click on that link and you should be redirected to this page now this is the theme that we want to install and this is the theme that we want to use now as you can see here all the front-end or operation and with this you also get WP page builder Pro which is a premium plugin for absolutely free so that is really amazing in fact with this theme you get so many different plugins so you just have to purchase this theme and we don't have to purchase anything else because everything else all the plugins all the necessary plugins comes free with this theme so if you want to purchase this theme simply click on this pie Now button and you will see this thing at the end if you want to use this on one single website select this single license if you want to use this theme on five different websites like this 5 license and obviously obviously you can just go ahead and select the club membership for $200 and with this you will not only get this theme but you will get so many all the other themes that are present on this website if you if you see there's so many different themes present on this website for different purposes for example for LMS you know to create online courses website crowdfunding blog business real estate ecommerce website many different themes for many different purposes and you can also use them on unlimited websites on unlimited domain names so according to me they is a much better option but obviously if you want you can just select this option single license you will you can use this on one single domain name and you also get WP bakery page builder Pro now you don't have to select this thing WP crowdfunding will be using this plugin but it is not necessary this is a premium version we can do most of the things with the free version so for right now I would recommend you to first watch the complete tutorial was the complete video and at the end I'll explain you the difference between the premium one and the free plugin and you can decide whether you really want the premium plugin or you can just go ahead and complete your website with the free plugin so you can decide that later on so you just have to click on this buy now button and purchase this theme now once you purchase this theme they will give you a zip file and that zip file will look something like this now you have to first unzip or extract this file so right-click on this and click on extract files you will get a new folder with the same name open that folder and in this folder you'll get so many different folders and files you will see this folder theme pack and in this folder you will see this Patriot's dot zip this is the file that we have to upload on our website to install this theme so let me show you how we can do that come back to your website click on appearance click on add new click on upload theme choose file and choose that file that I've just shown you here's the file select this file click on open click on Install Now now this file has started installing on your website once it is installed you have to activate this file let's see so here you can see this theme is successfully installed click on activate this theme will be activated and after that you will get this notice this theme recommends following plugins so click on this link begin installing plugins and here as you can see all the plugins is provided to you for free so make sure to tick mark everything tick Makaha just tick McCoy here it will select everything for you and enter bulk actions select Install click on apply so this will install all the plugins at once you don't have to do individually one by one it will do everything for you automatically now as you can see here all plugins are successfully installed click on this link at the bottom return to a plug-in installer now we have to activate all these themes all the installed so again tic mccoy yo now under bulk action select activate and click on apply now all these plugins will be activated as you can see we're here now come back to dashboard now when you click on dashboard or when you click on any other link over here after that you will see this page this is the WooCommerce quick setup you if you don't see this page simply type in this link in the URL bar type in your website name after that put a forward slash WP - admin slash index dot PHP question mark page is equal to WC - set up you can see that link on your screen if you don't see this setup page simply type in that link in the URL bar and you will see this setup so first of all you have to select where is your business based so just enter the country name so I'll just type in my country name India oho after that enter your address choose this state now you have to select the currency so whatever currency you want to use Indian rupee Pakistani rupee you know dollars euro whatever currency you want to select select that currency and after that click on let's go now you will see the payment option by default paypal is already tick mark so let it be later on we'll see some more payment gateways but for now let it be for paypal click on continue now you'll see the shipping option of it we are not shipping any physical products over here so you can just untick both these options and click on continue then after that this will recommend you a few more extra plugins we don't need these extra plugins so you will see this bottom thing this link is given at the bottom skip this step click on that link again this will recommend you this plug-in jetpack we don't need this so again go at the bottom click on skip this step now this setup is completed click on visit dashboard now if you remember we had skipped this jetpack thing but still it got installed so first of all let's uninstall this thing so click on plugins here as you can see first option jetpack by deactivate and delete this plugin this is our important plug-in useful plugin but in this video we are not using that now I dismiss all these notices from here come back to dashboard now as you can see now we got some important we just saw here so let me you just let me just delete this thing this we don't need this but these are really important so whenever there is a purchase on your website whenever there is some money raised on any campaign you can see all those analytics all the statistics over here right on your dashboard so these are really important things over here okay you can manage them like this you can rearrange them like this or I guess so if you again come back to your website and if you refresh it now as you can see your website looks totally different so this is because of the theme now what we have to do is obviously because this is a fundraising website first thing that you should be doing is creating a campaign creating a crowdfunding or a fundraising campaign so let's see how a campaign will be created now first we'll see how to do that from the backend have an admin will do that thing and later on in the video we'll see how to do that thing from the front-end so if you want to create a campaign from the backend from the left hand side you'll see products however products sent click on add new now first thing that we have to do is we have to give it a name so let me do one thing let me open a single campaign so that we can understand everything so this is how the single campaign page will look like first thing this is the title so I will copy the title from here and we'll paste in the title over here then here you have to enter all this description all these things so everything about the campaign what is this campaign based of based on all this information so what I'll do is I'll simply copy this text paste it over here and in between if you want to add some images or anything click on this add media thing click on upload file and select file now there is a link given in the video description below if you click on that link you will go to my website block - dot-com and for every single video that I create on my youtube channel I always create these blocks this post and you will see when you will be redirected to a one such blog over here and in that at the bottom you will see this link download free images when you click on this download button you will down you'll download another zip file and in that zip file you will see all these different images that have given you for free so what you can do is you can click on select file and you can upload those images from here as you can see all this images so what I'll do is I'll simply select all these images and I'll upload them at the beginning so that we don't have to pause this video and do it again and again alright so all the images are