How To Create A Rental Property Management Application From Scratch -Part 1 [Free Download]

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hello this is randy with excel for freelancers and welcome to the rental property manager in this exclusive training i'm going to show you how to create your own property manager complete with properties and buildings tenants and units income and expenses alerts and reminders and of course an incredible single click dashboard it's going to be an amazing training i cannot wait let's get started okay thank you so much for joining me i really appreciate you giving us a shot here if you do like these trainings i urge you just to click on the subscription button below and don't forget that notification icon bill that will ensure that you get these trainings each and every tuesday i do bring these we're going to be creating this application from scratch from an absolute nothing workbook you're going to see every single step every misspelling every bug every shape every format every line of code i'm gonna go step by step with you we're gonna create this incredible property management application complete with the additional adding properties adding tenants complete with the dashboard a single click dashboard we've got a lot to cover on that an income and expense we'll be able to track both of those and have alerts and reminders automatically within this application you're going to learn every single step it's probably going to be two-parter because we have a lot to cover there's a lot to cover and i don't want to rush to it i want to take you through every step so that you can follow along you can create your own applications whether it is a rental property manager like this or any type of application that you can sell on the market or for individual companies i want to share that with you so you can learn this we do bring these to you every tuesday i want to make sure that you pick these up if you do like these applications it's absolutely free using the description down below i've got some links for both facebook and email so make sure you pick it up if you do like these applications you want to help support us a great way to do that is with the amazing and brand new 175 application zip file and that comes with complete with a 175 single click application so you can click once to get the training video and once to open up the application it's a really cool library and i'm going to include that absolutely free in the 175 pack it's just 66 right now that's only 37 cents per template so i hope you grab that that'll help us out that keeps these trainings for free okay we have a ton to cover so just as i said we're going to create this from scratch it's going to look just like this hopefully and we'll walk you through it so what i'm going to do is i'm going to save this i'm going to close this out we don't need this and we're going to start from brand new application here that's right and i'll go ahead and save this save it as and then we'll just make sure that it's in our folder we're going to call this make sure it's an xlm folder that means macros so i'm going to call this rental property manager not the sample obviously that's the one we were just looking at we're going to create this from scratch so here we go i want to make sure that you get these applications so we're going to have several sheets in this in some of these cases what we've done is created a single sheet we're going to create several sheets so we're going to call this our main sheet that's going to be our main we're going to have our single click menu so that's going to be helpful the next year we're going to call this properties i want to keep properties on this so we're going to be able to track add delete update properties so our sheet name going to be properties here our third sheet sheet 3 we're going to focus on that's going to be units and tenants and tenants so we'll be able to track of all the units or tenants or people living even if it's not a tenant even if it's commercial that's fine too i also want to have transactions we'll call this transaction so that's going to be income and expense type transactions you can assign them to specific buildings specific units and we'll be able to keep track of the profit and loss for each individual building or for each individual unit i also want alerts and reminders that's going to really help us out to lo know when rents do or things like that or something's late alerts and reminders we'll be able to set independent alerts and reminders so i'm gonna have those are the four main components and then a dashboard so we'll have properties units and tenants transactions let's make that transactions and alerts and reminders and the last thing is a dashboard dashboard is going to tie everything together we're going to have all that so we'll be able to create i'm going to show you this template that's going to allow you to create your own ultimate dashboard in which we can have unlimited types of reports and graphs in a single dashboard so that's going to be really great then we're going to focus on the data so i want to keep all the data separately so sheet 7 we're going to focus on the property database so we'll have that we'll call this the property that's going to keep track of all the property database and then the next sheet what i want to track we got to have we say i have units so units and 10. so we'll call this units database then the next database of course i got to track our transactions so we're going to call this the transaction transaction database and lastly we want to track our alerts i also would like to put some attachments in here so we can attach different files pdfs contracts leases whatever you want inside that so we'll let's have a transa attachment database attachments database and we'll separate them by type so that's going to help okay i think that's it so we've got let's just go over what we got we got a main that's going to run on our single click to we can get to the properties units and templates transactions alerts and reminders dashboards and then we're going to focus on the database we have properties we're going to hold all the properties units transactions alerts and attachments great that's a good start what we want so in our main basically what i want to have is some type of an easy single click very visually appealing type of layout so that people understand what so let's go ahead and do that i'm going to call this the rental property manager rental property manager just as you saw in the sample and let's take a look i want to set this fade i'm going to bring this down a little bit let's increase the font here so this one is a great training for beginners to vba and for intermediate because we're going to go over really really slowly and i want to make sure i'm going to drop this down for what we're going to creating and we'll do something like uh i like aerial bolt around and then make it bold so that kind of looks nice and i also want to give it a nice color something an offset color so maybe this color here this looks good and i'll let's give it a grape on something a little bit clearer so just something i'm just going to go over these we'll create these columns these are going to be large columns i'm going to format those cells and we'll go with the fill a fade effect uh something similar to this let's go ahead and let's change the theme on this maybe something like in the page layout let's go with i've got a custom theme up here that's going to get us some nice colors here so just a and b i'm just going to format those and then we'll increase the column widths on that so let's go with a light gray something a little bit different than we've gone through before and then what i'll do is i'll use this fade effect here on these two columns and i'm going to expand these two columns way actually we're going to call column a that's the only really column we need to focus on here and then uh these two columns bring it down just a little bit so we're going to go into the fill effect and we're going to go with a little bit of a lighter color that lighter gray here i'm going to go with that there so that looks nice and then the rest of the page we're just going to use that very light color here so then i'm just going to bring this down and then format the cells we can go with just the lightest gray here that's going to give us a nice look and that's what i really want to go for i'm just going to focus on column a that's all i really want because we're just going to include a single shape here we can center that so what i want to do is i really want to have a single shape in here a shape that i've created already and then we'll use that shape as our menu so i'm going to insert a picture here i've got one saved up in my files here something that's going to help us here let's take a look at this one here rental property picture that's the one i want to focus on that's what we're going to create we're going to create a menu based on this it's a little bit too big right now i'm going to bring it down here but this one we don't need i'm going to remove the headers on this one because we don't need them so the headings i'm going to clear that out that gives us a little more space we're going to create a menu down here so i'm going to use this and that's what i like there just bring it down a little bit and okay i'm going to zoom out a little bit we can bring this one down a little bit here because we can increase so we don't see anything other than just the gray background that's what i want so i like that bring it back to about 100 percent here and now that we have our shape what i want to do is i want to assign menus on this so i want to take a look at this and bring menus but first i want to put some text on it because i would like to know what and some icons of course so let's