How To Create A Glow Outline Effect In Premiere Pro With No Plugins.

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a it's craft and today I'm coming at you with how to create a dope glow outline effect in Premiere Pro let's do it so here we are in Premiere Pro we have the clip that we want to add a glow effect to and so what we're simply going to do is we're going to click alt and move up on the clip so that we can duplicate it and now everything we're going to do is happen on this duplicate layer and the first thing we're going to do is we're going to do find edges and it's going to find all of the edges in our image that's great but we're going to go ahead and start by inverting it so it's going to be a black screen for us and it's going to help Define those edges just a little bit more then we're going to go over to our effects panel and instead of find edges we're now going to add tint okay we're going to add 10 to that image it's going to darken it up a little bit get all that color out of there so we're just going to have some black and white edges right and so from there we're going to go ahead and we're going to add the lumetri color okay the lumetri color effect onto this video I want you to grab the lumetri color effect on this video don't do it in the lumetri color panel add the separate effect onto the video because we're going to do two different lumetri color effects throughout this thing and so for this one specifically we're going to bring this over and we are going to bring this one uh right about there okay we're gonna darken up some parts and we're going to lighten up the edges that's the point of this one so we're going to go ahead and close that curves panel again and we're going to be done with the metric color for a second because now we need to add a gaussian blur effect so we're going to add that gaussian blur to that top layer and it's going to be a very subtle gaussian blur that we're adding in so we're just putting in at five okay we are just putting it at five from there I want you to grab your Four Color gradient effect all right we're going to grab our four color gradient effect and now this Four Color gradient you can turn this any color you really want okay this could be any color you want I like the color red okay so we're gonna go with red for this image and we're actually going to grab our dropper tool and we're just going to click red on the same thing so it's the same color for each one and beautiful then we're going to go to blend mode and we are going to do screen screen for our blend mode nice and simple nice and simple from there friends we're going to add one more uh effect we're going to add a VR glow okay we're going to add a VR glow if I could not type wrong VR glow perfect we're gonna add that over our image as well uh actually I think it's supposed to be overlay yes it is overlay not screen I apologize uh so you're gonna go over there to our VR glow after you get that correct on overlay and you're gonna hit a Luma threshold of zero you're gonna go down to a glow radius of 100 a brightness of two and we'll keep the saturation at one from there we're gonna add our final color effect from lumetri and this one is going to be an s-curve friends this one is going to be an S curve so we're going to go down to our RGB curve and we're just going to pull up at the top here just a little bit and pull up at the bottom here a little bit we're gonna get this nice little S curve going so that it's nice and bright on that glow effect then we're gonna go all the way at the top okay we're gonna go to blend mode and we're going to go to screen this is now going to Overlay the effect over all of the edges that are selected but we don't want to just have the effect go the entire time we actually want to go ahead and get it at a start and stop point so we want to maybe start it right about 20 seconds into the video so what we're going to do is we're going to click the scale button and we're going to click the opacity button okay and we're going to go ahead and start keyframing this and we're going to go back one frame and we're going to opacity this at zero so that way it's not on frame at all because then once it starts playing it will go but we're going to add this pulsating effect in and we're going to say the pulsating effect ends right about four seconds okay right about four seconds so to do that we're going to once again set the opacity to zero creating a new keyframe and we're going to scale it at 250 and so what you're going to now have is an awesome pulsating glow effect that you can add to your edits to elevate them hey if you found this video helpful do me a favor and go ahead and click right here so that you can keep learning
Channel: Eric Craft
Views: 27,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8fKf3nFuNao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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