How to create a software using python - Easy Learning

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what's going on everybody beardless be here back again for another to toe here oh ok uh today in this video I'm gonna teach you how to create a complete software in Python ok so the first thing you would need to do I mean the first thing we're gonna do is know what kind of software we gonna make okay so the first thing today I decided to because we don't want to make it complicated so it's gonna be a simple software ok just for you to get the idea right so it's gonna be a software to generate random passwords ok alright so let's start let's start again go to submit a long time that I didn't make videos sorry for that okay create a Python file name it our password passed yet ok ok click OK alright now here we wouldn't it's gonna be for random passwords so if it's for random thing we need to import we use the Python library random alright so how do you do that you gotta do you gotta go from from random alright you import everything in the in a random when I run on library alright so it's gonna be we got 3 tweetable things I mean when you're generating passwords you can have either numbers alphabetics or alpha numerics alright always special characters so I don't want to make it too much so I'm gonna just do our numbers alpha numerics and alphanumeric with special characters ok so here we have to declare all the numbers so starting from 0 is going to be 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 & 9 alright the next thing is gonna be I don't wanna just make alpha so I'll make alpha alpha numerics and that's gonna be a a b c 2z plus 0 to 9000 IV we see me w-why all right plus zero one two three four five six seven eight nine right that's done um no actually not completely because we need to use a match you know these things ABCD right okay no now that this is done we we have to the how will our naming special espy alpha alpha none yeah SP I thought I'm correct all right okay now all right I'm inside think all this I just copy this come here and paste it inside here and now I'm just gonna had some some special characters okay so what kind of special character we have we can ' yes that's what else can we put plus I don't know if star will go I'm not sure so I just want you to get the idea okay it's just for you to get the idea so I'm just gonna have parent Assessors in these things alright I'm just gonna keep it like this I'm not gonna make it too complicated alright so now we have all the variables in which the the the laterz the the characters are going to be selected alright so after that the second thing you need to know is the length of the password alright so I'm just going to define a variable named path length okay and this is gonna take you know as a user to input the the size of the password alright so how do you do that you get a do input and type inside it and password link password name okay don't forget to go back to the line one that's done now that we have this we can create a variable that's gonna hold the random password and when your name it ran pass I'm not sure I should just put it with the small power to make it be here alright so we have the run pass and the run press gonna be is a hold of each and everything on the on these variables all right so it's not be an array list alright so after having this what else can we do we could let's make it simple well after user to make choice fine so Artie doesn't choice when you just gonna make it okay please okay please select select select the type of password put one what am I talking seriously one I put one is that be numbers - does that be actually - oh yeah I get it like you I can type out on the French keyboard for why that's why I I lost up and that one here he's gonna do um and three we will have special alpha alpha alright okay yeah good yeah now that this is done we could select we should get the the input the user is gonna do which collected their variables so we will name the variable type how do we name it select I think they just do it slicks type it's long but it's fine alright select type we will do input can be a number all right so input then we just take it okay that's done now we will do if I should've made it with a small s if select type equals one all right so what we're gonna do we're gonna do for I in range and the range what is the ready range that the length of the password so if it's in a range of path then is it that way okay pass them all right are we gonna do ran pass its small our run pass okay so run pass a pen I'll explain you what that's what this does okay append choice choice off no for first case alright I'll explain this all right so for we come in here in the if select type so the user is putting for example if it's taken one only numbers all right if it's sake of only numbers you cannot in this loop and what this loop does is it makes the choose choice choices a function of the random library that selects a number it makes a choice it's not your choice it's his choice okay so it's going to select a number here I'm just gonna pick one because it's a loop alright the loop is not say the length of the password size so every time it gets into the loop it's gonna pick one number here and it's gonna open it in the read pass right you're getting so every time it goes into the loop is gonna pick one one number and put it in the Dirac into the round pass so we're done with this one so the next thing we're going to do else if else if I don't remember let's see if I'm going if you get a mistake we'll fix it all right so as if select times big s should have made it this far this sorry equals two sorry so if if you select that equals two we'll make the same loop if I for I in range purslane okay we do the same thing again it's not random that is random pass got a pen choice for the second case is gonna be this one all right so just copy this choice off choice of this all right so it's gonna work like this for the complete loop what is this ah we'll fix it later then hells yeah has gonna be obviously the S case is gonna be the