put the icons on first and then we're going to put the text on top of that so we're going to insert and i want to use some white icons so it's going to help us so i've got an alarm here i'm going to hold down the control apartment building a dashboard i'm going to use that it's called give for free that's going to use for our transactions then we're going to use this one for our tenants so i've got those already saved up and i'm going to insert those and they're too big as it is so what we want to do is i want to reduce the font so maybe something about 0.6 or something like that that's pretty good that's what i want i'm going to put the this is going to be used for the buildings right here this one's going to be used for the tenants so i'm going to drop that right here this one we're going to use for the expenses and income or transactions right i'm going to place that here this one is going to be for the alarm so i'm going to drop that here and then this one's going to be the dashboard so i'm going to put that up here i'll make that a little bit bigger because we have a little more space on that one okay great so we see our menu starting to come in we got rental property manager here the title now let's put some text that we know what we're going to click i'm going to insert shapes and i'm going to insert a text shape here so now we've got a text shape so let's just put in the words i'm going to caps lock here dash board okay that's a little bit too big but what i want is obviously white font let's go with the white font i'm going to make it bold and then drop the font down here a little bit that looks good i'm going to center that so that looks better there but obviously we need white font so let's go with the white font there and there we go and that's bolded let's go with more colors and i just want to go all the way up to white that wasn't quite white so i want a full white okay that looks good just the way i like it we can reduce it now what i want to do is i've got a nice font just the way i like it so let's go ahead and duplicate that and got the and then we'll create the other menus too as well so i'm going to hit control d and now we've got one and i'm going to put that here and this one is going to be our properties and buildings so proper t's and buildings i'm going to left justify this one so left justify in fact the rest are going to be left justified and bring it down here so we also want to make sure that we have enough space let's bring it here downs a little bit more okay we need a little bit less font or we can increase this we can let's increase this a little bit here so we can see it go all the way down the bottom as big as possible and then we can resize there okay good so that's it this font's a little bit too big for that so we're going to reduce the font down so we can get it just the way we want it here and i'll probably bring it down to about 18. so let's try 18 font let's actually select on the shape itself then we change the font once we say because that's for individual fonts okay that's nice i just like that we can reduce these i think these are icons are a little bit big notice how we have this text over that and that's exactly what we want because we're going to assign the macro to the text shape but these are a little bit big so let's just bring these down to about 0.5 so 0.5 and we'll drop them down just in the corners perfect so that's what we want we want the icons behind and the text in front because it is the text that we're going to be assigning the macro and so that's exactly what i want okay so now we've got this now let's make this the same size as the blue box behind it so that's perfect and then of course we want to put it on the top so right on the top justified here properties and buildings that's good that's just the way i wanted properties and buildings and we're good to go now that we have the shape just the way we want it we can then duplicate that and create the other so i'm going to hit ctrl d again and i bring this over we're going to call this just place it right over the area and we're going to call this tenants in units so we'll change this out called tenants and units and then again we can do this same thing again duplicate it using ctrl d bringing it down here we'll call this one expense and income so we'll just change it to expense and income and then the last thing then we can assign the macros we'll create the macros and that's going to get us expense and income or expenses i should say and income last one what i want is alerts and reminders and we'll use the long name first so we'll call it reminders and alerts so that way it looks a little bit better reminders and alerts so that's going to let us know how we want to create alerts for specific events in our desk right so we've got everything looking really good that's just the way i'm going to center this now what we have is but here's the issue what i want is i really want to be able to click one shape and have it but now i've got two shapes here this one shape is fine it's over over over but there's one shape that i really want because when i assign a macro to that i want to make sure it's a single shape click so let's do that let's insert a shape for this top part these are squares when i click that anywhere around this area it's going to be able to take it but when i click this notice i've got two individual shapes and i got one background so let's add a shape that we can actually assign a macro to it so something like a triangle that's really what i want so i'm going to start here i'm going to create this triangle just like this but now i'm going to bring it over here and i'll make it pretty much the same size and of course i'll make it invisible we don't need it visible but i want to make it almost the same size as what we have it on okay now let's go shape fill no fill and then no outline now we've got our shape so now when i click on here when i click on on this shape here let's find it here let's go into the shapes if you have trouble locating your shape just the selection pane here and the isosceles triangle that's the one we want that's the one we're going to be assigning the macro to so we can always have it in shapes if you don't have this selection pane of course you can get it inside page layout here and the selection pane right here that's it toggle that but you can also put it in the quick so now that we have that we understand that we can create the macros that we want to go to the individual sheets is what we want so now we've got our definitely our really great menu look in here and so we can move on so properties that's the first one that i want to create and i want to create something so the first two columns here is going to be for admin so we're going to call those a little bit different there and then what we'll do is we'll be able to duplicate that sheet so we'll give it this uh let's see this gray color here a little bit different than what we have and i want a say i really want the same look and feel as this one so i'm going to copy this and i'm going to paste that in there and here i'm going to paste it right in here so i want everything but i don't want the shape so what we'll do is we'll just select all the shapes we don't need any of the shapes and delete that i'm really just looking for this type of look and feel and that's exactly what i want we can reduce the font size we don't want it that big for our properties so this one's going to be called properties and buildings so let's change the name on that and we're going to call this properties and buildings and then we're going to left justify that and we'll bring that over now i'm going to bring this over i want multiple columns on here so i'll bring it all the way over to let's say l so i'm just going to drag it over here to l that's going to cover it here so now we've got our properties building a little bit too big i don't need that much on that and i also want to put an icon here too so that looks pretty good and we can probably reduce that to about 20 because we need space for other things in here properties and buildings and we'll center across that maybe all the way to k so i'm going to merge and center that all the way to k we're going to create fields on this so i also want different fields and then i also want icon so let's go ahead and insert an icon here picture and then once we get it all right so in this case i want the blue icon so we've got apartment buildings this icon will work just fine and we can reduce that again to about 0.4 something like that perfect so now we've got our icon set up now we can start to put in our fields what do we want well i want to be able to select a specific property and load that property so we can add that in i'll keep c column c as a spacer so we'll drop that down here and then we'll call this select property so the users can select a specific property and then load that property so that's going to be it so we can double click that and then i'll create this now if now what you want to do when you do is is if you have a specific format that you want to set up you can set a specific cell style and that's going to help you so and let's say we have a create a cell style and then we could do that throughout so i'm going to create a cell style i'm going to what i'm going to do is i'm going to format it just the way i want i'm going to right justify this i'm going to add a border around it so i'm going to do format the cells and i'm going to put a border around this one so let's take a look at let's choose this color here i'm going to put a border all the way around except the right side i want a dotted line so now i've got that cell style just the way i like it i'm going to use that for labels so let's select that and let's go into cell style and what we'll do is we'll do new cell style we'll call this label and