How To Create An Online Course Website | LearnDash Tutorial

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Hello people, my name is Ferdy and in this  tutorial I will show you step by step how   you can create your own course website where you  can sell your course or multiple courses and when   people pay for those courses they get access to  the course at once and that money that they pay   goes to your bank account all on autopilot. Let  me show you what we will cover in this tutorial.   If you don't have it yet I will show you how to  get your own domain name and web hosting. Then   we will install WordPress, the best tool to  make a website and after that we will install   the LearnDash plugin to enable us to sell courses  on our website. We will create our first course,   add sections also known as chapters or modules  and we will add lessons. We can even go one level   deeper by creating topics within the lessons. We  can create lessons using the WordPress editor or   make use of videos. You can host your videos on  your website but I will show you how you can use   an external tool like Vimeo or YouTube to store  all your course videos and show them within your   course. We can create our course outline manually  or save ourselves a lot of time by importing your   course directly from Vimeo or YouTube. We will  create a landing page for our course using   LearnDash, place a promo video in it and make a  few lessons free so people can see how great the   quality of your course is. And of course, we'll  talk about different ways to give people access   to the course. You can make the course free,  let people pay once or monthly or yearly or give   people seven days access for free or for a small  amount and charge them the rest of the amount   after seven days. And when people buy your course,  they get access to the course at once. We'll talk   about payment providers like Stripe or PayPal  so people can pay with multiple payment methods   and the money goes directly to your account.  We'll style our course archive page, the course   pages and we'll make it really easy for people to  navigate through your course. I will show you how   you can create quizzes and even decide that people  cannot continue with the course unless they reach   a certain score and when people complete your  course they get a certificate that we will make   that includes their name, the name of the course,  and the date of completing the course. We will   talk about coupons and how you can use coupons to  make a lot of sales in a short amount of time. I   will even show you a case study that made me over  $7,000 in sales within 24 hours by promoting a   course that I published using LearnDash. And last  but not least, we'll talk about creating a landing   page using another page builder and how we can  use split testing to increase our sales. When   you follow all the steps in the tutorial, you can  make a lot of money by selling amazing courses and   at the same time, you will help a lot of people to  learn something new. So it's a win-win situation.   In the description of this video, I have  timestamps. So if you want to go to a certain part   in the tutorial, you can click on one of those  timestamps and you go directly to that part of the   tutorial. When I go to fast for you, you can go to  the settings here at YouTube, playback speed, slow   down the speed of this tutorial. And if you want  to go back a few seconds in the video, just hit   the left arrow on your keyboard and you'll go back  five seconds in the video. If you like what you're   going to see in this tutorial, then please like  this video and feel free to subscribe for more   upcoming WordPress related tutorials where I teach  people how to make websites that can generate them   money. Now let's talk about the three steps we'll  take in this tutorial. So first you get your free   domain name and we will get web hosting. What is a  domain name? A domain name is the address of your   website. Web hosting is a special computer that's  turned on 24-7 that contains all your files,   all your emails, all your images, all the content  on your website. So with your free domain name and   web hosting you are visible on the internet.  Then we will install WordPress and WordPress   is completely free. It's the best tool to create  a website without having to know anything about   coding because WordPress is doing all the hard  stuff for you. The third step is creating your   course website. And for the website we will make  people can charge thousands of dollars. But I will   show you for free how you can do it yourself. If  you already have a domain and web hosting you can   do two things. You can migrate your current  website to this amazing web hosting platform.   I have a tutorial here that can show you step  by step how you can do it. If you already have   installed WordPress, you can skip step two and go  directly to step three. And I will show you right   now where you need to go in the tutorial in order  to follow along from that point on. So ladies and   gentlemen, let's get started. If you already  have a domain name and web hosting, you can   skip this part. If you don't have a domain name  and web hosting, you can go to,   hit enter. Then we click here to go to Hostinger.  Throughout the years, I've been searching for   the best web hosting companies that are also  affordable, and then I came across Hostinger.   I'm already using it for five years and I love  it. And I'm not the only one. If you take a look   at the Google Trends, Hostinger is taking over  the web hosting industry. They're getting more   and more popular. Why? Because their web hosting  quality is top-notch and they are affordable. So   I can click over here and there are three plans  and let me make it really easy for you to make   the right choice. When it comes to site speed,  the premium plan has SSD storage, which is fast,   but with the business plan, you have NVMe storage.  That's up to five times as fast as SSD storage. So   when you're getting started, I would go with the  business plan. Why not the cloud startup? Because   you can always upgrade later. So when you've made  30 websites in your business plan, okay, then it   would be a great idea to upgrade to the cloud  startup. If you're getting started, I recommend   the business plan. So what does the business plan  have? Over here, you can have up to 100 websites.   It's really easy to install WordPress with a few  clicks. You have 200 gigabyte of NVMe storage,   so it's fast. And you have enough space to  create a lot of websites. You get a free domain,   but other web hosting companies that cost around  $20, here you get it for free. And if you already   have web hosting somewhere else, there's a free  automatic migration tool that can migrate your   websites from your current web hosting provider  to Hostinger. Of course, you have free email,   free SSL, which will make your website secure.  Daily backups, so if you somehow mess up your   website, you can restore a backup from the day  before or the day before that. There's free CDN,   which makes your website fast in any place in the  world. And with your free domain, you also get   free domain privacy. What does it mean? Normally  when you register a domain, all your information   that you fill in, your address, your phone number,  will be visible on the internet. And companies can   start to send you emails like, hey, I can make  a website for you, I can make a logo for you.   And we have domain privacy, that information is  hidden. And with other web hosting companies that   cost money, but here at Hostinger, it is free. And  to make it even better, let's scroll up. You get   a 30-day money back guarantee. So it's risk-free.  If you somehow don't like the service, you can get   your money back, no questions asked. So I will go  with the business plan. So I click on choose plan,   then we can decide for how long we want to  go for web hosting and the longer the period,   the more discount you get. So if you go for  48 months, you get three months for free,   this is four years, and you pay $3.99 per  month. If we scroll down, over here, it says   have a coupon code. And if you fill in a name, 30  over here, click on apply, you scroll up again,   you get 10% discount extra, and then you'll pay  $3.59 per month. For the next four years, you can   also decide to go for 24 months or 12 months. So  if I would say 12 months, you pay $4.49 per month,   you get your free domain name for the first year,  and then if we scroll down, the total amount will   be $65.21. And if you have a company, you can fill  in your details over here, and then the taxes will   be subtracted. You will pay just $53.89 for the  first year of web hosting and a domain name. And   then you can create a website that is blazing fast  and have amazing customer support. So if I scroll   up, look at this, select payment. There are so  many payment providers based on where we come   from. So if you come from a different country,  you can have a local payment methods that are   available in that country. So from any place in  the world, you can pay with your local payment   method. So what you need to do, if you know for  how many months you want to get web hosting,   I go for 12 months, then you scroll down,  and we can create an account with our email   address. You need to create a password. Then you  can select your payment method. And you see that   all the information over here is optional, so I  will not fill this in right now. I scroll down,   I want to pay with credit card. If you want to pay  with something else, you can select it over here.   I scroll down. I fill in my details for the credit  card, and then I click on submit secure payment.   Now we are redirected to the control panel and  to only take a few seconds. Congratulations with   your web hosting plan. Now it's time to get our  free domain. So we're going to configure a few   settings and then we're going to install WordPress  on our brand new domain name which we are about to   choose. So now we can install WordPress. So it  says hello for who is this website? Well it's   for myself or my business. I click on next. Do  you want to create or migrate a website? I want   to create a website. If you want to migrate your  website from somewhere else towards Hostinger you   can click over here. I click on create, I click on  next, and I don't want to use one of those tools.   I want to use WordPress. So I click on skip. What  domain do you want to use for this website? So now   we can choose a domain name for our website.  And since you get one for free, you can pick   your free domain name right now. So I want to go  with this domain, and then I can see if it's still   available. I want to go for version, so  I click over here, and then I click on Next. Do   I buy this for personal use or for my company?  For my company, so I click on Next step. Then   I will fill in the information over here, and  then I click on Finish registration. So it's   registering the domain. And now you need to think  about the people you want to reach. Where are they   living? If they live in Europe, you can select  France or the United Kingdom. If they live in   the United States, you can select one of those  two. I go for the United States. So I click on   next. So what is happening now? The domain,  my case, this one, is being registered in the   whole world. So the whole world needs to know this  domain is now registered. That can take a while,   it can take a few minutes, it can take longer.  So it says your domain is not connected to   Hostinger because of that. It says it can take  up to 24 hours, but in most cases it takes up   to five minutes. So if I would click on preview  website, we have a temporary domain at Hostinger.   You can work on that and then put it back later. I  prefer to wait until the domain is live. And yeah,   it can take five minutes, ten minutes. I will keep  track of this, I will refresh this page all the   time and then I will let you know how long it took  for me and I will let you know how long it took   for my website to go live. So now five minutes  later I refresh the page and it is live. This   is so amazing. How cool is this? We are live.  Congratulations with that. So now let me check   a few things. I go to security SSL. Let's see if  that is installed or what that is secure. It is   active. Great. Then I go to website WordPress. Now  I can click on install WordPress. So I click over   here. I need to give my website a title. I say my  WordPress. My administrative email, I choose this   one, my username and integrated password. If you  click on advanced, you can install your website   on your domain, forward slash test, but I prefer  to install it on the main domain. I click on next,   you can select the language of your site, I prefer  English and then I click on install. Now I will be   redirected to this page, make sure that force  HTTPS is turned on, it is, so I click on admin   panel and now I will be redirected to my brand new  website. Normally I install WordPress on my main   domain, but in case of courses, it can be that you  have a website where you refer to your courses,   but your courses are at  or app.yourdomain or community. So I will show   you how we can create a subdomain and if you want  to, you can install WordPress there and decide to   make your course website there. So let me show  you how to create a subdomain for your website?   Since we're going to create a course website, we  can do that on our main domain name, but what I   prefer to do, I like to do it on a subdomain. So  if you want to create a subdomain, it's up to you,   you can do it on your main website, I want to  do it on my subdomain. So in order to create it,   I go to domains, subdomains, and I can give this  subdomain a name and I give it a name app, or I   can say something like courses or community but  I prefer to say app. I click on create, subdomain   successfully created and I'm going to install  WordPress on that subdomain so I go to WordPress   overview and I select I use  a different domain name right now just for the   sake of the tutorial and then I click on install  WordPress, my WordPress, this is all fine with me,   I click on next, install, so still here at the  subdomain I can now go to the admin panel of our   website. There we go. I close this, what I want  to do now, let me go to the website. This is what   we'll see. When we enter our website and we have  this bar over here because we are logged in. So   if I click over here, we go to the back end of our  website. WordPress is installed and now it's time   to clean up our WordPress website. It comes with  a few plugins and with a few things. Let's clean   it up. So I like to work in a tidy environment.  It's just clean. You should not see this place   right now. I'm so hypocritical, I don't know.  But if I clean things up, my mind is relaxed.   And when I clean WordPress up, my mind is also  relaxed. So let me show you how to clean up your   WordPress website. In order to clean everything  up, I dismiss this message. Then I want to go   to a blog post, here, Hello World, it looks like  this. That's exactly what I want. So let me go to   the back end. Settings, permalinks, everything's  already set to the right place, so that's good.   Then I go to all the plugins. I select them all  by clicking here. Build Actions, deactivate,   I want to start from scratch, apply, then I select  everything again, build actions, delete, apply,   okay. There they go. And I want to go to the post  and I bring it to the trash by clicking here. I   go to the trash, I empty the trash, then I go to  the pages, I click on trash, I go to the trash,   and I empty the trash. Now I want to go over  here, edit my profile, give myself a first name,   last name, and here I display name publicity as  Ferdy or Ferdy Korpershoek, whatever you prefer,   or your first name or your first and last name.  Update profile. Great. Let me see if I go to my   dashboard. I want to get rid of all this stuff. I  can collapse it or I can go to the screen options.   Turn everything off. So that looks so much better  than this. Now I want to go to the settings,   general settings. Make sure your website is  safe. HTTPS, if there's no S, edit over here,   edit over here, and you need to save it and log in  again. Then over here, the site language, mine is   English. The time zone, if I focus on people from  the Netherlands, I would say Amsterdam. The date   format, I like it this way, but you can change it  over here or have a custom one. The time format I   like to work with AM and PM but with capitals. I  would start on Monday, I save the changes and then   we're going to take a look at the site title.  