How to Create a Business Budget from Scratch in Excel

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hi everyone welcome back to the Clara CFO group Channel as I mentioned in our last video we are entering Q4 as the time of this recording when I'm recording this video and this is budgeting season so we've got a couple videos over the course of the next couple weeks that are going to be talking about budgeting this video is going to talk a lot about how you create a budget and we're going to do this one in Excel and then we're going to take some of those Concepts and then roll them into uh QuickBooks online so we can create a budget in QuickBooks online and then if you guys want I can also show you how to create a budget in Gira which is the budgeting software that we use here at CL CFO group that's j r a v starting to dabble and showing some videos on that as well but this video is going to be talking about budgeting in Excel and so this is applicable to anybody it's it's very very much the same if you're going to do it in Google Sheets all of this you know it's basically a spreadsheet concept so I am going to be talking about how to create that today and if you have any questions please put them in the comment section below specific speically about budgeting would be great because we are going to be talking about this for the next couple weeks and I can hopefully answer your questions and maybe create some extra videos if we see some comments that need a video to respond so if that sounds good stay tuned if you aren't already subscribed to the channel I would love to have you here it is um we are we're making videos to help you with your small business finances and that's what this whole channel is for we've also started a sister Channel which is the financial Clarity podcast which is a podcast you can find it on all your podcast apps but you can also go over to the YouTube channel at Financial Clarity podcast and there's a second YouTube channel as well which is the same content on different platforms if that sounds interesting definitely check that out but if not no worries we are going to get into how to budget in Excel okay so here we are in the sample company of QuickBooks online and the first thing I want to do is show you how to pull the information that we're going to start with into Excel before we start the budgeting process so what we need is we need a profit and loss by month so um I want you to go to your report section here and then you're going to click on pnl profit and loss it might not be highlighted for you if you can't find it just type in the search bar profit and you'll be able to find it and then what you want to do and this is regardless of if you're using QuickBooks online or you're using a different accounting software you're going to want to find this report and any accounting software should be able to prepare this for you but it's a profit loss by month so we're going to take all the actuals this is this video is being recorded in October so we want to take all of the financial information that's complete up to the last month so September 30th in this imaginary company is done so um the financials are done so we're going to pull the information through September 30th and then we're going to display the columns by months and we're going to run it on a cash basis because that's that's the period that we have and we are going to to run report unfortunately the sample company doesn't actually give us great data um for historicals so what I've done is basically taken a real company changed a bunch of the financial information changed a bunch of the accounting information account information and then I'm going to use that to show you actually how to build a budget because you can't really build a budget on blank and zero so again feedback for QuickBooks if you want to give us a sample company that actually has information in it for more than a year that would be great thank you feedback okay they only have a couple months worth of information and it's really kind of lame because we're pretty limited on what we can do in the system but that's how you pull a profit and loss by month and then you're going to want to download it into Excel so you can export that into Excel and then you'll have an Excel file here though is our Excel file that we're going to use for this video and I'm going to show you guys how to create a budget from scratch okay now if you watched our last video you would know that I recommended having at least 12 months of financial data to look at um and then also maybe a balance sheet as well and then your strategic plan and any other inputs of some things that you would be thinking about going into the next year if you're going to be creating a budget so with this I'm assuming that I have all of that stuff for the purposes of this I'm going to be making up some of this as I go along but just assume that when we're making up something it's rooted in some type of financial fact okay so I'll try to point it out if I you know make those assumptions pure joy marketing agency I used the name of this business in my last cash flow forecasting video I thought I'd just run with that but basically this is a company this is their p&l so you can see that they have some different Services ways that they make income that's this top portion they have some cost of goods sold and then they have payroll expenses marketing and development Professional Services facilities so what we want to do is we want to create a full budget for 2024 because we have 2023 actuals and we're in Q4 of 2023 so we want to create this budget for the next year and with that we've got some things we need to think about right now we have 9 months of actual expenses and then we have 3 months of forecast that's why these things are gray out this is the forecast but you know we want to assume that this forecast that they've been tracking pretty closely we're going to assume that this is a rolling forecast and that we've updated the these numbers to be closer to what we really think we're going to receive and what we're really going to spend through the end of the year so these should be fairly accurate and so we're going to use all of that information so when you get a profit and loss like this the first