just the way we have it okay so now we've got it so now anything we assigned to that's going to automatically change now let's do one for field so again i'm going to make this again white let's go ahead and choose our white color here we have our white here's our white color and then i want to put the borders around that and left justify that so again put the borders around here i'm going to left justify that here and then now we've got our field so now we can duplicate this a lot easier so again i'm going to go into cell styles and i'm going to add another one called new cell style and i'm going to call this field so that's going to be used for our field so field is good enough so now everything's going to copy so now when i need to create this i just need to easily just click on the cell style here and then just click either label or field it's going to make it a lot quicker and a lot easier so what do we want for our property well i certainly want a property name so we'll go property name and then i'm going to tab or i want to know what type of property that is so let's go ahead in row five we'll call this property type and then i also want to start date when do we start uh working with this property that'll be fine i'm going to skip a row and then we'll go in to i also want the address of that property address we need that and that's going to be a long field so i'm going to probably merge instead of that all the way across to let's say i so we'll merge and center that and left now we can add cell styles and then next up what i want is probably going to need a let's say the owner's name and uh then also i want the um actually the manager's name and i want there for my manager's name okay and then i also want to know the manager's phone and email so we'll put in phone and then email here and then the same thing for the manager so we have owner's phone and email we have manager's phone and yeah so phone and email so now what we want to do is just hold down the control for each of these fields for each of these labels here and then we'll do the fields after that and then we'll do is i'll just click our our cell styles that we created and we'll call this label now we have that we're going to do the same thing for our fields here so holding down the control selecting each individual one and then of course we can sell style and then click field so now we've got it really good we've got it there i also want to do the property i want to add the property id here so that's going to be important so inside let's say here property id and then i want to have a field but this particular field i don't want to color this white actually what we can do is we can assign this the cell style because this is going to be a label and then i'll just format those cells because this one i don't want user input this is just going to be for admin purposes only for viewing so we have the property id we'll expand there so property id is going to show up here and property will use the drop down list the property name the type the start date address owner's name good so we have everything we also want some button sets here that's going to help us so i want to know i want to create some buttons uh different button sets so we can add and remove properties so you can see how don't forget to save our work so we can do that alright so let's add in some button sets and then what we'll do is but i also would like some attachments here i want to be able to assign attachments to a specific property so let's add that in here so attachments and then we'll just drop it down let's say keep it consistent so we'll drop it down all the way to here we'll make this the white background here and then format those cells and then we'll just add the same color border around it so go ahead and click on the border and then what we'll do is just to outline it inside and then we'll do the same thing for here and then we'll center that maybe bold it here so it's and then add that same border format those cells so we're going to have the same border all the way around great i hope you like these trainings you know i keep sometimes they're more advanced sometimes we're going to keep them simpler so i'm going to try to mix it up a little bit because i tried to appeal to everybody here and everybody's at different levels so you know this one's great for the basics you know the ones that someone move too fast on for the beginners and this one we're going to go really slow so this one might be a little bit slow for those advanced but it's going to show you exactly every step of the way so continuously so we're going to have attachments and i want to be able to add attachments so let's add in some buttons now i'm gonna use this shape we'll go with a square shape this time and we'll go with the same blue so just create your button one button just the way you like it and then we can duplicate that button so we're going to give it a shape fill we'll use the same color here and then but i'll give it a little bit more of a button look so we'll go into the shape effects and use one of our preset colors that looks nice okay and then i also want to right justify that there we go but we don't need the font we got the font way too big on that so let's go with a font of about let's say 12 on that one that should be sufficient there all right let's update the color there and good that's the color i want it's a little bit big so let's set the height up to maybe a point three on that okay good and we'll put in some font let's say we're going to call this add new and also we don't need this automated header so let's format this shape right we don't want it to auto so we look in the text box right we don't want to resize shape to fit text we'll resize it automatically okay so we don't need that and we do want the font in white so let's put that in white and that's not the white color this is the white color that i want bold it and then increase it to about 12. so that's good that we got it a nice look and bring it back down to 0.3 which is the height that i want center that inside the middle there perfect so now that we've got our button what we want to do is we want to create all of our buttons first then add the icons so that the icons are on top automatically so the first thing we want to do what kind of buttons do we need we have add new i'm going to duplicate that and we'll have one for save or update so we'll actually we'll create one for update and one for save even though the same macro is going to be assigned so that's going to update the records and then what i'll do is i'll want to delete button so delete let's call this delete and we'll have different groups so we'll have a group for existing properties and a group for new properties so delete this is going to be for new existing existing now let's create some buttons for new so we want save a save button would be for only new properties and i want to cancel new so ctrl d and then cancel just put cancel on that that will help us and then we'll add the icons and then one more for the attachment so another one for add attachment so we're going to duplicate that and then we're going to call this add attach and then we're going to put that i'm going to drop that right in under here so we've got that so i want two different groups so basically this save and the cancel is going to only be used for new properties while the add new update and delete are going to be used for existing properties so i'm going to hold down let's make those a little bit smaller probably around one inch is fine and then we can do the same thing actually for these as well they don't need to be so big so we've got one inch there now let's add now that we've created all of our buttons we want to create the buttons first then we're going to do the icon so let's insert those icons i'm going to insert the picture and i've got some icons here and my images saved up i've got a folder under images i think it's right here and i've got some folders so what kind of we want a lot of icons here so let's go ahead and add in some new so i'll click new on that new and we got ones for add i think i got an add new here let's let's expand that add i want to add that i want to add a cancel right so let's go ahead and click on the cancel holding down the control button so we can add multiple ones i also want to add a save so we'll use the checkbox i like this checkbox for that and i need to delete so let's go ahead and hold down the control i want to delete and i think that's it i think we've got everything up that should be sufficient so i'm going to insert those and of course all different sizes but let's make them we know our button size is .3 so let's make this point to five on the height that'll adjust everything accordingly so we're going to use this ad we're going to use this for a few ones i'm going to use this for also add attachment so i'm going to duplicate that i'm going to put it right up here notice because we've added a second we notice that it's already on top so that's what we want once the icon's already on top so we don't have to move them move them up or move them down which we can so we've got you can use this for add new and update i'm going to use this one for both save and update so i'm going to control d duplicate that put it on the update and we're going to put it on the save button okay so when you have something that's all only a little bit so we can move it center it and then what we can do is just add some spaces or move it over so we'll add some spaces to center that save that looks nice and then cancel i'm going to put that right up here and then delete we're going to put that right up here so now we've got all of our icons and we want to make sure everything's centered so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to use our selection tool and put everything in the middle there that's