It is about selling your course. Your website   is about your course or maybe you're creating  multiple courses. If you're creating multiple   courses you could say and then your site  name, Academy, or if you only have one subject for   your course, you could say the Ultimate WordPress  Course. It's important to think about what people   search for on the Internet. So when somebody  wants to learn how to work with WordPress,   what will you search? And that should be the title  of your website. So I would search for WordPress   course. Skip the sponsored stuff. Courses, learn  WordPress, learn WordPress, WordPress full course,   WordPress training courses and tutorials, learn  WordPress. So I could say WordPress courses or   course. Well I want to have multiple courses so  I would say Academy and then WordPress   e-commerce and affiliate marketing courses  something like that. The tagline I leave it   empty. I scroll down and if I save the changes, I  go to the website and this is the title   Academy WordPress eCommerce and Creative Marketing  Courses. Let me go back because right now I see   this beautiful WordPress icon and here I see the  one from Google. I want to go to general and I   want to add my site icon over here. So I click  on it, select files, then I go to my desktop and   there it is the favicon, it's square with a circle  in it or a letter and then this cool play button   because it's about videos. Set as a side icon,  I crop the image and now if I save the changes,   I see a play button so I can navigate easier  through the tabs because then I see this icon   of the Academy. We're gonna make use  of a free theme in this tutorial. That's the   Bloxy theme. And Bloxy is integrated with all the  LearnDash settings. So when you have the Bloxy   theme, you can configure a few extra things within  LearnDash and that makes your website so much   better. So let me show you how to get the free  Bloxy theme. So if I take a look at my website,   it looked like this. I don't like that at all. So  in order to make this look better, I will use a   theme. You can find it at forward slash  Bloxy. Hit enter. And there you go, the Bloxy   theme. There's a free download. You can download  it over here. And if you take a look here below,   a lot of downloads, 3000 per day. It's extremely  popular. It is, in my opinion, the best free   theme and it also helps you to create an amazing  course website. You can also go to the back end,   to Appearance, Themes, add a new theme and then  search for Blocksy. So also within WordPress,   you can install it and activate it. Then we need  to install the Bloxy companion so I click on   that and there you go. I go back to appearance,  themes and I will remove all the themes I don't   use so I click on theme details, delete, okay,  theme details, delete, okay and theme details,   delete, okay I like to keep everything clean  and I don't want to use unnecessary stuff on   my website. So I installed the Bloxy theme.  So if I take a look at the website right now,   it looks like this. I want to add a logo to  our website. If you don't have a logo, you can   outsource it, or you can make one your own. I have  a story about that. Let me show you in a minute,   where you can find the tutorial. If you don't have  a logo yet, and you want to create one, you can go   to YouTube and then search for logo 30, hit enter,  it says make a logo, you can watch this tutorial,   it's free. If you have one already, you can upload  it over here. How can you do that? You go to the   customizer, then you hover over here, click on  the three dots, click on select logo, it's an SVG,   so the quality remains perfect even if you zoom in  a lot. It's only 3 kilobytes, really light. I open   it. I always like to give spaces and then copy the  title, the alt text, and the description. I select   it. Then I want to get rid of the site title  below by clicking here. These configurations are   possible because of the Bloxy theme. I really like  that theme. What I don't like is that the logo   is really big, so I click on the three dots and I  bring this back to, let's say, 20. That's better.   Polish. Close it. Okay. It looks better. And now,  ladies and gentlemen, it is time to get LearnDash.   LearnDash is the tool we'll use to create our  course website. So let me show you how to get it.   Later in the tutorial, we're gonna make this look  better. Right now I want to make use of the plugin   called LearnDash in order to create courses on  this website. So in order to get that, let's go to forward slash learn dash, hit enter, and  there you go. Professional tools for freelancers,   content creators, and for you. Otherwise, I guess  you're not watching this tutorial. So in order to   start working with LearnDash, in order to get  it, we need to go to LearnDash LMS. And there   are a few options. If you only have one course  website, then go for one website and it will   cost you $199 per year. It is including all the  updates and support. So if you have any question,   you can reach out to them and they will help  you. Now I think if you create one course and   you sell it for $100 and you sell it twice, you  already made more money than $199. If you want   to use it on multiple sites you can go for this  one, unlimited. But in my case I want to have   one course website so I go for one site, it will  cost me $199 per year. I click on get learn-lms   is added to my cart. Then I need to fill in  my details over here. So info at   My first name, my last name, corpus hook. I  need to create a username. How about   And I create a password. How about I love my wife,  not medium, but really strong. Okay. Continue to   address. I'm from the Netherlands. And if you have  a company, you can fill in your details over here   and you don't have to pay taxes over the amount.  So that will be subtracted. Like that. I did not   buy member dash, so I close this. Like that. And  then the total amount after this, $199. Keep me   up to date. No thank you. No order notes. So I  click on continue to payment. I don't want to   pay with credit card. I can also pay with PayPal.  I don't need to have updates. I click on purchase.   Congratulations with purchasing LearnDash. Now  we're gonna install LearnDash on our WordPress   website. Let me show you how we can do that.  Thank you for buying LearnDash. Let's get   started. We can automatically install LearnDash  for you. Just enter the details below. Well,   I prefer to do it myself. So I click on download.  There it goes. I just downloaded LearnDash. So I   go to my website go to the backend to plugins add  new then I click on upload plugin choose a file or   I go to my downloads and I drag it over here then  I click on install now there you go I click on   activate plugin and ladies and gentlemen you just  installed the learners. Thank you for watching   this tutorial like, subscribe, blah blah blah.  Bye bye. Of course this is just the beginning   so we can do two things or three we can take a  break, four we can go for a hike but the other   two options there are we can set up the wizard or  get started with the wizard or dismiss it. Well   let's get started with the wizard. I always wanted  to be a wizard, you know, when I was young. Okay,   what I need to do, I need to fill in my email,  the same one I filled in when I bought LearnDash.   I need to get a license key. So for access  to your account, click here. And there you   go. Hello FerdyKom. I need to go to subscriptions.  And there I find this beautiful code. I select it,   I copy it, Command C, then I go to my website, I  paste it, and then I click on validate. Awesome.   Your license is valid. Communication preferences.  Would you like to use the email above for   older national emails? Of course, notifications.  Yes. And if I would say no, I can fill in another   email address. Next, do I want to install a demo  course so I can see how it works or I can adjust   it and save some time? Well, I prefer not to.  I will show you how everything works. How many   courses are you planning to create? Just one or  multiple? I will say multiple. Also if I just   create one, then what types of courses will you  have? Check all that apply. Simple with videos   and text, without certificates and quizzes or one  with quizzes and certificates with time so you can   say every day a new video will be online from  the moment that people bought a course or group   courses. A course led by group leaders perfect for  cohorts cooperating training in classrooms. Well,   I want to but I'm okay. So I only check this one.  Next, do you want to charge for your courses? No,   of course not. Now my tutorials are free but my  courses do cost money so I say yes and I want   to use Stripe for that. I don't want to connect  it right now. I will talk about that later. I do   want to use a a currency that's called the United  States of America dollar. I click on next. Sorry,   next. So there's a summary over here. I will not  use WooCommerce over here. I will keep it as it   is and click on save and complete. And if you  want to, we can always add that later. This is   just to get us started. Okay. I want to skip this  because I don't want to take a look at everything   we are doing. I click on skip, dismiss. So we  have learned this and we have set it up. If   I go to the website, what I will see is a menu  over here with courses, profile, registration,   registration success and reset password. Those  are pages created by LearnDash. So if I would go   to courses, I see no courses because we have not  created a course yet and that is just what we're   about to do. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to  create our first course. There are two ways. The   first way is you can upload a lot of videos to  YouTube or to Vimeo and then import that as a   playlist so that the list with videos is already  created in LearnDash by that and it includes all   the videos at the right place. Well, I will show  you both ways. I prefer to do it manually and I   will show you how and after that I will show you  how you can do it on autopilot. In order to add   your first course we go to the back end of your  website to LearnNashLMS courses. We can create   one from a video playlist, for instance, YouTube  or Vimeo. We'll talk about it later. Right now,   I want to show you how to create a course  manually. And in order to do that, I click on add   your first course or new and then course. We're  going to use the block editor from WordPress and I   want to add a course title which will be Affiliate  Marketing Course. That is the title of my course.   And over here, there can be course categories. We  can create one, especially when you're having a   lot of courses, people can search on your website  through categories. So I'll give this a category,   Passive Income. I add a new one that is affiliate  marketing and the third one is making or make   money online. The same can be done with tags.  So again I say passive income, the second one   is make money online, the third one is affiliate  marketing. Then I can have a featured image. If   you want to learn how to create one, go to YouTube  and search for featured image 30 and I have a   tutorial for you, create featured images. So I go  to upload files, select files and on my computer   I have this one. And you can learn how to create  something like that using this tutorial. I set my   featured image. First I will copy the title,  paste in the alt text and in the description.   Okay. Post attributes, that's all fine. I click  on publish, publish. Now, if I would go to the   website by clicking here, I go to courses, I see  this course over here. If I click on it, you see   not that much, but over here we have our first  course. So I can click on it and then edit course,   and then we can continue. Because right now we  have the course page step, we have the dashboard   with our statistics, but I also have the builder  and if I want to create the course, the outline,   the chapters, the videos or the content, we go to  the builder and we can work with three areas. We   can have headings. In those headings, we can have  lessons and in those lessons, we can have topics.   Headings and lessons. So let me show you  how I would set up my course. I have a lot   of videos here at courses, affiliate marketing.  So what I prefer to do, change it to list view,   bring this to the right, take this to  And I call this one course introduction.   It's like a module and in that module I can have  lessons. So I can have a new lesson, what I like   to do, copy and over here paste. If you want  to you can have numbers. So let me do that for   now. I can change it later. So that's the course  introduction with my introduction. I want to add a   video over here. You can also have text or a PDF.  So that's my first heading with one video in it.   Now I want to create a second heading, and that  is the affiliate marketing introduction. This   introduction to the course, this to affiliate  marketing. So I go to the first lesson of chapter   two, what is affiliate marketing? Copy that,  paste it here. Why choose affiliate marketing,   new lesson, paste it. It takes some time, but  that's how you build the course outline and   you have to do it only once. Later I will show  you how you can do this automatically. Copy. So,   I will fast forward and then I will be back  with you. So, I click on update. Now when I   click over here, I can see the course content,  affiliate marketing course, course content and   then I see the introduction, affiliate marketing  introduction, niche research, all those videos.   I even have this over here. I want to get rid of  that. I don't want that. I'll show you later how   you can get rid of that. So everything will be  shown at once. And if I would click on something,   we go to the page of that lesson. There's nothing  there yet because we need to create that content   yet or place a video over there. So now again  courses, click on the course and you see an   overview. Besides section headings and lessons,  we can have also another layer and that is topics.   Let me show you what you can do with topics within  LearnDash. So this is a heading and this is a   lesson. There's another level and that's a topic.  Let me talk about that. I go back to the Builder   over here at the Affiliate Marketing course.  What I can do, I can open this with the arrow   down over here. I can drop a topic or a new quiz.  We're gonna talk about quizzes and certificates   later. Right now I want to create a topic. So the  first one is, I'm talking about introduction. So   let's say I have three parts in my course. The  first one is research. And a topic is exactly the   same thing as a lesson, only level deeper. So the  second topic will be written content. The third   one will be videos. So I add the topic in my first  lesson, introduction. Now if I refresh the page,   look at this. It says three topics so I can expand  it like that. And I see the three lessons. If   I click on the introduction, I can have my video  over here or my content and then below you see the   lessons. So instead of going to the next lesson, I  go to the next topic. So if I click on next topic,   I go to research, then next topic, I go to  written content and then the third one, videos,   and then after that it says next lesson, and  then I go to lesson 2.1. So that's how you   can work with topics. And now if I go to courses,  it looks like this. So there was a small glitch,   I think, a few minutes ago. This is how I prefer  to display this. We're gonna make it look better,   but that's better than the big image I just saw.  What you also can do, you can make free lessons.   So when people don't buy the course, they can  watch a few sample lessons that are for free.   So they can see how the quality of the course is.  