uploaded so if I want to use this image I can select this click on insert into post not all this so let me delete them alright so I just want to use this now right now by default this image will look very small so if you want to fix this thing click on this image click on this pencil icon and make sure under size full size is selected and make it centre aligned okay and after that click on update now as you can see this is a nice big image and after that if you want to add some text below this image click on o here come to another line and whatever text you have just paste in that text okay just like this very simple all simple stuff now when you scroll down you will see this option Product data now by default simple product is selected click on this drop down you have to select crowdfunding obviously because a crowdfunding thing now if you have any video for example here there is a video if you click on this this video will start playing if you have any such video you can just enter that video link over here under video URL for example let me just copy this link copy link address paste it over here so this is some YouTube video link now what is this start and end date for this campaign so maybe this campaign starts today and this is till the end of this year all right now minimum you can also set a minimum price and maximum price so one person can you will have to minimum contribute this much amount of money or maximum this much amount of money now these are obviously just optional a recommended price if you want to give some recommended price you can do that now we can create this we can give this thing predefined prices so I can type like $10 $25 $5,100 so this will be predefined prices you will see how that will look on your website okay then after that how much is your funding goal so maybe my funding goal is $100,000 now when will this campaign end or when the target goal is achieved for example when hundred thousand dollars is raised or when the target date is completed so if you select target even after $100,000 is collected this campaign will keep on running okay so you have to select that option so whatever option you think or maybe you can even select campaign never ends I'm selecting target gold now if you want to show contributor table and if you want to enable if you want to mark contributor as as anonymous you can tick mark these two options now which country or which place is this campaign related to so this is related to India maybe so I'm selecting India location Mumbai alright so you have to fill in these information then after that you have shipping you can just leave shipping link attributes you can leave everything just come to reward so if you want to give some reward for example here as you can see so basically when will you give some reward if it is a crowdfunding not basically on charity or anything when there is a crowdfunding for some project or some file or something like that you can give some reward for example if someone wants to just raise some money or donate some money without any reward they can do that but maybe you can encourage people if they maybe know donate 50 dollars you will give them a PDF file or a maybe a t-shirt or something like that so you can create these kind of rewards now here there is you can see one difference between the premium plug-in and the free plugin so with free plugin you can create one reward and with premium plug-in you can create unlimited rewards now what plug-in am I talking about again let me go to again you can open this thing blog TOCOM slash patriots and your I have explained you earlier at the bottom if you see WP crowdfunding plug-in right now we are using the free plugin which comes with the theme but if you select this premium plug-in which which will cost you 150 dollars you can create unlimited rewards so that is another option now reward description this is what reward description is so you can just copy paste anything over here now when will this product we delivered you can select maybe I will deliver this product once this campaign is completed in December of 2020 so you can select this option now qty how many of these physical products do you have maybe I have hundred of these all right so you can select this option new product short description this is product short description ok one or two lines you can just type in over here then after that you have to come at the top now at the right hand side we have a few more things we have categories so you can create a new category so maybe this cat this thing is related to technology so I can create a new category technology you can create many different categories from here all the different categories like if there is some campaign related to health campaign related to helping poor so he can create different categories for those then you have the product image and this image that you see this is this will be your product image so let me upload this image as the product image and you can also add some other gallery images which will display at the bottom like this so let me do that as well let me upload these two images click on act to gallery now with this this campaign is created if you just click on publish and if you see you will see this link view product link if you open this link in a new tab let's see okay now as you can see this is how your single campaign will look like so as you can see everything is present over here your title all the different thing to 69 days to go your goal is $100,000 or everything is given over here and these are the preset amount that you have selected for example $50 hundred dollars ten dollars if someone selects this fifty dollar package they will get this reward okay we forgot to upload that reward image you can add some images the reward image if you want maybe let me select this click on select update this thing come back over here again refresh it okay now as you can see this is set as the reward image so whenever someone selects any reward thing or anything like this they click on this option they will be redirected to the checkout page and now they can enter all the information and they can make the payment now by default as you can see we have enabled paypal if you remember in the quick setup we have enable PayPal but right now it will not work first we have to set up PayPal so everything is working fine but there is no option for payment so fix this thing let's add some more payment gateways as well so come back to your website come back to a dashboard hover over WooCommerce which is at the left hand side and select this option settings option now first option over yo is the general option we have already fill in most of the information over here like address and everything you can change your currency from here if you want then after that you can leave products and shipping just come to payments now here as you can see PayPal checkout is already enabled for you just have to click on this manage and you will see this page ok so this will work once you enter your live API username and password and to get this you just have to open a new tab and obviously go to log into your PayPal account now yeah the right-hand side you will see seller tools click on that alright I think they have removed that option where they have changed the settings over here so what you can do is again simply or just type in this link slash business manage slash credentials slash API access and in API access in Access a is capital so you can again see this link on your screen I'll zoom in or I'll just enter that I'll just show you this link so make sure just type in once you log into PayPal just type in this link in the URL bar you will come to this page and here at the bottom you will see in NVP soap API integration click on manage API credentials now this will display your username password and signature you simply have to click on show it will display your username copied from here come back to your website paste it under live API username similarly just copy just click on show it will show your password copied from here paste it over here and same thing for signature show copy paste I guess now as you can see I have successfully copy pasted my username password and signature so you have to do these things now once you do them just square at the bottom and click on Save Changes now after this you can accept payments through PayPal we can also enable stripe payments so what is and the most important and the most special thing about stripe payment is that let me show you for example here if you sees a PayPal for now if you see the checkout page if i refresh it now first