How to create a Table in WordPress from an Excel file using wpDataTables plugin

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you creating WP data tables from Excel files Microsoft Excel as all of you know is a living software for tables spreadsheets everything related to tables and calculations and of course WP data tables wouldn't be a fully functional tool it wouldn't support Excel format which is which it does so in this tutorial we are going to show you how to create a double pivot table created from existing data source and data source will be of course an excel file in this case first of all I would like to show you this file example that I prepared for this tutorial you can also download it from our site to follow these steps in this tutorial and to see for yourself how it works so it has 5 5 columns country city client mount purchased in total so 3 first columns are strings this one is an integer column and this one is a currency or Clawd column we it has some something like yeah it has 100 of rows plus the header row 101 roll in total one very important thing that I need to mention when working with Excel files and you're adding WP data tables from creating WP data tables from Excel files as data source there is a certain limit of rows or cells that you can use it's not derived from the plug-in itself but from the logic how it works because when you create it from an excel file each time the page is loaded it's reading this excel file which is expensive operation and if it's like to hundreds of rows three hundred the rows it's no problem because it so we'll be read pretty quickly but if it's several thousands of rows right up to 20 thousands of rows or more it can take really long on the server side to read the excel file and it can take real on the client side later to render this table and all the functions of the table like sorting filtering pagination will be pretty slow or even can crashing some servers for example in shared hosting which do not have a lot of memory so please keep this in mind when working with Excel files that it's better not to have more than 200 300 rows maybe a couple of thousands maximum but everything which is more than that should be migrated to MySQL and used with server-side processing feature enabled that will be dated tables has a table constructor feature which allows importing Excel files or CSV files to MySQL without any problems so if your data set is large you should consider using this feature okay so let's move on with the tutorial first step is of course to prepare the file which we already did now then you should go to our WP data tables backend and add a new WP data table or you can do it here that will be a tables add from data source let's call our table Excel example we want to show table title front end and table type will be EXO file of course next step is to upload the file that we prepared so we click upload file we see media even we already have some tables here but we are going to go ahead and upload our example file it's uploaded and then we just click using WPA in table so now the table EXO file is uploaded and ready to use table will not touch these settings for now just click save so right now you see there are not colors yet because WT data tables didn't read the column structure for now but let me click Save it's reloading the page because it read the file it read the column structure and it prepared the columns blocks for us as you can see so here all five of our calls countries city client amount purchased and total probably noticed it already guessed the comm types that we have so first one string second string third string but the last ones this one it decided its flow the texture it should be an integer as well sorry mom purchased amount purchased should be an integer and total is a float so we can save the settings and already see how the table over for this we just need to click on the preview button so you see it render the table already identity filters and we have all the values from our table just that it's sorted by the first column in alphabetical order which we can have in the excel file if we disable sorting you'll see the it grows in the same order so basically that seed table is ready for usage just let's add some more fine-tuning which will be I guess for country it will be much nicer to have a filter as a co egg box of for client and for CT let's leave that strings for amount purchased let's have filter type as number inch for talked to let's have a number engine well but also because the total stands for currency and it has dollar sign here in Excel but it didn't have a dollar sign in the table preview we can fix this easily with display text before absorption so we just add the dollar sign here save this and click on preview once again so you see we now have a dollar sign distorting for taco : still works correctly but we also have these nice drop down here so we can filter by country okay so now the table is prepared and there are several options of how we can now use this on our poster page first is to copy this shortcode from here and use it on the page but there's even a better option we don't even need to copy anything and to remember anything we just we just can remember the table title that we have here then we can go and add a new page or you post whatever I let a new page I will call it X so example and you see that we have these two buttons here insert the WP data table and insert a WP data chart so we don't need to remember any shortcode we just can click on this button here first we need to place a bit first we need to place the cursor where we want to put our table so here is the Excel demo table then we click this button and we just go down to our Excel example table click OK and it inserts the shortcode for us we just need to go ahead and publish when the page is published you just go view page and here you go once it's still loading but once it loads we will see our excel table just a couple of seconds more installing some okay solid so here we go not very complicated just need to prepare the Excel table upload it do some settings which is optional you don't need to configure you're doing if you don't need it insert in the poster page and you're ready to go purchase WP data tables exclusively on code Canyon
Channel: wpDataTables
Views: 79,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Excel (Software), How-to (Website Category), Plug-in (Software Genre), wpDataTables, WordPress, Plugins, WordPress Plugins, Tables in WordPress, Responsive Tables, Responsive Web Design (Industry)
Id: dpJ76bkpKh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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