Well, I recorded this part later. So you'll see   a few things that are looking different than  what you see right now, but then, you know,   that's what we're going to learn later on in  the tutorial. So it's a sneak peek. So let me   show you how you can make a few lessons free. So  people can see the quality and they think, Hey, I   want to buy this course because the sample videos  are so amazing. Let me show you how. You can also   have free sample lessons. So right now it says  you don't currently have access to this content   because I did not buy the course. But if you  go to the builder of your course, for instance,   video 2.1, you click on edit, leave. Now I can go  to the settings of this particular lesson settings   here this step. Here we have the video that's been  displayed and what I can do now over here I can   make this a sample lesson update. So if you want  to convince people that this is the right course   for them you can create a free sample lesson. So  if I refresh the page right now I have no access   if I refresh the page now it says it's a sample  lesson. So if I click on it, I'm not logged in,   but I can watch the video. If you see this, sorry,  I record this part later. This is what we're going   to create. It's one of the options of the display  of our course. So you've got a glimpse. Now let's   go back to the other parts of the tutorial. We can  set up the landing page. We can configure it, make   it look better. And I'll show you how you can do  that. And that's all done within LearnDash. But it   is great, it looks great, but it's also a little  bit limited. So later on in this tutorial, I will   also show you how you can create a landing page  using a page builder. But right now I will show   you how you can spice up your landing page within  LearnDash. I go to courses, click on the course,   there's an overview and this is the landing page.  So this is where I can convince people to buy my   course. So what I also can do, I can go back to  the course page and I can add any content over   here. So I click on the plus, I prefer to click  on browse all. So I can have a video over here. I   can upload it. I prefer to use external resources  like YouTube or Vimeo, but for now I can click on   upload. Let me see, I have a video over here, it's  55 megabyte. Let me open it. I could say autoplay   and no playback controls. So now when I go  to the landing page of this course, I refresh   the page. This video should start automatically.  Somehow it's not the case. Let me turn this off,   playback controls, refresh. I can play it. So  I don't like the layout like this. We're gonna   adjust it. But for now, we know that this is the  landing page. Here we can show an overview of our   course. We can also decide not to show it. We can  talk about pricing and all that stuff. We can get   rid of this, make it look different. We're going  to make it look great. And now you know how you   can work with the builder with headings, lessons,  and topics. There are multiple ways on how you   can host the videos on your course. You can upload  them to your website. I recommend that you do not   do that because that can slow down your website  when you have a lot of space filled with videos.   So what I prefer is to outsource the videos,  host them somewhere else. You can do that on   YouTube and then unlist them and then link them  to your course. But I think that looks a little   bit less professional. So what you can also do is  use Vimeo. I prefer Vimeo, so let me show you how   you can use Vimeo to upload the videos that you  can host in your course. In order to create a   video course, we need to use a platform that can  host our videos. So in order to make use of one   of those platforms we go to forward  slash Vimeo. Hit enter. We'll start with the   free version and you can join by clicking here. I  will sign up with an email address. Continue with   email. I need to create a password Join Vimeo. I  will start with Enterprise, the free version. I   don't want to use a paid plan right now. I just  want to get started with uploading a few videos.   So what I want to do, I want to create a showcase.  So I click on the plus. Now call it one affiliate   marketing course. Click on save. Now I want to  click on new upload. Now I want to upload all   the videos from my course. If you want to learn  how to create videos, go to YouTube and search   for affiliate marketing course 30. Let me see.  Yeah, over here I show you step by step how you   can create videos, how you can record using the  right equipment. So you can learn how to create   your own course using this video. And now I want  to, let me see, choose files or I can drag files   over here. So I go for the introduction. Let's go  for the first two chapters. Drag them over here.   And one by one, they will be uploaded to Vimeo.  There is a limit of one gigabyte when you use the   free version so let's see how far we'll come. I  think we can make that 65 megabytes. That's 1 15th   of the whole storage. So let's see. The upload  is going great, first two chapters, awesome. So   now let me go to the library, there are all the  videos, they are transcoding so it can take a   while before they are really active and when they  are active then it will be shown how much memory   is already taken. I've been making websites since  1999 and through the years I found a few ways for   myself that will help me to speed up my workflow.  It looks a bit weird but let me show you a few of   those tricks that I use to to work a bit faster  and I hope I do not overwhelm you with that so   let me show you how we can speed up things within  Vimeo and within WordPress. But we don't Still,   I prefer to have a list view. What I can do now,  here's the introduction. I can go, let me see,   I can click on copy link, copy video link, then I  go to the course. Instead of here at the builder,   I go back to courses. And then over here I  see lessons. Click over here on the title,   so I see the first one. I hold commands, and  then I click on the introduction on the PC's   control. So control click, so it goes to a new  tab. Then at introduction there's a lesson page,   but I want to go to the settings and then the  second tab or the second option video progression,   I turn that on. Before completed sub steps and I  paste URL and I get rid of the share copy and I   click on update. And that's what I can do with all  videos. So let me get rid of this. I drag Vimeo   to the left. What I want to do now, in order to  work a bit more efficient, I go to the lessons. I   have the title selected in alphabetical order,  also numerical order. So what I will do now,   I will hold command or control and I click on all  of them. The first two chapters, click, click,   click, click, click, click. Then I go to Vimeo.  I go over here, this video 2.1. So I want to go   to the second chapter, copy link, copy video link,  and I go to video 2.1. What I will do now, okay,   look at this. I click on settings, then I do  control tab, settings, control tab. So with   control tab, I go to the next step, settings,  control tab, settings, control tab, settings,   control tab, settings, control tab. Then I go  to video 2.1 again. Now I click, I turn this   on and then control tab. And that way I can work  more efficient. I know it's a little bit weird,   like what are you doing? But when you get a  hold on this or you understand how it works,   it can save you a lot of time. So now everything  is opened. So I go to Vimeo, I copy the video   link for 2.1 and I paste it. Then I go to the  next one, 2.2, and I paste it. So in that way,   I save myself a lot of time. And later on, I will  show you how to do this automatically. But for me,   this is the fastest way to do this. 2.4, 2.4,  paste. Copy, 2.5, paste. 2.6, copy the link,   paste. Now, I get rid of this, control tab. When  I've done that everywhere, I click on update,   control tab, update, control tab, update,  update, update, and update. to go to the website,   to courses over here. I go to the introduction,  there is a video over here. I can play it. Hello   and welcome in this course. So, I can go to those  lessons, but I have no content over here. So, I   go to the next lesson and there you see it again,  another video. So that's one way to do this. As I   said before, we're going to also import a course  using Vimeo or YouTube. So let me show you how you   can do that. Save yourself a lot of time if you  prefer to use this method. I want to show you both   methods and then you can choose which one you want  to use. So I go back. I have a course with all   the information here at the course page or the  builder, set it up manually. How can I do this   automatically? Let me show you. I go back to Vimeo  to Showcases and there's the affiliate marketing   course. If I click on it, I need to add a few  videos. So I click on Add Video. Really important   to select the first one first, so it will be  in alphabetical or numerical order. First one,   then like that. Edit what you'll see. This is the  first one. So that's what I want. I go back to   Showcases. It will be saved automatically so if I  click over here, there they're in the right order.   Now, I can go to edit course, go back to courses,  and now it says, create from video playlist. So I   click over here, and I need to enter the playlist  URL. So I go to Vimeo, I want to share this,   share, copy the link, and then here I want  to paste the link, get rid of the share copy,   and then load the data from Vimeo. This is  the fast track. This will be so much easier   because immediately all the videos will have  the right titles and the video included in it,   so I don't have to do it manually like I just did.  I allow LearnAsh to get access to my videos. The   course of Hidden Marketing course will be created  with eight lessons. So now they're already over   there. So that's the fast way, the better way.  How users will gain access to the course. Well,   I leave this for now, I'll talk about it later.  I click on create the course. So it's the same   title, but this one is automatic because I don't  see the course categories and stuff. So if I click   over here, we go to the builder, look at this.  This is all created, the only thing is it's   not in the right order. How can we fix that? It's  exactly the other way around. So that's one thing   I don't like. I can drag it over here. So what  I can do, I can say Command or Control minus.   So I see everything at once. So this is what I  don't like. I'll send them an email, learn to see   if they can fix that. And I go for 1.1, 1.2, then  2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5. Okay. And then I need to   add the heading. First one is the introduction.  I can drag it to the top. And then the second   heading is affiliate marketing introduction.  I want to drag it on top of chapter two.   Update. So now if I check this and I click on  video 2, the content is there already. This   is what we have created for free. So that's  really cool. The only thing what I don't like   is all this information. That's probably  because we use the free version of Vimeo,   so let me see if I go to the home area, to my  library, I go, okay, let's go to video one.   So I go to the affiliate marketing course, the  introduction. Can I get rid of this? Because this   doesn't look really professional. What I can do,  I can go to the player. There's a preview of your   customizations to save them, upgrade your account.  So yes, I can get rid of a lot of stuff like this.   Progress bar, I want to show the progress bar.  Site speed and quality, no Chromecast, no Airplay,   picture in picture, full screen, no Vimeo logo.  So I can display it like this. I can even hide   the title. I don't know where it is right now.  The title, the byline, profile picture. So that   looks much better, but I need to upgrade in  order to make use of this function. So if I   click on upgrade, you should go for the standard  plan. You can also start a free trial. Leave your   details over here. Right now it's $0 and after,  let me see, after 7 days you will be charged.   You can pay with credit card or with PayPal and  then you can have all the freedom. You can have   higher quality videos. You can upload more than  1 gigabyte because right now we're already at   750 megabytes. So what I will do, I will fill in  my details over here. I'm from the Netherlands.   I have my VAT ID. Then I click on start free  trial. So now I have more freedom. I can hide   everything. This is from my tool so this is  outside of Vimeo. And here I can even change   the colors. So look at that. If I start playing  I would see purple instead of blue. I can even   save this as a preset so I can create a preset.  I can call this one affiliate marketing course,   create a preset and now I can go  to library. So let me take a look   at the website right now. So now it's all gone. If  I go to the next lesson and it's back. So what I   need to do, I need to go to all my videos. So the  second one for instance, I click on it, then I go   to the player, and I can use the preset, affiliate  marketing course, save it, and again I have to do   this once for all of them. So again, let me show  you how I would do that. Come on, click, click,   click, click, click. I've done this so many times,  so for me this is saving a lot of time. It's   maybe a little bit unorthodox, but it's working.  Player, player, player, player, player. That's how   they called me. I was really shy. I think you're  so happy with that personal information that I   just shared with you. So and now what I also saw,  I have so much more gigabyte storage right now,   so I can upload the whole course at once. So now  for all the videos, if I take a look at this one,   I only see this and that's exactly what I want.  I think I closed my website, so let me go back   to app.ferdy. So now you know how you can create  courses manually like this or import them through   Vimeo and the second one is of course my favorite  way of doing this. The only thing I need to do,   I need to go to the course page, make use  of the same categories, of the same text,   and the same featured image, update. So this way  will help you to create your course a lot faster.   If I go over here and I go to video 4, there's  nothing. I still have to do it manually and   you've seen how much time it costs. So I'm happy  with the second way. So I suggest you do the same   thing. So I have Vimeo Pro now. So this is how I  would upload a course to Vimeo and place it in my   WordPress website. So now I go to Vimeo, choose  a file and go for chapter 3 until the latest one,   hold shift, open them and now those will be added  and then I can place them in the course. So or I   decide to import it again, so I place all those  videos in the showcase and then I import it and   I create the headings or I copy the links manually  and go to my first course and then import the link   manually. Either way, I will be back with you with  a complete course with chapters, lessons and all   the videos at the right place. So I uploaded all  the videos for the course on Vimeo. I put them   in the showcase and now I click on create from  video playlist, one more time, paste it, get rid   of this, load data from Vimeo, allow them, create  the course, now I go to the affiliate marketing   course, builder And it's exactly the opposite  way. So also this will take some time. In order   to set our videos on private so nobody can see it,  I go to library. Right now it is set to anyone, so   anyone can see this. So, you can select everything  over here or select the first one, go to the first   video of the course, so in my case 1.1, hold shift  and click here, then privacy, I click over here   and I set it to hide from Vimeo and can people  download these videos? I prefer to say no. Save   it. So now if I go to courses and I go to this  video for instance, I can still see it but it's   not visible on my Vimeo account. Really important.  It is time to talk about something interesting. In   my opinion, it's interesting. The pricing. What  are you going to let people pay for your course?   There are multiple things. You can have a free  course that's open to anyone. You can have a free   course that people need to register in order to  get access to it. Then you can send them emails,   maybe link them to your email list. Then there's  the paid one. People pay a one-time fee and then   they get access. People can pay recurring, so  they pay every month and you can give people a   seven day trial for $1 and after that charge them  the full amount or charge them per month. You can   also use an external tool to do the landing page  and the payment method. So let's talk about those   things right now. Right now, if I go to my course,  it is available for anyone. Everybody can access   this. So if I would open this, right mouse click  in an incognito window, I click on the course,   it is free. I do however have to log in to enroll.  So I click over here and then I have to log in. So   I need to create an account. There's another area  in my website that could make that possible. Right   now it is free, but I need to enroll. In order  to adjust those settings, I click on edit course,   and then I go to the settings, and right now it  says it is free. So the course is free, but it is   protected. You need to be registered and enroll to  have access to the content. If I set it to open,   update, now there's not even an area where you  can log in. Everybody has access and can go to any   video they wish. So with Open the course is not  protected and everybody can access it with free.   