answers got obviously gonna be there the last case all right so we're doing is why is it not going back wait wait wait something okay let me just remove these things maybe does the thing else no there's obviously something going wrong here [Music] is it Elif I don't remember yeah actually L if it's not Elsa's all right yeah no it works ah that's the problem when you have a problem you better fix it right away otherwise you won't even to go forward okay so let's come back to the to the main thing yes and we don't do the same thing so I write a link-up I'll just copy this just Auggie's come here listen and here I'm just gonna do what is never this was SP a in the beginning right so it's gonna be what did I just do okay so this is it this gonna be the beginning I mean everything is done now if you wanna print it you could print it right away with the up you won't be correct so we can have a variable name result and in a result we are gonna join this thing I mean the content of this variable we will so just open this okay use the join join is join is used to concatenate two variables I mean in this case is gonna be for the random okay for the RAM pass sorry but typed it wrong so so the the read pass is gonna be put into the results all right so now we can print we can print the the result to show the user how it will give how it would look like okay so we'll do print print your random password is Plus results yeah if anything is correct we shouldn't have any problem with this so let's check it out all right okay password length I'm gonna put 10 okay so sort of inside I'm just gonna pick two and it's saying my random password is this okay so it works fine for this case let me just count the numbers 3 3 3 what Justin okay let's try with password length I'm just gonna put 10 again and I'll choose the one okay random password is all right this is it now the chart case let's see if the turkeys works 10 tree all right perfect so this this is the random password but unfortunately I cannot prove I can I check if all the characters will be are gonna be selected I'm not sure okay so it's just an example if you want to build proper software you could maybe think thoroughly about it all right so this is the first part in the second part we'd be designing the the graphical interface I'm gonna make it simple okay so this is gonna be it for this part in the second part we talked about the graphical part and then in the third part will be linking it fourth part will be what is it creating the execute table of the software yeah so let me just pause this video so now coming to the to the graphical interface I'm gonna show you what we're gonna do okay and to paint alright so what we're gonna do is we're gonna be having the screen like this okay hope it's visible will be having the three choices like here here is gonna be no here's gonna be numb and here that'll be the special okay special will be able to select the size here okay size and we'll put a button here a generate button okay I generate Jen generate and we will be having the result under at the bottom here alright so this is what we're gonna do right now who don't do it just now okay so let's go ahead and do that mouse okay um so here if I do them are what we gonna do we gonna use ticket there yeah did our typed it here show you what you have to do is decide from the kinter import all that's what you have to do alright so after that you have to come to go a little bit under okay let's make it separate okay so now that we do that we'll be defining the window like this swing where is it pings yeah this window yeah it's gonna be this okay so we'll be doing that window so we type our window equals t cane now when you do this make sure that you had a the T in capital otherwise they're gonna create in here okay so we'll define the window size okay with the geometry function geometry function and here has known depend on the side above for me for example if I do 800 times 50 it's gonna okay let me show you something it's good whenever you do this if you're running is not gonna work because the window is gonna just go right it's on the right it so fast that you won't be able to see that it appeared and disappear at the same time so what you have to do is you have to do window dot main loop okay so it's gonna keep the window it's like it's gonna keep it in the loop continuously so let's just try to do this and see what happens okay okay oh it's taken see here is problem we're running this we need this part but it's starting here it's starting with here this part so let's just go ahead and comment all these things okay we'll just keep the only 3d three variables okay so to commend all of this we just maintain control and hit shift all right so then just comment all of it in inside one just one one thing just do it just you to find whatever so this is what you get okay so you get a window just with this code okay and yeah if I do tree nicely just do 200 so that you see the difference yeah see the difference so it's gonna be 800 long 200 large large long okay it doesn't matter you you got what I say what I mean okay let's just put fire back here so to be having it in the proper shape cuz we wanted it to look like this all right so this is done now uh let me just push this back down all right now let's come back here okay and what we're gonna do no we're gonna we're just gonna like you cannot get into a software and it doesn't tell you what it is and you're just asking you to you should know what it is so we just name this problem okay it's gonna be a level so if it's a label make sure when you type label it's a capital L otherwise gonna create a mistake it's gonna create an error again so the text gonna be placed in the window it's gonna be placed in the window and ok you can okay let me just show you my phones all right if you're taking fault for equals now you can put the parameters of the font in this case for example I'm gonna use okay if you want to know whatever font you can use you can go into your notepad take you from once okay and here you get all the fonts on the font names okay but for this