thing that you're going to want to do if you're going to build a budget in Excel is you're going to want to just extend it out and you can copy this over if you want to I like to First extend it because then it's very easy to just reference left and right and say okay like what was that January number okay what do we we have over here and what I do is I just run those formulas across um you can copy the formulas over you can just enter in some new date ranges here a few little Excel tips that I'm not going to get into at this point basically build extend out your spreadsheet so if you want to make it a separate tab that's up to you you can totally do that just for the purposes of this I find this to be kind of easy I like to also like freeze the pane here we're going to freeze this pane so that when we scroll over we can still see our our account numbers so that's kind of or account names and our account numbers we don't really care about the numbers right now we just care about the account Nam so we can make sure we're budgeting properly so when you create a budget you are literally thinking you're going to be trying to predict what's going to happen in that account for that future period of time so you might think wow how can I possibly how can I possibly guess what that account is going to be in the future how do I know I don't have a crystal ball but we have lots of things that can give us indicators of what that number could potentially be okay so we have things like historical expenses we can look back and say what did we spend in the past we have information like what is our current um you know customer base who what are we currently selling do we have contracts that we could maybe look at and then kind of expect revenue or maybe we can look at Trends if our sales Trends have been a certain way maybe winter is always a slow season summer is always a high season and year-over-year we're growing about 10% you know we can look at some of those Trends and plan them into the budget okay so there as much as yes it feels a little bit like guessing when you're putting together a budget try to think about how could I anchor each line item in some kind of Truth um and when I say truth like is there a contract that we can tie it back to is there like for example I'm in a rental space right now like this is a rented office I know what my lease is going to be every single month I have a contract I know what that expense is going to be it's it's rooted in a truth of what I know I have to owe um and then I also pay for a co-working space like I know what that's going to be okay so um that's the kind of thing like we we know to a good extent a lot of our expenses in our business there's going to be the the stuff that is a little bit harder to predict like maybe you know your office supplies cuz maybe you go to Costco like once a quarter and you stock up on stuff or maybe you know somebody needs something and you buy it because it's really easy to get on Amazon you know there's there's all all the time little expenses that are going to be made that we can't necessarily perfectly plan for but in those situations we might want to just put together like an average and say you know hey let's just over across the year let's not spend more than $10,000 on office supplies or something like that you know so there's there's different things you need to think about the lines in your budget and think about like well how can I get to some sort of realistic expectation of what this number would be okay and it's way easier to do I would say most of the time on the expense side than it is on the revenue side revenue is harder to predict so I just want to um start there and let you know that if you're having a hard time with Revenue I would actually even suggest skipping over Revenue doing your expenses first and then coming back to revenue after you've kind of gotten sort of the hang of the budget in process okay so let's just get into it I think it's good to just talk through line by line and you'll kind of see what I'm talking about here okay so I don't know if we'll have time to cover the entire p&l I I don't want this video to be an hour long but we're going to go ahead and create our budget here all right so let's start out with retainer services so in this situation we might actually be able to predict our retainer Services maybe easier than a lot of you might be able to predict your Revenue because in the this marketing business that we have they have a certain number of clients and they're bringing in a number of clients at at a certain time at a certain Cadence and so they you know they have a base of what they know to expect in Revenue every single month from their retainer work so what we're going to do here is actually just build off of Prior years numbers and we're going to just add $2500 every month oops that's multiply let's make sure we do the right formulas um 2500 wow it's not going so well okay so adding 2500 every single month so that's just an assumption that I would talk about with a client and say you know realistically what are your goals for this next year do you have the capacity to take on that much work are you planning to hire you know is this doable is it not doable and they with all their marketing efforts and everything that they're doing they say absolutely it's doable and they believe that this is very realistic so in this situation we're just going to have um I'm going to put a note and I'm just going to say like one new client per month so we can just kind of go back and and reference that later and then project Services they do projects if you look back at historical they do about anywhere from nothing to about $115,000 in projects per month this might be a little bit harder for them to budget for so in this situation I might look at the total year and say okay they had did about 66,000 in Project Services last year maybe this year they want to grow that by 20% if they want to grow that by 20% that's about $80,000 a year and if I divide that by 12 that's about 6650 per year per month so I think what I'm going to do in this situation is just average it out so that they can see if they're on track for their total year goal you know that might mean that they might get a project in January and then