How to Create a EFI Folder for your Hackintosh: Step by Step Guide

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[Music] hello guys it's me again and in today's tutorial we going to look at how you can create your own EFI I know I've done this video before but in today's video going we going to go with a request from R here and he put down the specs of his machine so let's get started first of all here you can see the machine is Del opx 38 Tower and the CPU is co5 10,500 so first thing first we need to go through the requirements and the first thing you need to have you need to have the open C package so you can download the latest which is 0. 9.7 so after the download let me show you if you look closely on your right hand of your of this computer you can see I've just downloaded the open core version 0.7 0.9.7 sorry the release version and that's the first requirement you need to have the second one you need to have the proper property also you can see I've just downloaded it and thirdly you need to have the genm bios so also there it is I just downloaded the I'll leave all the link in the description of this video so you don't have to worry about it also I'll leave the EFI so the next thing you need to uh we need to go to the guide so but fast those are just the requirement so we need to check out this we say it's sc5 10,500 so just copy it and paste it paste it on Google sorry just paste and search on the first link right here just click on it and we can see the code name is Comet leg so if we go to guide we know what we will be searching for so our is comment Le and so let's get started so first of all you need to have the property application so let me just create it first open your script and then select build up command and then just come here let's see let's see let's see security and privacy general just click okay and then open anyway and open it so it will build our so you can see our so let me just select the first one since it's the right one and you can see it has build our application and save it here so let me just close it and this is our app so let me drag it to application and that's done so I'll not be need I'll not need this so I'll just move it to bin so let me just open it yes it's working so let's close this one so the next thing we need to have the let me just first open the guide now so this is the guide you need to go to the guide and then here just we need to search for comment like and since it's a desktop so I'll go with the desktop if yours is a laptop you need to choose the laptop right down here so click okay so this is our starting point guys so the documentation is very clear so you need you don't need have to worry just follow it and everything will just flow so the starting point we are just created our property and we have our genes and bios right here and the next one we need to have our sample do or config pist so you you you're going to find this on your open Cod folder so let me just show you open this one and then here on the docks so here we have x64 and then utilities and then we have i32 and then docks so we'll need this x264 so let me just drag it here and then we need to have our sample or config P list it's is just here on the docks so just click here and then this is it so also let me just pull it there and yeah that's that's all you need so let me just delete this one also CU I'll not be needing it so just open your EFI OC and then just drag this one here and rename it to config pist so like so save okay so the next next thing we need to have our scpi so and let me just expand this one so here you can see from the image here we need to have ssdt Das plug AML and then ssdt do so from the info here you say this is where the so this plug allow native CPU power management on asell and Ne if you need to get more details you can click here and and then we need to go to ssdt das SC USB X fix both EMB controller and USB power also if you need to uh get more information about this one just going to click on get started with CPI but I'm not going to talk about it today so the next one we need to have the ssdt AWC so this is the 3000 Ser patch required in for all the b4s and z490 so this is a master as you can let me show you here if you come here and then we choose this and then just go to chipset right here yes you can see this is b460 and here it says it is required for all b46s and Z for 90 boards so we we are going to need this one so these three are mandatory for this build so the next thing we have ssdt Das rehab so needed to fix div on Asus and potentially so so will will not be needing this one so okay so let's continue so we need to get our ssdt so just click on get started and from get started on your left of your menu right here just click on the pre-built SSD so here we need to find our comment like just right here so this is our pre-built ssds so let me just click it there and then we will need the SSD plug but we're going to rename it as ssdt do plug only so just download it and let's drag it here and then the next one is e usbx so again EC usbx desk desktop sorry so if you have a laptop just choose the laptop if you have a desktop go with this one so download it and then also let's copy it on the desktop and the next the last one is a WSC so yeah it is so let's just download it like so and then drag it to the desktop so we are done with the SCP so we need to add it so let me just let me just rename this one first yeah like so so let me just copy them open our EFI OC hcpi and then press them okay so the next thing we need to do so let's open our config P list with property right right that's that's it so let me just clear this one first just clear this all this so that we can just remain with the guide okay so let me just minimize that one first so this is our config P list and we have not added anything so what you need to do I I tend to clear everything here and then so I need to add my ssdt so let me just do a OC snapshot and then I'll just choose where the EFI is so this is my desktop so just it's up it so let me just yes so as you can see after the OC snapshot you can see we have our ssdt there already so that's nice so let me just save it first and then we continue so again let me just open my Chrome so the next phase we need to go to is we need to go to let me just open this one since we are done with the stpi so let me just minimize it the next way you need to go to boa you can see [Music] for for delete and Patch we don't have to do anything you just leave it so here on Bo let me just sorry just okay so like so all right so on but here it says as you can see where it's highlighted in red we need to either set it to true or false so we start with the virtu the virtualize mmio so let's do it and then it's on the quacks so just minimize this one and this so here is the we need to set it to true so sorry just make it to through and then we need to go to enable right protect so let's come here enable right protect enable right hand protector sorry we need