example okay for this label I'm gonna use the kristin ITC okay Chris an ICC so I'll just keep this down Kristin ITC alright so Chris and I this is gonna be the front type alright and the size is gonna be 15 and we can put another parameter that's gonna be bold alright so now that we have that we'd be using the the text to be displayed so the text of it display is gonna be password password generator alright password generator let me just put a smiley face in it how do you even do that smiley face thank ya smiley face yeah that's done and we can put another parameter we use the the foreground we're gonna put it to blue alright I hope everybody likes blue that's done okay now if you just do this let me just show you what happens when you do this the text was supposed to appear here but unfortunately it's not gonna appear because you're not telling it where to appears what we gonna do is type pro name dot great alright so when you do great you have to specify the rows so how does it I'll show you so what you need to do is you have to type row for example row it was one all right and column equals next example I'm going to take three alright and we take the padding that's gonna be I'll show actually exactly what it does alright so 200 and pad pad y equals three three zero all right said this is now let me show you what happens when you do this all right it's gonna place it here now you may not understand exactly what happened with all this code so when it's a great great is gonna show great is to to define the place where this thing is gonna get placed all right so Row 1 Row 1 is gonna be let me just write it again Roland alright so it's like this is gonna be the first row this like row one second row third fourth and so on and column is gonna be one two three so yeah here now pad X is going to be the place where from X this side going from left side to right side I'm gonna play to nowhere as it takes gonna start where is this this problem is gonna be placed so from the X is gonna be 200 200 pixels from the right all right and why from to from the top it's gonna take 30 so to 230 is gonna start from here so that's what it does with unfortunately I don't really like this method actually another matter that cuz this one you cannot really place it takes you're gonna place the things button takes whatever you want to place you can't place it exactly where you want so this is just to show you that this is one of the methods and I should be automated pretty quick just do this so apart from this I mean after this the other thing we'll do is to choose the type right so choose type we will do true star equals it's going to be also a lad label it's gonna be placed in the window all right so the phone for this let's just make a simple we'll do the same thing so 4 equals um whatever let me just copy this there is typing so let me Kristin IDC right the the size we're gonna keep it to 15 all right and we keep it - all right now this text is gonna be shoes type among the tree because we'd be having three types will be having new numeric alphanumeric and - you made with special characters so we'll be telling the user choose a time among the tree all right now we'll be placing these two because if you run this it's not gonna show the text so now we'll be using the place so with place you can place it exactly where you want so it's gonna be real X for the X thing see here we were using pad x and y so here it's gonna be right X so it's that also then I depend on your screen so you can you may test it in place according to to your screen size your screen resolution it's gonna be they're gonna be different so another thing here you're gonna use these numbers you gotta use like from 0 to 1 so it's gonna be you be you'll be having 0 1 0 2 0 tree till till address and out is gonna be 1 all right hope you got it I'll show you exactly what it does so here if I use your tree ready Greg I mean read y equals how's it gonna be this good dot tree all right to see white place it please all right but this is I think we should reduce this let's bring it a little bit upward this is too much let me show you 225 yeah everything is gonna be good new 25 yeah perfect now okay now we have this we had this uh without we we're done with this part I know we're not done yet what do we have oh we still have we still have to place these three are buttons so these are gonna be radio buttons all right so because radio when you select a radio button you can select many at the same time if it was a checkbox selected many at the same time but in this case we're gonna use radio buttons so to use the radio button um I'll just type so what do we do now is okay let me tell you let me just type this t choice the ty choice we got used to be using t choice it was string VAR string var after this we'll be using num choice because we'll be chasing the radio button will be for all these types so radio button radio buttons gonna be placed in the window and the fonts for this case equals I'll use cobble all right cobble and will reduce the size to 10 let's make it it like let's try get a lick they just try it alike if it doesn't look good we change it alright and the text is gonna be numeric numeric it now variable variable will be equals yeah so the variable so what we're doing is gonna be going into that T choice all right let's be going to the teacher so we say T choice right and the value of that the value of that the thing we're gonna select now here is gonna be foreign um so it's gonna be this not this name I mean the name of this variable so the values gonna be no alright so this is done we need to place it so it's gonna be numb choice the place right eggs let's write 0 what am I saying point 0 tree and write y equals I'm not sure if I should be with Nexus trying 0 tree how it place it properly I don't want to be messed up what is this what did I do okay not just an undefined um choice that choice that's not dumb choice okay let's just see this what is this T choice okay and I'm Joyce with your button it's going to the T choice what is the difference between these two no difference okay I