nothing in February but then they get a project in March but then maybe nothing for two months so they need to think about okay how do we make sure that we reach our annual Target of basically $80,000 for the total so we're going to say the note here is an increase over prior year of 20% and you know where the projects fall we're not going to be worried too much exactly I really too much about that we're just overall worried about like are we reaching the annual goal okay because projects can come and they could be you know very extensive or they could be kind of small okay so then direct so going into income from direct printing costs we're going to just actually not budget for this um because that was a one-off project I'm I'm using my imaginary history of this business that was a one-off project and we're not going to budget for it in 2024 referral income and affiliate sales they have some digital affiliate sales as a marketing company that they make but it's really hard to predict so what they would like to do is actually just understand like what did they make on average last year and they made about 840 they're not trying to push that really extensively this coming year so what they're planning to do is just say hey we don't think this is going to grow let's just be conservative and say let's just make the same amount that we made last year and with budgeting with income especially you don't want to put any super Progressive growth goals in here you want to be conservative of realistically what you think you can hit so we're going to just make a note average of last year okay and then with Direct Media income this is another one that they don't know exactly when it's going to come in but basically the expense goes out around the same time so we just need to make sure that we have the timing uh correct you can see that down here in cost of good sold so what we're going to do there is just also take kind of an average last year um Plus plus I think we should take a growth percentage as well of that 20% like we we're growing in projects as well okay so about 20,000 per month so we're actually just going to put in 20,000 per month you know all this needs to be kind of based in something that we think is realistic but when we put higher like this is Direct Media income so this would be if the company like buys like Facebook ads or something for a client and then that client reimburses them for the Facebook ads so it's kind of a flowr cost but they do make about a 15% margin on it we're just putting in a number and that will also increase the expenses along with it so something to um make sure that you have that built into the budget if you're going to be increasing something that correlates to a different line in the item or different line item in the budget I can show you that in just a second so we're going to say increase over prior or 20% and then so we've gotten basically all of income now budgeted so what are we looking at here we're looking at a let's see about a 290 and then 290,000 that's a 28% increase okay so that's that's a pretty aggressive growth goal so growing 28% probably means that they're going to need to increase payroll you know and we'll leave this here as we're building the budget and then decide is this too aggressive do we need to pull back a little bit maybe we don't want to be hiring that many people to to reach that goal maybe this is just one or two key people that could help us reach that goal so okay let's go and hopefully that kind of helps you think like the point of this video is really to help you think through how to think about these different line items on the budget and to use the information that you have available to think strategically about the future of these expenses and sometimes it just takes a little bit of work but then you can totally make it happen and um yeah you guys got this so what right here with the direct meting media spend I have a formula worked in here that basically says that we want it to be based off of this Direct Media income that the spend is upcharged 15% so if you take the 17391 and you multiply it times one 115% you'll get the the 200 or the 20,000 so if I take this * 1.15 I get 20,000 so um I'm just kind of backed into this number to give you guys an idea of what the co the cost of good sold would be on this so we're going to see this is so actually you would probably in real life you would probably estimate your spend based on what you know your you would estimate the spend light item first and then based on what you know your your contracts are with these potential clients like in what you average what you average spend on media for them and then you would upcharge from there and back into this number and get this number calculate that number so I kind of did it the opposite way just because I don't have real contract that I can estimate um the revenue off of okay and the digital media spend okay so we're not going to put anything for cogs printing either since that was kind of a one-off obviously if we're printing stuff we want to make sure that we get our expenses covered so I think those two things will probably wash on average in the past for merchant service fees this is a good time to take an average from the past and then use dependent calculation so what I mean by that is to say okay how much in the past we took in 15, 665 of or we spent on Merchant Services and of Revenue what was that number so it was. 2.15% okay so because of that we want to estimate that same percentage going forward so we want to say 0.15 times total income to give us a number so that way if we change our Revenue number and we change our Revenue projection we're still going to be about spoton on our merchant service fees because we know on average we have some people that pay with cash some people that pay with credit card and so it kind of Blends out to be about 1.5% I that's why I say it's kind of dependent on the other one but we did take an average to see you know how what's our percentage we've been paying in the past and then we project that forward labor for subcontractors these are kind of few and far between because we actually have an employee focused model but we can plan for some subcontractor labor with this I would probably look at okay we know