It is free but you need to log in or register in  order to get access to the course. Then there's   the third option, Buy Now. You pay once, let's say  $297 and when people access your course, let's say   first video introduction. Grab that link. I  want people to arrive there just after they   purchased. So people pay, and when they pay,  they automatically go to the first video where   I welcome them, and then they can continue from  there. So how does it look? Right mouse click,   incognito window. Now you see the price, I'm  not enrolled. Get started, I need to log in. Of   course, I need to have a pay button over here, but  we need to connect it with Stripe in order to get   the pay button, so we'll do that later. When you  would have login details, then you could log in,   get access to the course. I'll show you later  how we can get a Buy Now button over here. Then   there's a recurring, also really interesting. The  course price, so you can say, at once, there's a   one-time fee of $297 but after that every year,  course price, billing cycle every year and the   recurring times I can say for three years. I can  also say nothing so every year people pay $297   as long as they are a member. $7, you get seven  days of access to the whole course. If people pay   with credit card, they get charged $7 when they  enroll and then automatically after seven days,   they get charged $297. And the next year also,  until the point they cancel their subscription.   And when they enroll, when they pay, they will be  sent to the first video update. Right mouse click,   incognito. So it says the price is $7 for the  first seven days. After that $297 every year   for 97 years. That's not right. If I would say  100 refresh for the next 100 years, it should be   the case that when I leave this empty, update,  refresh, full price every one year afterward.   Okay, so that's better. And of course, we want to  have the buy button. The latest option is using   an external tool, for instance, CardFlows  for the landing page. And if you want that,   then you can choose this option. Let me show you  how it works. After that, I will also talk about   more configuration settings for our course. So  buckle up, get some popcorn, watch Lord of the   Rings, and then come back, and then let's get  started with this part of the tutorial. And if   you like this, please like the video. That will  help me out a lot. You're already watching it,   so that's a good thing for the length of people  who watch my tutorial. It's not interesting what   I'm saying right now, but thank you for watching.  Thank you for liking this video. And if you want   to learn more about making websites that can  generate you money, then feel free to subscribe.   Hello? How do I speak? Yes, it's good. Okay. I've  never done that before. It came to me and I went   with it. So, hey, what were we doing? Yes, let's  talk about what we're going to talk about. Later I   will show you how you can use Elementor to create  a landing page, which is in my opinion way better   because then you have more freedom to do whatever  you want. But this is building with LearnDash,   also nice, but I will show you how to make it look  even better. And also collect email addresses.   Yeah, it's gonna be better and better. So what  I can do, I just talked about it, I can also say   close. So I don't use anything from LearnDash, but  I use another tool, for instance, CardFlows. So I   can say the price is $297 and the button URL, so  when people click on that, then they go to this   page, but I want to refer this page to the landing  page that we will make with Elementor. There I can   show the price, all the information, show the  video, and I can let even people fill in their   email address in order to see the introduction  video. So then I can send them automated emails,   which can increase my conversion rate like  crazy. So more people buy the course because   you have their email address and you can send them  more emails with more valuable information about   the course. So that's something for later in the  tutorial. I will close this and this. And for now,   I want to use the buy now option. Update. So  when people go to this page, they see this is   the price. That's it about pricing. We scroll  down. Course prerequisites, if I turn it on,   I can say that people should have completed a  certain course before they can follow this course.   So I can have five course over here and then I  can follow this course if they've completed one   of those courses or I can say they should complete  all the courses before they can follow this one.   Well, I only have one course yet, so I cannot do  this right now. That's how it works. There are   course points. How many points should members have  when they can get access to this course? I could   say 50, and then I can create another course,  like a light course about affiliate marketing,   and when they completed it, then they get 50  points. So that's the other thing, awarded on   completion. I can say when people complete this  course you get 100 points and then I can create   a next level course and people need to have 100  points in order to access that course. So if I   have a small course about affiliate marketing they  get 50 points in rewards and then they can buy   this course. I can also say it's interesting that  people buy only once for $290 but they get access   for 365 days. After that, they need to renew it.  And there's also data deletion. So after 365 days,   all the data, login details, what they've done in  the course will be removed. All the quizzes. I can   also say the course is available from a certain  day until a certain end date. So I can have a   special deal and say, hey, only for the next seven  days you have access. Then I can fill in the start   date and the end date. And I can also say only 100  people have access to this course because I want   to give everybody one-on-one help, or let's say  30. And when you use those in your emails, like,   hey, next week, the 1st of June, my course goes  live for the first seven days you have access,   but only 30 people have access because I want to  help them one-on-one on how to become successful   with this. So only the first 30 people from the  first of June on have access, so make sure you're   one of those people and in that way you can sell  30 courses for let's say $997 and make a little   bit less than $30,000 in one week, but then of  course you need to help those people for 365 days.   So with all this data, there are a lot of options  on how you can position yourself when it comes to   pricing. There are even more settings, so let's  explore those right now. If I take a look over   here, this is how it looks right now. We can also  talk about course materials. I'm going to follow   this course. What do they need? Need to have a  computer. You need to have a working internet   connection. You need to have a phone with camera.  Update. So you see the course. There's all this   information and then materials, new tab, you need  to have a computer. It says materials but you can   also change that to what you need. So if it's  materials, I could say the ideal course follow   PDF. I think that's really bad English. I can  click on add media, I can upload a PDF, so let's   say people can get this. I grab the link of the  video, it can also be PDF, when you click on it,   you see the video. So that's what you can place  over here. When people finish the course, which   certificate should be used? We're going to create  a certificate. We can have a challenge exam show,   so people need to fill in one big exam before they  finish the course. The course content. Right now   it's visible. Maybe you're like, hey, I want to  not to make it visible because then people think,   okay, I know all about that. So I can also say  only visible to enrollees. Well I'm logged in.   So if I would open this in a incognito window, I  don't see that overview anymore. I am okay with   showing it and right now there's packing nation so  there are three pages. I want to show 99 lessons,   topics per page, what do I mean by that? I  want to show everything on one page like,   hey, thank you for watching this course,  leave a review, become an affiliate of it,   something like that. So I can create a page,  really simple, create a page, affiliate marketing,   thank you page. I can add the video I already have  this one even though it's a promo, I just want   to show you how that works. Publish. I go back to  the course, Affiliate Marketing Course, Settings,   I scroll down and I can select the Affiliate  Marketing Thank You page. So when people finish   the course, they finish the last video, then they  will be redirected to this thank you page. I can   have a video saying thank you, et cetera.  So one other thing, the course progression,   it can be linear. That means that people need to  watch video one before they can watch video two.   If you say free form, they can go from video  one to video 60 to 43 to 42 to 25, 16, 26,   43. That would be a really great order, but  it's up to you, up to the visitors, for the   people that bought the course. So I prefer free  form because then people can also go to any video   and they don't have to stick with the linear. Okay  over here, I can add people manually. So if people   register for another course, I see them over  here and I can drag them over here and then I get   access to this course. And then there's the course  grid settings. So if I go back to the courses,   I see this over here, I can add more information.  So I will write a text about the course. So I have   a text update. If I refresh this, nothing  happens. Why? Because this automatically   created using the Bloxy theme. So what I can do,  I can create a new page, all courses, publish,   then I can click on the plus, browse all, and  search for LearnDash. Now it says LearnDash course   grid update. So let's take a look over here.  Well, we're getting there, but this looks so   much better than the default one, so this one. So  from now on we're going to use this one, Affiliate   Marketing Course by Freddy Korpshoek students.  So let's take a look at the other information,   the duration, total duration is 12 hours 53  minutes. I can enable a video preview and I   can use a video over here. Right now it says  enrolled. If I open this in incognito window,   it says what the price is. So I can also have  a custom text like buy now or a ribbon text,   best course or something so let's say something  by now and best deal. Update, refresh, best deal,   now there's a video so I can have a video from  YouTube that displays a nice overview of what   we will talk about in this course. The only  thing is I don't see the short description.   I'll get rid of this and this, and of the video  update, refresh. It then looks like that. And   then we'll later take a look at all the other  information. So that's it for the settings. So,   click over here, then I go to the single page.  And what I want to do now, I want to make sure   that people can buy this course. That's what I  want. So, I click on the course. Instead of login,   I want to have a buy now button. Let me show you  how we can create that. Now we're gonna talk about   something interesting, in my opinion. We're gonna  talk about how people can pay. I prefer Stripe.   Stripe is a great payment gateway that let people  pay with a credit card or another payment method.   And when they pay, that money goes to your bank  account and they get access to the course all   on autopilot. So let me show you how to set up  Stripe. And after that, I will show you how to   set up PayPal in order to receive payments and  give people access to the course on autopilot. I   want to name my son Autopilot because I really  like Autopilot but it was not good enough. It   was not allowed by the government so I called  him Noah. Also a beautiful name. Hey let's talk   about Stripe. First I want to change the price so  I go to the course editing page settings and I go   for buy now for $197. So if I would open this  incognito window, it is this price and only 30   people still have access. So how to get the buy  now button over here or get the course? Well I   go to the back end of the website, then I go to  LearnDash, settings and then Right now nothing is   selected. The currency is dollars. I want to add  Stripe. If you want to learn how to get a Stripe   account, go to YouTube, search for Stripe 30.  I've got a Stripe account, four years old, still   relevant, I checked it. And there I can also see  if Stripe is available in your country. When you   have a Stripe account, you can receive payments  from all over the world, but not from every place   in the world you can get a Stripe account. So I  hope yours is included. Otherwise, there are other   ways, Razorpay and PayPal. So I turned on Stripe.  Let's connect to Stripe. So maybe if I click on   Stripe, I go to a special Stripe page. Yeah, click  on this one or this one, doesn't matter which one.   I already have Stripe account, so I will log in.  Okay, please configure Stripe webhook to finalize   the setup. What I need to do, I need to copy this  link, click over here, I go to Stripe webhooks.   By the way, really important, let's use test  mode first, save it. So also here at Webhooks,   I go to the test mode. I want to add a new  endpoint. I paste the endpoint. I want to   use the most recent version. This is important.  So let me show you what I will do. I will search   for stripe connect. First one then command F  or control F on a PC I search for web hook URL   and then over here it says which events we should  use. So I copy this one, select events, I search,   there you go, that is one, copy, that is  two, copy, that is three. Do I understand   exactly what this all means? Yes of course.  Of course. You should not even think things   like that. Of course I understand exactly  what coupon.deleted. Now I may have an idea   but I'm not exactly sure. five events from the  support and then I click on add endpoint. Okay,   now I can go back to payments and the return URL,  where should people go after they have paid? Well,   I have an idea about that. How about the profile  page? Because at the profile page, they see which   courses they have. So right mouse click over here,  copy the URL and then here at return URL, turn it   on, save it. The same I want to do with my course,  so I go to courses, affiliate marketing course,   settings and let's put this to 197 and the course  enrollment URL, so where should people go after   they bought the course? Also that URL. Okay. Then  over here, update, right mouse click, open in an   incognito window. Now it says, take this course.  I'm not logged in. I see the introduction video.   If I click on play, I see the course content. I  see everything because that's how we configured   it. And now it's a test account. So I click on  take this course. Then they go to this page, but   this is not what I want. So I close this, Command  W or Control W. Then I need to go to the settings   of LearnDash, scroll down, settings. Actually,  you don't have to scroll here. Just go with   your mouse to settings, unless you have a really  small screen. Then you have to scroll down to go   to settings. But since we're here at settings, I  scroll down here at general, and then I see login   and registration, and I need to turn that on. And  I need to save it. And now when I go to courses,   if it is marketing course, open it in an incognito  window. Now instead of going to the Stripe page,   I click here and I see this, I  register. So together with this course,   so I'm buying this course but I'm here  at the registration page with ID 20,   totally unnecessary to mention this but I saw  it and I was like, hey, why not mention that?   So if you're like something like this, then  you know it's a popular website probably with   a lot of people that already registered.  There is my son. Hey Noah. Hey papa. Are   you okay? Yes, I need to fill in a username.  How about Josh? His email is ferdykorpershoek   at His first name is Josh, his last  name is Tohamel and his password is this one.   I click on register. Okay I'm registered now  and now I need to pay. So I click over here   and since there are no other options, only  Stripe, I click on take this course. Now I   go to the checkout. And since we're in test mode,  the credit card information is 42424242 and that   should also work for you. My email address  is already filled in because of the form.   