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hello welcome back to my channel thank you so much for joining me today today i'm here to share 10 tips on how to make a morning routine that you will actually stick to 2020 was the year that i finally created and stuck with a morning routine that i absolutely love even though we lived in three different locations over the course of 2020 everywhere we went i still consistently did at least some of my morning routine and it made such a difference on my goals and my happiness and basically my life so what i want to do today is give you 10 tips to creating a morning routine of your own i think there are a lot of videos here on youtube uh this is my morning routine and i think that those can be valuable they can give you ideas of things that you might want to include but at the end of the day your morning routine is yours and i'm not here to tell you to get up at 5am because that doesn't work for everybody i'm here to give you tips on creating a routine that works for you and your goals in your life tip number one is the most important and that is to make it your own like i said you do not have to get up at 5am to have a successful morning routine your morning routine should be about you and what you're working on and what's important in your day what is important that you get done first thing in the morning what's your energy like what is your mood like what are the things that are going to help you start your day the best way possible for me that's a lot of things i have a lot of energy in the morning and so i have a lot of things i like to do in the morning and i have what i call a morning routine basket that's got journals and books and all kinds of things that i like to do in the morning just because that's what works for me doesn't mean that has to be what your morning routine looks like in order for you to be successful and achieve all of your goals so just remember that as you're gathering inspiration from people on the internet or people in your life that you remember that your morning routine doesn't have to and isn't going to look like anybody else's and that includes what time it starts figuring out what time you want to get up in the morning shouldn't be because some arbitrary article told you that successful people get up at 4am i know a lot of successful people who are not morning people so if you are not a morning person your morning routine might be the 10 minutes between the time that you get up and sit down at your desk that's still routine that's still something that you do every single day all that matters is that you're doing it consistently every day and you're prioritizing what's important to you one of the things that might be important to you is sleep tip number two is to write it out so before you start implementing anything into your morning routine i want you to take some time and i want you to write it down i want you to write down what you want your morning to feel like i want you to write down what you want your morning to look like i want you to write down what activities you think might be a good fit in your morning routine and i want you to to kind of map it out not with times not yet i just want you to brainstorm and journal essentially about what you feel like your morning routine would feel like or look like in an ideal state for me it was about quiet time but also things focusing on things that i wouldn't prioritize later in the day it was about journaling and actually getting that done because i'm way too tired to do that at the end of the day it was about reading personal development books while my brain was at its sharpest it was about making sure that i get some movement in before i actually start my day again while my energy was the highest so take some time and journal out what your ideal morning routine would look like but we are not going to implement that entire routine at one time because tip number three is to take it one step at a time one of the most common questions that i get is how do i start a morning routine and my biggest piece of advice is to take one step that is part of your morning routine and just start with that one step and do that one step consistently you can decide whether that's a week two weeks and then you can layer on another step for me that step was gratitude journaling last year on january 1st i cracked open a brand new five-year journal and i started writing down something that i was thankful for every single day and that was the foundation of my morning routine even if i didn't do anything else in the morning before it was time to go to work i always made sure that i wrote down something that i was thankful for now that is a lot of other benefits there's a lot of other sciency things behind gratitude but for me that was my foundational action step that was the one thing that i started with in my morning routine then once that became a routine and i did that consistently then i added on another layer of reading and i would read in the morning then i added on another layer of journaling and then i added and i continued to add on piece by piece until i completed the full morning routine that i wanted to work on the issue when you do all the steps together the first day is that when you miss one of those steps then you miss all of those steps when they're all linked together from the beginning it's so much easier to just not do any of them when you layer them piece by piece sometimes i'll skip a step but i won't skip all the steps because in my mind they're each an individual step instead of linking them all together which eventually they are linked together as a routine but i started them at different times so it doesn't feel that way when i skip one of them because trust me there are days that i don't do every step in my routine but i at least do some aspect of my morning routine and i know that this can be really frustrating because it means that it's going to take you longer it means that it's going to take longer to get to that full-blown morning routine that you're really excited about but i promise it will be more sustainable in the long run tip number four is to try and center at least one piece of your morning routine around your goals now if you're the person that is like no lake and i'm not a morning person and i'm sleeping in and my morning routine is the 10 minutes