we're going to use some sub some some subcontractors during the year so probably just looking at having an annual Target of or an annual budget and then just spreading it out across the year so maybe it's something like $800 a month about $110,000 a year okay because last year they only spent 3,000 but they're anticipating with their growth they might need a little bit more subcontractors um and you know maybe that's not high enough but again for the purposes of this example that's kind of how you might think about it like subcontractors you're going to need them and you're not going to need them if you had this budget like planned based on like exact projects and you knew like this one's really going to need heavy subcontractors you should go to that month and make sure you have higher expenses in your subcontractors for that month so it kind of depends on how detailed you're getting into your Revenue projection and that's really the best way to do it if you have that level of detail and you can project out you know to actually put like the you know increased labor costs in there as well would be fantastic that's what we like to see okay so we are going now into payroll expenses and I'm going to go a little bit fast through payroll expenses just because I think the team will probably stay pretty similar as to what it was if we look at November that was pretty steady to what normal payroll looks like and then in December they did give a bonus so that's why payroll is higher so I don't want to plan my budget based on December even though that's the most previous month because then payroll will be over projected for the whole year so you want to think about if I'm if I'm projecting payroll let's project it based on more recent information that is like indicative of what the future fut months are going to look like so November would be a really good example of that and we're going to say that for the first you know 3 months of the year that they don't need to make any staffing changes so I think what I'm going to do here one of the things I really love about using Gira when we use it for our clients is that they have a whole Staffing model built in so for new hires you can actually type in like we're going to hire somebody at $65,000 a year give them a title like to be hired and then it will put it into the financial forecast based on the date that you said you're going to hire them so we don't have that level of complexity here in Excel but we can just kind of add in some additional payroll costs let's say that in salaries and wages that we think we're going to add somebody who's going to be an extra $5,000 a month and then and you guys can see like my payroll tax I actually already put it in here that it's a calculation based on salaries and wages so you can see that the number moved when I incre increase the wages and let's say that by let's say by August we actually need to hire again but this is going to be a more senior person so adding another $10,000 per month and then okay so we have increased payroll costs and then that also went up I would also probably make healthc care so pay salaries and wages we want to base this on actuals plus planned hiring and then payroll tax expenses average percentage of salary and then 401k contribution this should also be a percentage of payroll if you have that but in this situation I don't have that in here so let's clean that up all right let's see what about 3% which makes sense based on the match the company match that we have so we're going to make that also a dynamic number so that if we change our payroll number it will also change payroll taxes and it will change company contribution um healthc care contribution this you would want to say you know how much Healthcare are we providing per individual or per employee and you would want to do this probably like cost per employee and project it out like that I'm not actually going to change this number right now um and then employee benefits so this would also probably be a cost per employee so I would actually do kind of a sub maybe have a separate sheet or something for some of these salary and wages expenses so that you could say okay maybe Healthcare contribution is $300 per employee and we have 10 employees so then you know it's $3,000 or other employe benefits might be something like you know um additional life insurance or like some of the smaller insurances that you can potentially offer and then you know what it's going to be the cost of it times the number of employees and you can plug that number in here okay so look for like actuals here um if you're going to be budgeting for that and then things like Bank service charges you know we don't always know when these are going to pop up sometimes we do like this one for example is like a credit card fee an annual credit card fee and it's just been coded to the bank service charges so if that's the case you actually want to think about the timing of when it was in the the past and projecting that out to the Future so in this case I'm actually just going to plan for it in February actual expenses in a certain month and then I don't want to plan for any bank service charges fees because I don't think that we should be having any of them and I want that to pop out if we do a budget versus actual and we are paying Bank fees and we shouldn't be because we should have free checking and all of that stuff okay so when you get into other expenses like marketing and development this is when you want to think about this is where some of the strategy you know has strategy changed from prior year to current year think about what you have planned this next year do you want to go to any conferences are you going to be engaging any marketing professionals are you going to be investing in advertising are you going to be building on a new website for example like there are lots of things um marketing can be it can be a lot and some people might want to do like where you just do a budget on a total to say okay for marketing and development this year we just want to spend you know let's say let's stay under $30,000 all in because last year you spent 26 and you're going to give it a little bit more this year so that is an option I like to if you have the ability and you are going