going to center everything really nice i'm going to do the same thing here selection tool and then center everything here add these shortcuts as you need them the more things that you use put them up here all you need to do is go into more commands and then all you need to do is quick access and just select whatever you want from the all and then just go ahead and add them to here and that's going to give you a lot save you a lot more time so now what i want to do is i want to group the individual shapes and buttons so i'm going to group this button here i'm not going to name those specifically but i will name the larger group so again i'm going to group these using my grouping tool and i'm going to do the same thing here for delete grouping that so what i really want now is i want to create let's go ahead and do this with the rest of them as well grouping them just holding down grouping them as well and then they'll add attachment going to group them so now the ad attachment is going to be independent regardless we do want to that's going to be used just for existing but we will go ahead and let the user know if they're trying to add this to a new one so we have really three different buttons here and let's separate them space them accordingly so we're going to click align we're going to distribute them horizontally and now what i want to do is i want to group all three of these shapes i'm going to group them we're going to call this exist group ex exist group okay those are going to be only for existing records we're going to use that for all of our records and this one we're going to call this new group because i only want this on new records so i'm going to group that and we're going to call this new group okay so new group so now we have both of them they're going to only one of those is going to show up at the same time so in fact what we want to do is we want to put these on top of each other so we're going to horizontal that's what i want i want those right on top of each other and we can bring them up and send them over the record and then also we can bring this one up and put this one in the middle too so now we've got all of them at the aligned and we're only going to show one of these at the same time it's okay that they're overlapping for now that's pretty much what i want because i want to show the only one of those groups at a single time so all right so we've got that now we've got our the look and feel we've got just the way we want it we'll turn off the selection tool and then what we can do is start adding functionality to this but before we do that maybe what we want to do is i like just the way it looks so let's go ahead and copy this to the units tenants transactions and alerts and reminders and then we'll customize them accordingly so let's take a look at this i'm going to hold down select all up and copy this using ctrl c i'm going to go to units and tenants and i'm going to paste that in there okay of course it's going to look different we're going to have different icons there's one other thing let's go ahead and undo that i missed one thing that i kind of want to do it's kind of helpful what i really want to do is i don't want to size or our shape so what i'm going to do is i'm going to select all the shapes in here including the icon and i'm going to right click let's unselect and i want to move this is kind of an important step format the object and we're going to go into of course properties and i want to make sure that we're moved but don't size cell that's kind of important step so that we don't have to size them so when i change these these buttons won't get stretched and we really want that so now we can take that extra step go back copy everything go into units and tenants and now we can go ahead and paste that in there and then we can delete this icon and we're going to call this cap units and tenants okay it's going to be very similar but we want a little bit different so i'm going to add a column here i want to actually select on specific units so what i'd like to have is i'd like to have a list of units here and then select on a specific unit and then have that unit information show up here so it's going to be slightly different so let's walk through the units and tenants let's call this units and we'll customize this accordingly units and then we'll just have a list of units so actually we can copy this format here and paste special and then paste the format in here so now we've got the formatting here because i want to select the unit any units of course we can probably go down further it's fine and then have that unit information show up here so let's go back in and add that icon here i've got that right up here under right here property management okay so let's go ahead and put in this icon here and then also size that accordingly maybe 2.4 i don't remember what the other size was right about there so we've got units and tenants and now let's go ahead and put some fields in here so what do we want for our units well i want to be able we have to select the property that of course we're going to go in so that's going to stay the same i want to know what property then we put in the unit information for the property but this is going to be unit id so each units can have its own id unit that's not the same as the unit number which is going to be different in this case i want the tenant name we're going to put in the tenant name i also want to know the unit number right that's the apartment number unit number or something specified and here we're going to put in unit type and notice our buttons still resize regardless so that's okay we can just update that now we're going to increase those just the way we had them up there okay i like that perfect and notice that when you duplicate these groups also the settings get reset so we always have to go in and format size and properties of course properties here and then move don't size with cells make sure that they're properly sized because we have different column widths and everything like that okay we're good to go with that so unit type let's not put the e on the end of that there's no need for that so uh got unit type what else do we want for the property i want th i'm going to just put some notes in here since we've got the format already and in this case let's put the lease start because we have a date formatted field and here we can put phone and email is fine here and then lease and now let's put in phone one maybe the tenant will have a different phone number so phone one and email one and then we'll do phone two and email two as well so phone two and then email two that way the formatting is similar it's a little bit easier to program this one we're going to call the least end we'll format those as dates so i'm going to hold down the control these are going to be date fields i'll go with short date you can use any field so now we've got that and what do we what else we want we're looking really good on here let's increase the email field i also want to have attachments here so that's going to be important so we'll have unit attachments property attachments this looks really good i like the way that this looks let's save this and let's also copy this and let's bring this in now transaction is going to be a little bit different here but we oh it's going to be very similar in some instances so i'm going to copy that again let's go ahead and resize those buttons i'm going to keep those the same but we'll just increase those and again add that looks good bring a little bit more so we can fit everything in here just the way we've had it before good good on that these look a little bit too stretched out so you might want to work with them a little bit so we don't need those as big as we want okay until we get them i like that that looks pretty good now continuing on let's remove this icon we're going to call this one income and expense transactions that's good i like the way and we've got an icon for that too so let's pull up the icon in the picture because i've got a specific income and expense this one right here and again make that about point five set the height bring it over here good that's a bit big point four so now we have that i'm also going to make sure that we're not going to size this accordingly when we change the column so also this one to move between size okay it's set already okay but this one what i want is recent transactions we're going to call this recent transactions and we can increase that column a little bit and also again attachments i do want to have attachments for this but now we're going to show it a little bit so we also want to select a property if there's an income expense tied to a property we want that i want a transaction id this is going to call transaction id i want specific transaction id on that and then i give it a name i want to know the transaction name give it the name transaction let's just transact name we can do that and then also i want to have the unit if there's a specific unit number that this transaction is tied to i want that's going to be based on a dynamic drop down list based on the units for only the property selected and we'll put the date on a date format so we're going to format that as date i want to know the transaction date i also want to know some transaction details notes are fine transaction details here and then we can have the let's see paid by i want to know who's paying for it can it owner whoever paid by and then we'll put down the type what type of transaction is an income or expense that's really important and amount okay we don't need these two fields we don't need these fields here so let's just drop this down and then bring it down here okay so now it's hidden good okay so we're good to go on that let's uh bring in let's take a look at these buttons here bring them up a little bit here because