How to Create a Free Mobile App With Jotform Apps

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would you like to create a free mobile app well let me show you how with jot form hey J forers welcome back I'm Kimberly and as you can see I'm currently in the desktop version of my dashboard now in order to create a free app with jot form it is really simple we're just going to head up to the top leftand corner right now we can see we're in my forms we're going to choose this and we're going to switch over to my apps next we're going to choose the purple create app button in the top leftand corner and we can start from scratch we can use a template we can clone an existing app of ours or we can build a store but for this example let's go ahead and start from scratch now the great thing about building your own app is it is completely yours you can make it fit your branding 100% for this let's go ahead and drag and drop this is going to feel very similar to our form Builder if you are used to building forms so over on the left hand side we're going to choose to add an element and you can see it's very similar so if you would like for someone to fill out a form within your app you can bring in a form you can have a sign document you can have heading paragraph link a lot of different options so for this let's go ahead and come back up to the top and let's make this a donation app let's say we're asking for donations so let's go ahead and open up our properties and we can edit what this text look like let's say we are going to save the Penguins we'll add some subtext and then down here we get to change what this looks like we can make it larger we can make it small let's go ahead and keep it large and let's put it in the center perfect now next up since we are looking for donations we can bring in our donation box right here perfect so you can see that it went ahead and it gave us three fixed amounts and we have full control over this over in the right panel so if we scroll down we have 10 25 and 50 if we want to add a new amount we can maybe we want to make a lower amount just in case perfect and maybe a higher amount and then one thing I always like to do is I also like to allow custom amounts just in case someone wants to be very specific about how much they donate if you would like to have a minimum or a maximum value you can turn that on so maybe we want the minimum to be at least a do and it's always good good to show a donation goal so we can put this in let's say the donation goal is $5,000 perfect and then we can see here our button text says donate now now if we want we can change the style of how this looks maybe we change the buttons to be a rounded button maybe we want to Center that text right up here perfect so next we need to integrate a payment Gateway so we can choose our payment properties right here and we can add a payment integration I'm going to go ahead and do stri perfect and I always encourage you to turn on the test mode to give things a test before you release it to the public just to test things out now we can also have some additional Gateway settings down here completely up to you but I think I'm good so let's go ahead and save perfect now another thing about these apps is you can see right here it says add a new page so you can create different layers to your app now we also have the contact information page and this is here because we have our donation page right here so but you can see it is a new page so let's say we would like to add a new page let's go ahead and add a new page right here perfect so right here let's go ahead and change the name of this page to a contact us page so let's go ahead and drag in some things where people can contact us so let's scroll down maybe we have a map so people can find where we are and we can also have a social follow so that way they can follow us on different social accounts and then if we would like to add things like a phone number or anything like that we would use something like the paragraph option now another thing that we can do is we can add another page and maybe we want to name this page testimonials and then over on the left hand side we have our testimonial option right here perfect and if we choose the properties we can edit what those test testimonials look like so if I X out of this we can see because we started from scratch this is very generic so if we want to make this more us and our brand we can choose this form designer right over here and we get to change what that color scheme looks like maybe it's more of a black and white scheme perfect let's take a quick scroll and see what that looks like on everything that looks great now we can also change our layout if we want to do that as well but let's go and ex outed this I'm going to head up to the top middle tab setting and this is where we can change our app name and our app icon so right now the app is called new app and we want this to be save the Penguins and we also want to change what that icon looks like so we can edit that so I'm going to head over to the animals and let's take a quick scroll see if we have a penguin I think this is probably the closest thing to a penguin so we can exit added this over on the left hand side again we have our splash screen so depending on what our brand and our colors if we need to customize that we can change that I think black and white is perfect for Save the Penguins and I think we're good so if we go over to publish let's go ahead and open in a new tab and if I try to scroll we can see that there's only one page all the pages that we just made are in their own space so up at the very very top we can see we have the contact us and then we have the testimonials as well perfect so if we head back to that home tag ab and let's go ahead and do a quick donation we'll do a custom amount and we will do $22,000 we'll do donate now and here's that contact information proceed to payment and we can see that it went through our donation of $2,000 let's go ahead and go back to the homepage so we can see that our donation goal our bar is starting to fill up and it really is as simple as that if you have any questions about creating your own app for free with jot form let us know Down Below in the comments if you like this video and you got some value hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe and turn on the Bell so you get a notification every time we put out a new video I'll see you next time
Channel: Jotform
Views: 11,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jotform tutorial, best form builder, how to use jotform, mobile app, app, mobile application, jotform apps, How to Create a Free Mobile App With Jotform Apps, how to create a jotform app, free mobile app, jotform form builder, online form builder, easy form builder, how to build a no code app, no code app, jotform sign, jotform teams, jotform store builder, jotform approvals, jotform enterprise
Id: yaE9PunI6CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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