How to create a meme coin - deploy smart contract and create liquidity pool

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hey everyone Shan Wata here back with another video and in today's video we're going to be creating our very own meme coin and with the rise of crypto lately especially meme coins we thought we' put together a quick tutorial on how you can create your very own meme coin and we'll also take a look at how we can add it to a DEX or provide a liquidity pull to it so that the token can actually be traded I do want to preference in the beginning of this video there is no Financial advice within this video this is a tutorial just for fun to show you how you can create these tokens everything we do in this tutorial will be on a test net none of this will be actual funds that we are using and we're doing this video strictly for educational purposes showing you the technology and tools used to create something like this so with all that being said an overview of what we are going to be doing in this tutorial video we're first going to deploy our very own meme coin which will be an erc20 token we'll then mint a supply of the token we'll go over a little bit about what a DEX or a decentralized exchange is we then use Unis Swap and again this will be all on testet but we'll create a liquidity pool on Unis swap with our created meme coin and show you how you can actually trade it on top of their decks so with all of that being said let's jump on the computer here and let's get started all right first things first we need to create our meme coin now I am on third web's website here and we're going to hit get started and head on over to the third web dashboard now you're going to have to connect your wallet I already have my wallet here connected and in the top navigation bars here the tabs I'm going to go over to the contracts tab now within the contracts tab I'm going to click the button to deploy a contract now there are a couple types of erc20 contracts that we have we have a token contract we also have a token drop contract now so if you look here we have token drop and we have token up here right here now a token drop or any of our drop contracts basically has a claim condition function that you can use which means that we can claim these tokens set certain claim parameters and these tokens can be claimed from the contract now we don't want to make our meme coin here claimable uh we want to just mint a fixed Supply uh that's what we're going to do for this token here so I'm going to choose the regular token contract now you may find it in the popular section up here or if you come down there uh under Marketplace as well you just want to look for the token contract not the token drop contract so I'm going to select token here you can see that this is suited for creating digital currencies and is compliant with the erc20 standard and what we're going to do here is we're going to deploy now now from here you can select an image you can put in the name symbol of the coin that you want to create uh for my example here we are going to create a Spam coin and the symbol is going to be spam and I'm just going to say this is a meme coin coin created for a YouTube tutorial I'm going to have an image here I have an image of a can of spam here that I created using AI so we're going to use that for our contract image down at the bottom you have Network and chain this is where you're going to select the network or chain you want to deploy your token to so in this drop down here you can select a bunch of main Nets test Nets we support any evm compatible network uh for this tutorial I'm going to select Mumbai just because I have a lot of Mumbai and when we get into uh creating a liquidity pole uh we can add some of that in so again I'm going to be deploying this to a test net we're not going to deploy it to a main net here um if you do want to follow along and everything we are going to be using Unis swap to kind of demonstrate and go through how to create a liquidity pools Mumbai is one of those uh test net chains that they do support so if you do want to test it out I don't believe all test net chains are supported um under Unis swap so you might want to check to make sure if you're going to try this out that the test net that you use is supported by Unis swap uh if you wanted to go through the Dex part of this tutorial so we select our networker chain here I'm going to hit deploy now we'll then get a transaction here to deploy our contract we'll confirm then we'll get a signature request this is to sign to add this contract to our contract dashboard we're going to hit sign here that way we can view it on our dashboard so right here you can see it's adding to dashboard once this is done it should bring us to our contract dashboard and from there we'll be able to Mint a supply of our token all right there we go our contract is deployed we're now brought to our contract dashboard you can see here we have our spam coin it is on the Mumbai Network here and what we're going to do next is mint ourselves a supply of tokens here so on the left hand navigation we're going to come to the Tok tokens tab you can see currently our total Supply is zero spam we do not have any tokens minted uh I do not own any tokens up here you can see we have some grade out buttons here or disabled buttons because we can't burn airdrop or transfer zero tokens but we do have the ability to Mint some new tokens so when we hit mint here