we don't need them centered right about here okay they're a little bit big aren't they so let's bring it down here size it accordingly and do the same thing here bring it down so we're good to go we'll update those buttons accordingly so let's save our work so now we've got transactions really what we want to and we will format this as a date we've got that this should be formatted as an amount field here paid by type we need income expenses i'm going to go into data data validation i only want two so i'm going to use a list what type it's either going to be income comma expense so it's going to be either one of those so that's good we can just set that and we'll set the size accordingly i like that those are small okay it's good now we've got alerts and reminders so we're going to save our work and let's go ahead and alert some reminders though it's going to run is going to be something similar to this so i'm going to copy that and again i'm going to paste in here resize those buttons accordingly because they always get messed up like that and just bring them out that looks good and this one bring it down here and then attachments now alerts and reminders we don't need any attachments here so we can just delete this button here we don't need this so i'm going to bring it down here and just bring it over here and but i do want to know what our recent alerts were so we can see which ones were created recent alerts okay so we've got a recent alert so we know that but this one's going to be called alerts and reminders so alerts in caps and reminders and then i've got a specific icon for that so we're going to insert a picture here and i've got the alerts and reminders looking right here this is the one i want to use i'm setting to 0.4 bringing it over here okay we're looking really good we've got made a lot of progress notice this is a larger application it's going to take a little more time but i really want to walk you step by step if you do like these kind of applications you feel you want to further your education i do have an incredible mentorship program where we're going to be designing an incredible accounting application i'm going to walk you step by step through the entire process we're going to go through the defining phase where you're going to learn how to build your applications who you're going to build what you're going to build we're going to go through an entire scope then we're going to go into the design phase we're going to be creating really amazing scopes and we're going to be creating flowcharts so you can learn how to set up your application then we're going to move into the development phase where we're going to show you every step of the development product then we're going to go through the deployment in that case we're going to show you how to deploy your own applications and create a passive income using those excel skills i'm going to teach you if you like that myexcel myexcel everything you need will be right there hundreds of students are really enjoying that course learning how to take their excel skills and turning it into passive income by selling their own excel applications so i hope you'll join us there we've got alerts and reminders were set up let's set up the details for alerts and reminders we really don't need anything here so we can clear that out i don't need any property or anything for that so what do we want to call this let's just call this an alert name get rid of caps alert name and then let's have the date we need the date of that alert we need and also need to know the time of the alert so let's set that up for time let's format those accordingly this is going to actually be a time this is going to be a date and what else do we want to know for that i certainly want to know the alert details alert details and we don't need anything else because it's going to be really really simple offer these alerts just keep a date so we know what to alert and when so we can drop this down clear that out and that's good so we can just group those bring this group here and bring it up a little bit we'll adjust the size accordingly bring it up here so now let's just check the size on this bring it up a little bit i know it's kind of hard to see because they're overlapping but that's okay remember we're only going to show one at a time so we're good to go okay so lastly the last thing is the dashboard i want to create a really really cool dashboard so let's do that again we're going to use these two columns for admin so we're going to clear that out and give it a color just that darker gray here then our admin again it's going to be very similar i want to keep the same really style here so we'll keep the same colors here and then we'll just clear it all up so i'm going to copy that i'm going to paste it down here and then i'm just going to remove all the groups for now we don't need that i don't need anything else so in this one we're going to call this dashboard so we will just give it a name just give it the same font same title everything we're going to call this dashboard so and then of course an icon inserting an icon here again picture i've got a specific icon that i'm going to use for the dashboard setting the size also to 0.4 just as we've done the rest so now obviously we don't need any of this so we can delete that and i'm going to just set the color back to the original color okay so we don't need any borders on this so let's go with no borders let's select everything here and then just go with no borders here good now we got no borders so i'm going to bring this down here all the way down here we and then what i want to do is i want a central area so basically i want a menu and what would i want to put that menu i'm probably going to put it in d so what i want is a single click menu so they would click that menu item we're just going to call this reports and graphs and then we'll list the reports and graphs here so as we bring them down so let's drop this down i'm going to format those cells i'm going to use the same border color so it's that blue consistently the blue border i'm going to put a double line on the left and let's put a single line on the top and the right and then also what i'd like to do is i'd like to have a separation so we'll put a header down here all the way down here format those cells i'm going to put a double line down below and then a single line on top so we're consistent and then right so i've got that so we're going to list all the reports and graphs here as we list them out so let's start out with uh income and expense by property expense by property and then next we'll put maybe a tenant detail list we'll do a few reports in here and then you can add them as you want i'll show you the idea monthly tenant i'm not sure about these payments but we'll put something like that in there and then we'll expand on these or update them accordingly as we get there okay so basically the idea is to click on here and then have that information show up here so this is going to be white or i don't want any color on this because this is going to be our main fill area so let's put that in white and expand this so our dashboard the idea is to click here and have our information show up here but i also want to put it based on dates so we're going to put in from and then two so let's make these our label i'm going to hold down the control if you remember we have a cell style for labels we'll put that label and i've got a cell style for fields so i'm going to click on hold down the control but both of these are going to be based on dates so let's go ahead and add in the short date all right so we've got that starting to come together but now let's take a look at the database right we want some database in here and i want to create so we can save that data so we've got property units and things like that so let's build out our database and let's do that right now okay so the for the properties the best way to do that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a screenshot and then when you snagit edited to do that and that's built by techsmith so i'm going to take a screenshot here of my properties and buildings here so and make sure you include the headers okay so i also want to use data mapping so here i've got my screenshot it's coming together so now i've got my screen so i'm going to copy and paste that from my snagit i'm going to go down and i'm going to go in to my property database right here it's just a blank database so i'm going to paste that screenshot just temporarily right in here that's going to help us i'm going to use this for our data mapping this for our header so we're going to call this properties database and then i'm going to put the columns down here so the first one i want is the property id i'm going to put that property and then id and then the next one i want the property name we can just put in name we don't need we know it's property okay so after that what else do i want in the database i want to put in the type and then the screenshot's going to help us because we can we can see so type then i want the start date then we're going to put in the address and then we'll put in the owner right we're going through the owner then the phone we'll just put this in fact we need to there's we need to put owner phone and i'll put an owner email then we want the manager and then we'll put in manager phone and we'll put in manager email and that's going to be a manager email okay let's take a look at that we've got property id we've got the name the type start date address owner owner phone owner email okay so that looks good we'll center those and then i'll select on the columns and then i'll double click that's going to size them accordingly properties database i'm going to merge and center this over here this one i'm going to put my data mapping so i'm going to give it