I have to enter all the details so very quickly let me enter details who here now whenever someone selects this PayPal option and they can they click on this PayPal to check out to PayPal now as you can see they have to go to PayPal calm although it is you know pop-up and everything but they have to go to PayPal and they have to make the payment but if you enable stripe you can accept credit card and debit card payments right on your website so I would recommend you to enable both PayPal and stripe that would be better for you so let's see how we can enable stripe so come back to your website now however so for that first of all what you have to do we have to install a new plugin so from the left hand side hover over plugins click on add new now under search plugins search for stripe now there are two plugins that have tested and both work fine this this is the first one the first result WooCommerce stripe payment gateway by WooCommerce you can use this or you can use this as well you command stripe payment gateway by by web toffee you can use any one of these and settings for both of them are same so I'm using this one by web toffee so simply click on this button Install Now and once this plugin is installed click on this activate button now once it is activated if you see any notices like this first make sure to dismiss them now again hover over WooCommerce and click on settings again go to payments and now you will see more options are added stripe payment decided Ali pay sided and think ok these and stripe check out is added so we have to select this option stripe check out enable stripe check out click on Save Changes ok I think we have to enable stripe payment or so you can also enable stripe checkout and stripe payments so enable both of them click on Save Changes and you have to do few settings in this stripe payment so select stripe payment click on manage now first of all make sure on your transaction mode it is live mode not test mode and similarly just like we did in PayPal here also we have to enter our publishable and secret key so to get that go to dashboard dot stripe comm now from the left hand side you'll see developers click on that and under that you will see API keys click on that and here it will display you your publishable key and your secret key simply copy your publish Wilke from you come back to your website paste it under publishable key and come oh you click on reveal it will reveal your secret key copy your secret key from here and paste in your secret key over here so once you do that just go at the bottom you can do one thing under title you can just change this thing to credit slash debit card alright and I'll change that description also secure payment via credit debit card and order but in text I'll type in make payment all right now go at the bottom and click on Save Changes now if you come back to your checkout way let's see the checkout wait let's refresh it and now as you can see we have two options if you select stripe checkout you'll you'll click on this button pay via stripe checkout you will be redirected to stripe comm just like PayPal but if you select this option credit debit card now as you can see user can simply enter their card details on your website and they can make the payment so this is really amazing so this thing is 100% setup now similarly you can go ahead and you can create more and more campaigns on this website now let me show you how you can create your homepage because this thing the basic setting is now completed now we can start creating our homepage so to create a homepage or to create any page you have to go to pages from the left-hand side and now as you can see there are already so many pages created because of this a crowdfunding plug-in and this buchanan's plugin now to create your homepage simply click on this button add new under title you can just type in home now at the right hand side by default it is default template now let me just publish this page if I open this page in a new tab the page that we just published first of all you will see the regular setup that we have a nice big thing over here and we have the title this is good for other pages like about any contact page for home page you don't want this thing because if you see your home page in the demo website we don't have any title of the home page this big text off home at the top ok we don't have anything like that so we want to make this page blank page and to do that at the right hand side you will see template and under template you have to select this option WP page template select that click on update come back to this page and refresh it now you'll see a blank page so this is what we want now this page that we have created is just a regular page is just a page which we have named it home so just by naming it home it does not become your home page because if you see the URL bar right now it says your website name slash home so when it is set as your home page it should not say slash home so to set this page as your official home page you can come back to your dashboard hover over settings and click on reading now you're under your home page displays select the second option a static page and under home page select the home page that you have just created click on Save Changes again if you come back over here and if you refresh this page now as you can see that slash home is gone now this page is set as your home page now again you can come back to pages and if you see the home page that you have created if this is the page and besides this this now says front page ok so this is now set as the front page now click on this edit button and let's edit this page or let's start creating this page with WP page builder so click on this button WP page builder alright so first of all what we have to do is we have to create this thing section by section and this is totally simple very simple so first of all we have this top section then we have this featured projects section then we have the recommended section then similarly we have some more sections so to create this section first section in fact to create any section first we add a row so click on add row and in this row how many columns do you want so in this column in this row we want two columns I'll explain you why we want two columns for now just select two columns half plus half now as you can see this row is added now at the left hand side we have to add this option we have to display this thing okay this campaign that we have created so you can come over here at the left hand side you have many different options here you can search for CF grid CF obviously stands for crowdfunding so if you search for CF grid you will see this option CF grid just drag and drop it over here now I have seen this problem before also when you try to drag and drop it over here it does not work although we have created this section so sometimes for the first section it does not work so what you can do is you can create another row with two columns and now if you drag and drop this in new column and now as you can see you can do it easily so drag and drop this CF grid in left column and once you do that now we can delete that top section which is blank okay so delete that now right now this is how it looks as you can see this is looking bad obviously so let's fix this style so click on this option or just click on this button edit add-on now there are two styles available so in this example for the first one we have to select style too okay so if you select style two after that we have to select number of products do you want to display which is display we just want to display one product and we want to display only one column so under select column select one column now as you can see this is looking much better this is styled too and later on we'll be using style one this is style one okay this is how this style one style looks like and this is simple style too now you can do some more settings some more changes so here so if you want to do that you can go to style for example you can do this you can change the title and everything right now this is how the title looks like if you see at the top okay now when I remove my mouse cursor from your the title disappears that is because of that extra space that we have over here at the top so let me do one thing let me add some margin and padding right at the beginning so that everything looks much clearer much better so to add padding you will see this option when you hover over this you will see this green section this is for the row so the green section is for the row click on this gear icon for