How to create AI Voice Appointment Setter (Less than 15 minutes)

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hi Alex this is Jennifer from AI Solutions Pro I'm reaching out because you've shown interest in artificial intelligence solutions for your business the AI revolution has already happened and people don't even realize it yet if you're not learning how to use AI to automate your lead qualification and appointment setting then you are falling behind don't worry creating your own AI appointment setting assistant is super easy even if you're Tech challenged and don't know how to code I'm here to show you in this tutorial the process of setting one up step by step and I'll give you a secret prompt template I've been using to create these AI appointment Setters in minutes let's jump in what we're going to build is an outbound AI appointment setting system this AI will call leads after they downloaded a lead Magnet or filled out their info on our website then if the person on the phone ends up being a qualified lead from one of our offers it's going to Dynamic while on the phone attempt to book that person on our calendar and send them a calendar invite at the same time fully automating this process so we could do other things also this live booking system will intelligently negotiate back and forth to coordinate a good time that works for them and our calendar availability this AI voice agent are incredible today and work the way you expect them so let's get started so you can see so when you're ready let's head over to to synth flow. here's their website first humanlike conversational AI Voice assistance just going to go ahead and log in okay so this is the main dashboard you can see up here on the Le hand side my workspace a couple of menu options that we have assistance right here and then reach the limit so there is an upgrade option to get more assistance and to get more call time out of it so here on the starter pack on the left and then significant is going to go up in cost as uh you use more minutes so something to take a look at there's a lot of power here just have to get it set up and running and determine that Roi so here at the very top right we have the create button let's go ahead and create an assistant and for this tutorial we're going to be doing an outbound call the automating calls within workflows using zapier rest API or go high level all right so we've got some configuration choic is here uh up here you can name it so want to just maybe name this as an appointment setter and we've got some options for voice they even have other voices that you can pick from go ahead and just leave these advanced settings in here but you can get more granular with how you like the call performed over here at AI model let's go ahead and actually change this one to GPT 40 that's just the latest model all right awesome so here's a prompt a well-designed prompt will allow the AI to better interpret and respond accurately so this is really important we're going to connect this appointment center with real time booking and here's a prompt the variables that go into this give the AI boundaries and context for it to work on and so there's actually a really handy tool that was created in the AI Community I'm going to go to that and show you how we can actually take some contextual prompts for our business and our use case and generate an entire Superstar prompt to put back into here so that RI is trained on what's really important in our knowledge base and how to handle the call so I'm I'm going to go ahead and jump to that now when it comes to prompt engineering over 90% of the work to get a good output comes from how to actually come up with the contextual window get the AI to really understand how you want it to work and so thankfully from AI Community uh I found an incredible prompt tool makes that entire process that's painstakingly long and super timeconsuming to come up with instant so super easy prompt tool let me show you how it works and this is going to take in some dummy data we're going to use an example there's another AI generating tool from anthropic big company and they call it cloud and we're going to actually take these prompt sections agent name business context target audience offers and qualifying criteria FAQ and then notes on style tone of voice and behavior we're just going to go ahead and just copy all of this and we're going to bring over into Claude and we're going to ask Claude can you make uh dummy data version cuz it works better uh in CLA I found versus chatu PT and let's say selling AI Solutions and then just put in that so now what it's going to do is it's going to come up with a company name here's the business context awesome so our company AI Solutions Pro leading provider of Cutting Edge artificial intelligence Solutions blah blah blah blah blah target audience business and organizations of express interest all right so they submitted information on our website or maybe they attended an event where they left some contact info and here are our offers so we have an AI Consulting package a custom AI development as well as AI training and workshops kind of like a coaching offer so what this does is this we're going to put back over here one at a time so let me copy this cool so based on whatever offer you have you're helping gym owners you're working in the health space you're working in the relationship space you're an attorney law firm and people have fill out some information on your website so now all we're going to do is we going to click the Run tool all right awesome so if we come down we can see here you are let's say Alex from AI Solutions Pro your primary role is to engage with prospects who have expressed interest and artificial intelligence solutions by submitting inquiries through our website or attending marketing events important rules final instructions even the entire script so hello is this first name wait for them to respond hi first name this is Alex from AI Solutions Pro I'm reaching out because you've shown interest in AI solutions for your business give a moment to discuss how we can leverage AI to achieve your goals wait for them to respond fantastic I mean this is an entire script you can pause and and read through this it's I incredible uh and you're going to have an AI Dynamic voice talking to somebody over the phone wow and then we've got kind of like knowledge base right you can get even more in-depth with this if you add more and more data it's only going to help the AI be able to handle the edge cases that may come up with your kind of customer Discovery calls uh before you book them on the calendar uh up here we got a nice little copy uh let's come back to syn flow and so right here where it says write your prompt typ type in your custom variables we can delete all that and just enter in that prompt so let's go to right up here where it says set up your actions so scheduling that's how we're going to set this up so that our AI is going going to call the person and then do that Dynamic back and forth booking to get them on our calendar so when we click this in synth flow they only have two options for calendar integration and high level for this tutorial because it's a lot easier to go through we're going to use so I'm going to show you how that works all right so here we're at it's up here on the top right you've got login let's go there all right and then I'm going to select don't have an account all right here going to make orial and then here's some login info so go ahead and use email set your password I'm going to go ahead and just register actually with my Google to make it go all right sign in to Google all right full name yep then we're going to connect Google Calendar all right I'm going to sign in select all granted access U then easy one to set up with Google meet got other options as well next step all right set your availability you can adjust this if you like this is fine cool and we'll skip this bio so here now we're on this dashboard we've got some menu items here on the Le hand side