a little bit of different color i'm going to give it this gray color and then everything we can put in borders around everything to make it a little bit easier to see so now but now let's start our data mapping now a property id where are we going to put our property id i'm going to put that of course that's located in i3 so i'm going to put in i3 you see that let's center that justify that so i3 a property is located here in i3 i'm going to use data mapping now where's our name located our property name is located in e5 so we're going to do just that e5 next we want to put in our type our types located in g5 this is going to make coding a lot easier this is called data mapping our start date is going to be located on i5 now our address is located of course it is e5 so e5 e5 is where our address is located our owner name is located in e9 and our make sure you're double checking these because if there's wrong it's going to create issues so double check these data maps it's very important our owner phone number is going to be located in g9 and of course our owner email is going to be located in i and then the last row we have the manager so that's going to be in e11 our manager's phone number is going to be in g11 see how much easier it is when you have the screenshot here you can you know it's so simpler i 11 and make sure you include the column headers there okay so let's double check that make sure that our ranges are correct e3 e5 g5 okay i5 i think we've got one too many this is you know let's say take a look type of course is in g5 good that's the way i want property name e5 i5 this is wrong address should be e7 so double check that e7 right we want that there we go so now e9 g9 i9 e11 g11 i11 okay good saving our work here and we'll just give it a little bit of a color difference so we can see that something let's go ahead something that light green and then we'll just drop that down here the green colors don't matter in this case most people don't see the database but it gives you all right so we're good to go on that and so now we have our properties now all we're going to do is duplicate the process but while we're here why don't we set a named range for property id so let's just put add some numbers in here 2 3 and for property name so i'm going to center that walking you step by step these trainings that take longer when they're step by step that's why it's going to be multi-part i urge you i'll create these larger applications and i'll create them from scratch but you got to watch all the parts not just part one when we download this application it is going to be wherever i left off so if you do want the complete application make sure you watch each individual training it's not just about getting the workbook but it's about learning it so you can create these on your own and start making big money that's what i want from you okay so we're going to create a named range property id so i'm going to start it here so what do i do into the formulas name manager new and we're going to call this property id the name is fine property id but i'm going to create a dynamic name branch so equals offset and then where do i want to start that i want to start it out on the header why do i want to do that because in case there's no data i don't want to create any errors but if we're starting off in the header when we're moving down and need to create start up with from one row down so putting the one here it's going to start it really on row four comma comma no columns over i'm going to count a what am i counting i'm counting all the values in column a but i'm going to start at the header again i'm starting with the header because i want to make sure if there's no values there's no error so when we do that of course we're not going to go to row 6 we're going to go all the way to a high number like 999 but i also want to subtract 1 from the count because i don't want to include the header so minus one then comma in this case i want the column column one so now we're gonna use the tab key we're gonna tab out we're gonna choose the shift tab we're gonna tab back in we're gonna take a look at the dancing ants we got to make one more update in this case we want to make sure that we want to count a not count count count a it should be count a we're counting all the text in this case okay so count a that's what we want okay let's expand that take a look at that formula okay so we got the offset property starting at a3 moving one row down count a in this case property davis again a3 minus one check the dance against make sure they surround our data that's exactly what i want click ok now what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy that control c i'm going to create one for the property name because we have drop down list so in this case property underscore name okay i'm going to tab through that i'm going to paste that in i only need to make one change now the count can remain all i need to do is change this to column b that's where property names are located tabbing out using the tap key shift tab to go back in you see it's dancing and surrounds the name that's what i want so when i create a drop down list for names it's gonna work good okay so we've got property names and property id we can close that out save our work now we're ready to move on to the units database so let's go into the units we're gonna do this repeat it this duplication is gonna help you learn it very fast i'm gonna delete this we're good we've got everything we've set up our database now we're going to go to units and tenants i'm going to do the same exact thing that i did so i'm going to go over here i'm going to reduce it i'm going to take a screenshot of the units and in fact i'm going to bring it down here and i'm going to do the same thing we don't need attachments or units we just need this information here i just want to know the column so i'm going to copy this my screenshot you can use any screen capturing tool you want i'm going to bring this down here i'm going to go into the units database where we have nothing yet i'm going to paste that right in here so great so now we've got the units database so now what i want to do is i want to do the same exact thing okay so let's start out with our column headers so the first thing we want of course is a unit id the id is always started that is our unique key so unit id and then we want the unit name okay what else do we want after that in that case what i'm going to put in i want the tenant name in this case so actually let's we want a property id so not only i want to know what property is assigned to property id that's important so what we have to assign a specific property to that as well so now we can put in the tenant name and then we're going to put in the unit tenant name because it's going to come first then i'm going to put in the unit number here i always put the year no need for that then i'll put in the unit type here unit we'll just put in type that's sufficient enough then we'll put in the notes as we move down then we're going to put in the least start we'll just put in start is fine and then we're going to put in phone one email one email one as we move down then we're going to put in end just as we go and then we're going to put in phone 2 and we're going to put in phone 2 actually and then email to okay great so now we've got all the information we want so now we can start putting in our mapping we're going to call this units and tenants database so units and tenants database okay great so now we've got the data map now let's set up the data mapping for this okay so the unit id we you know it's going to be located in k3 so but what about the property id we we're going to put this off the screen i'm going to put this somewhere in the admin section so i'm going to put this somewhere in our application let's go back into units and tenants where am i going to put the property why don't we put it in b3 so i'm going to call this property id and i'm going to put it in right probably right in here so how do we know what the property id is well it's based on the property they select right if they select now that we've added the property named range why don't we just add some in our database so we can do that so let's say that the name of this property is called franklin center and then put in freder's my favorite fretters building and lisa apartment so we've got some names that we've assigned to so we remember we've created a named range for this so when we go into the units and tenants we can now assign that to the data so we go into the data data validation here select the property list right in this case remember we could equals property underscore name that's the named range we created for that click ok so now we select on that now we know franklin center but i want the property id right this is one or two i don't just want the name so how are we going to get that well we're going to use a index match formula so i'll wrap it in an ifr equals if air okay in case there's an error we're going to do is index what are we indexing we're indexing the property id so property id is here because that's what i want to pull out and we're going to base it on the name so we're going to run a match formula and we're going to name we're going to look up what am i looking up i'm looking up franklin center and what is the name region i'm looking it up and the array it's going to be the property name so property names here and i want an exact match that's going to be zero then what i want to do is the column is going to be one and what if there's an error if there's no i want to show empty so that's it so that's going to get us one so notice now it's showing one we could left justify this and then color this differently so that it stands out maybe in this yellow so put the borders around it now we got the property so now as we change