row settings go to style here as you can see by default 20 pixels top and bottom padding is selected I want to increase this thing I want to make it two hundred and eighty pixels at top and I want to make it 200 pixels at bottom now as you can see we have a lot of space over here and now we can easily see this title which is over here so let's style this thing click on this edit add-on option click on style now if you see the demo have set here as you can see the title is pretty big but here our title is very small so let's do that let's first increase the size of the title so you will see typography is by default sable just enable it so that you can have your custom typography now by default it is 28 pixels I want to increase the size to 48 pixels now as you can see size is automatically increased you can also change line height for example if you set 48 now as you can see space between both the lines is decreased if you select some other number for example if you select 55 now as you can see space between both the lines is now increased so you can do that as well now you can make this title bolder or lighter for example if you want to make it bolder select 700 now as you can see title is bolder if you want to make it lighter select something like 300 ok now as you can see I think this looks better and this looks more like the design that we have created oho in the demo website now right now we have done two things I want to make this website 100 percent more pile and tablet friendly so we have done one thing we have added a lot of space over here so 280 pixels at top 200 at bottom so this looks great on desktop but this much space can create some problem on mobile and tablets also the size of this title can also create some problem on mobile and tablet so let's see how to fix that first of all whenever you create anything you should always see how this section looks on mobile phone and how this sections look looks on tablet now before that let me do one thing let me add this image in the background ok so let's select this green section go at the top click on this gear icon go to style select background and I don't want to add any color in the background why I want to add image so select image and upload that image which is so here select this image click on insert and I want to make this size of the images cover okay so everything is fine till now now whenever you make any changes on your website you should always save those changes so you will see this Save button at the bottom left corner of your screen make sure to save that thing now again click on this edit add-on go to style now let's see how this thing looks on a tablet so you will see at the bottom of your screen and you have desktop you have a tablet you have mobile phones so on desktop it looks perfect select tablet now on tablet it looks bad okay as you can see this is automatically become small so first of all let me fix this thing so I want to increase this width of this column so I'll select this option gear I can 4 column this blue thing however here you will see this blue thing click on this gear icon and width is 50 make it 95 ok now this looks better and we don't want this much padding at top and bottom so again select this green section click on this gear icon go to style and let's fix this padding so for tablet I want maybe 4 top I want 120 and 4 bottom maybe let's select 20 ok this looks good I think we also need some padding at left because as you can see there is very little space between this car between this side and this text so at left let me add maybe another 20 ok now this looks better now this text size is also looking bigger according to me so I can do some changes for years well click on edit add-on go to style now for mobile phone maybe I can make it 32 for tablet I'm sorry ok and I can also change the line height to maybe 35 not 35 maybe 45 all right so this is looking better now let's see how this looks on a mobile phone so now this time at the bottom again in the bottom middle you will see these these icons select mobile so on mobile also it is looking bad a lot of space at top so select this option gear I can green gear I can go to style and for mobile phone I want a mobile phone I want 150 at top and 50 at bottom now this we have very little space from left and right so I'll add some padding of maybe 5 or 10 from both left and right all right and we can change this size we can decrease the size of this text so select this option edit column or edit add on more style and for mobile maybe I can make the font size 235 let's see and let's make 45 line height all right click on save again let's come back to desktop so our first section is completed so note one thing whenever you create a section for the desktop after that you should always see how that section looks on mobile phone and also on tablet very important progress now let's create this second section so this is how the second section looks like very beautiful very colourful section so to create a new section as I said you earlier we have to add a new row so click on add row now this time we just need one single column so select one okay now first of all we have to add this title so copy this title aaja Center whatever title you want and for this click on add on and search for title because we want the title add on now this is the one we want simple title drag and drop it to you and by default it is left inside make it Center aligned so click on this option it will make it Center a line and copy it like this paste it under title i don't want any subtitle so i can delete this text under subtitle so this is how the title looks like now if you want to bring your title in two lines like whoa yo we have it oh here so if you see after off everything comes on second line so if you want to do the same thing after off type in this thing BR under these brackets okay under this arrow brackets this is how it will look like now lets style this thing so go to style again disable or maybe enable typography this is how it looks like let's increase the size of this one 2:36 not 368 36 and line height eyes I think is fine let's decrease the weight to maybe 500 all right looks very much similar maybe line head can be increased to 55 or 50 you can do some experiment to here you don't have to follow the exact number that I am doing you can just select whatever looks beautiful to your eyes just select that all right then after that we have to display these tabs so again come back to add-ons and search for tab and you will see this option I think CF tab yeah here it is CF tab just drag and drop it at the bottom right now it will not display anything because we haven't selected any category so click on row here and if you remember we have created this technology category so click on technology now let me delete this old category now as you can see under tech knowledge we have this thing if you select as you can see or when you have multiple categories it will display all those categories like this right now we just have one single category technology now under button URL you can you know link this thing to your archive page so you can go back to your dashboard click on pages and here as you can see CF listing page this is your archive page if you click on view on this page it will automatically display all the different listings or all the different campaigns so you can copy this page link and paste it under button URL okay so that it will display that button at the bottom now for the title we have not seen how this looks on our tablet and mobile phones so let's see that so on tablet it looks fine on mobile phone I think it is a little bit bigger so for mobile phone we can change this size or we can decrease this size to maybe 30 or and line height also maybe 45 fine click on save come back to desktop now let's add some padding at top and bottom of this row and let's add this background color okay this is actually a gradient so as you can see at the left-hand side it is a little bit darker and at the right-hand side this is lighter so let's see how we can do that first let's add that padding so click on this green section click on this green gear I can go to style and let's add padding of maybe 70 F top and 80 at bottom not 770 all right now let's add that background color so you will see this option background select this via we had added image now select gradient so this will automatically give you two colors now if you want to copy or if you want to add these two exact colors or if you want to know what is the color code for this you can add or you can download a new colors Zillah Chrome