I don't know there was some kind of mistake I don't know maybe it's like mistake typo it's not placed properly so what we gonna do is we gonna shift it to this side and move it a little bit under okay so we'll move that X more and why would we use it a little bit so X is gonna be just put three okay so now let's move it a little bit under under increase let's put 25 to 35 great alright so now we do the same thing for with Sydney - right - so right let me type in all these gonna be this is the first one so this is gonna be let me take this back it's gonna be alpha I'll find them so we'll be using I thought um choice and here's gonna be special let's just keep it special choice and special alright so this is okay well if we keep it like it's gonna be putting all the same thing on so we just keep that the eggs the same thing and we just increase the the Y so we gonna put 30 I mean here enemy 40 and we 45 so let's run and see how it looks like good now we're done with this part without this part now we have to put the size all right okay so I mean that can't just cancel this come back here and get ready to work under on the size all right so for the size oh the thing we don't do with the sizes besides that actually the password length so we'll create a variable I mean let it variable we should be showing a text on the screen and on the on the window that shows that they usually got to select the size of the password so we say path length path thing equals label okay so life is going to be placed in the window and we will do from actually know okay the techs is gonna be sighs okay don't you thinking about something password size length okay length label Windows gonna be okay replace it Oh Pass No so we create so what we create text on the screen showing the user that is to put to select the password sign so we say it's a size it was labeled okay the label is going to be placed in the window and it's gonna be a text I'm gonna be sighs did you say sighs okay and we put the size it's going to put with the sides gonna be placed it's red X well why now for y we will I you have to try get I hope it presses when this design so let's just try 45 red wisely 45 okay 45 now we have to increase the X because it should be placed on this side all right it's going to be coming from like left side to right so we'll beat so we'll be increasing the X so X let's try fifty point five point five no point five is not good should increase it some more point seven yeah now we put the the it should be nothing can you reduce all of these whiny bit to 35 and this is gonna be 65 good now put but actually the text doesn't look good so we'll be putting our phones ok phone um let's select a font down here let me see if I can find something good just copy this come here phones face it the next thing is the size we gonna select 10 and it's gonna be born all right fun equals okay let's just run this and see now how it looks okay they just increase the Y to 40 point for great okay now uh why not have it a user type in the password you may type something I mean what am I saying the size of the password it may even type some numbers I mean no some laters which is not required that's not what you want so we'll be creating its pin box alright so I created and you see what exactly is a spin box so for the path length is gonna be a spin box alright so the spin bus is gonna be placed in a window and it's gonna be from from its recommended they had to be having a password of at least eight eight characters so from eight to towards let's say two would be say hungry from 800 and now we'd be placing the pass them faster we'll be placing it so it should be on the same for the same why as a size but the eggs are going to be increased so we'll be using rel X so X is going to be increased so it's gonna be let's try a point 68 and rel y equals same thing put four see how it looks like alright so this is how you changed this has a click unfortunately you can type something okay will be see how to fix that later so this is not great the size length of the carrot the length is making the to get together so we just increase this again it increases a little bit more and tree great right so now we have it now we're here this is done this is done so we'd still have two things to do all right so we'll be creating a generate button and the result part so let's come down here so we create okay so the generate is going to be a button so we'll create gen button generate button equals it's a button always capital I placed on window and the tech is gonna be generate whatever I want it at this time okay generate all right so the gen button is gonna be placed under so it's gonna be place let's put red X right X equals point forty five and red y equals point sixty great great alright so this is done and the last thing now is gonna be for where is going to be shown the generated password so it's like you select number it's like the size again and you get the result here alright so it's gonna be a text box all right so so it's gonna be let's just create it as result box all right so it's gonna be a text box so for text ball you just type text it's gonna be placed now you know how it goes it's gonna be placed in the window and for here if at this side is gonna be the height of the text box is gonna be 6 and the width is gonna be 70 all right so sometimes they say it's good to wrap Thanks it's word but I already know what it does so if somebody knows what it does and can explain it to me I'll be three we're really happy to hand it on the comment section so thank you I'm not gonna put it cuz I don't know exactly what it I didn't see the difference so I'm not gonna put it and we'll be putting this textbook I mean result box we'll be placing it it's gonna be under it's gonna be I'm just under the generate button so it's gonna be a red X so red X is gonna be the side okay I'll show you why I'll show you why our let's put 45 I'm point five and r ly and it's gonna put 74 nine point seven all right let's run this and see see this all this gap is then reach the X we don't want it to be it doesn't look good like