it's going to ask us what additional supply of tokens or coins do we want to be able to Mint so in this case I'm just going to put uh 1 a million tokens here so there we go that's what million I'm going to hit mint tokens and what this is going to do is mint or create 1 million of our spam tokens now I'm going to hit confirm on this transaction here now this is going to be minted directly to the wallet that I have connected there you go you can see our total Supply right now is a million spam coins and we own all 1 million of the spam coins in the wallet that I have connected to the contract now you might be asking yourself doesn't this mean that I can just keep minting and creating new coins whenever I want to kind of I have the control because I'm the owner of the contract to Mint these tokens and yes that is true as the owner of the contract you do have the permission to keep creating these tokens but what you can do if you come to permissions here is you can remove yourself as the mentor or Creator or you can add other wallet addresses to be able to Mint or create but if you remove yourself from the mentor or Creator section here then that that means no one will have the ability to Mint new tokens what you could also do is also remove the admin as well from this permissions tab here and if you remove all permissions and admin permissions basically the contract becomes locked no one will be able to make any changes no one will be able to Mint or create new tokens or coins the contract becomes locked and that's something you may want to do if you are launching a token or coin um if not then you know people will know that you have the ability to just continuously create uh as much of the token or coin as you want now depending on what you're using this coin for you may want that ability you may want to remove the ability just know that in permissions here uh we can remove the Creator and we can remove the admin as well and we won't be able to create or mint any new tokens you can do that here if you want uh we can just do that as an example here so I'm going to remove myself here I'm going remove myself here and we're going to update permissions this is going to mean that this contract here will have a million spam tokens and won't be able to reduce anymore so I'm going hit update permissions here going to confirm that transaction and there you go now nobody has permission for this contract so if I come back to my tokens here and I look I do not have the mint button anymore that's because my wallet is not allowed to Mint any of these tokens anymore I can burn I can airdrop or I can transfer these tokens because I do have a Supply Here of the tokens but I am no longer able to Mint or create more of the token and that does it for creating our meme coin here so our spam coin is pretty much done we have a smart contract which is an erc20 smart contract we have a supply of coins here which is a million spam uh I currently hold all 1 million of those spam coins in my wallet here but the next thing we need to do is how can we actually trade these meme coins now we're going to go over something called aex and if you aren't familiar with aex it basically stands for decentralized exchange and the one that we're going to be going over today and be using for this tutorial is going to be called Unis swap so head on over to Unis swaps website here we'll add it down in the description as well and you can see here with Unis swaps protocol you can swap earn and build on the leading decentralized crypto trading protocol in something called a DEX you can create something called a liquidity pool basically we're going to say hey I have 1 million uh spam coins and I'm going to pair it with let's just say in this case I'm going to pair it with 0.1 madic now it's not a lot but just to kind of explain what's going on here and so that we can actually make this coin tradable and show you how it works on a deex and how you can do the same Unis swap has some documentation on how you can add liquidity using Unis swap V3 you can see here their step-by-step guide but we're actually going to walk through all of this here but what is a liquidity pul going through swaps documentation here as well they have a little article here going over what is a liquidity pool now a liquidity pool is a group of tokens that are locked in a contract and used for trading between assets on a decentralized exchange or decks and you can see here in traditional Finance liquidity is organized using a central limit order book where buyers and sellers create orders or trade uh organized by price and demand so again what we're going to be doing is we're going to be creating a liquidity pull which requires two things the token that we want to be trade and the tradable token for that so in our case we're going to have a million spam coins and again we'll put something like2 mtic in and from there anytime someone purchases or wants to purchase um our spam coin they're going to have to purchase it or trade madic to get spam coins so again we're going to have those two tokens and they're going to be the pairing that gets traded back and forth between each other now you can make the pairing between any tokens that you want uh we're going to be using just the native token on Mumbai testnet which is madic and our spam coin so coming back to the Unis swap protocol I'm going to hit launch app this is going to open up the Unis swap app here and of course this is where you can