extension you can just go to google and search for colorzilla Chrome extension now open the first link you will see this option over here click on instead of remove from chrome you will see a button 3 says add to Chrome so click on that button and after that this extension will be added to your Chrome browser and you will see this color picker can click on this icon now whatever color we want to know what if you want to get the exact color code just bring your mouse to that corner for example I want to get the color code of this darker color so I'll click on over here this will automatically copy the color code for me I'll come back to this website select the first color replace this color paste in the color I have copied okay similarly again click on this color picker now copy or bring your mouse cursor to the lighter color section click on that it will automatically copy the lighter color code now again come back to this website now select the second color and replace it with this color okay this is how it looks like now because the background color is red is this color now we can change the color of this title to white so select this title change this color to white for link color also change it to white click on save alright so with this our second section is also completed now let's start creating the third section so as you can say this is very very easy third section is also very easy just to create a new section we have seen already click on add row select a single column because here also we have a single column and we first we have to add this title so come back to add-ons and search for title drag and drop this title add-on oh here a title right now is recommended for you and we also have a subtitle this time so let me copy this subtitle PC to you make it center align okay let's change the style for both title and subtitle so for title first of all we have to add a color as well so I'll paste in that color code I'll copy that color guru yo maybe I'll copy this code I will bring Mac mouse cursor over here click on this color code copied I'll paste that code video under color and link color okay now as you can see we have this color for the title now let me do some changes so enable typography let's increase the font size to 36 all right and let's make it a little bit lighter so font weight 300 all right looks perfect for subtitle I think it already looks good so we don't have to do any changes over there now let's see how it looks on tab so select tablet looks perfect select mobile phone I think we can decrease the size for both a little bit so in mobile phone for tire for a title I want to make it 30 pixels and for subtitle select subtitle and also enable typography for this and for this subtitle maybe it is way too big so I'll just make it 21 okay and obviously we'll make it lighter 300 come back to desktop I think for desktop also we can decrease the size of subtitle instead of 20s 8 I'll make it 24 okay click on save then after that we have this simple thing which we have already used we have used style 2 at the top this time you have to use type 1 so come back to add-ons and search for C F grid here it is drag and drop it at the bottom ok now select style 1 okay as you can see this is how it will display now how many number of products do you want to display so here 1 2 3 4 5 6 we want to display 6 and we want to display 3 columns okay so select 3 columns now because we have created only one campaign we see only 1 when more campaigns are created it will display to assure alright now let's add some padding at top and bottom so click on this gear icon and go to style let's add 70 at top and 60 at bottom so with this your third section is also completed now all the other sections are even more easier because we can simply duplicate these sections sections that we have created in fact we have to do one more thing we have to change the background color for this section if you see the background color for this section is grey and the background color for the next section which is this section is white so for this section for this section we have to change the background color to grey so select this green gear I can go to style background and let's change this color to f9f 9f9 okay grey color now this is very light grey if you want to make a little bit darker grey if you can make it f - f - f - okay this is a little bit darker grey click on save then after that we have to create the next section so what we can do is to save some time we can just click on over here - briquette row and if you scroll down as you can see we have another row similar row first of all I want to change the color of this road to white so background color white color code is FFF so if you just type in FFF it will give you this white color code all right click on save now in this I do not want to display this grid so I will delete this Greek a great thing I'll change the title instead of recommend it for you I'll type in what's popular and this is this subtitle all right okay there's no need to delete that grid because we have to use the same thing sy search for CF grid we just have to display the popular campaigns so click on this again style one three columns six products and instead of latest products and a product show select popular okay click on save so this section is also completed now we have our fifth section so this is a little bit different section but very easy as well so click on this option add row this time we have to add two columns because as you can see this is left column this is right column nine right column also we have divided right column furthermore into two more columns I'll show you how you can do that so first of all let's clear this simple thing this is also simple title and even before that let me do one thing let me change the color of the background to this grey color so I'll select this gear I can go to style background change this thing - f - f - f - okay grey color now let me bring in this title at the right at the left hand side alright bring this title over here copy this under title this is subtitle okay it is left inside so we don't have to do any changes go to style now first of all we have to change the color of the title okay so we want this color so I'll again go and let's see the color code over here copy the color code come back to your website paste it under color and link color now as you can see color is changed now lets enable typography and let's do some changes to the font as well now for the desktop I want to make 8:36 and font weight will be maybe 500 or maybe 300 let's see 5 or 300 okay it is 300 select 300 all right and let's increase some line height to 55 now select subtitle enable typography for this as well now for this I want to set this to 21 a line height may be 25 and this also will be 300 lighter now let's see how it looks on mobile phone so select mobile phone at the bottom I think we can decrease the size so for title first of all select title let's make it 30 and let me also decrease the line height to 45 now select subtitle let's make it 18 perfect all right click on save now let's come back to desktop now what we have to do is we have to change the background color for this column only this column only left column white color and we have to add this space as you can see from all four sides so what we can do we can however this we can select this blue option for column click on this here I can go to style first let's change the background color to white so select hashtag FFF you will get this white now let's add some padding too so go to general now under padding now for top I want 80 and now this is logged this is linked so we have to unlock this thing so only top I want 84 left and right I want 70 and for bottom I want 30 okay so as you can see top 80 right 70 bottom 30 left 70 this is how it will look like click on save now let's see how this thing looks on tablet so select tablet we can do some changes in padding for tablet so for top I want 60 right and left I want 40 and for bottom 10 for mobile phone okay for top I want 40 left and right I want 30 and I don't want anything at the bottom so this is how it will look like all right now at the right hand side as I said you earlier first of all we have to furthermore divide this column into two more columns so to do that you can see this option if you see under this blue tag you will see this option ad in a row click on that now as you can see an inner row is added and you can divide this in a row into multiple columns I want to select this option to bleah get column now as you can see in this inner row we have two