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Hello, this time I will guide you step by step how to create animated stories totally free and in a few minutes, but before starting so that you can better understand the tutorial, it has been divided into five parts. In the first part, we will create the story in less than 30 seconds. In the second part. part you will create the images of the entire story but I will teach you a trick so that you can create it in a few seconds the third part you will give life to your images in an insurmountable amount of time I will also teach you that trick the fourth part you will create the voice of the narrator from the text of the story created and in the last part you will edit and produce your entire story so without further delay we start to create the story not only will I show you how to use one tool but you will learn to use three at the end you will choose which one best suits you the first tool It is I chatting the link of this platform and of all the others that I will use you will find it in the description of the video the tool It is completely free we start creating being inside it you must place yourself in this box we write our message I am asking you to create a story about a child who flies into space at the same time I tell him that the story is about Adventure and he must use simple words then you must press start creating But before doing so, observe how long it takes to create it Now if you press start in less than 15 seconds we have our story now we will use the second tool the platform is Microsoft copilot But before using Don't forget to register but if you don't know how to do it on my channel you will find a video where I explain how to do it at the same time the link is appearing up here I am located in the text box and you must write the prom. Observe the time and press the enter key. Magnificent created it in 27 seconds and as a last tool I will use gpt chat as well as vinchat to be able to use it before you must register or log in with your Google account while in this window you write the same prom and press the enter key after having observed the three tools Which of them created the fastest leave me your comments at the end now we move on to the second part before creating the images the first thing we are going to do is review the stories For example, here in the copilot tool the story has been created having scene one and scene two and if I scroll down a little more we will reach scene number 12. It has a total of 12 scenes But why do I review this way because for each scene Once it has been created, one or more images have to be created, that is to say that we are going to have a good number of images but we are not going to create them one by one. Oh, it would take a long time. What we are going to do is create it in a faster way, see how it is done. I do in the same copilot tool you are going to write the following message create the images of scene 1, 2 and TR of the story created once written press the enter key but in my case I am not going to do it because I already have the images created let's go to download so that you can view it, for example, here I already have the same spom that was written and the results that it returned to me were these, for example. Here we see four images but these four images only represent the first scene or In other words, I created four images for the first scene And if I keep scrolling down I'm going to find four other images but it's from the second scene But and if I keep scrolling down more I'm going to find four other images from the third scene as you can visualize it just as I requested at this moment this is fantastic copilot has created 12 images with a single prom this really is unique no other Artificial Intelligence tool does this and the best of all that the copilot himself understood the whole story and began to create according to what is described in the scenes and that is why we observe the results with immense relation to the scenes created and I did this same procedure for the following scenes, for example, here I created the images of scene 4atro 5 and the same average was repeated, I only changed the tens numbers And these were the results, as you can quickly visualize them, I created them and so I continued creating the images with the same average only changing the number tens H until I reached the number 12 to To me this is fantastic not only has it created all the images that have been requested but also the images are closely related to the story created at this point you will wonder And how do I create the images of the other stories created in the other tools for example here In gpt chat I have to create the images one by one and scene by scene because we are not going to use the same logic that we use with copilot as we know that it creates in bl block of three so what we are going to do is select this part all these three scenes once selected I press the right button copy I return to copilot Here I am going to create a new topic I click on this button And in this new topic I am going to start writing the next prom create the images for each scene of the next story here I paste the three scenes that I have copied from chat gpt once copied I press enter And these are the results here we see the four images of the first scene This is the prom that created those images I continue down and we find the next four it is the new prom and so on we find the next three images with their respective prom, you repeat the same process for the following scenes, for example, you copy the next three control c again you go to copilot, you copy the prom with the respective scenes and press the enter key and you do the same with the other tool with with i chatting after having created our images we move on to the third part for the animation of the images we are going to use the pic tool see in this case we are going to use it through the discord platform press on this button here you accept the invitation once you are inside from the platform we start creating through this room I click on this room here I go to the bottom and I start to enter my promotion I press on more I will continue to use applications I select p see and here animate once this is done now I must enter the image click On this option, once the image is uploaded, click on this part and it will show you more parameters. For example, you can assign movement among other things. But in my case I am not going to assign anything, I am just going to upload the image and I am going to let it p see it do the magic then I press the enter key and we wait for the results but in case you want to learn more about Pick perer here at the top the link is appearing where I teach you step by step and in detail how to use this tool after having uploaded the image to give it movement Now you have to do the same for the other images here, for example we have four images of the first scene, you must choose which one is the most appropriate According to your story and so on, for each scene you must select the image that you want, it is for While it is processing I am going to continue uploading the images, I click on this option and from there I select anime once animated I upload the file Here I am going to select the file these are all the images that I have downloaded and I am going to select image number 4 and I start to animate I press the enter key to start executing and To avoid wasting time I continue I select with anime I upload the image now I'm going to look for an image of scene number two I can select any of these I'm going to select this one here I like it better I press the key and press enter and you have to do this same procedure with all the images after having written all the parameters to give life to our images now what we have to do is