this right it's going to change the property id okay perfect so that's going to be located in b3 so b3 is where i want to map that so go back in to our units database and we have a property i'm going to map that to b3 okay that's what i want what about the tenant name the tenant name is already going to be located here in g5 so we've got that set up and the unit number is going to be located in i5 and now what we want to do is we also want to know the unit type that's going to be in k5 and taking a look at the notes notes is going to be located in g7 and our start is going to be located in g9 and our phone is going to be located in i9 while our email is going to be located in k9 and then the last row here the end we have located in g11 and the phone in this case is going to be located under i11 while the email is going to be located in k11 good now we take a look at that double check that we actually have ranges i5 k5 g7 right one row g9 i9 k9 okay so we can center that data map is going to really help us make things a lot faster in the code and then put borders around that again giving merge and center this so what we can do is merge and center that and then also center these and then give those some colors so this time we'll give it just a unique color maybe this orange color here actually we'll go with a lighter orange and then the top will make it a little bit darker so we can do colors don't necessarily matter in this but just gives us a look and feel so we can differentiate adding borders around there so now we have our uh units but let's go ahead and build some name ranges for this so again adding in some numbers temporarily and then we'll center this just so we can see them we can drop this down i don't want something called unit id so let's do that let's create a named range for the unit id so under formulas name manager new and then we'll call it unit id again we're going to use offset one more time starting so equals offset then we're going to start again at that header row but we're going to move run row down comma comma count a in this case of course what are we counting we're going to count also starting the header but using a lot of rows down 999 and then also minus one right because we don't want to include that header row comma one we're using just that one column tab out shift tab back in to double check to make sure it's correct you see the dancing ants around the correct data okay now we've created a unit id good that's important okay so that's going to help us so we want to know the unit id i want to know the tenant name and all that information okay that database looks good so we're going to save our work now we're going to focus on the transaction database so once again we're going to go into here the transactions again we're going to do just as we did before again we don't need the recent transactions so we don't need that in our data mapping so again i'm going to take a screen capture here of our data see how much easier this is this kind of reputation is really going to help you learn this and learn it well you'll be creating your own applications in no time at all okay transactions database here we go again take a look at this we've got it here we want a transaction id so i'm going to put transaction id in the first column transaction id here next up i do want to make sure that we're putting in the transaction name here and also want to know the property id and possibly a unit id so property id if there's a property associated with an income transaction or if there's a specific unit id i want to know that too so and then we're going to put in the transaction name so we've got different ids that means we can tie a specific transaction to both the property and the unit so transaction in this case i want a transaction name so let's put that in and then of course i also want the unit number if there's a specific unit number associated with this we have a unit id and unit number those are different and then a date we need to know the date of our specific and we also got a property of course associated property ids we've got the property name here but property is going to take care of that and also i want to know the details so we're going to put in this details here in column g and then of course we're going to put in the paid by i want to know who it's been paid by and type is very important if it's income or expense and then lastly i want the amount got to know the amount okay so all right good that's pretty much it so let's go ahead and center everything up there and then we'll add in our data mapping what is our data mapping the transaction id of course is going to be located in k3 we've already set that up and i'm also going to be putting in the property and the unit id so let's put in the property d is b3 and in b4 what we're going to be doing is the unit idea we'll finish this up and then i'll show you exactly how so b3 and b4 is we're going to put in the transaction name we can see that already that's located in g5 while the unit id is located in i5 let's put in i5 make sure the data map is right date we're going to be in k5 it's going to be a little bit simpler details are located in g7 while the paid by is located in g9 then we have the type of expense located in i9 and lastly we have the amount located in k9 okay good now we've got our data mapping this is going to help us out tie us out both for loading and saving so we're going to again give it that great color so that we know that it's a differentiation and also assign a database name for this we're going to call this college transactions database good and we can center that here across everything and then give it a color so maybe something different beautiful purple and then take a look here and give it a light color lighter purple here all right so everything's consistent we can bold that if we want doesn't really matter all right so we've got everything we've got our transaction we've got our ranges here very very important that we double check those because any any error in those or any incorrect range is going to create a bug or create more issues making sure having that picture really helps us out okay great looks like we're good to go on that so we've got everything we need and lastly we're going to do the alerts alerts is much simpler so let's go ahead and do exactly the same thing for alerts also with data mapping and we're going to add a little bit additional so again i'm going to copy the screenshot i know this is reputation but this is how we learn this is how we learn doing watching and doing again and again and again then you'll be able to do these things in your sleep creating applications much faster because you know it so well alerts database here and then we're going to go ahead and post in you know i sometimes people say i move too fast or you know we don't cover things but in this particular training i'm going step by step you start me everything that i do you're going to see so this type of training if you like this type of training go ahead and hit the like share this content i'll make sure that i create a lot more of these types of trainings where i do it from scratch every step of the way even though there is a lot of repetition in that but that also helps us learn okay so what do we need for the alerts and reminders for the alerts and reminders we also want an alert id so that's uh pretty we got transaction id that should be alert i did let's fix that up before we move on transactions okay so this is um alert this should be called alert id and we spelled alert wrong i told you i was going to spell things wrong i told you see that's part of that's part of the fun alert name date time alert details okay so we got that going let's save it and now we have alert id is going to be located in k3 so let's go back into the alert database and we're going to call let's put in the names first alert that's about the wrong again alert id okay so now we have the alert let's just put in name date time details then i want to add something called date and time which is basically the date and time command so date and time i want them separated in columns and i also want them together and i also want to know if it's been alerted if if the user has been alerted i want to put a date when they're learned so they don't get alerted again and i want the row i want to know what row this is so that's going to be part of the vba so these particular aren't going to be mapped there's going to be no mapping on these columns which is fine we don't need mapping on every single one and i'll show you how we work on that okay so the alert id is going to be map we're going to use i guess k3 of that we've already changed that to alert id insider actual then we want the name of course that's going to be located in g5 we want the date located in i5 and of course we want the time also in k5 next we want the details located in g5 again date and time alert row no data mapping here we'll show you what these are these are different values so we'll show you that okay but we can color all them gray center them all here give it that great color center everything and add borders around it again we'll add a database name we'll call this alerts and reminders database okay merge and center that across here and then give it a just a different color some unique color here in this case we'll go with this orange here use that already and and uh go with a little bit lighter all right so adding borders around that and then building it okay so now we've got the consistency again i want a named range for alert id as well so one two three giving them unique numerical and uh centering that again these name ranges are really important so we're good on that so let's delete that and create a named range on that into formulas name manager new alert id that's the one i want again we're using offset here