columns now in these columns we have to add this option okay this feature box so come back over here go to add-ons and search for feature box which is over here drag and drop under column left this is how the default box looks like first of all let's make it 2 center-aligned so at the bottom alignment select Center I don't want button so I'll select this you'll see this button under button linkages delete that button link will disappear all right and we have this title empower youth type empower youth or whatever title you want this is the subtitle or description I'll replace this description with this one now the icon so select this icon I don't want this icon so instead of this I can whatever I can you want you can search for that so here we have this bicycle I can so if I search for by cycle oh here as you can see this is the icon that we have used now let's change this size for these things so go to style first of all titles so select box title enable typography let's make it 18 okay now this description it is called intro text so you'll see this intro text to your select intro text let's enable typography for this and make it 14 now after that we have to do one thing we have to select icon which is so here if you want to increase or decrease the size of the icon you can do that for size right now is 48 I can make it 60 a little bit bigger and you can obviously change the color as well so we can go ahead and copy the color from here let me copy this come over here paste it under color now as you can see I can color is changed click on save now once you create this I can what you can do is you can select this duplicate add-on you can do we get this thing bring it over here the right hand side then after that you can duplicate this entire row and you can have it like this now it's the only thing that you have to do is just change the icon and title text so your work will be a little bit easier now let's add some padding again at top and bottom so select this row and go to style instead of or 25 let's add 70 both at top and bottom click on save then after that we have the final yeah we have the final section so for this section also what I'll do is I'll go over here let me see yeah I'll go here I'll copy this section duplicate this section duplicate this entire row and here is the duplicated row I'll bring it back so I will click on move down and this is now at the bottom now we will change the title to Explorer story and now I don't want to display these campaigns I want to display post now we haven't created any blocks or we haven't created any posts so far now just click on save come back to your dashboard let's create a post click on post let me open a single post a dummy post let's see how a post looks like single post page alright so very simple as you can see this is how a single post page will look like now when you click on post you will see hello world is automatically created deleted this is dummy post now here whatever title or whatever it takes do you want to enter under post click on add new first of all post title which is this this is the post title so paste it under post title then after that whatever content you have you can just go ahead may just type in or whatever image you want to display you can just you know upload those images over here then after this at the right hand side click on document first of all let's give it a featured image so this image that you see at the top this is the featured image so click on set featured image upload any image of your choice let me select this and for this also you have to give it a category now this category is different from the campaign category those things were for campaigns this is for post so I'm giving a new category then after that you can simply click on publish a new post is created once you create these posts you can come back to your website again with your make sure to first save this page now refresh this homepage setting now let's go at the bottom and let's add this post thing Goyo so come over here and you have to search for post grade okay search for that and here as you can see post grade bring it at the bottom okay we don't have to do this one because we as you can see this is a very simple one but here the one which we have used this is a little bit better okay this is much better actually so what I'll do is I'll delete this one again will search for post grid and this time you have to select this option post grid under Patriot's widgets okay drag and drop it over here and now as you can see this looks so much better click on save now I just have to select number of post you want to display over here for I guess so with this this page this entire home page is now completed now let's go ahead let's import few more pages like the blog page about page contact page now I don't want to waste your time showing how to create the block page how to create the about page contact page so you don't have to worry about that you give you files you just have to import those files for free let me show you how we can do that so come back to your dashboard again let's cut this thing come back to your dashboard or I guess now let's do one thing let's first create the blog page so to create this page from the left hand side again hover all pages and click on add new now just give it a title whatever title you like blog or post so I'll give it I'll give it a title of blog and from the right-hand side under page attribute template just select this option blog right sidebar if you want left sidebar in your blog page you can select left side but I am selecting blog right sidebar after that simply publish this page now if you open this page in a new tab let's see how it looks now as you can see in this page all the blocks will be mentioned all the blocks will be created now because we have created only one block one block is showing or whenever you create more blocks all those blocks will be added in this list alright so with this this page is also completed now let me actually do one thing at the right hand side if you see this is the sidebar I want to I want to have a better sidebar if you let me show you a simple sidebar first of all now as you can see in this sidebar we have some really amazing things so let's add these kind of things in the sidebar so to add these options come again back to your dashboard now this time however our appearance and click on widgets now as you can see this is the default sidebar widgets now let me do one thing let me delete all these default widgets just leave this search widget rest all you can just delete them now instead of this we have to use some other widgets so first of all we have this search option which is fine and after that I want to display let me show you here I want to display this option popular post with this thumbnails and all so for that we'll come back here and we'll search for you can just press ctrl F on your keyboard to search this thing and search for blog now as you can see this is the option Patriot's blog post select this option make sure sidebar is selected click on add widget now if you go at the top as you can see this option is now selected now after this we have displaying we are displaying products if you see these are the products so if you want to display products just search for products over here you will get that option as you can see this is the one that we want to use select this option make sure side by stigma Cuyo click on add widget alright how many number of products do you want to show you can select that option and after that I want to display products by rating so if you search for rating you will see this option products by rating select this option make sure sidebar is stigma click on add widget alright so once you do this thing again if you come back over here and if you refresh this page now as you can see at the right hand side we have much better options all right so right now this is how it will look like now let's do one thing let's start creating the about page so if you see the about page let me show you the about page over here so this is how your about page will look like now you don't have to worry about that just like homepage we are not going to create this page from scratch I'll just give you the file and you can import it so come back to your dashboard again hover over pages click on add new let's give it a title of about or about us whatever title you like after that click on publish now click on edit with WP Bakery or WP page builder it's not WP Bakery page builder it's the WP page builder now again as I said earlier as I mentioned earlier that there is a