to make it to false by default it is set to true but you need to set it to false okay and then protect ufi Services we need to set it to True e is protect USB Services let's set it to true and rebuild Apple memory map we need to set it to True again so this is by default it's false so just make it true and then sign Sy runtime permission you need to set it to true so by default it's false but you need to set it to true and we are done with the boter so if you need to have more info of what it say there you just come to this section and then you can just read about more indepth info here so I'll not be going through all this so if you need you can just go through them so the next thing we need to go let me just minimize this we need to go to device property here so so in this section we need to set this section is said bya whatever green if you need to read more about frame frame sorry frame patching guide can just click here and then you can read more about it so I'll just go direct to the I'll just copy this [Music] one and on device property add I'll just add a sibling or just a child as you to and then I'm going to paste that oh let me just delete it it's about to it's a child not a sibling sorry so I'll just paste that one and then choose dictionary right there so here we have the a a AIG platform so you can see it says 0. 7009 be used when the desktop igpu is used to drive display so in this case we're going to go with this one and we have this alternative so let's just use this one and add it let's add a child and this one new sibling oh it's a child sorry so and then we need to need to add key which is this one and then paste it there and it should be data and then the value will be this one [Music] so is paste the value there okay the next thing we need to add frame buffer patch enable so just copy it again come here add a new chart under this one so paste it so St M then come here add a new child and then paste it there so let me just make this one to be the first one also this one we need to make it to data all of them data so let's copy this one paste it and then come here and paste it so you can see here it says not that with this with ma 10.1 5.5 and new there seems to be a lot of issue with black screen using this if you get similar issue so and this this guy says on the comment that he had a issue with black screen so let me just change this one first to there so that's good and also we need to have to add two more properties from and so the next thing so you can see this is the example for desktop UD 630 without D GPU and no bu option for igpu memory and here we have if you need to use the the i225 V 2.5 GB controller you need to add this one so let me just add that one just a precaution so new child and then paste that there should be dictionary and then we need to add a new child which is device [Music] ID then past there and make sure it's on data the type and then paste it also let me make this one so okay okay so and the lay out ID let me leave it by default as one for the audio so we are good there let me just save it first and the next one we need to go to the canel tab right here and we need to have to add our our CES so that's what I'm going to do and let me just let me just open the more in depth so here M you need to keep in mind that any plugin remember that any plugin should load after its dependency this mean that CES like Liu must come before vir MC Apple LC whatever green ITC so a reminder that property users can control or command plus shift plus are to the C in the correct order without manually typing so let's do it let me just minimize this one move it right here right here I've just downloaded the needed CES and also if you need CES you going to come to aanta sorry we going to come to aanta repository here on GitHub and then you can download the CES the required CES so you can just Liu vir SMC whatever green appc we have restricted event and Etc so I've just downloaded the C so I'll just drop them on OC then C so I'll make sure I just get the basic one okay all right so we need to go with command shift plus r so that's what I'm going to do right now so command shift plus r and make sure I've Choose My OC folder like so and let me just minimize this one on can see the one that we have just added so you can see here it has just added our CES okay so we havec restrict event andv and Intel Mouse so I'm going to just save it for now and then I'm going to see snapshot okay so business there is done the next the next thing we need to do we just need to go to canel and then the quarks so let's just open our config pist so let me just go to let me just minimize this one that one we don't need anything there also there so we are on the qu so here Apple X CPM CFG lock need to be true so by default it's false so set it to true and then custom SM bio GID enable for D and V system so since this one is a d we need to enable it sorry and make it to True disable I mapper also you need to set it to True okay and then laic Canal Panic if you have HP system you need to enable it so Panic no no X Dum we need to set it to true so panic panic panic panic and by default it's false so we need to set it to true and then power timeout canel Panic we need to set it to True also and then we have our X CPI Port limit you need to set it to true okay so we have done with that canel and the next thing we need to do we need to go to if you need to read more just but in this tutorial just be shallow so I'll just I will not talk much about but you can read about them on the more in in depth info so okay so let's go let's go you can see on the quack it says needed if is disable in the Bios not needed ifdt is disable in the Bios HP machine will require this yes yes and okay so the next thing we need to go to skim so let me just minimize this one if you click to more in depth info we need to set it to fuzzy match we need to set it to true so fuzzy match by default is true and then canel Arch is supposed to be x 6 x 86 sorry _ 64 but I'll just leave it at Auto and then canel cash need to be on auto to so we are done with there the next tab we need to go to is miscellanous so let me just open the miscellanous and then we need to go to debug right here so Apple debug to supposed to be true and apple Panic also is supposed to be true Target we need to set it to 67 okay that there we are done with it so the next one we need to go to security so security right here and on security you need to set scan policy to zero security scan policy you need to set it to zero secure boot model I just let go with disable for this in this case and then the Vault right here is going to be optional so just write optional okay so we are done there and let me just save it first so if you go to boot where is [Music] boot I auxiliary so enable so let's go to I auxiliary yes press space to show the m recovery and other auxiliary entries so that's good okay so let's go let's go let's go we are done there if you need to learn more about that one just