And I click on pay. So first I got registered,  then I paid and now I'm redirected to the profile   page which I said that should happen when people  buy my course. And look at this, the affiliate   marketing course. Now Josh Duhamel, which looks a  little bit different over here, has this course.   So everything works on autopilot using Stripe. How  cool is that? Now, I can go anywhere in the course   and follow that. It doesn't look really great  yet. We're going to take a look at that later,   but it's working. I'm really happy. People can  sign up, pay, and get access to the course. Well,   there's something important that should happen  now because we're still in developers mode,   in the test mode. So I need to go back to  LearnDash, settings, payments, stripe, connect,   get rid of the test mode, save it, let's see what  happens. Now I should go, grab this webhook URL,   go to the live mode and now I need to add the  same endpoint over here with the most recent   version and select the same events. So again I  need to go to forward slash support,   stripe connect, stripe connect, Webhook URL  and again use those and since it's working on   the test server or the test account it's also  working now on the live event. The only thing   that changes is that it's now with real money  but we tested everything. The connections are   working otherwise Stripe would accept that it's  not working. So when we use the same options or   the same events that we just used in the test  account and this will also work at the events,   at the endpoint and now ladies and gentlemen we  can receive real payments. You can also add ideal.   That's something used a lot in the Netherlands.  So far so good. What is next? Now let's talk about   PayPal. How to set up PayPal is really easy. So  let me show you how you can do that. How about   adding more payment methods? Good idea Ferdy.  Thank you. Let's go to the back end to learn   dash settings and we go to payments and I turn on  PayPal. Let's save it. Then I click on PayPal so   I can manage it. PayPal email, the email I use  on my PayPal account. Return URL again, HTTPS forward slash profile. Cancel URL  when it does not work. I can create a page, cancel   and then I can make a video like, hey, sorry,  your ping did not succeed. Try something else.   Save it. Go to all courses, take this  course. Okay, I first need to register   then I can see how it looks. Okay. James,  James, no, FerdyKorp at James,   William, Bond, password, register and now if  I click over here I can pay with PayPal. When   people want to buy a course they need to register  and then they can pay. Let me show you how we can   adjust the registration page a bit so it looks  a little bit better because right now I don't   like how it looks. So since that is working, I  want to take a look at the pages on a specific   page called the registration page. Why it's  quite wide and I want that. So what I can do,   I can click over here and I can say the form width  should be 600 pixels and it will make it smaller.   I think that looks way better. We are making use  of the best free theme of WordPress and that is   the Bloxy theme. And with the Bloxy theme, you  have a few settings that are attached or linked   with LearnDash. So let's configure this and let's  make it look a little bit better using the Bloxy   theme. I think it's time to spice and everything  up a little bit. If I go to all courses,   it looks a bit weird. This looks weird. And  I go to a video. It looks, it looks, I don't   like it. So how can I make it look better? Well,  let me show you. First I go to the customizer.   Then I click on the main row. I think it's  really high. So I want to decrease the height.   Like that. Then I go back. I go back. I want  to go to the menu here below menus. I create   a new one. I call this one the main menu. I  want to place it in the header menu area one,   which is this area. Next, now I can add all the  courses for instance and then my profile page,   something like that and I can also publish this  and go back and back, scroll down to home page   Which is all courses. Yes. Then I want to go back.  I want to show the courses, but I already have a   page called courses, so I'll go to the menu. Main  menu. All courses. Now change the navigation label   to courses. Awesome. Then. I take a look at this  color. I use a tool called Color Pick Eyedropper   from Google Chrome. Now if I go to colors, I can  change this color to a darker one and the second   one I want it to be the orange one. Copy. Paste  it. Awesome. Now I go to the three dots of the   menu over here. Design, the font color should be  the first one and when I hover over it, it should   be the second one and when it's active it should  also be the second one. And over here I want to   use Nunito Sans. And maybe make it a bit bigger.  Not that bold. Let's say medium and a bit smaller.   15. Okay. Publish. Then I go to the home page by  clicking here and I see all courses. Let's see.   I click on the customizer. This is something  that should be changed from within LearnDash,   but if I go to the course itself, this is  something I can fix. I definitely want to   do that. So I click on edit, and I go to the  course title. So if I go back and back and back,   I see since we installed LearnDash, Blux has  some LearnDash settings. So I go to the course,   single course, and I can adjust this so I  can say make it narrow that's something I   definitely want to do because the video is so  big then I want to make it boxed which creates   a nice area like that let me scroll down here  I can decide what I do want to show I prefer to   show the video over here but if I click here, I  don't want to show the date and stuff. So I can   get rid of that. The title I do want to show,  excerpts, no thank you, post meta, no author,   no publish date. It's okay to show this. The  style, a like button, okay and no comments   about the course. You can also add labels  if I want to but I'm okay with that. Okay.   I want to have a certain spacing in between  like that, 30. So that looks better. Then I   go to a single video introduction. This is also  really wide. So if I click on edit over here,   I can also make it narrow and boxed. I can also  do that by the way at general layout, not here   but I can adjust the site width and I say 1120 so  the website becomes a bit smaller but this looks   so much better in my opinion. Publish and then I  click over here again. It's a matter of clicking.   I like that and then I can make it a bit more  bold. 1, 2, or 4. Publish, close. So now if people   go to my homepage, they see this. I can filter it  if I have multiple courses. I click on the course,   now it's a bit smaller, which is something I  like. I go to the video, it's smaller and also   here I don't want that. So now I'm here at the  single page and maybe I don't even need the title.   Each one, but no excerpt. Publish, close it. Okay,  let me see if I can decrease the space in between,   edit. Yes. How about 10? I love it, I love  this theme. It's, man, it makes things easier.   And in order to stay in the style of my website,  I prefer to have the title a bit smaller. So the   title H1 is okay but a design font color this  and it can be a bit smaller. I like to use Nonito   Sans. And this is all stuff from LearnDash itself.  We'll take a look at that later. How about a bit   smaller but a bit bolder. Okay. Close it. Okay,  close it so that looks better than what we had   before. Don't you think so? I think so. If you're  logged in, you can have a profile and there I can   see which courses you have and go directly to  that course, keep track of how many percentage   you have. So if I would click over here and  I go to the next topic, next one, next one,   next one and the next one or I mark this complete,  next one, mark this complete and I go to courses,   my course, and I see I already completed 3% of  my last activity was today, just a minute ago.   So that's really nice, and LearnDash is doing  all that stuff for us. So if I go to my profile,   I see my progress, I already started, and I see my  course progress. How cool is that? I think that's   really cool. This image is linked with my Gravatar  image. So if I edit my profile, here I can link my   email account that I use to a Gravatar account.  It is free, so I highly suggest you do that,   because that looks cooler when you go to your  profile page. There's still something I want to   do in order to make it look a bit better. Go to  the customizer and go to the main row, design,   background by the way if you want to learn  everything about this beautiful theme. I have   a tutorial for you, YouTube and that's the  Bloxy tutorial. New one is in the making so   there I will teach you everything about creating  a beautiful website using the Bloxy theme. Right   now I want to have a dark background and I  go to the logo, change it to a light logo   using SVG, select it and then over here of course,   under the search icon I also want it to be  white, the menu, design, color, white, publish,   close. So my opinion is a bit more dynamic. So on  which page, it doesn't matter which page I open,   we have a nice dark area. That brings me to the  following. How about changing these colors? Let's   configure this and let's make it look a little  bit better using LearnDash. I want to take a   look at those colors over here by going to the  settings of LearnDash. So I go to LearnDash,   settings, general, general and then the accent  color and go to the website in a new tab,   going to commands and go to the customizer and I  want to make use of the dark blue purplish color.   So I go to colors, I grab color one, copy it and  I paste it here. Go to the website. This is dark.   This is dark. So I like it. Then let's take a look  at this green color. I'm actually happy with it.   It can be a little bit lighter and then it will  be seen over here like that. Then I can go to one   of the videos and it looks like this. I like the  blue purplish color. So we really adjusted the   style by just changing a few colors. If there's a  notification or a warning, I can make it red. And   this is one simple click, but look how it changes  everything. I turn this on. Look at this. We go   from this to this. I like that so much better.  So here at the left, we can navigate through the   course and here we see the videos, the lessons, we  can go to the next topic. So if I go to video 2.1,   what is affiliate marketing? I can mark it as  complete, it's already the case. I can go to   the previous lesson, I can go to the next lesson,  I love it. Also over here. So I like that a lot.   Close this. What else? We can add our logo. So  right now we see nothing over here. If I add   my logo, dark one, and I save it. Boom, there  you go. Video response of CSS, that means if   somehow you make your screen smaller or bigger,  this will automatically adjust. So that's what   I prefer. Global stagnation settings,  I'm okay with this. Admin user settings,   the only thing I want to do over here, include in  reports, I don't want to include the admin in the   report. So if I'm watching my course all the time,  I don't want that to be shown in the overview of   my statistics. I only want to see what my members  are doing. So few settings, a lot of changes,   so I'm really happy with that. Then we can go to  the next settings here, registration, everything.   It's okay unless you're like I don't want to  have someone's last name, you can turn it on   or say it's not required. It's all fine. Payment,  we use Stripe emails. You get an email when this   the customer and then the email sender settings  from, if it's empty it will use a site title so I   will say from email info at  Then I go to LMS license, okay, translations,   I'm not going to talk about translations, support  if you have any question and here you see how   well your site is doing with LearnDash. There's  advanced custom labels so if you want to have a   website in a different language you can change all  these words over here. Everything else is fine.   So those were the settings. What is next?  Right now we have an overview with our course,   but we can make it look better using the course  grid. The course grid is a block that comes with   LearnDash and you can edit it using the WordPress  So let me show you how to configure the block grid   from LearnDash. In order to make this look better,  I hold command and I go to the customizer. Then I   click on edit page. If I click over here, there  are a lot of settings here. So I can go to the   skin, change it from a grid to a masonry or a  list. So everything will be below each other.   I prefer the grid but if you have a list you can  also have multiple options like that. The same   is with the grid. So there's a grid right now  it's a little bit confused that's totally fine   so I refresh the page. Still confused, let  me click on it. Go back to grid one. Okay,   that's it. How many columns? Well, I'm okay with  displaying three courses in a row. If you say two,   everything will be bigger. Let's say three. Then  I go to query. I want to display nine courses,   ordered by ID. Let's take a look at the elements.  Do I want to display a thumbnail? By the way,   right now, everything looks nice when it comes  to the thumbnail. If you click over here,   it still looks weird. I'll fix that in a minute.  The thumbnail size. So let's say medium. That will   fix that problem. So much better already. Okay.  Okay, so I want to show the content, the title,   the clickable title, meta information,  progress bar. I like to show a progress   bar for people that are already enrolled like  that. Do I want to have a filter? Well no,   I don't have a lot of courses so I don't need a  filter. That looks so much better because this   filter thing pushes everything down a bit. This  is better in my opinion. Then there are styles.   Equal grid height, we'll take a look at a later  one when we have multiple courses. And then I   want to go to the customizer because I want to  go to colors and grab this color. Command A,   Command C. Because over here, having font color,  I want it to be blue, like that. And let me see,   the ribbon font color white, the ribbon background  color, it's already orange so that's fine. The   icon color I want it to be orange, so I grab  this color, copy, that is this area over here.   I can background like that. But now this is dark  so I need to go up. Let me see, styles, element,   ribbon, the icon color, the icon itself should be  white like that. Okay, then there's the preview   and advanced and everything else is fine. So if I  refresh the page, it looks better in my opinion.   Total of one student, total quizzes, there are  no quizzes yet. I'm already enrolled, this is   how it looks and also this now looks better.  That's how we can make it better step by step.   I will also add a second course that second  course is just for the sake of the tutorial   so you can see what is possible when you have  multiple courses. We can sell multiple courses,   we can give discount so let me show you what you  can do with that when you have multiple courses   on your website. Right now we have two courses  but we can also sell bundles or subscriptions so   maybe you have 20 courses and you can say, hey,  for $20 per month or for $100 per month, you can   have access to all my courses or you can sell two  courses for the price of one and a half. Let me   show you how. We go to the backend, learn-lms, and  then we go to groups. I don't have any groups yet.   I can click on add or add new over here, and then  I could say monthly subscription or I can say the   ultimate online business bundle. Everything  together is maybe 20 hours and 50 minutes. go   for featured image, upload files, select files to  my desktop, ultimate bundle, get rid of the dash,   copy, paste, paste, there's my featured image  and I should actually, it's a group so I should   create categories all over again, well I'll  leave it for now, then Then I need to publish   it and then I want to go to settings, buy now  or recurring so I could say the group price   is zero every year or every month you pay $17  and have a people buy this, they go to their   profile, but I prefer to buy now. So the two  courses together I think $300 so I say for $247   you have both courses and you go to the profile  page when you buy this. So I update it and then   at courses we need to assign the courses  to this group. So it's both of the courses.   