between the time that i get up and the time that i start work is there something that you can do one minute of those 10 minutes that is related to your goals is there maybe it's just drinking an extra glass of water because you're trying to get in more water because you're trying to lose weight maybe it's reading one page of a book because you're trying to read more whatever it is try and make at least one piece of your morning routine related to your goals for me right now that's filling in my health planner because i am very focused on my weight loss journey i'm spending time every morning as part of my morning routine updating the sections in my health planner and i put it in in my morning routine because i knew it would consistently happen because my morning routine is something that i do consistently whereas if i tried to fill that in another time of the day like at the end of the day it would be way less likely to happen but then tip number five is to include something just because it makes you happy what can you include in your morning routine again even if it's just a minute that is something that brings you joy because starting your day off with a smile or with something that just fills you up is going to help you have a better day overall so is there something small maybe it's one minute of a really happy song maybe it's snuggling a pet like mine maybe it's sitting on the couch reading for me being able to just sit there and sit my coffee and read is the part of my morning routine that is joy that's just for me yes a lot of times i am reading some sort of non-fiction or personal development book but i really it makes me happy that part makes me happy so is there something that you can incorporate again one step at a time but eventually layer in something in your morning routine that just makes you happy all right number six is to break up with the snooze button trust me i i've been there the snooze button and i were in a very committed relationship there were days that i would snooze for hours i would say i'm gonna wake up at six and i'm gonna get all these things down before i go to my full-time job and i would snooze in nine minute increments until 8 a.m and then i would jump out of bed shower get ready very quickly and run out the door to the subway to get to work i did that a lot before i finally broke up with the snooze button and here is the secret to breaking up with the snooze button your phone needs to sleep in a room that is not your bedroom i know it is hard to not lay in bed and scroll on your phone i get it i i'm also very attached to my phone but the moment that my phone and at that time my phone was my alarm and now i have a different alarm but when my phone was my alarm and i put my phone in the kitchen away from the bed to sleep i broke up with the snooze button it made it so much easier to not snooze and just go back to bed now i'm not i'm not here to tell you that i was perfect there were days that i got out of bed got the phone brought it with me back to bed snooze and went back to sleep that that happened like there were not i was not perfect when i first started this but over time i eventually broke up with a snooze button and now it is rare that i will snooze even though i have an alarm clock that's right next to my bed now but i'm here to tell you that whether you are working on a 10 minute or a 2 hour morning routine breaking up with your snooze button is going to be better for your sleep and for your mental health and for your morning routine all right tip number seven is to track it in some way i have talked at length about an app that i use and love called routinery and that is where i have my entire morning routine set up step by step and i literally click play it's a play button and then the routine starts and i go through it step by step and i click next when i want to go to the next one i also have the option to pause if it's taking me a little bit longer and then i also have the option to skip if i'm just like nah i'm not doing it today but what i love about the app is it helps me remember all the steps of my routine in an ideal world i wouldn't need an app to tell me all the steps in my morning routine it would just be such a routine it would be so ingrained that i would just do it but at the end of the day my brain has a lot of other things going on inside of it and it i don't remember all the steps so i like having a place that i track my morning routine and i can easily check off i do it digitally on my phone all the steps that are part of my morning routine i would encourage you to do the same and if you want to do this on a piece of paper with a habit tracker or in an app like routinery but having a place that you have your morning routine listed out and you track it at least until it feels like it is a routine at this point i do feel like if i let go of the app i could probably get through most of if not all of my morning routine without it i may not do it in the exact same order but i think i would probably do all of the steps but there's something about the order too i have things in order for a reason it's going to sound so silly and this is kind of just a bonus tip about doing things in a certain order but some of my journaling i have things paired up based on the type of pen that i use so there's two types of journaling that i use like a click pen and then two that i use a sharpie pen and i have them in that order so that it goes together i know that that sounds like a little bit extra but it helps not having to switch out the pen it helps me go through the whole routine smoothly so i like using the app to keep me on track with what i am doing i would just encourage you to find a way to track your morning routine even if it's just tracking that you did it every single day even if it's not writing down all the steps but having all the steps written out really helps tip number eight is to adjust it for the weekends there's a lot of controversy on this some people say you have to get up at the same time on the weekends that you do on the weekdays you need to do the exact same the whole the whole morning routine it's it's a morning routine for a reason and you need to do it every single day that doesn't work for me i love my long morning routine and on the work days when i know that the rest of the day is going to be at doing things for other people