Search for those videos but we are not going to do it by looking up to see where is it if not we are going to do it in a faster way for this we are going to use the Search tool but here we must write the name of our user in this part you will see the name of your user at sfa in your case it will appear with another name then I I'm going to write the one that's there adsf While I'm writing, as you can see, my name appears, I click on this option and here you will see all the images that I have uploaded and at the same time they have been brought to life. I'm going to click on this one here to see how I animated it I think it's good to download it, click on this button and don't forget to assign it its corresponding name so you can edit the video faster after having downloaded we move on to the fourth part to create the voice of our narrator I am going to use the clipchamp tool clipchamp is also free and to be able to use it you must click on the Log in button then it will show you this window here It tells you that you can log in with your Microsoft account with an email or your Google account. I am going to use my Google account. Once all the requested information has been entered, it will show you a similar window. This is the clim cham tool, you can use it. online as well as from the desktop of your PC, this time I will use it from my PC because it is a little faster at the same time I already have it installed but in case you want to install it, click on this option while in the program clipchamp from my PC now I will start creating the video but before I use this tool both online or from the PC it is the same there is not much difference that is why you can use it both online or from your desktop for this we are going to create the video, I click on this button, it shows us the following window and I will start creating the audio, I click on this tool, record and create, then I go to the text-to-speech section at the bottom here on the right side, these options appear before creating the audio The first thing we are going to do is give some configurations, for example, the language is selected: Spanish or Spain, but if I click on this option, we will find more language options, in this case Spanish from Guatemala, well, it repeats itself. But if we continue going down, let's go. to find the language of French and so on we can Greek different languages ​​but since we are going to use Spanish I am going to select Spanish Mexico because it has the greatest amount of voice once the language is selected we are going to go to the voice we select the voice that we want to hear here we have selected Dalia we can select Beatriz for example I'm going to select Beatriz and I'm going to listen to this voice I press on this option choose between several voices to help you create a story worth sharing now I try the voice of a short man I start to go down Jorge and press listen to this voice choose between several voices to help you create a story worth sharing but if you want to make some more advanced settings click on this tool and for example you can change the emotion of the voice Here it is selected by default neutral you can put happy and also chat and at the same time we can set the voice step we can select click very low low medium make this change but in this case I am going to leave it as it is and I am going to put it in neutral another important point is the rhythm That is, the speed of The voice in this option is in the middle but if you want it to speak a little faster, for example, I'm going to put it up to here with a quick voice and listen to this voice, choose between several voices to help you create a story that is worth sharing very quickly, really, we are going to leave it as it was in one but I am going to change it to another person, which is Beatriz. Once these changes are made, now what we are going to do is write the text for this. I am going to return to copilot once I am inside it, I review the story and I'm going to copy the first scene I press the right button copy I return to cim chap and paste the scene once the text has been pasted now I press save after a few seconds we already have the audio And we start listening to the boy called Leo dreams of being astronaut since he saw a movie about space now I'm going to reduce the size of the track I'm going to press the minus button I can also do it with the control key plus the mouse wheel I reduce and expand I go to create the audio of the second scene to I will first click on this part once located now I press on text to speech and a new track has been created then I paste the text of the second scene and then save and in this way repeat the process for the other scenes after having created all the audios now we move on to the last part to edit and produce the animated story we will continue using clip chat But this time we are going to go to multimedia once clicked here you see all the audios created these are the audios that have been generated but now we are going to import the videos we click on import media locate the video files and select everything and then open after loading all the videos I am going to locate in this part and I am going to expand a little more and I start adding the videos corresponding to scene one here I notice that it says 1.1 I have given that name to this video indicating that it is from scene one the first part I press and drag I continue with the next video 1.2 and video 1.3 I have created it up to that point. But as you can see that the audio is longer than the duration of the video, then I am going to start expanding it. I select these three. I go to the speed option and here we are going to change these values ​​if you want to increase the duration time. of the video you press on the left side as you can see. Here I have a duration of 0.5 but if you want it to be faster then you slide to the right side giving it greater speed. I am going to close this option. You must do this same procedure for the videos of the other scenes at the same time. finish you should have something similar to this now what we are going to do is add the subtitles for this we click on this option subtitles then activate subtitles here in the window that appears press on this option and we are going to write Spanish while we are writing appears select any of them in this case I am going to select Spanish Peru and then transcribe the multimedia elements we click on this button while the subtitle is processing we will see the progress of the results I press play And finally to produce the video we must click on the export button and then in high quality in HD click on this option here we enter the title of the video we wait for it to reach 100% to be able to save it After reaching 100% we click on save And these are the results the boy called Leo dreams of He has been an astronaut since he saw a movie about space. He likes to read books and magazines about the universe, the planets and the stars. One day he finds an advertisement in the newspaper that says you want to travel to space. What did you think of the tutorial? Do you think it was interesting? Leave me your comments. at the bottom if you want Learn to use various tools to give life to the images Click on the tutorial that is appearing here on your left side at the same time if you liked what you saw give it a like subscribe to the Channel and thank you very much for staying until the end and meets other children who also want to go to space, the contest begins and Leo responds with confidence and speed
Channel: Tutoriales Informáticos + IA
Views: 192,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot, microsoft copilot, chatgpt, cómo crear historias animadas, aichating
Id: GT5DrwTS8eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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