swap uh your tokens here but actually before we do that let's come back here let's get our spam coin let's get our contract address let's open up our metamask and in our metamask I'm going to go to tokens and I'm going to import tokens here and I'm going to paste in my contract address you can see here it pulls up all the information like the token symbol and everything and I'm going to hit next you can see here it reads that I have a million spam in my wallet and I'm going to import it so we look back at my tokens here I have spam here and I have a million spam in my wallet now if I head back to Unis Swap and I select my spam token so let's just uh open up the token that we want to trade here and I want to trade I'll paste in my spam contract address you can see spam coin appears here so you can see here that it's going to have us um a agree and state that we understand that this token isn't traded on any leading us centralized exchange um and then it says always conduct your own research before trading we know that we created this token so we'll just hit I understand so if I try to say hey I want to trade this spam token for some mic here and I want to trade 100 spam tokens you're going to see here that we're not going to be able to trade or get any value for our spam token because there isn't any liquidity for for this trade so what we're going to do is actually provide the liquidity so that we can actually trade these spam coins here to do that we're going to again create a liquidity pool up top here we're going to come to the pool here and you can see here we have some positions so this is where your liquidity pool pairings will show up we're going to hit new position here and we're going to create our liquidity pull for our spam coin here so the pairing that we want is we want to pair madic with our token so I'm going to select our token paste in our contract address here here select our spam coin now our feed tier this is where we can collect a percentage of fees um basically when people swap these two pairings here we can collect a percentage of that swap but again we're not providing any type of financial advice or financial information within this video this is just showing you how to go about doing all this so I'm just going to select the 05% and we can set a price range now this price range here if we look at the Docks we come down to set price range uh in which you would want to provide liquidity you're going to provide a specific range basically a low range and high range in which you want to provide liquidity so let's say uh you put a range in and the amount goes below your low Point here you'll actually stop providing liquidity and then your liquidity Position will be concentrated into one of the two assets and you won't earn any fees same thing if you go above it um it'll again concentrate into one of the two assets and you won't be collecting any fees I'm not going to get into too much detail about it but if you are someone who is adding liquidity for a certain pairing of coins this is sometimes something you want to set because again maybe you only want to be providing liquidity within a certain range and if you fall out of those ranges then again you can stay a little safer when providing liquidity into a liquidity pool but for this example we're just going to say full range basically the low is going to be zero and the high is going to be infinite and what we're going to be saying here is hey we're going to provide liquidity no matter where the price range is so with that uh we're going to set the starting price uh in madic so we're going to say how many spam per madic so we'll just say here that um one spam per madic so we'll say technically we'll just put uh actually we'll put uh we'll put all 1 million 1 2 3 1 two 3 so 1 million spam per Matic so what we'll do here in our deposit amount is say if we want to deposit a million spam we're going to have to provide also 99991 Matic so again we're saying that the starting price of our spam coin a million spam coin equals one mic so in order to put that deposit amount in again we need the pairing of madic along with Spam we can put in here more so let's just say if we add in another zero and we say 10 million spam is one maic you can see here then we only need to provide 099 maic uh in order to make that pairing possible so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to say I think 5 million yeah so we'll say we'll say 5 million spam here equals one maic that way when we deposit all 1 million of our spam here we only need to deposit about 02 maic to make that uh equal pairing so I'm going to hit approve here we're going to have a transaction that pops up we'll hit Max here so that we can set the spending cap here we'll hit next and we'll approve and again what this is going to do is we're going to deposit the99 madic plus the 1 million spam coins into our liquidity pull and we'll head back to the swap and from there we should be able to purchase some spam coins uh with the madic that we have so we're going to hit preview here and we're going to go ahead and now add the liquidity so you can see our transaction is going to go through we have to confirm it here we're depositing that .999 Matic we'll hit confirm and we're going to close this uh and let that run here you can see it's pending and then we'll come right back after that's done it finished here so we have the spam Matic here so you can see here liquidity we have our 1 million