How To Create An LLC in GA

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you too how y'all doing hey you know I've been getting a lot of guys asking me how to start an LLC you know starting the business is very important you know you're trying to get your business off the ground you don't know where to go and this is where I come in I've been in trucking ten years and I noticed a lot of you guys having trouble getting your business the proper structure you need a proper structure when you're in business okay so um I'm gonna show y'all how to create a LLC it's very easy I want to give a disclaimer okay I'm not an attorney I'm not a tax professional however I do know there when it comes to a business structure there there are certain things that are just basic in nature when you're so soaked when you're a sole proprietor or a one-person LLC it's very easy to start a company so we're going to get on the computer here and I'm going to go through the steps on how to create an LLC once I show you how to create an LLC you'll start to see that it's very easy to maintain the LLC and to create one okay so we're going to jump on a computer I'm going to show you how it's done all right guys we're on the computer this is how you create an LLC in the state of Georgia I'm not sure about any other states but I know for a fact the process of creating an LLC in the state of Georgia now in the state of Georgia what you have to do is go to SOS dot Gao and go to corporations and you click on the corporations tab and what you want to do is you want to go ahead and do a business search okay to make sure that your business your business name isn't taken okay just do a business search uh let's say super car or wash services okay so when it comes back with this no data file that means that that business name is a belt no one has that business name which is a good thing no one has that business name but if somebody did have that business name it would show up something like this let's say carwash services okay let's do another search it's a car watch all right so you use all the business names that's got car wash in the title and basically you want to find a business or create a business then find a business name that is unique in nature that doesn't have the same business title that you have so you don't want to have a business name 15th Street car wash LLC you don't want to have that because it's already taken you want your business name needs to be unique in nature so we already know that super car wash services is already available so we can go ahead and create that business all right see now alright now before you can create a business LLC or incorporated business in Georgia you have to create account with the secretary of state so what you do is you would go to click on this tab and see one second alright guys so basically want to fill out this information fill out this information and hit continue I've just put in some generic information but the point is you know you want to create an ID just like any any website or any email or just like any other service that you just fill out the basic information all right all right guys now once you create an account you will come to your dashboard now your dashboard is the place where you pretty much do all your your your filings this is when you create a business council business do your annual registration you can make copies you can do all kinds of things from this dashboard but what we're concerned about we're concerned about create or register a business so you want to click on create a register of business and what you want to do is you want to hit this select this one right here it says I'm creating a new domestic business we're creating the LLC so you want to go down here we're since create a domestic limited liability company and we already know that our business name is available so you don't you light of guys they get confused like they're go off and spend 25 30 bucks a hundred bucks to reserve a business and you don't need to reserve a business um all you have to do is go into the Secretary's stake site search for the business if the business is available you can go ahead and move forward at registering that business so right here where it says request business name you're going here and the business that we're creating is super carwash Services LLC now right here below it's got all the abbreviations for LLC's now these abbreviations you have to use some form of LLC abbreviations most people put LLC but some people put Ltd which is short for limited you got all these different types of abbreviations that they want the end of their business title whatever they want to look like most people put LLC and now we go ahead and scroll down ok next the require spot here this is the the the industry code you want to choose an industry code that's related to your business um the industry code I like to use is any legal purpose because it makes the business generic in nature um that's the type I usually put any legal purpose but for the sake of this video um this is the service business carwash services so actually carwash services trying to see which category does I guess we can put retail trade it's a service business and you're going to put in against the submenu let's see the sub industry retail trade so we got to find this carwash services hmm I don't see anything that's related to carwash services let's do one professional scientific services all right let's do let's do human resources resource development public relations advertising mmm yeah guys come on here give me a minute trying to find which one car wash services now Missy car wash services let's put other services let's see what that brings up ah let's see general automotive paint we're getting close let's put let's put all here it is car washes okay we're car wash business all right now you want to put in the physical address of your business okay um I don't recommend putting in your home address because this when you create a business your business is public record so what you want to do you want to get yourself a physical business address okay so let's put in one two three business is just to say just for example these are not this isn't a real active business drive Atlanta Georgia and then we get continue okay now you want to put in the email address one two three and this is a fake email is just for demonstration one two three at all right now you want to create a registered agent okay for one man LLC a one-person LLC small small business you can put yourself as the registered agent so what you can do is put yourself down as a registered agent so let's put down ourselves as a registered agent I'm gonna put in John Doe I'm not gonna put my real name John Doe no data found when they say no data found it means that John Doe isn't available registered agent so then you can create your own registered agent which is yourself and then you have to search for yourself as a registered agent all right so we're going to put in John Doe one two three and one two three business business dry Lanta georgian 303 five as you can see guys this is very easy to create a business in the state of Georgia so if you live in the state of Georgia you is really unnecessary to go through an attorney to start a business okay you put in this just as basic information okay now we've created John Doe as a registered agent which is the owner and the register agent is one in the same force one-man business okay the organizer is the owner in LLC's the owners are sometimes called members or organizers depending on your state one two three one two three business drive city okay now we got um no I'm sorry let me edit it John Doe okay it's very simple guys very simple optional provisions okay now you check this box and when you get down to the bottom here what it says member authorized title you want to put member because the member is like a CEO when we're talking about a LLC John Doe okay in here this is pretty much what everything is going to look like on your articles of incorporation when you make your payment and about generally about two weeks you should get your articles incorporation this is pretty much what your business is going to look like um in public filings soup car wash services LLC that's the email of your business it's the address of your business um this is the federal industry code carwash services this is the registered agent which is the owner John Doe John Doe is it could be any of you guys who own businesses and you pretty much want to scroll through and make sure everything is correct and then you hit continue again and you pretty much play a hundred dollars in the state of Georgia's one hundred dollars to create an LLC now you can do same-day you can do Express services you know you pay a two hundred dollar expedited fee and so on but if if you if you're not in a hurry just paid $100 fee and about two weeks you should receive your your your your articles incorporation then you have a legal company and it's very important to have legal companies that are separated from your personal all right all right guys now I'm gonna go back on the camera I'm gonna finish up this video as I just showed you on the computer here I just went through the steps on how to create LLC in Georgia um as you can see it's very easy the steps are very easy and if you follow the steps like I've just showed you in about two weeks you have an LLC and the company will be a legal business to go out and provide services and you would have legal coverage when you're doing business in public oh if you have any further questions about anything in this in the video I suggest you go and seek legal professional help um I'm able to give practical help because I have ten years in trucking and I help guys all the time and pretty much I have real-world experience and I'm able to show you guys how to create an LLC I appreciate you guys watch my videos I see you guys next time
Channel: Johnathan Hicks
Views: 31,376
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: YouTube Editor
Id: bgVnwn2pwE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2017
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