event types 15minute event type uh 30 minute and secret so we're going to want to use the 30 minute but over here back at syn flow so is asking for an API key and a cal event ID so let's go back and I'll show you how to get that so here uh in settings bottom left and then we've got API key underneath developer that's where it's usually at awesome so let's go ahead and click add to create one test key make sure to select never expires all right and then that's going to create a key so this is the key then that you can use with other applications such as sylow so I'm going to go ahead and paste that there and then coming back at the top left let's go back to the main home uh dashboard so event types right here this 30 minute meeting so you're going to want to click that and when you click event types typically with calendars they're going to have like you unique code up here in the URL and this is actually the event ID so if you copy that and then come back over and enter that in a cal event you'll be able to press next all right then we got some settings we got us Eastern uh initial booking day could be tomorrow we can adjust all these time interval between slots not three let's lower that to maybe one awesome so now you see here here we've selected the real-time booking and we have the action installed so if we wanted to we can remove deactivate edit so now next thing to do is here at the top right so here we have a phone number name so we need to actually go uh and get a phone number and we're going to use a software tool called twilio all right so here at go ahead and sign up if you don't have an account or log in here we're inside twio um you're going to want to to first set up billing get your credit card added so that it has the refresh tokens that it needs once you've got that so this is the main dashboard all right I've already created one here but you're going to want to uh make a console inside of twilio so you create an account then you have uh at the very top level multiple accounts here's your dashboard this account Sid and off token we'll come back to that phone numbers so we're going to actually go to want phone numbers manage and buy a number here we're going to be able to buy a phone number super easy uh you also have options of different locations if you'd like click locality here and so if I wanted to get a local number I can type Tampa and here's going to be city right around the Tampa Bay area so go ahead and click buy and then once you do that you'll have that number set up then we can use that so another cool thing if you scroll down to settings and go into Geo permissions this is just something to double check if you are trying to call from outside the country so you're going to want to make sure that United States that's all selected if you're calling other countries this is how you would add those geolocations and so over here in sylow so when we're back here we're going to need to go to Integrations and we're going to need to integrate our twio account so when we go here to Integrations you have the account Sid and the off token so if I come over here and I copy the Sid D copy the off token so what this is doing is it's connecting the keys that you have on your twio account with your account and sylow so granting that access will link the two and then instantly it'll open the available phone number that we have in too one good next thing to do and actually just double check our prompt here just to do kind of like a another review so you are Jennifer from a Solutions Pro and then go ahead and go to book that looks good all right awesome so that looks good so we head up here to the top right we'll see to test our assistant so let's click select phone number got our number available and let's go with Jennifer first name here Alexander so it's going to call me as a test let's put in my phone number hey there hello hello is this Alex yes who am I speaking with hi Alex this is Jennifer from AI Solutions Pro I'm reaching out because you've shown interest in artificial intelligence solutions for your business you have a moment to discuss how we can help you leverage AI to achieve your goals yes I'm kind of busy right now though fantastic to ensure we provide the most value during our conversation may I ask a few quick questions about your current interest in AI sure what specific challenges or goals are you hoping to address with AI Solutions we're trying to automate more of the process got it and do you have any specific AI applications in mind or are you looking for guidance on where to start no I think we're looking for guidance lastly how committed is your organization to integrating AI Solutions at this time well I guess first off what's the products or offers that you guys have based on what you've shared our AI consultation package seems like a great fit for your needs we can explore this further and tailor our approach during a dedicated call how does Tuesday at 10: a.m. or Wednesday at 3 p.m. work for you what other Solutions do you have outside of just that one we also offer custom AI development for specific projects and AI training workshops to help your team get up to speed with AI Technologies depending on what you're looking for we can tailor any of these options to better suit your needs would you like more details on any of these Solutions sure I think we'd be open to that great let's set up the time to dive deeper into these options and see which one aligns best with your goals how does Tuesday at 10: a.m. or Wednesday at 300 p.m. work for you uh none of those times work for me no worries Alex let's find a time that suits you better how about Monday June 10th we have slots available at 9:00 a.m. 10: a.m. or 11:30 a.m. do any of these work for you uh 11:30 should work yeah please wait great I have you scheduled for Monday June 10th at 11:30 a.m. we're looking forward to diving deeper into how AI Solutions Pro can help your business harness the power of AI you'll receive a calendar invite shortly before we wrap up do you have any other questions no that's it thank you for your time today Alex we're excited about the opportunity to work with you and see how we can help Drive efficiency productivity and growth for your business have a great day thank C2 and she's already sent the meeting appointment also I want to just come over here and show you on so if we go over here to bookings we'll see here we got a 30 minute calendar from my Gmail to my cyberg email so you see that booked uh here Monday at 11: a.m. literally 30 minute video meeting wow incredible and then I've come over here here's the C confirmation in the client's email meeting link right here to join video wow I mean guys you just automated thousands of hours of getting on the phone and talking and doing preliminary qualification lead engagement right here One-Stop shop without any software development coding skills it's all just using a simple platform and just connecting some tools that are online available you've been able to now bring a software solution to any business industry Finance real estate health and fitness coaches everybody that's qualifying leads can now dynamically be done every business has to have this to succeed and to compete if you do not you're going to be left behind and you're going to be outcompeted so if you're looking for Solutions you want some help getting this set up uh we do have an AI Consulting business and if you're interested send me a message we can set up a call and do a discovery uh you can do this yourself or you can rely on some experts that can help integrate it and scale it to fit your use case that you have so really exciting time to be an AI and to see the uh the potential that's available with these tools so I hope this was incredibly helpful uh definitely check out synth flow and hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day cheers he Alex
Channel: AI Alex
Views: 223
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Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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