How to Create Cool Dashboards using R

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hey everyone i hope you guys are doing great in this video i'm gonna teach you how to create these cool interactive and beautiful dashboards so you can present your work and your key insights to your stakeholders the tool we will be using for this project is r a great programming language mainly used for statistical computing and graphics personally i love art it's a very simple language that contains a lot of different libraries that expand its use and they're very easy to install for this video it would be handy to know the basics of r to be able to follow along and enjoy the process before we jump in please like this video if you find this content useful and subscribe if you want to learn more about data analytics so without further ado let's go with explanation for our first step we are going to set up the environment and install the necessary libraries once we open r we are going to go to the console or to the source panel and write the following command install packages followed by the c command in order to install all the necessary libraries for this project at the same time the first package that we're going to install is called flash dashboard this is going to be the most important package for this project because as you can tell by the name it's going to allow us to create dashboards the second package is going to be tidyburst a combination of different packages that help us pre-process and work with the data the next packages are called highcharter a great library to create interactive visualizations gt a great one to create interactive data tables html tools a useful library while working with html outputs like in our case and finally varieties a library that contains palettes of colors to personalize our plots once we finish entering these lines we can execute the command with command enter and it should begin installing them in my case i'm going to get an error when i execute these lines because i already installed these packages prior to this video after the installation we have to go to file new file art markdown from template select flash dashboard and click ok once we create it we can start working in our project the first thing we must do is to import all the libraries that we just installed next we can start importing the data that we're gonna work with in our case we're gonna use two data sets the first one contains amazon top 50 best-selling books from 2009 to 2018 and the second one contains all the songs from bilbo hot 100 since 1958 both datasets will be in the description for youtube guys to download note that in my case i also add show calls type if called false because i don't want to get any outputs from importing the data once the data is imported we should view it to see if we have to clean any of it as we can see we have some duplicate roads [Music] for that reason we will use distinct to remove the duplicates and add the keep all equal through to maintain the rest of the variables in the data set next we are going to rename the user rating variable to prevent some errors now we can start with the fun part the actual creation of the dashboard and the graphs first we are going to make the title of the page for the program to understand the title we must add a line of equal signs below next we will focus on the configuration of the dashboard in our case we will use two columns the first one will be bigger and contain plots with more information that's why we will leave the data white with 650 that means that if the whole page has a total of a thousand these graphs will occupy 65 percent of the page the other two commands tab set and tap set fade will split the columns into two separate tabs instead of two graphs one on top of the other now let's create the actual graphs the first one will represent the most popular authors by number of reviews for this we will have to count how many reviews each author has considering all their books first we will group by author and sum up all the reviews they receive on their books [Music] then we'll sort the data to show the biggest values first by arranging the number of reviews in a descending order and finally we will just select the first 15 authors next we will create a column plot with the authors on the x axis and the number of reviews on the y axis with our customized colors [Music] to make the graph a bit prettier we will add a theme in my case i like the google theme [Music] after we are going to configure it what the users can see when they interact with a graph in this plot we will show them the number of reviews that each author has then we will add the title subtitle and some credits [Music] [Music] finally we should set up the colors we will use this step is pretty simple thanks to the viridis package we installed earlier here are all the palettes available for this package [Music] for the next graph we are going to represent the most popular books based again on the number of reviews they received for this we will select the data set sorted by descending order based on the number of reviews and select the top 15 rows next we will plot it in the same way we did with the previous one with the exception that we will show the bars horizontally [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's demonstrate what we have done so far in our dashboard for that we have to click nicked and save it if you haven't done so already [Music] as we can see we have created the page books and our two plots in different tabs so far so good going back to the file we have to start setting up the second column and the dashboard in this column we are not going to use different tabs so we don't have to add anything in the column settings in the title of the chart because i don't want to show it we are going to write no pundit in the following way [Music] the first plot we're going to make in this column is going to be a pie chart showing the generous of the list for that we're gonna group by gendra and count how many times each one appears [Music] then we create the pie chart where the x-axis is the name of the generous and the y-axis is the number of times they appear [Music] for the user's interaction we will transform it into percentage by adding the following command [Music] [Music] [Music] finally for our final element of the dashboard at least in this page we are going to create an interactive data table showing the best books by user rating for this we are going to create a data frame filtering just the box with an average of 4.9 or higher then we will sort the data in the sending order and select the book's title and its author [Music] for the actual data table thanks to the package html tools we will add the scrolling option with the deep command and add the following text [Music] then to create the actual table we will use the package gt before closing the parenthesis we can still personalize the table by adding a title changing the font styling the header and more for more information about this i will leave a link below that shows you how you can personalize tables to your liking [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now if you want to create another page you can do so following the same process in my case i will do it analyzing the song's data site and that's all for this video if you found it useful and you want to see more videos like this don't forget to smash that like button and see you in the next one take [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Data with Miguel
Views: 687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fkqD9kcvCkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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