If I take a look, the ultimate online business  bundle, Affiliate Marketing and Element Pro   and role. Great. If I go to the homepage, you  see nothing. If I want to place it over here,   that's possible. I can edit the page, I can click  over here and then I can say show two columns,   then I can duplicate it, click  on the three dots, duplicate,   then over here I close the template, go  to query and I change the post type from   courses to groups. There you go. So now the home  page looks like this. Complete Elementor course,   affiliate marketing course or the ultimate online  business bundle. And if you want to, you can also   say I only want to have one column. Well, this is  one way of displaying all of this. You can also   do it another way. So we have two courses and I  want to sell them as a bundle and I want to make   a nice sale on my homepage using the WordPress  editor. I'm not an expert at the WordPress   editor. It's getting better, it's getting quite  better, so that's good, but I'm not an expert in   it. So I will show you really simple how you can  create an area in your homepage or landing page   that shows how you can sell a deal for multiple  courses using the WordPress editor. First of all,   I want to get rid of the title, so I go to the  customizer, I use the Bloxy theme and that makes   it really easy because I just can hover over  the title, click on edit and then I say I don't   want to have a site title or an excerpt. Publish,  close. Okay. I am not the master of the WordPress   blog editor but I can do a few things with it  so let me show you what you can do. Over here   I have two courses and here I have a bundle. Two  courses for the price of $247 and if you buy them   all individually you pay around $300. So that's  a great deal and using the WordPress editor I can   search for a cover. You know I've been in a cover  band once but then I found out it wasn't a cover   band but a playback band and I wanted to do covers  but I had to do playback things and so I quit.   Super cool story. So I click on the cover.  My sister is my editor. She must be thinking   should I cut this out? Well, you can leave it  in. Also this part. So I can choose an image   or a backdrop color. I choose for color 1. Again,  click on it twice. I can write a title, Get Access   to All Courses for just, maybe I should not  mention the price. So Get Access to All Courses,   okay, hit enter, forward slash, and then I go  for a button, button. There you go. The button   will say get access and when I'm not there it  should be orange. So I go to for the colors,   background should be orange, the text should be  white, it should be aligned in the center. Well,   if I update it and take a look at the  result it's not full width so I can go   over here to the cover then I can say  full width and I can say align center,   align center, full width. Okay I click over  here With no, none. But this one, center. Okay,   there's a lot of space in between, so I go  to the cover again. So, to the settings. And   there's the block spacing. I want it to be one.  Then I click on the button. I go for the second   tab here. And the radius can be 25 and then I  go to the website and if I go to this bundle,   I go to this link, I can copy that link and I can  paste it over here. Update. I can get rid of this   now and then it looks like this, two courses or  get access to all courses and if I click over here   especially in an incognito window for just 247 I  get access to both courses. So that's how you can   sell a bundle and display that on your website  through the grid element or a block or through   something like this with a link. What we're going  to do right now is, oh man, it is so boring. We're   going to create the footer and I want to take a  look at the footer, customize, I go to the footer,   click over here to bring it to the center like  that, copyright, current year and then And I can   edit it, go to design, make the background  dark, make the text white, publish, close.   And there's a gap over here. Why could that  be? Let's see. Let's make this zero and   zero. I'm making websites since 1999 but I'm  sometimes still confused between margin and   padding. Okay so there is somehow a space over  here. General layout. Yes. Content area spacing.   So if I say 60, it's also 60 at the bottom. What  I can do, I can add something else over here and   then in that way it can be fixed. So that's  what I wanted to show you. So when people go   to this website they can choose a course, they  can choose a combination, they can buy it and   when they buy it they get access to it at once all  on autopilot and we make money while offering the   best courses that we can make. If you take a look  at the footer, we can add some menu items over   here talking about legal stuff. Not my favorite  subject, but what I would do if I were you, since   this is different in every country of the world,  you can search for course website legal pages   and check that out. And check that out, there  are also legal pages, creator or simulator,   templates. So figure out for yourself which  pages you need in your country, how to create   legal pages, privacy policy generator, selling  with trust, learn justice from narratives itself.   So read this. And then you can decide what kind  of legal pages you need. Okay, maybe you want to   create a quiz within your course. And you have  a few nice options. Making the quiz is really   nice. There are a lot of nice functionalities.  But what you also can do, you can make sure that   people need to pause for the quiz before they  continue with the course. So let me show you how   to do all that. Let's create a quiz and set up the  configurations. In order to create a quiz, I go to   the backend. I want to go to my course, affiliate  marketing course, and then there's an introduction   about affiliate marketing. I talk about a lot of  things, and then below that I want to have a quiz.   So I can click on the arrow down, I can add a  new quiz or I can go back to quizzes and I add my   first quiz and I can place it on the right  place later. affiliate marketing introduction   quiz. I have some content over here like, good  luck with the quiz. Let's go for five points.   Okay, I publish it. Now, I want to go to  the builder over here, the second tab. Now   I can create a quiz and of course I start with a  question. So over here, the question is, can you   promote both digital and physical products with  affiliate marketing? affiliate marketing question   mark. I copy the title, command A, command C, and  I add the question. I click on this beautiful sign   over here and then here at the question I need  to paste it. So there it is. And then I can have   an answer. Well, there are multiple questions  you can ask. There's a single choice answer,   so only one option is right and it can give  you one point when you have it right. So the   first answer is yes, you can have both remote  digital and physical products. The second answer   is no. And over here I can check which one is  correct because Learn-As does not know that by   itself not yet and then there are question  settings. So, one of them is for instance,   for the correct answer, you are right with  affiliate marketing you can promote both   physical and digital products. Use a different  message for the incorrect answer. Are you crazy?   Of course the right answer is yes. Angry. So I  think that will be a great motivation. Also a   solution hint. Let me update it before you open a  lot of tabs. There it is. It is yes. The answer is   yes. Not the test, but yes. So let me see where  that appears. You can also give different points   to each answer but for now that's not necessary.  I want to collapse them all and go for the second   question. The second question is what are the  right ways to do affiliate marketing? it marketing   and I say multiple answers possible. Copy, add  the question, click over here, paste it over   here. So I want to have four answers so I go from  single choice to multiple choice but there So the   first one is place your affiliate link on your  social media accounts and maybe for the tutorial   I will do something else but if you make this  quiz don't make it too easy. Don't say as an   answer I don't know don't make it too easy because  then people maybe don't take it serious. So I say   place your affiliate link. And then the fourth  one, email everyone you know with your email,   with your affiliate links. So the correct answers  are, the first one, placing it on your own social   media account is okay. Not in the comments, put a  lot of value and don't send it to anyone without   them asking for it. I prefer to only provide my  affiliate link to people that are interested and   are not asking for it. So there you go, again, we  can have all the questions here. asking for it.   So there I go again we can have all the questions  here and now we can have different points for each   answer. So for the total points is zero but you  know what for every correct answer you get one 0   points, also 1 point. So in that way people can  get more points when they have them both right.   So what else? This is weird. I should get rid of  this because now I cannot add another question   but I can collapse this and then I can add a new  question. The third question, what is the right   order to create great content? Question mark,  copy, click over here, paste it. So this time,   I want to go for a sorting choice. So I will have  five answers or a sorting choice. So I will have   five answers and they should be placed in the  right order. I have to fill them in right now in   the right order so find your niche and the second  one is do research about your niche. Find great   topics to make content about. Prepare the content  that you want to make. The fifth one is create   the content. Okay, the amount of points people  can get is one if they have it correct. Again,   we can go to the settings. I'm okay with  that right now. Save it. The fourth question,   I just say fill in the blank, copy, paste it,  save and then I say fill in the blank. So here   you see what you need to do. So I say when you  make a sale through affiliate marketing you,   you get a and then I say commission left bracket  space and then money. Update it will get one point   when they fill in the right word. So in total  they can make five points. So I click on update,   click over here. Affiliate marketing introduction  quiz. Good luck with the quiz. Let's go for five   points. Start the quiz. Can you promote both  digital and physical products with affiliate   marketing? Yes. You don't see a response yet  if you're right or not. What are the right   ways to do affiliate marketing? Multiple  answers are possible. Pleasure affiliate   link and social media. Yes. No, that's spammy.  Create content with a lot of value, yes, email   everyone you know that's also not value. Okay.  What is the right order? First find your niche,   then do research about your niche, find great  topics to make content about, prepare for the   content and create the content. Fill in the blank.  When you make a sales trip for the marketing you   get a dog for your birthday. Now, commission,  finish the quiz and I get 4 out of 4 points.   Is that a good get? I don't get points over  here. I get it. Save it. Okay. I should say   you can get one point over here. So I got all the  points I can get. Great. But what I don't like,   I would like to see the result immediately when I  fill in the answer. So if I say no, I would like   to see that's wrong. How can we do that? I?  Can go to the settings I? can scroll down and   Then over here question display one question at a  time. I can also say all questions as to advance   I Say zero all all questions are there at once  so if I refresh this, start quiz, there I go.   And here I can see the hint, it is yes, okay.  If I would say no, I can fill in everything   without seeing the results. So let me bring this  back to one question at a time. What I would   like to say is display the results after each  submitted answer. So now if I refresh the page,   start the quiz and I say no, there's the hint by  the way. Oh, incorrect. Are you crazy? Of course   the right answer is yes. Oh no. Oh no. Next. This  one and this one. Check. Wow, they're both green.   Great. Next. So let's see if I do a few the right  way. Find your niche, prepare the content you want   to make. So the first one and the second one are  right. I click on check. Wow, how cool is that.   Next. It's wrong, the right one is commission.  Finish quiz I got 2 out of 5 points so it's 40.   I cannot continue now because I said over here  that people need to pass 80% of the score so they   have to have 4 points at least. We can have a quiz  certificate, well I don't do that, we can save the   quiz, we can restrict the quiz retakes so you can  only fill do it a few times and all questions of   course required to complete. I can have a timer,  update, one more thing, I want to edit, there you   go. Update, let's take a look at the course. So  there's the physical blah, blah, blah, and I want   to do the quiz. So if I click on next, I go to the  quiz, I need to fill in the quiz, if I do all the   wrong answers, finish the quiz. If I'm feeling  everything correct. Next question, please your   affiliate link on social media. No, yes. Okay,  next. Let's see, find your niche. The content   is the latest one. Do your research about the  niche, prepare the content. Okay, awesome,   next. Commission, check, finish quiz, and now I  can click here to continue. So that's how you can   create quizzes and place them anywhere in the  website. When people finish your course, they   sometimes like to receive a certificate. They can  use that for anything when they're applying for a   job. I sometimes get questions like, hey, for my  YouTube tutorials, do you also have certificates?   Because then they can show that and get a job or  apply somewhere else. So let me show you how you   can create a certificate within LearnDash. In  order to create a certificate, we need to have   a certificate background, a certificate image. So  you can search for certificate image or template.   You can go to downloads or images. And there you  see a lot of examples. The only thing is when you   get this from Google, that is not allowed. So in  my case, I would go to forward slash   elements. Hit enter. I have a subscription over  here and then I can make use of so many images,   stock videos, graphics, photos, fonts,  add-ons, web templates, 3D stuff,   and music. So interesting. Look at this. So much  is added every week. So I go to graphic templates   and I search for certificate. I want to have a  flat one, not a 3D one. So this one, for instance,   then I download it. I create a new project. I say  Elementor Pro course, for instance. And download,   so I can open it using Adobe Illustrator. What  I've done, I adjusted a bit and I created a   nice JPEG from it. And that's what I will use  as my background. Then we're going to fill in   dynamic data, so the name of the person that  is following the course, the date and stuff,   and the course title. And then it will be  exported as a PDF that he can share anywhere. So,   let me show you how to do that. I go to the  back end, to LearnDash certificates, and I   need to create my first one. If you don't have  the certificate software, you can go to add-ons,   manage add-ons, and over here at installed I see  Learner's Certificate Builder. If that's not the   case yet, you can go over here and search  for certificate. Certificate. And you can   install it by clicking here. And then it will  appear over here. Then we go back to certificates.   I click on add my first certificate and I call  this one Elementor Pro Certificate. Or just a   certificate that will be shown everywhere. So  let's say certificate, main certificate. Perfect.   It's interesting to say the word certificate a  lot of times in one sentence. The certificate   of the certificates is the best certificate of all  the certificates or that person looks a little bit   certificate. Could also be a logic. Okay,  whatever. Let's continue. I use the certificate   builder by clicking here. And now I need to  have a background image. I could say upload,   but I prefer to say media library. And then I  go to upload files, select files. And I already   have mine. So you can find anything. And you can  have a title, some things you can have over here   and then you need to fill the information, fill  in the blanks using the certificate builder. So   I have this one with my name, the certificate was  earned at for the course and then I can   have the course over here. I open it, copy the  title, paste in the alt text and the description,   I select it, great. it. Great. But now if I start  typing, it appears here. So how can I fix that? I   click on the plus this depending on your your  layout, but in order to place it exactly where   you want it, I would go for the plus. This is  the WordPress block editor. They also call it   Gutenberg. I want to click on browse all, close  this for now. Again, browse all, and then I search   for columns. There you go. Then I can select what  kind of columns I want to have. One big one at   the left and a small one at the right or three  columns. I go for, if you take a look over here,   I want to have the text over here. So I go for 33  and 66. Sometimes I have to click twice. Now if I   click over here, I see this area. So I start with  a spacer. So I click on add block, I search for a   spacer, and then over here, bring it back, I can  increase the spacing. Now if I click on this and I   hit enter, I can open a new area, a new block.  