link given in the video description below if you click on that link you will download a file a zip file when you unzip that file you will get a folder like this and you will have all these images so we have already uploaded these images now in that you will also see a folder called pages and in this as you can see I've given you about page and contact page file so here we have to import those files so here at the left hand side you will see tools click on tools now click on import now select that file under pages select about us and click on open now as you can see instantly you will see this about page in front of you now if you want to make some changes if you want to change this text as we have seen earlier in the home page just click on this edit add-on and from the left hand side you can change your text if you want to change this image click on this edit add-on you can replace this image with your own image alright once this is done just click on save and this page is now completed now again let's come back to dashboard now let's create the contact page so again hover over pages click on add new let's give it a title of contact click on publish similarly edit with WP page builder click on tools import and this time import the contact page click on open and instantly as you can see with your map and everything all these things are now created if you click on this edit add-on fill with this contact option you can go to email and make sure dude you know replace these emails Rip's a recipient email and from email replace this email with your own personal email address makes your very important also if you see this map click on this option edit add-on so instead of this map if you want obviously you will display your own map over here you will display your own location so what you can do is you can go to ok if you just search for maps you will see this option and over here you can just search for your address or your location if you want to copy this much click on menu from the left hand side and here you will see share or embed map click on that you will get this embed code click on embed a map and this is what we have to copy so you will see this code over here just copy it or you can just click on copy HTML come back to this page again now by default you under visual as you can see visual stigma click on text now once you click on text you will see this text where you delete everything from here again make sure you have copied this code come back over here and paste in this code you now is again see it will display your alright now as you can see when you paste in this thing it will now display your map now one thing that we have to do is we have to change the width to hundred percentage once you change that to hundred percentage you will see a complete full width map again click on this Save button this page is also created now let's cut this page now we have to create these menus and footer so only header and footer is left rest everything is completed so obviously we'll start with header so first thing in the header is to create this menu ok that we have at the top so let's create that menu so to do that we can do one thing we can click on this option customize which is given at the top click on that customize link now you will see this option Patriot's options click on that and select header settings now under header settings first of all I want to make it sticky header which means that if you see this page when you scroll down if you see over here when you scroll down this header is now sticking with you now this header is with you at the top ok as you can see so we have to make that thing so just click on this option this will be enabled we also want to enable search option in the header so enable this option you will get search option in the header and we also want to enable header campaign so that we get that button when you click on that button start a campaign button we have to change the link of this button start campaign button for now let me just publish this thing come over here refresh it we also don't see we have enabled that option here in the customize option this CF dashboard is displaying over here but in the live website we cannot see that so if that happens with you you will see this option enable header login disable it and after that enable it again click on publish come back over here refresh this page and now as you can see this CF dashboard is displaying click on see of dashboard you will see this button with your add new campaign right click on that button click on copy link address come over and under ad campaign URL paste in this URL it's just basically your website name and after that /c f - campaign - form ok so it will display that's now whenever someone clicks on this button at the top start a campaign they will see that campaign form now click on publish now we have to do one more thing we have to make the background color of the header transparent right now it is white so select this option now you'll see this thing at the bottom just drag this thing to extreme left and make it 0.01 this will become transparent click on publish again now come back now let's upload our logo so click on logos you can upload your own logo image over here so you can remove this thing and upload your own logo I'm not doing that right now so come back now let's create the menu so to create the menu we have to again come back to the main option click on menus click on create a new menu and you can name this thing anything I'll just name it main menu now make sure you take mark this thing primary menu and after that click on next now whatever things you want to add in this menu click on add item maybe I want to add homepage contact page about page block page then after that if you want to add some more pages you can select that I am selecting these pages all right click on publish now I see one thing let me go to home page I think we need some space at top and bottom we need some padding so to do that come back over here again patriots option and head of setting me we can add some padding at top and bottom so what I will do is for bottom first we have a heading header bottom padding so for bottom I want to add 8 pixels and for top I want to add 16 pixels all right now as you can see we have decent amount of padding over here now again click on publish now once you do this thing now we can create our footer so if you see the photo first of all we have a footer like this so to do the changes in the footer come back now again come back and here you will see this option widgets so when you click on widgets as you can see we have footer one footer two or bottom one bottom two bottom three bottom four so these four options are for these four places if you see these four places over here in the footer 4 1 2 3 4 so what we have to do is as you can see there are several links available over here so we have two just like we created menu for the header we have to create several menus for the footer so let's do that first so come back again click on menus click on create a new menu you can name this menu anything I'll simply name it the one you can name in footer one foot two foot a three foot of four so on now we don't have to take mark anything over here just click on next now click on add items and whatever items you want to include for example in footer one I want to include maybe use a registration listing page campaign and dashboard alright once you do that click on publish again you can come back click on create a new menu you can name it footer to click on next and again click on add items and this time again just select four more pages or some categories you can also select some categories some formats some product categories once this is done just click on publish and similarly you can create more menus for this now once you create these menus again you have to come at the beginning click on widgets click on bottom one click on add widget and here we have to add the navigation menu so search for navigation menu you will see this option click on this navigation menu widget now first we have to give it a title for example here as you can see the title name or the title is just company so we'll select that is the title and after that we'll select footer one ok click on publish come back select bottom two same thing just click on add widget and search for navigation which is so here this time the title says product so our products you can type that thing footer to click on publish come back select bottom three title says shop so again I'll search for navigation menu here it is shop and after that again