working my nine-to-five job working on other things i like having control of the first three hours of my day on the weekends most of the day is in my control anyway so i don't feel like i need to be as protective of those morning hours so what i've decided to do is i just have a shorter version of my routine that i do on the weekends it's still in my routinery app and it's some of the same steps but i have taken out some of the steps because those things i can likely get done at some point later in the day or they're not as important that i do on the weekends because i'm not as inundated with a lot of other things coming at me during the day so feel free to make an adjustment for the weekend figure out what works best for you but i would encourage you to still do something to do some step on the weekends that is important to you that you do every single day regardless of the week or the weekends and also it does not have to be at the same time on the weekends just because i get up at 5 30 on the weekdays to do my morning routine does not mean that i'm getting up at 5 30 a.m on the weekends i let myself sleep in and then whenever i get up that's when i get up and start my weekend version of my morning routine tip number nine is to leave a little bit of buffer time what i mean by this is once you map out your morning routine and you figure out okay this takes this much time and this makes takes as much time whatever time you have to be done with that whether it's the time that your kids get up or the time that your full-time job starts or the time you have to leave your house if you're working outside of the home right now whatever time you have to be done with your morning routine buffer that a little bit so for me i give myself a 30 minute buffer i just like having that extra time in my morning just in case something changes if it happens to be that i sleep in or my alarm didn't go off or i spent more time on checking my phone which is guilty sometimes i do that or i'm really into the book and i spend 20 more minutes reading in the morning whatever it is i like having that extra amount of buffer time between the end of my morning routine and the start of my day just in case sometimes rarely everything lines up perfectly and i don't use any of my buffer time and i have an extra 30 minutes in my day and i can go look at my to-do list and see if there's something that i want to tackle or what i should do and but i'm not good at is maybe sit down and rest for 30 minutes and just chill for those 30 minutes before the day starts but i would suggest having a little bit of buffer time because things always happen and then tip number 10 is don't be afraid to change it up if there is something that is part of your morning routine that is not working for you change it what isn't working about it is the action together cross it off and don't do it maybe it's not something that was meant for you maybe you want to shorten the time and do it for less time or maybe you want to lengthen the time and do it for longer maybe it's something that you're just doing temporarily right now i'm reading a book called 100 days to brave but when that book is done that won't be part of my morning routine anymore so i will delete that piece of my morning routine from my routinery app and i will either add something in or i'll take that time and lump it on to somewhere else or have a little bit of extra buffer time if something is temporary or something isn't working change it it is just because it is a routine does not mean it has to stay the same forever the benefits of a morning routine are being in control for that first part of your day are scheduling in time before other things start to pop up it's not about having this picture-perfect morning routine that you're gonna do the exact same for the rest of your life it's about having a morning routine that brings you value and benefits you and your goals in the current season of life that you're in so i hope that that was helpful because i know for me having my morning routine as that foundation to my day that no matter where we were living last year or what what time zone we were in i had those actions and those things that i got up and did in the morning that were just for me that helped me start my day on the right foot and that is going to look different for you so figure out what that looks like how much time are you going to spend on your morning routine what time do you really want to wake up and here's a bonus tip if you are traditionally a morning person and you do want to work on getting up earlier do not go from getting up at 8 am to getting up at 5 a.m that's gonna work again for like a week and then it's then you're gonna go back to the snooze button i would recommend inching it back 15 15 minute increments so if you are consistently getting up at eight this week start getting up at 7 45 and do that consistently for a week and then bump it back to 7 30 until you get to a time that you want to consistently wake up at the best way to implement a habit is to implement it one step at a time the same is true for your wake-up time the same is true for your morning routine and i hope that over time you are able to develop a morning routine that works for you and that brings you value and helps you make progress on your goals if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up if you're new here please click that subscribe button i upload new videos every monday wednesday and friday focused on helping you achieve your goals thank you so much for watching happy planning for people in your life in your life and i started doing a gratitude every single doing a gratitude really updating my health pump a little
Channel: PlanwithLaken
Views: 3,526
Rating: 4.9612904 out of 5
Keywords: planwithlaken, plan with laken, goal setting, how to set goals, working on goals, how to achieve goals, staying motivated, goals, good morning good life, morning habits to change your life, morning routines 2021, morning habits 2021, how to create a morning routine, how to create a morning routines, morning routines 5am, healthy morning routines, morning routines productive, create a morning routine, morning routines, morning habits, create morning routines, morning routine
Id: W73rItUlwgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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