So I click on the plus, I go for browse all,   and then I see the LearnDash elements blocks. So I  can have course info but what I want to show over   here, the certificate of appreciation is proudly  presented to, so I want to have the course name,   the course taker's name, LearnDash user Neda. So  now I see FerdyKorp. I can bring it to the center   and here at the right I can change the field from  user login to user first and last name. It looks   better. I can change the size, make it bigger.  And then I can change the color. So how about   the third one to the first one because that color  is looking like this color a bit. But it's not,   I don't like where it's placed right now so I  click on the spacer I increase the space great   then I click over here I go for the spacer right  mouse click duplicate it then I drag it here below   now it's over here I want to decrease this the  certificates was earned for the course title   so now I need to go back. Click over here, hit  enter. Click on the plus, go for browse all. Now   I go for the Learn-ish course info. Course ID is  required when not used within a course. This will   be fetched later. So I bring it to the right.  Let me see, the certificate was earned at Ferdy   or maybe I can bring it to the center. Let me see.  Yeah, we can bring it to the center. Then again,   I want to duplicate the spacer, bring it below the  learner scores and then here decrease this. I want   to show the date or the day. I click on here and  enter, click on the plus, Browse All, let me see.   I think also Course Info, I should know that  because I practiced it. And then over here, let   me see what they have. Course Completed, Update.  Okay, I don't see anything yet. The Format, so by   default, I don't see anything yet. The format.  So by default, I will show you in a minute how   it looks default, but right now I want to bring  this to the right and I want to change the color   to blue. So this color to blue. I can make this  bigger. Assuming that the date is not that long.   I'm okay with that. It is in two lines because  the date will be shorter. So right now it will say   certificate presented to Ferdy Korpershoek. The  certificate was earned at for the course   and then I can make this a bit shorter, maybe  this bigger and this is fine because this will   also not be in two lines, two rows, or how do you  say that? So, I'm okay with this. If I view it,   it will probably not be allowed. So what I need to  do now, this is my certificate. I'm happy with it.   I need to check how it looks. So I need to go to  my courses, and go to the Elementor Pro course,   that's the shortest course I have right now.  And then I go to the settings of that course,   I scroll down and here it says course certificate  and I go for the main certificate. Update. Now   I need to go to the course. What I need to  do, I need to go to the first video and then   everywhere I click on mark complete, next one,  next one. So you see 21%, 28. I need to complete   it, so I'll see my certificate. This is for me, I  think, the best way to show the real certificate,   to check if it's working. So you can also create a  really short course, call it test, with one video,   mark this complete. And then you can download  your certificate. I click over here. There it is,   certificate. Okay to Freddy Korpershoek Element  ProCourse. This is not what I have in mind so   I'm happy that I test this. So I'll go back  and the great thing is I can refresh this and   then see the results. So I don't need this  anymore. Now I go back to the certificate,   main certificate. Let's see, maybe I should  make it full width. Does it change anything or   not? No. So I go back and I increase this. Let's  see if that is doing something over here. Yes,   okay. So from now on, this is going to be my  reference. What I see here is what I want,   how it should look. So I make this bigger, this  will also push it a bit down, refresh, okay, maybe   a little bit more space. Okay, then Elementor  Pro course can go down a bit and actually in my   background image I should bring this a bit to  the left otherwise it's not in the center. So   over here also increase it a bit. Let's try 125.  Okay. Okay, maybe the course can also be bigger.   36, refresh. Yeah, it definitely should be,  this should be more to the left. This is next   level in my opinion. I have the left arrow  over here, or the left area, which is 33%,   I can also increase that, and then it shifts  to the right. Look at this. So let me see.   This should exactly be in the center of this line.  So now, this can also be in the center. Well, this   one is, or is it not? Maybe only this line should  go to the right. So let's make sure that this is   in the center. So I can increase this a bit more,  let's say 40. If I say 40 over here, I should say   60 over here. So the total of the width is 100%.  Yes! So the total of the width is 100%. Yes, I'm   happy with this. And then this can be lower  and this is the month, the date or the day   and the year. I don't need this stuff. So let  me see how I roll. I go to settings, general,   I see here May 27, 24. No, so that's like this.  So I copy this, and that's how I place the format   over here. I think I should bring it a bit lower.  I need to go to the spacing, increase it a bit,   refresh. That's only the time. We're getting  there. I just want to show you how this goes in my   life sometimes. The real stuff. So I was probably  at the time. Okay, then I go for this one.   Okay, now the question is what do I want  with this? Does it look okay? Or outline   to the right? Well I think it's okay, it's in  the center. Maybe a little bit less spacing. So   ladies and gentlemen, when people finish my  course, it will look like this. Certificate   Freddy Korkshoek Elementor Pro course. If I  download it, it is written in not in stone,   but in PDF. So super cool. Thanks to LearnDash.  So that's how you can create a certificate and if   I would finish the other course, then the other  course will be shown in that PDF. So that's how   you can create a certificate using LearnDash.  You can also give discounts. Why would you give   discount? With discounts, you can create a lot of  sales in a short amount of time. I will show you   in the next area after this how I've done that  and made more than $6,000 in one day. It doesn't   happen a lot, maybe three times per month. So it's  really unique to me. No, just kidding. But I will   show you how to do that. And one of the things  that's so powerful is when I give discounts.   So for instance, I have an email list, a lot of  people and I send them to them, hey, today only   50% discount for the scores for the first 100  people. And if they can, okay, I will explain   to you in the next part, how it works. So let's  talk about making coupon codes in order to boost   your sales. In order to create a coupon, we go to  the backend, to LearnDash LMS, to coupons. Coupons   are a great way to get a lot of sales. I just  thought that when I was doing the introduction   of this part of the tutorial, so I don't have to  repeat it. I click on enter first coupon. I can   give this a title. This is for my reference only,  so nobody will see this. So I'll call this one   Uncle Jim from Australia. Now I could just say 25%  since we're working with courses here I can give a   lot of discount because I don't have to produce  anything physical. I can sell this unlimited   time so 25% is a nice discount. When I click on  publish a slack will be created. Well not yet,   I need to fill in the amount first. Okay. So  the coupon code, it can be a code like this,   or it can say 25%. So it's easier for people to  fill the code in. Is the flat rate? No, it's a   percentage. If I would say 25 with a flat rate,  I'm giving $25 of discount. Well, I prefer give   percentage. So it's up to you, do you want to give  flat dollars away or a percentage of the price of   the course? I go for a percentage, the amount is  25. The number of redemptions, how many games have   you played that start with Red Dead Redemption?  Have you played Red Dead Redemption 1 or 2? But   when it comes to the tutorial and this option,  this feature, it's not about the games, but it's   about how many people can make use of this coupon  code. So what you can do, you can say I have 100   redemptions, you can send an email to your email  list. I have 60,000 people in my email list,   maybe a little bit less, and I can send an email  like hey, I have an amazing course for you, only   for the first 100 people you get 25% discount that  creates an urge of oh no I need to I don't want to   miss out. So it can be that in the first day of  those 60,000 people, 100 people buy the course   and if the course is $100 and they get 25%  discount I make 100 times $75 which is $7,500   which is cool to earn in one day. I can also say  it will be available from the 1st of January 2025   from 12 o'clock until the 5th. I can send a lot  of emails like hey guys two days left etc. So the   only thing I don't like is that when I don't want  to use this I need to get rid of all this stuff   again. Oh, oh, what is going on? So this is what  I don't like, that it's just for the tutorial.   Anything for you. I can also say this is only  for the affiliate marketing course. Apply to all   groups. If I sell to a group I can say also only  for this one. Well in my case it's for all groups   and also for all courses. So what I could say if  this is all live I can send an email   to my email list, hey guys I just released my  course platform for the first thousand people you   get 25% off on all courses for the first thousand  people and they make $75,000. Wow! But then of   course you need to have amazing courses, you don't  want to make money from people and then they do   not get any value. So let's check this out. The  thing is with this is that it takes a long time   before you see the coupon code. Let me show you.  I go here to this website as a visitor and I'm   like okay I want to buy the affiliate marketing  course. Okay I want to take this course. Okay,   I need to create a username, Jim, curry, corp  at gmail, Jim, curry, with a password and then I   click on register and now I can fill in the coupon  code. Personally, I don't like that because people   are like, hey, where's the coupon code and then  they can email me, but it is what it is and over   here I can say 25% by the coupon and now I get a  discount. So I can take a course and then I can   pay and stuff. So that's how it works, maybe not  the best way, but what I can do, I can also say   it over here like in the discount in the checkout  form. So that's how you can create coupons and as   I said before so maybe I should not say it again  you know what I'll say it again just this time   for free that you can also say $25. And now when  you buy this, you get $25 off, which sounds pretty   nice and it's even less discount in percentage,  25, depending on the course you buy. So it looks   appealing. So you can also play around with what  was working better, what is giving a higher return   on investment or a conversion ratio. So that's how  you can create coupons. I will not save it. I like   the percentage because then I give away more  discount and isn't that all what we want? To   give more. Give and it will come back to you. Oh,  press down, shake together and running over give   and it will come back to you when you give, give  to the Lord attentive if you want to watch the   whole song, search on YouTube for Run Kanohi give  and it will come back to you yes I don't pass it   around everywhere. Only in this tutorial you're  privileged to get a link to that video. Okay,   that was it about coupon codes. What I want to do  now, I want to show you a case study that I did in   2020. I created a course, an affiliate marketing  course. I worked really hard for one or two months   to create the course. I think it's amazing. Well,  I was over delivering, but I was never good in   selling it. So what I did, I sent an email to my  email list at that moment around 38,000 people and   I said I'm selling this course, it's $997. I think  it was worth it big time, but I was never good   at making people to buy it. I just want to give  people the opportunity like hey, if you want to,   it is something you can buy it. I'm not into that  tricking manipulation stuff. But I got no sale,   maybe one or two. So a few days later I  said, you know what, I think I got no sales,   otherwise I would feel bad towards people that  bought the whole thing for $1,000 and then   give discounts. So I said, you know what, just  for a few days, I will sell this for $297. And   this deals for the first 30 people, after that it  becomes $397. So from the 37 or 38,000 people, one   in the five people opened it, so a few thousand  and 1% clicked on the link and of that 1%, so 1%   is 378. A few people bought it and then my best  day, it spread over two days, but I think I made   6,400 euros in 24 hours. So that's how this could  work. So what I did over here, I create those   tutorials and then when I say to people, hey,  download my images or download something else,   my free templates, then they sign up for my email  list and then I can send them emails when I have a   new tutorial or when I have something like this.  So I build a value, I place it on the internet   and through the organic results I get a lot of  people on my list because I'm focusing on helping   other people and then there was the day that I  decided to make a sale and in one day I made more   than 6,000 euros which is a lot which is also in  dollars it's not the end because then I need to   help people with the course and make sure that  they become successful. But that's how you can   do that. So that's why I sometimes talk about  ConvertKit, building an email list and giving   value because that can be a great way to make  money. So if you sell your course, you can also   use CardFlows and then do split testing and when  people want to see free content about that course,   then they need to leave their email address,  then they go to your email listing and send an   automated email sequence, like every day you  can send something about the subject you're   passionate about and what your course is about,  and then if they did not do that, they can track   that using ConvertKit, you can say, hey, they did  not buy, now give them the offer. And if they buy,   they don't get the offer, if they don't buy, then  you get the offer. And in that way, using an email   provider or email marketing tool, you can make  so much more sales because right now, people can   leave my website and I'll ask them. But when they  leave their email address, I still can send them   emails on autopilot, everything on autopilot.  And that's why I see so much commercials,   probably or ads about, hey, watch my free video  because then they get our email address and they   can send all that stuff to us. I like to do it the  honest way, just really giving the value. The only   thing is I'm not that good in selling, so at the  end I did not sell this course for $997. I decided   just to throw everything on the internet for free,  so you can watch it over here, Affiliate Marketing   30. I think it's almost eight hours on how to  become successful with affiliate marketing. It's   the way it is. I like it. I am not a help desk  to people that pay for my course. I can do it,   but then I prefer to outsource it because I need  to focus on one thing. Right now I'm making this   video. I'm focused. I can go like crazy and if  I have to answer email and do a lot of stuff,   it doesn't work for me. So that's something  about that. You YouTube and search for   ConvertKit tutorial. And over the years it made  me so much money, more than $200,000. I'm not   kidding. I don't understand that this video is not  watched that much, but it is what it is. You can   learn how to work with ConvertKit. It's an amazing  in-depth tutorial, longer than all the other short   ones, complete, if not complete, probably. I  cannot say it because I didn't watch the video,   but this is really in-depth. So thank you for  watching this part and now let's continue with the   rest of the tutorial. As I said before you can  also use external tools to create a landing page.   