How to create an amazing Github Profile Readme | Use this when looking for a job as a web developer!

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when it's time to look for a new job everyone can create a resume and a linkedin profile as developers we can create our own custom portfolio website and we also have our github profiles where prospective employers can actually look at some of our code but what if i told you that you're probably not making the most of your github profile and there's actually a way to make your job application stand out github has a feature called github profile readme which basically enables you to add a full readme to your profile page you do this by creating a repository that has the exact same name as your github username and then you just add a readme let's take a look at some good examples and i'll show you how to create an interesting and fun readme for your own profile right so i have a few examples of some github profile readmes here and this first one monica powell you can just say it's very simple she's just used her own image header um she has a little bio here a couple of links and then just links to finding her elsewhere on the web now the cool thing about these readmes is if you want to know how that the developer has built them you have the code right there in front of you right so we can click into the repo you can see her username is monika and then the repo obviously needs to be exactly the same name as we'll click into the repo and we'll find the readme in here so that opens it up in the full page and then you can just click on this little display the source blob button here so now if you're wondering how someone has created their own github readme you can see the actual code so she's using an image tag with a source and links to this image now this image is github user content so she's uploaded this image to her local repo you can use links to images on the web of course but bear in mind they need to then load every time so it's better to host it locally if you can so you see no delay um and then we just look at down here find me around around the web you've got a little emoji here and a link and then a couple of uh bullet points let's look at this next one uh this is a little bit different he does have his own header here um then he is an about me with again a few different emojis uh from an engineer at razer pay and he links to that website uh he's got a little uh what are these little um pngs that link to or that display the the languages and tools that he's familiar with and then he has a github stats thing here so i'll show you how to use that and we'll do that in our own demo uh but again uh we can go into the repo and then quickly click into the readme and see how he's done it so again this is a linked image um he links it to his own personal website um and then down here we'll see his readme stats so you can see here the source is this url which is an api and he just passes in his own username so we'll look at that later and then he's got a few links here last one here this is a little bit different looks like this guy has linked to his uh is it blog posts or is it actual code releases yeah it's code releases um so if we have a look at the repo and go into the readme code and they're just hard links so he's obviously updating these manually cool this is my personal one i'm not going to touch this for now though i think it could use a little bit of improvement but you can see i've just got a little bit of a bio and links to some of the companies i worked for um about where i live and how i learned to code and and then some link to my own personal projects so i've created my own uh demo repo here i'm not gonna touch like i said i'm not to touch my existing one for now but you can see i've created this ian lenahan demo account on github and the first thing i need to do is create a repository now if you're new to github which i'm expecting you're probably not considering you're watching this channel it actually gives you prompts on how to create the readme but i'm going to create a repository and do it as if you know this was an existing account so in your own github account you want to create a new repository and you need to name the repository exactly the same as your profile name so i'm going to do ian lenahan demo and so that needs to be the same and down here now it says you found a secret it's a special repository that you can use to add a readme to get a profile make sure it's public and initialize it with a readme to get started so it's public and we're going to initialize with a readme so click add a readme and then create repository now the cool thing about this is you don't need to use git and the command line you can do this all in github itself so to get started we're going to click on the pencil icon and you can see here some commented out code which is basically some ideas so i'm going to remove the actual comment stuff and we're going to have a preview of this just to see what it actually looks like so click on preview and then you can see like this is pretty cool the emojis actually make bullet points stand out so so much more back into edit file and what i'm going to do is for now i'm going to actually commit the changes and we'll click on my profile and boom there you go you can see this is exactly what will show up when someone visits your github profile so back in the actual repository what i want to start with is adding a banner banner image to the description to my readme so i want to add this locally so i'm going to add a file and i'm going to upload a file and i'm going to commit those changes so now we can see github banner has been uploaded i want to make sure it works and there you go so this is the banner this is basically the banner that i have on my youtube channel and i'm going to cheat a little bit here i've gone back into monica's repo and i'm going to copy the image tag that she has and that whole thing copy that over there and i'm going to paste that into my readme i'm going to put this at the top and now this url i don't need to use that so i can do in demo and then the name of the actual repo and then i need to get the name of the actual image so github better okay so i've pasted that in i've changed the url to the actual image that i have here and i've changed the alt text just to say banner that says inline ahead front end developer so let's have a quick preview of that and there you go stands out straight away so i've got this little banner it's got my cheesy picture on it and then we have the dummy intro so i'm not going to really change this text for the purposes of this demo but what i want to do now is have a look at the github stats and there is a repo here github readme stats um that has been created by this guy and we've looked at his profile already so i'm going to go down here and the instructions are very simple we can just copy this link from here and i'm going to paste it into here and i'll do a little header my github stats paste that down here and then i'll say ins demo github stats and i'm not going to have any because this is a brand new account but just need to change the username and then let's see if that worked preview and there we go we have the github stats added to the readme uh total commits is three which are the ones that i've done in this video and i've got an a plus rating for some reason but i'll take it i'm happy with that the last thing we'll do is see if we can add a gif so i've gone in here and i've already looked for developer gifs and i'm going to copy this link and go back to edit file and the syntax for this is exclamation mark and then square brackets and then here we put our alt text so i'm just going to say developer gif or gif if you're so inclined and then in brackets or parentheses it just paste in the url and let's make sure that that worked and there you go so you've got a gif you've got github stats we've done a banner image and then we have used the the default bullet points with emojis so hopefully that's given you a few ideas i'd love to see what you come up with or if you already have your own github profiles can you link to them in the comments below and i'll have a look be really cool to see what you guys are working on so that's it for now thank you for watching please make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel if you haven't already and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Ian Lenehan
Views: 225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: github, github profile readme design, github profile readme, github profile, job hunting tips, getting a job as a software engineer, getting a job as a front end developer, getting a job as a web developer, github readme tutorial, how to setup a github profile, how to add a readme to your github profile, github profile resume, web development, github readme stats, github readme video, github readme gif, github profile tutorial
Id: qic8fpuCN2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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