footer three if you have created footer three and footer for you can do that I'm just adding these two in all these options so basically this is how you do it again add widget search for navigation menu at the title over here after that select any footer menu click on publish now when you scroll down as you can see we have four menu so if you want a menu like this you can just leave it to this or if you want to if you want to create a footer like this one for example here the first option is this MailChimp newsletter option and after that we have these options so if you want to make it like this you can do one thing again come back go to patriots option go to bottom setting which is so you bottom setting and you by default MailChimp is disabled you can just run take this thing it will enable MailChimp for you now once MailChimp is enable now as you can see we have a blank space over here for now just click on publish now let's do one thing let's add that MailChimp form so what I'll do is I'll open my dashboard first of all because first we have to create this form this simple form that you see we have to create this thing so to create this you will see this option over here MC for WP click on that here first you have to connect your website with MailChimp so for that you you'll have to enter your API key so go to MailChimp com now if you want to learn more about MailChimp what is this API key why smell shrimp useful how to do free email marketing and everything you can go to youtube and search for niya shake MailChimp or Nia shake email marketing you will get several videos on this if you don't understand what's happening right now now you click on this options such as select profile or account you can select any of the option you'll get the same menu now here click on extras API key now here is your API key simply copied from your come back to your dashboard paste in the key click on Save Changes and now your website will be connected as you can see once it is connected you can create a form so under this MailChimp option you will see this form option click on that option and here you have to select any lists for example I want to select list 2 you can name this form anything I'll just name it maybe form 1 after that click on add new form so you don't have to go ahead and manually create this form you can simply open the file that you have downloaded and in that file you will see this file MailChimp file MailChimp text file open this file this is how it will look like simply copy everything now whatever is present over here first delete that and whatever you have copied from this MailChimp file paste it to you and now as you can see in the preview it will automatically display you like this click on Save Changes now copy this thing or maybe you can do one thing come back oh here let's try to refresh this page first so click on just refresh this page now let's add that MailChimp form that we have created so again go to widgets now as you can see we have footer 1 4 three till footer five if you select footer five for example select this click on add widget search for MC you will get this option MailChimp if you search for MC you will get this MailChimp signup form select that option now as you can see it will display your newsletter over here click on publish so if you want you can do it like this and once this is completed now we can cut this page so click on cut and now let's do one thing let's see the final thing how a user can come to your website they can sign up and they can create their own campaign so what I'll do is I'll open this website in a new private window so I will copy this website link I'll open this in a new incognito window or a private window and we'll try to sign up and do whether everything is and we'll see whether everything is working fine or not first we'll click on this login option I have not created an account so I'll click on sign up now I'll enter my username oh here maybe I want to select this username then after that I will enter my email address and I'll choose a password we'll click on register all right so it says username already exists let me try something else alright so I've entered some other details and after that we can again click on register now as you can see register is successful now we can click on login and or you can do one thing you can first refresh it and after that you can again click on login now you can enter these details that you have just entered and after that once this is done just click on login now once you login now as you can see you will see your dashboard so you can do one thing you can click on this dashboard option and now as you can see everything is working perfect for this user now this user can simply go ahead click on add new campaign and ok they first have they do not have permission to create a new campaign so we have to do few settings over here if you want to enable anyone to create campaigns you can do one thing for example any one means any registered user you can come back to this dashboard now from the left hand side you will see crowd funding however that end click on settings now we have some settings related to this first of all under fund manager it will be WooCommerce which is fine then after that all these things are fine just scroll down and under campaign creator mark everything press ctrl on your keyboard and after that click on everything or make sure everything is selected and after that click on Save Changes again come back to WooCommerce settings and here we can see let's see yeah everything is fine we don't have to do anything just click on Save Changes again if I come back to this website and refresh it now as you can see we don't have to login or anything we have the permission and now this user can create a new campaign now once this user fills in all this information and click on submit campaign this campaign will not be automatically added all with this campaign will not automatically start showing on this website what will happen is when you will get a message you the admin of the website the owner of the website you will get an email that someone has submitted a new campaign and you can go to products you can see that campaign now by default this is published as you can see this is published but the campaign that this user has submitted that will be draft so you have to click on edit now you can go through all the details that person has given in the campaign if you find if you feel that like this is a good campaign everything looks fine and genuine then you can go ahead and click on publish only after that this campaign will start displaying on your website and once the user for example this user has created some campaign and whenever's this there is some money raised in this campaign whenever their goal is completed you will receive all the amount in your PayPal account or your whatever account you have selected bank account or stripe account whatever you have selected all the money will be will come to your your account and you can deduct your commission for example if you're charging 5% or 10% commission you can deduct that rest all the money you can transfer it to that users account alright so this is how this thing works and with this this website is 100% completed now I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope you guys learn something new now if you find this video helpful make sure to subscribe and click on the Pelican so they don't miss any future updates there are so many new videos and very useful and helpful videos coming in coming in the future so if you don't want to miss them make sure you subscribe and click on the pelican and also if you like this video give a thumbs up to this video and share it with your friends on Facebook Twitter whatsapp any so she´ll media platform that you use and throughout the video if you have any doubts any comments any suggestions for me you can leave them in the comment section below thanks a lot for watching guys see you in the next video
Channel: Nayyar Shaikh
Views: 41,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nonprofit fundraising, crowdfunding plugin, donate button, wordpress, how to create fundraising website, how to make a fundraising website, how to create crowdfunding website, how to create a crowdfunding website with wordpress, charity website wordpress, wp crowdfunding, wp crowdfunding tutorial, wp crowdfunding plugin, how to create a donation website like gofundme, how to make a website for donations
Id: jNrC8ZxPDpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 33sec (6033 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.