this we wanted it to be looking like this so we reduce the X till here like in the very beginning so you put points you just put a zero here and make it simple can be very close to that yeah yeah so now we have it but it doesn't looks like we have some the space here and a space here is not the same so we'll have to increase the X here let's put 0 6 maybe yeah I think yeah this is good this is good I feel like moving down to generate a little bit upwards so where is it generate the generator it was a Y so we will right yep yeah this is fine let's make it finer in this way perfect now yes yeah this is great so uh we're done with this part all right we wanted it to look like this and we have in here so this is what we wanted we wanted it like this what is this okay I hope you hope you can see it hope you can see we wanted it to be looking like this so we have it now we got three choices so we got the path we got it's like this is the very beginning of the application oh I forgot to put a name yeah okay okay let me go back and put this so when we here we can name the window so it's gonna be it's gonna be title Wintec windows title so windows dot title so your name is okay we on LSB bread recipe alright so it's SP random password chain it's gonna be none they just put a speed generator let's be password generator right so if you run it now we had it here yeah now it looks better looks way better we got that speed password generator see it's the beginning of the thing so we'll be able to select will be able to select we'll be able to put aside to generate to get the result here all right so here's gonna be the dirt third part alright so for the third part will be linking the code with the graphical interface alright and the fourth part as I said before is gonna be generating the executable of the of the software alright so let me just put a post again alright so guys now getting into the third part yeah as I said before we'll be linking we'll be linking the graphical interface with yeah the graphical interface with a code alright so what were you gonna do now is okay let's just correct this cuz this isn't correct alright so for this one as I said before nocturnes going to take number I here alpha not mistaken see here I had a mistake here so it's gonna take this one alright so I'll just copy this paste it here and turn one you're gonna beat for this and it takes gonna be here it's gonna be alphanumeric and here I'm gonna name it special alright so this is done now I'm gonna look like this okay okay I was doing some work here so which is back here move this too all right I was talking about this the King done I think we back to the same thing thing that's here exactly here that I stopped last time let's see how it works all right all right so yeah yeah good okay so um yeah so with this code because we work in we're working with this okay it's not like see here here I was saying under enter password length so when you have this you the only thing you can do is select the select the length from here and it's gonna go into this gonna do some operation then you're gonna randomly select each character and put it into the into the world into the RAM pass and then put in the result and every does is gonna be displayed here I so this thing will make a function that would do this code all right so sorry about that so we create a function okay it's create a function use def so I will create a function deff create pass alright so so in the death create pass we'll see here okay let me type in name it the choice so the choice is going to be equal to t choice dot gates alright now what this does is see that ticket that to get you have it here see here you have it here so when the user selects a radio button it's gonna go either to value numb or alpha new special and that is going into the it's going into the is going into the teachers all right going into the T choice so now we will be getting the T choice so when the user whether user clicks are a radio button is gonna get into the T choice so we'll be using we'd be getting creating a variable that would be getting these these options all right so as we say if the choice equals nothing so if the user didn't select anything so if it didn't select anything so we'll be saying result box result box that the leads to make sure that everything is on point from zero to zero and okay so we'll delete I like to a left shoulder shop so just wait for me to result box this result box dot insert so from the end from the end we would be putting a message he's gonna be select the type of password you'd like alright so what this does is uh see if the village is I hope it doesn't create an error perfect alright so here if the user doesn't select anything because in the beginning all the tree as I show you again in the beginning it's like this that means nothing has been chosen because reading box when it when is radio button you cannot choose many at the same time this this means nothing has been chosen yet so one thing if you use it doesn't selected anything and it one is increasing the size and he's clicking on generates all right nothing's gonna happen if I click on generate alright so if it clicks you should be getting the message selects the type of password you like I'm sure he needs to select one here for example and then click on generate so that's what we just worked on now and the next thing see here we do this password name that's what we just did alright so selecting this yeah these two yeah this is already done we have it now we'll be working on this part will be working on this part for the length all right so for the link we need to get the length or the length the length is what is the length lenses with the size Ritter sighs all right so let's work with the size so now we're coming here let's go back down and we create a variable length it's gonna take it ain't all right cuz it's gonna come back when you take when you use the gates it's gonna take it as a string so it make sure we convert it back to two goons so it's taking path length all right so passed then dot gates and click on path then you