spam we have our point to mic we haven't we don't have any uh fees that we've claimed because we haven't traded anything yet but if we come back to the swap here and let's just say we want to swap our madic for our spam coin let's paste that in we can select our spam token here and let's just say we want to to spend 01 madic in return I'm going to get 47,600 spam coins and if I wanted to spend 0.15 you can see here in return I get 69,7 40 spam coins and you can see our swap is now working and we can actually receive things for our swap so let's just say I want 0.5 I'm going to get about 24,000 spam coins right here I'm going to swap we're going to confirm to swap just like you would on any type of decentralized exchange and you're swapping a coin we're going to pay that here the transaction fee and everything plus the maic that we want to swap our swap is going through you can see here we have a pending transaction still going here we're swapping once that goes through there you go so now if you look at our balance here we have 24,38 of the spam coins if I went back here and I tried to trade that 24, um 38 the spam back into madic you can see here in return I would get 0.49 which is a little less than what we deposited but that again that is because how the liquidity pools are working because we took out some of the spam tokens in return with the fees and everything that is what I would get back in return so let's say we want to go back let's just say we'll do uh we won't do all of it let's just say we wanted to do 10,000 of our spam coins here I can just swap it back here in return I'll get points 002 Matic we'll hit swap I'll approve and swap we get the transaction here uh we'll set the max here and then we'll hit approve and again just by providing that liquidity pull a pairing of Your Meme coin with the pairing with the other token pairing you're able to create a swap between the two and from there you can again have other people swap the token and everything other people can provide their own liquidity as well and you now have a meme coin that you can swap on a decentralized exchange there we go we're going to sign this to complete this Swap and then pay for the gas and now our swap is pending there you go our swap has gone through we now only have 14,000 spam uh we got a little bit more balance back in madic now let's take a look back at our pool here if I come back and I go to our spam Matic pull you can see here uh in our unclaimed fees area uh we can look and see that we can collect five spam and we can collect uh very little amount of mic here uh but again these are the fees that we put in uh when we added the liquidity in on how much of the fees we wanted to collect and from here we can collect those fees and again that's the fees that we get because of what we set when we added the liquidity I can remove the liquidity here I can increase the liquidity so maybe I want to increase the liquidity and I want to to provide 5,000 spam in order to increase that liquidity that's how much mic I need to provide here uh I can approve spam we'll just set this approval here we can preview it and again we can add more liquidity into our liquidity pool and basically all we're doing is adding things back in that we have taken out already uh but again yeah but again that is how you can create those liquidity pulls and actually start the and actually have the ability to swap your or meme coin with something else now again that doesn't need to be madic it can be another token it can be any other token there just has to be a liquidity pull between the two tokens that you want to be able to swap if you wanted to you could deploy yourself another erc20 token make the pairing between the two tokens and be able to swap between the two now I know we said that this is for meme coins here but this also works maybe if you have an equal system or a game that has different types of tokens and you want to give the ability for players to swap from one token to another you can use a deck like Unis swap here to and create a liquidity pull between those two tokens and have users be able to swap between the two so there's a lot of things that you can do with decentralized exchanges like Unis Swap and again you can easily deploy erc20 tokens using third web smart contracts and there you have it we created our very own meme coin again a friendly reminder we are not offering any Financial advice in this video this was strictly for educational purposes and showing you how you can utilize tools like third web to deploy your very own erc20 tokens along with using Unis swap which is a decentralized exchange and how you can create liquidity pulls and how they work but again I hope you folks enjoyed this video if you did give this video a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and don't forget to turn on the notification Bell so you don't miss out on more tutorial videos just like this and if you need any help or support we'll drop a link down in the description below where you can open up a support ticket ask any questions that you may need help with and our support team will be happy to help you out but again I hope you folks enjoyed this video and until next time see you
Channel: thirdweb
Views: 16,727
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Id: K6FM329IpZE
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Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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