click on the more depth info and then you can read about it so the next phase we need let me just minim this NV Ram so EnV Ram we just need to choose the the third entry right here just let's just minimize this one so here we need to add our boot hugs so let me just go to debug equal to 0 * 100 and then I'll see go to one also the CSR active config just remain like that and then the language just delete everything else leave it like that so we have the the boot boot tags right here and and their description so okay but this machine needs we GPU so I forgot this one so I'll just paste it there so if your machine is let me just D I look at this machine and I saw here on the graphic and video controller it has Intel UHD graphic 630 but also we have the some discrete graphics so this wedge no egpu will disable all these other Graphics the discreet Graphics so it will just use the Intel UHD 63 yow alone so let's continue and if you need to make this language to be us you can just copy this one and then just change here to string and come and paste this one so it will be on the language will be English us so okay so the next thing we need to come to where where where delete so where is delete okay let me just minimize this one and then we need to go to right flash right here okay do not add will not override over present okay just this one just leave it like that so the last thing we need to do we just need to open our we need to open our genm bios application and then let me just minimize this one first open and then just run this command again open anyway and close it let just make it bigger okay so let me just select one first and it's Gathering the max info so that's good so as this one is doing it thing so let's come here and see as you can see for the info it say for setting the SM bios info Rel use already we just get got our gen bios for comment like example we choose IM Mar 20a 1 SM bios okay iMac 20a 1 this is done in tionally for compatibility sake there are two men and Biers used in Comet like we have the IM 20a 1 for i7 and low and if you have a higher cor I 9 uh 10,900 or or higher you just need to choose the IM Mark 20 20 20a 2 so let's generate our serials right here so let me just copy this one I Mark 20 comma 1 so and then let's select our just hit number two and select our config the P list so we'll drag it okay just drag it there like so and then it don't enter so as you can see here it says the current current P list is on hour so the next thing we need to generate the SM bios so just it on number three and then I'll just write iMac 20 comma 1 and then hit turn enter so as simple as that all this detail has been added to our config P list and if you need to to prove it let me just h on return and it on Q to quit this one and delete this one so if [Music] I if I also see snapshot this one you can see let me just show you right here let me just minimize this you can see right here it says IM Mar 191 so let me just we see snapshot and let me just show you that our SM bios has been added to our oh wow not yet let me just save it and and just open it again so that okay I think it it has not added our let me just redo it so let me just open jnsm bios again and then let me just select my config pist let me just drag it there and then it on enter so here we need to [Music] generate okay so generate but three then we go with iMac 20 comma one it don't enter so it says flashing isn't right to just hit enter and then let's go this just just open this one again property if it if it will not work we'll just add it manually okay there we go so as you can see it has added our IM Mar 20 and also serial and everything so we are just sorted there so let me just close this one and that's it so let's continue the next thing we need to go to the ufi and we need to add the drivers the drivers so we need to get the drivers so we need to we need this HFS plus and open run time so if we open our o fi OC drivers we can see a lot of thing but what you need just is just the HFS plus EFI and run time but if you need to if you use the the theming of your when the you boot your machine we'll just need open canop P2 so I'll just delete all it all of this let me just also if you need to have the start sound on your iMac you need to to remain with this so I thought you should know but in this case let me just leave the necessary ones so if you have a if you are dual booting or triple booting with Ubuntu and you need to to have this driver also but that's story for another day so let me just move to B also this one is needed if your machine is is not ufi enable the Legacy machine so we need to have this one but yeah it's a modern machine so we don't need this one so I'll just delete all these ones Let's see we have oh sorry this one also andv me Express you can just leave it but let me just leave it like that LE six drivers but the mandatory one are just these two open HFS plus and open runtime EFI but if you need to have if you set your on your miscellanous if you set your let me show you if you go to miscellanous if you set your piik mode supposed to be external if you set to external you'll need the open canopy which it will show the aidant open code team so I think you should know that so the next thing we need to go we need to eat on open OC snapshot so that it can add our drivers let me just show you right here so on our drivers you can see we have our drivers they have been added and let me just save it okay so let's continue and we need to you can just learn more but I'll just as I said before for I'll just just brush on these things I'll just I'll will not go deeper okay so on the output if you have like me just if you have like the scaling in need you need to set this one to two the output right here UI scale right here but on zero it will automatically set based on resolution so this is the this is the best setting you can add so this one unblock FC connect no needed mainly by HP motherboard so if you have HP motherboard you need to enable this one and I think we are done so everything right here is good and and you don't need to add anything else so our EFI is ready and it can boot your maos so Nora and below so without any issue so let me just save it me just po clean snapshot and save it so and we are done guys our e F now is ready and it can boot it can boot the M Sonoma M Ventura MOS Monteray Biga and any Ma so that's it for that for this video guys and I hope you enjoy the video just leave a like subscribe to the channel and I'll see you on the next one I'm going to leave this EFI on the video description below you can use it at your own disposal so that's it for this video guys and I'll see you on the next one enjoy
Channel: ikip
Views: 439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hackintosh 2024, create EFI, EFI Folder, hackintosh
Id: 4NPgnGg-LYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 14sec (2714 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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