see passed in here all right it's pin box passed and we're getting it and we're putting it into this new variable so that's what we're doing then we create a rent pass all right the same thing we're doing here same thing we're doing here we're doing the same thing so rent pass and this front pass we're gonna use the same loop we used up upward up there so if you for I in range in Randolph no not lambda in red of length all right so the same thing the same thing which is ran paths dot a pin then double P choice off now here the choice gonna be the charge of the choice I'll tell you why the choice is getting P choice all right so teachers it's gonna be depending on the radio button is selected so if you selected um now the numbers gonna go into the choice that's why if you selected alphanumeric is going to go into the teachers but here what we're doing is we were doing it if it was one if equals two yeah so this is a better way of doing it so that's why we're doing it this way so then we'll be getting the results so the loop would go on and get all the other characters so and then we use salt right so regardless is going to be equal to the same thing we did so don't join and they join Rand pass alright so after that will be put the final results alright so I just name it the result I don't wanna make it too complicated so the result is gonna be it's gonna be a string alright so we'd be doing make sure you go okay let's just type it this way and name your password it is alright with space and then we're gonna we're gonna put the new password now and it's enough results all right okay so yeah so results and let me just put this again and put the three stars so that you know that because this is the way it's gonna be you'll be seeing it in the middle all right so now that this is done let me just make sure I go back line alright so this is done what else do we have to do let me just check something all right all right so okay so now what we gonna do is same thing we're still in the same in the same function so we'll create results did I name it this way no it was the result is it there is a lot way now it's result box resolve on images copy this so result box so result box that deletes all right deletes from the beginning all right in the end and will do now why do not Jesus could be pasted that insert to be inserting the final result I mean the final the final answer all right so I mean yeah the final result so we do we because we cleared we cleared everything from the beginning to the end now we've got to start from the end and from the end we're gonna we gotta put the Greek yeah the results all right so now this is not over we created the code for for a function we created this now we have to link it we have to link we have to link what just happened we have to link the graphical interface with that function in the Lincoln is like if we second this and this you not doing anything but only when you click here only when you click on generates you should get the result so we'll be putting the function on this generate button so let's just go ahead and get the generate generate here alright so on this button okay if you want to know how I want I just control F that's why I did all right so Jen Jen button generates is here alright so we can to be linking a function with a button you use the you use command and when you type command you put comment equals and the name of the function so here our function name is create pass alright just copy it come back here and paste it one common mistake people do is something they just copy or they start typing it the start typing it creates and then hit enter and here you get it with a parenthesis but if you do it with the process it's not gonna work so just remove the parentheses alright so [Music] I guess this is it let me check this all right for example if I click here yeah so that it type all right so let's do it again okay just select alphanumeric and I include aside ten generates yeah now you have it your password is this you generate again you're getting another password and another password another password okay that's why it was so special yeah let's work in numeric great works okay um same thing yeah same things it works doesn't matter works alright so yeah I was what if the user type I don't this is like hey we cannot so uh so we will have to block this thing we have to block this thing so to block something I mean here is a sighs I don't know wait where's the size I is its own size check properly cheap properly it's on a spin box not on site so its on the spin box whereas a spin box so spin box is here and this big but uh yeah it's broken on the past and so what we have to do to block this we go type path length pass them dot config all right so on a config now what we have to do with a config is you'll be using the States all right so for States you'll be using read-only read-only all right you could disable it by if you disable it you won't be able to click alright so just use the state only I mean read-only just write it now now you cannot type anything you cannot type all you can do is increase decrease all right so no okay I works right and not minded thing under don't mind this cuz this is gonna be the the working interface the user won't be what is it sorry about that I guess we're we're done here [Music] alright okay um what is do we have let me check if there's something we can do on this part no yeah okay say ah we'll go to the last step which is converting this into an executable file all right so this is gonna be just now just wait for it so on the last part of this video we will do the we will create an executable of this program alright so if you don't remember how it looks like it's this alright so we will be creating the executable of this program alright so what you have to do is actually there are many ways to do it but um I'm gonna select I'm gonna I'm gonna do the easiest one and maybe in another video I'm gonna show you how to do the other alright so so what you have to do is through you have to type CMD alright the command prompt and you'll have to do pip install