You can use card flows with split testing. Really  nice. I should make a new tutorial about card   flows. It is a pay tool but it can do a lot of  amazing things and I think it's worth it when you   can increase your sales. We're gonna talk about  that. What I want to do right now, I want to talk   about using external tool to create your landing  page. And in order to do that, we need to set up a   few things. I know a few tricks, a few cool tricks  that can help you to redirect your landing page   to external page or a page on your website that  can be used with an external page builder. Wow,   how complicated can I make an introduction for  a new area in the website. Well as complicated   as this I think in the end everything will make  sense so let me show you what we're going to do.   Right now we're going to take a look at a really  important aspect of this tutorial. We're going   to take a look at the landing page. We already  created a landing page for the affiliate marketing   course so when you click over here this is the  page you'll see and if you log in or if you go   to the website without being logged in, you see  this, in the marketing course with three tags   or categories which are actually not necessary  for people that want to buy the course. Then,   not enrolled, 30 plays remaining, the price,  and can take the course or log in. You see a   video that you can play that shows a lot about  the course and you can see all this over here so   you can get a overview of what we will cover in  the course and based on that people can say I'll   take this course and they can log in and stuff but  it's a bit limited in what you can do over here.   It's nice but at the end of the day it's really  important to have a great landing page for your   course. Why? Maybe one in the 20 people that land  on this page will buy the course based on how it   looks. But what if we could make a landing page  where one in the 10 people will buy the course   because it's displayed better, the information  looks better, maybe people can even get something   for free in exchange for the email address and  then we can send them emails which can increase   the conversion ratio. By the way, the conversion  ratio is the amount of people on a page that by   the course. So if 100 people go to this page and  10 people by the course, the conversion ratio is   10% and you can increase the conversion ratio by  trying new things and if the conversion ratio can   be increased to 15% that means that out of 100  people, 15 people by the course and that's why   I think this is a really important aspect of this  tutorial. Do you want to make more or less sales?   I guess you want to make more sales. So it's  really important to optimize your landing page   so more people will buy the course. You can help  more people and at the same time, make more money.   So how can we do this? Well, let me show you the  practical part. If I go to my website, and I go   to the affiliate marketing course, automatically,  I go to this LearnDash generated page. Of course,   we could change some things. But what I want to  do, I want to copy the URL from this point on,   the forward slash I copy it, I go to my  notes, and I say over here, main course affiliate.   Yeah, it's already there. The title, main course  LearnDash link. I know this is the link from   LearnDash. So what I want to do instead of letting  people go to this page I want to let them go to   another page. So what I can do I can go to new  page and call this one the affiliate marketing   course. New landing page. Publish publish. I can  copy this and I can go to my notes and I can say   new landing page. Paste it but then again I want  to get rid of all the stuff from area.   So only from the forward slash So what  I want to do instead of letting people go to this   page, I want to send them to my new landing page.  How can I do that? I go to the backend to plugins   add new and then I search for redirection. This  plugin is a gift from heaven by John Garley. I   click on install now, that was a joke. Ferdy stop  it, oh man I'm crying so loud because of the joke,   it's so funny I have to cry. Okay I refresh  the page because I activated the plugin. What   this plugin does, it will let people that go to a  certain URL in our website and we decide where to   and where from. So I go to tools, redirection,  I need to set it up once, let me close this,   I scroll down and I click on continue again and  I say ready to begin. So I go back over here. I   want to say that everybody that goes to the main  LearnDash link of the affiliate marketing course,   the URL, everybody that goes to for  just courses affiliate marketing course, which is   the landing page from LearnDash will go to my new  created page for such affiliate marketing course.   So I don't save it yet if I go to the homepage  right now. I go to this page, but if I add the   redirection, I go to the website. Now, if I click  over here, I go to the new landing page. How cool   is that? That's really cool and then what's also  nice over here I see how many hits I have so how   many people went over here and then I went to  the new link and I also see the latest day when   it happened. May the 27th. So now it's a matter of  creating a landing page over here and we can use   any page builder we want. There's only one thing  I forgot to do so I need to go to the backend,   plugins, redirection, deactivate. So now if I go  to the website, it needs to be refreshed. Okay,   there you go. I need to get this link, take this  course because we need to use that. So I click   on it, I copy this, go to my notes, register  and by course, this link, I need to use it in   my new landing page. I go back, plug-ins, and I  turn on redirection. Now if I go to the website,   I go to the new page. And then we can use those  links for people to buy the course after they are   convinced that it's the best thing since sliced  bread. Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to make   use of that external tool that I've been talking  about, external tool, and it's Elementor. And we   can build it from scratch. I have a lot of  tutorials about Elementor. You can learn,   build something from scratch. I will show you in  a bit how. You can also import something that I've   created for you. Oh, Ferdy, you should not have  done that. Yes, I know, but I did. Because I want   to help you and I want to save you some time. So  you can focus on counting your money when you're   making so much sales. Who knows? So let's install  Elementor and see how we can work with that. In   order to create the landing page with Elementor  we go to forward slash Elementor,   hit enter and we'll be redirected over here.  That's the website builder. We're going to make   use of the free version and they are really  good at hiding it. So what we also can do,   close this, then we go to the backend of our  website to plugins add new. Then over here, I   search for Elementor and here we can find the free  version. More than 12 million installations, here   you see more than 10 million that I have inside  information, more than 12 million installation   already Activate now we can set things up, but I  prefer not to do that so I click on the X Go to   the screen options get rid of the element or  overview and now I go to element or settings   Featured or features and I search for the editor  top bar and I activate it. I save the changes   here below and now I go to the website, I go  to the affiliate marketing course. Now I can   create this page using Elementor. So I click on  Edit page, and then over here I see a new button,   Edit with Elementor, I click on that button. Since  we're opening it for the first time, you see a few   notifications, I close those, I click on, got it.  And this is the Elementor page builder. There's   so much to talk about. If you want to learn more  about how to create a website using Elementor,   you can go to YouTube and search for WordPress  tutorial 30 Elementor. And there is a reason why   I have a tutorial about Elementor Pro. It is  the one I'm talking about. From January 2024,   five and a half hours on how to make a website  using WordPress. You're going to learn so much   about it. Right now I'm going to go through  it a bit faster because I don't want this   tutorial to be too long. So what we can do  over here, I can get rid of the header and   the footer. That's what I want. I can get rid of  the header and the footer, that's what I want, so   I click on this icon over here, page settings,  I scroll down, and I say page layout, make it   a canvas. Why? This page has one goal, and that's  to turn visitors into buyers. So I don't want them   to get distracted with the header, other links  and stuff, so. How can we work with Elementor?   Let me go over here to this icon and then to the  user preferences. I want to make everything dark,   so I click here UI theme dark. I want to turn  on the editing handles, then I click on publish.   Awesome. So what I want to have a few elements  below each other so I have a new area over here.   Then I click on the plus and I can add a lot of  widgets. So I can drag a heading over here, click   on the plus, below I can add a video, drag it  below, and I want to have some text so I click on   the plus and I go for a text editor and I drag it  in between. It's a drag and drop page builder and   if I'm going to show you how it works exactly that  can take a while so I'll keep it really simple   over here. If you want to have a landing page over  here you can create one yourself by following the   YouTube tutorial I just showed you. I will also  show you over here how it works. What I want to   do now I want to give you a landing page for a  course and you can adjust it so you can save some   time. So in order to do that we go to  forward slash images, hit enter, then I can leave   my Flirty's name over here and my email address.  I can subscribe, I can unsubscribe anytime when   I have a new Elementor tutorial or new tutorial.  I'll let you know through this email. I subscribe,   I check my mail so I go to my Gmail account and  it says important confirm your subscription. I   confirm my subscription and there the download  goes. I drag it to the desktop. Now I go back to   my website. I click on the folder icon, I click on  this arrow up so I can upload a pre-made template.   It's a JSON file. I click on Select File. I go to  the Desktop, Images Tutorial, Folder 9, Elementor,   Landing Page. I open this or select it, click on  Open. I continue. I click on Enable and Import.   Insert. And there you go. So when you scroll  down, this button will stay there. You can have   an overview of what you can cover, what you cover  in every module of your course. So you can adjust   this information, you can adjust the colors. So  to show you really easy, I can click over here.   Here I can change the title of the course. I can  go to the style. I can change the color if I want   to. Over here I can click, and I can change the  content I can click over here choose a video file   this one select and then if I scroll down I can  have a poster a fallback image this one, it's even   better. So I don't want to do it twice, so get  rid of this one. And when people click on it, it   starts to play. Over here, enroll now. That's the  URL I created before. Register and buy the course,   copy this URL, paste it. So it's to register, but  this ID is the ID of your course. So if I publish   it, I click on the I, I go to the backend, I  go to learn-courses, I need to hover over the   course. And then here below at post equals, I  see 20. So that's affiliate marketing course,   Elementor Pro course is 322. So if I create a  landing page for the affiliate marketing course,   I need to have this link but then registration or  register ID 20. So you can check that over here.   So over here I should have 322. So when people  click on this link, let me copy this link, paste   it also over here, they go to the registration  page with the affiliate marketing course. So over   here you can change the content, how many lessons  you have, how many hours, all the access you have   and then again the overview. It's optimized  for all devices. So there you go. Now if I go   to the website in an incognito window, so let me  go to the root of the website. I open this in an   incognito window. I go to the course page, but I  will be redirected to this one. Fill up marketing   course. I can watch the video. If I scroll down,  this sticks with us. It's optimized for all   devices. If I click over here, look at this. I see  the price of the course. I can create an account,   register. And when I do that, then I can pay.  How cool is that? Very cool, but even cooler,   look at this. If I'm logged in as Josh, who bought  a course already, and I go over here, and I click   on enroll now, since I'm already logged in, I  go directly to the affiliate marketing course   checkout page, I can fill in the coupon, 25%.  So we don't need to have multiple buttons,   just one button enroll now if you're logged in or  not, you can enroll. And if you're not logged in,   then you can go to the register page and if you  are logged in, you go over here. I think that   is amazing. So of course, it's up to you to make  a beautiful landing page. There is software that   can help you to do split testing using Elementor.  What it does, it will show two different landing   pages and based on where people click the most. So  for instance, this is page one and 10% clicks over   here. And I have a similar page, but a little  bit different. The second page, and there are   only five people by out of the hundred. Then I  know that the first page is converting better.   So that's what you can do with cart flows. So you  can go to forward slash card flows and   then you can get card flows and do and follow my  tutorial about that card flows. I'll make a new   tutorial about it. I love it. Here's my tutorial.  It's already three years ago. I love this split   testing man that can help you to get so much more  sales and another tool that can do it for you is   let me go to YouTube, search for Divi tutorial  30. I have a course and a tutorial. This is the   course, eight hours. This one is also sufficient,  four hours. And there we talk about split testing   and that can do the same thing. And it's cheaper,  way cheaper than CardFlows. But that can really   help you to optimize the amount of sales you make.  So I highly recommend you buy one of those tools   or you get one of those tools or you just start  somewhere over here and then now and then you   change the layout and then see if your sales are  increased or not. So this landing page is created   using LearnDash and this one is created using  Elementor. Let me fix one more thing because I   think we should not display this over here. Let me  show you how easy we can get rid of that. I log in   again. I go to the landing page, customize. Then I  click over here on edit. I'm like I don't want to   buy my course to see which categories there are.  So this is how it looks, this is how it looks for   people that are not a member yet. Awesome. Then  I want to thank you for watching this tutorial.   This is the end of the tutorial. I hope you  have a course right now, a course website,   you already have your course and you can sell  it. Good luck with everything. If you have any   questions, feel free to reach out in the comments.  I do my best to answer them. Sometimes it takes a   bit longer. I get a lot of comments. I still want  to do everything myself, the editing, everything.   So feel free to like the video, subscribe for more  upcoming WordPress related tutorials, and I wish   you the best of luck in everything you do, and I  hope you enjoyed the tutorial. What else? There   are a few videos over here that are related.  For instance, ConvertKit, how to build your   email list and make money with that. And then,  yeah, that's it. And then, yeah, that's it. Ciao!
Channel: Ferdy Korpershoek
Views: 3,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ferdy Korpershoek, Wordpress,, LearnDash, 2024, LearnDash Tutorial, Course Website Tutorial, LMS Tutorial, Best LMS, Create a Course Website
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 4sec (10864 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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