equals offset i think we need and then in this case i want to start at the header again one down two commas count a using the header once again and then a large number nine nine nine then minus one to deduction that header 1 is the column tabbing out making sure that we haven't shift tab and back in okay we're good to go on that so we've got alert id property id unit id property name very good i want a transaction id we need to create one for transaction id let's go in here into the transaction database here doing one two three i want ids for every single one every single one so we're going to do that then we're going to create our menu and that's going to be it for this week but don't worry we'll get a little more to do this week so i'm not going to let you go just yet i'm going to do some vba so we can get this main before we're done so let's go ahead and add in a formula here name manager new and this one called transaction id but i don't want that period there in this case not in the name at least so again equals offset now you're learning how to do it because we've seen me repeat it four or five times now so much easier to learn offset starting with the header row again one row down count a then what we're going to be doing again bringing it down a large row 9999 minus 1 excluding the header comma 1 and now tabbing out tabbing in checking that make sure it works okay good all right so now we've got our named ranges that's going to help us out saving our work let's go ahead and make this work i want to be able to use this and click on this and adding those individually so that's it i'm going to send this one to the back so because i don't want to click on it send to in this case send backwards i don't want to send it behind the shape but i'm going to send it backwards so that when i click on this shape here it's going to say i'm going to send this one all the way to the back too send to back because i want to make sure that shape i want that triangle showing up first wherever that is that's the triangle one i'm going to send this one to the front bring to the front because that's the one i want to assign the macro to let's create some macros as for each of these so we can actually click on these and have them go to the individual shapes so how do we get there well into the developers tab just click on visual basic of course you don't have the developers tab you can get to it just go into the file options here go to the customize ribbon and then just click on the make sure the developers are selected you can also use a shortcut using alt f11 that will get you inside the vba and that is the one the vba editor make sure of course you're saving this as an xlsm file xls or xlsb those are macro enabled we're going to create our first module i'm going to right click anywhere on here and click insert and module that's going to create our first module one the first thing you want to do is you want to name that module clicking on the properties will do just that i'll bring this up this little box here and what we want to do is we're going to call this give it a name we'll call this main macros okay because this is going to be for our main menu so that's fine we can call it menu and we can assign some specific macros to that they're going to be really really simple so let's just assign those basically what we want to do is i want to activate in sheets i'm going to creating six different macros so let's go ahead and sub i want one to the main menu menu home right i want to be able to go back to the home menu we'll add those icons so notice that our main is sheet 1 right so sheet 1 dot activate we're just going to activate that that's going to bring us back to the home and i'll adding icons to do just that so next up i want menu properties sub menu and then properties okay what's that can be properties of course is located here in sheet2 we see that that's sheet2 now you can rename these if you want to rename these you can i'll keep them empty but you all you need to do is rename it here and then you can use whatever is in the code so you can feel free to rename those we'll keep it up so sheet two i'll keep it as sheet two and then i'll get activate so you can pretty much figure out how it's going to go you can see it's so easy to do that sub menu and then units i always want to go to units so in this case units and not unites units no e so now what i want to do units of course is units antennas as sheet3 so sheet three dot activate okay great so next up again i want to add in this case transactions so let's call this sub and then menu transactions that's that's sufficient enough in this case uh sheet four sheet four dot activate lastly again actually two more to go we want alert so sub menu in this case alerts so in this case alerts is located sheet five sheet five dot activate and then lastly of course we want the dashboard so dashboard sub menu in this case let's capitalize that same as your others dashboard so in this case sheet six is our dashboard so sheet6 dot activate excellent so now we have our we're going to save our work so now all we need to do is assign these macros to individual shapes and then have it work for us so but before we do that i want to add one more thing to the individual sheets so what i want to do is inside here i want to add a home menu so we can move this so i want to add the icon so we can get to the home so how do we do that we're going to insert and i've got an icon a picture for that i'm going to do this on each individual shape so i've got this little home icon so we're going to add that here but of course i want to make it smaller we don't need it that big 0.4 is sufficient enough and then that's going to bring us our home so let's add a border around here just a border so we can see something so it's a little bit different and maybe we can add a little bit of a shadow on top of that see how that looks yeah that's nice so that's so basically what i want to have this is this is going to return us home so i'm going to right click this i'm going to assign a macro to that and it's going to be called menu home so when they click that it's going to take us right to home right to that sheet that's exactly what i want but i want this same exact icon on every single of our units so we're going to do the same thing i'm going to add it here so and then what we're going to do is we're going to add it here add it to the transaction we added here that's what i won't bring this over here i'm going to add it to the alerts and reminders here inside here we're going to put it there and i also want it on our dashboard so that we can go back to the home notice the icon's already assigned so all i need to do is click there and it's going to bring us back great so now what i want to do is i want to assign a macro to this so this is going to take us to the dashboard this triangle remember this triangle here is going to take us let's unselect that just this one right click click assign macro and this is going to take us right to the dashboard so selecting this click ok that's what i want let's check that out brings us right to the dashboard clicking on here going to bring it right back properties and rentals let's take a look properties and buildings here assigning the macro here this is going to take us directly to properties so menu properties let's test that out perfect that's just what i want back to the home tenants what about tenants okay right click assign the macro this is going to be we call this units and tenants that's fine units clicking ok take it right to the units ten it's nice expenses and income right click right click here assigning the macro here just right click i know it was a little bit off the screen right click assign macro expenses and income we call this transactions that's fine and we'll test that out okay good that's looking good and then reminders and alerts so reminders and alerts so let's take a look at that assign the macro and then what we'll want to do is just take that to alerts right here that's it okay it looks really good that's exactly the way i want it all right we've done a lot of work on this lastly what i want to do is i want to take everything i just want to group it together so nothing moves you saw it move so i'm just going to use my selection tool make sure highlight everything and then i want to use a right click and i'm going to group that just another group that so everything stays together nice and tight just the way i like it so now we click dashboard properties and buildings fantastic okay this has been a really good part one we've covered it from the beginning in this case what we've done is we covered created additional database created named ranges for our application it's fantastic thanks so much next week we're going to cover we're going to make this thing come alive we're going to create these properties you'll be able to add properties tenants expenses income alerts and reminders all right thanks so much i hope you like this don't forget to share like comment below i answer each and every comment thanks so much we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Excel For Freelancers
Views: 26,586
Rating: 4.9494948 out of 5
Keywords: Excel VBA, VBA In Excel, Excel Application, Excel Application Development, Excel Software, VBA in Excel, Free VBA Training, Free Excel Training, Free Excel Course, Free Excel Training Course, Free Property Management Application, Property Manager Excel, Excel Property Management, Rental Property Application, Free Rental Property Excel Application, Excel Rental Property Management, Excel Rental Property, Property Mgmt. Excel, Excel Rental Property App, Excel Rental App, Rental
Id: f-rBZozYcms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 17sec (4097 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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