PI installer alright so once you do that you hit enter alright you hit enter and it's gonna download our Poppins PI installer alright once this is done the other thing you really have to do is you have to go into this programs folder so if you don't want to go through all these you can go directly in here and click show in Explorer alright so get into it and here once you here oh you will have to maintain shifts alright so press shift make right click and once you rightly you should be able to see come on I'll open the comment from here open command window here click that all right and here you PI installer and the name of your Python programs he here - past gen you should be having the same if you did the same thing as I did so Bastion that pi alright and hit enter and I just have to wait for for Pius order to generate the executable of this program so just wait oh yeah another thing if you wanna if you want to create an icon for your program alright so you have to take an image this one example for example this is an image generator I made it an icon here so this is an image I converted it into an icon and once you have the icon you can put it into your executable file but you have to make it a night home so you can take a look and you can select whatever kind of pick you want and convert it if you don't know how to convert you I'll put a link in the description but the website is convert I so it's convert I hope that's alright if you go on to this website you can convert any image into an icon so let me go ahead and show you what it looks like so first you have to you have to get into not into the build all right cuz if you go into the build see it's here but it doesn't run all right it's not running go into the dist alright pass tchen scroll down you'll find it here double click on it and here you have your program it's working yeah that's great it's working great it's working alright so now maybe this one doesn't look good too all right so you would like to to change the icon so let me just go ahead and delete all these what the edges - doesn't matter delete all of them alright so same thing tied the same thing and here for I go you put - I alright let me just go ahead and delete these things and for the icon just drag it and drop it in alright so you don't have to tie the territory now you put the the Python files name so it's pasture dot pipe hit enter and let's build with the with a new icon [Music] yes I think this is done now yeah is it I guess it's not a few seconds just go wait for it inside here yeah it's done all right so when you see here when you generated this way when you generate it this way you have the icon here i but this is not good it doesn't look good to you that's not what we wanted to do so we change it again all right and we put minus F let me just come here and put minus F in order not to add all these files so you use a command minus F minus capital F so let's just go ahead and do that how long are you gonna take all right thank you so same thing we come here now here we have it see when you use that when you because are with it with a minus F command we don't need all these files anymore alright so it's just creating the executable directly from here alright so when you run it you have it this way smoting yeah but maybe you don't like this title different icon maybe you don't like it so what you could do is come into the come into the code what is it yeah here so finally from here we could put an icon I only have one icon here alright if you can see if you see it properly I only have one icon I did not create many icons so I'm just gonna use this icon again you can if you have any you can use them so we do window that i call i don't--but I can bitmap alright and here put our alright and now you have to see if you just if you just put the ID normally you can put ran that icon alright but as you created me executable I'll just show you what it does yeah you have it here but if you create executable using this way it's not gonna the executable won't be pi instead I won't be able to find the red icon alright so what you have to do is you have to come here and copy the path the path alright so you can use this command or just click copy path come here control V ctrl s to save it alright so come back here and same thing generated should be here I guess they're gonna have me to delete it I guess I'm just mostly mosquito just fly in front of my face all right yeah it didn't ask me it didn't ask me to yeah say you the time I mean you can't say the time but the time has been changed all right so now when you click here you should be having the new icon of your application all right so guys that's how you create an application all right so if you click here you don't get anything so now you click here see you get the errors here so now you click here and you click generate and it works great so just guys that's how you that's how you create a completely this is just a basic example all right so now it depends on you what kind of application you want to create but now you know how to create a basic and simple application using a GUI and how to generate an executable so if this helps you and you found it useful you learn a little bit or even if you didn't learn anything and you just watch it because you like my video make sure you click the like button subscribe and I'll see you in the next video peace
Views: 49,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create a software, how to create a software in python, python how to create a software, creer un logiciel en python, comment creer un logiciel en python, create a software in python, creer logiciel en python, créer un logiciel en python, python logiciel, logiciel python, software in python, bertdelaspeed python, random password generator, laspeed random password generator, python, tkinter, python tkinter, tkinter gui, tkinter python tutorial, tkinter python in hindi
Id: rpbdrAL0qZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 36sec (4116 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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