to be doing some of the same things you were doing last year to actually go line by line and say yes I'm going to keep that expense or no I'm not going to do that for example like if there's conferences you know you're always going to go to make sure that those costs are planned in if there's you know software subscriptions for marketing that you always have like plan for those these are the kind of things that it it helps you get more granular and know hey are we going to be way over budget or are we going to be okay um if you kind of can actually break it down into the detail of like what makes up that 30,000 for example like you can decide so in this case we're going to take like actuals of what we did last year Excel actuals from last year actuals actuals um and then we're going to do based on the Strategic plan for business development So based on the Strategic plan there is a conference in March that they want to go to but just the CEO and then in August there is a conference that the whole team can go to and so we're going to put a higher expense there and then this line item is just a software subscription that they're going to use every single year you might want to even like build in a slight increase in pricing over last year marketing services this is a new something that was engaged in halfway through the year and so they're going to keep that a marketing consultant they're going to keep that they're going to plan to keep it throughout the whole year and then they just have like a basic Website Maintenance here now maybe they have some web pages that they are planning to update and so they know that they want to do that project in Q2 of 2024 in that situation they might go ahead and put in a little bit of extra money so maybe just $1,000 extra for two two months in May and June and then professional development as well this would be like the CEO conferences or things that they're doing coaching things like that there's not really any big plan this year for professional development so I'm actually going to leave that out of this budget so then we can look at this and we can say okay like they actually have planned $33,000 it's over that $30,000 that we were thinking might be enough so this is one reason why we do want to look at this and say hey like is this a realistic budget for the year and you know you know we can get to the end of the profit and loss uh projection here down at the bottom and decide do we need to cut some marketing expenses or do we need to make some more money or do we need to cut expenses somewhere else or are we profitable enough okay so Professional Services um I'm going to say one thing that this business has not been doing is they have been doing all their own bookkeeping and that's something that they have been encouraged to Outsource they are going to actually change this is part of the Strategic plan is to hire a bookkeeper and probably some outsourc with them growing the way that they are some outsourc CFO work so they're going to let's see they're going to start having some accounting fees and then not a lot of legal is um being planned for the next year so but they will have probably just some contracts that need to be reviewed every now and then so I think we just need an annual budget here and with this we can just put in I think $100 a month could make sense now sometimes when you have an annual budget I will put it in quarterly so if the annual budget is $1,200 you know you might do 300 300 300 300 it's all kind of up to you and what you prefer I mean if you're looking at I like to look at a year-to DAT budget to actual as well as a month to date and so when you look at the year to date you can see you know if your spending has been off of the plan but you know it's catching up to the budget you can see that in the year-to date report okay licenses and permits this is um something that like you have a business license that you need to renew or a city permit that you need so likely what we do is we just say when do we pay that last year we're probably going to pay it in the same period this year so we can literally just like copy these from January and April and move them forward now sometimes fees go up not usually by very much if they're like City fees you know you can budget a couple extra dollars if you want to actuals from prior year now one thing that you want to think about is are you doing anything different this year are there going to be new licenses and fees that you might be incurring so that's something to think about with your strategic plan and if you need to be budgeting some extra expenses if you open a new location or something like that you need to factor that in we're going to get into facilities costs so with facilities we're going to again look at what is our actuals from prior month because that is what we anticipate going forward so and then repairs we'll do kind of like an annual budget for because we don't know exactly when those expenses are going to hit cell phone we know what that is going to be um uh actually it's reducing costs because there's a line that's not being used so we'll reduce that cost and then internet should be the same from prior month and then insurance is an annual expense and it's always increasing even though things aren't happening Insurance always increases okay so we're going to take actuals across the entire year they don't have any plans for additional space so that's just the budget through throughout the year with repairs they don't do a lot of repairs so we just want to give them a little bit of a budget every month 50 is probably even too much but we're going to just do that they spent 300 last year so that's about double cell phone is going to go down to $150 per month with that extra line removed and then same the internet should be about the same so 278 I'm just going to round it up and we drag and drop that not really drag and drop but we pull the um number over using our little Excel here and then Insurance okay so insurance is always paid in April of every year and what we're probably going to do is increase it by about 10% so I'm actually just going to take that number and multiply it times 1.1 which gives us a 10% increase and I'm going to just make a note annual expense plus 10% over over prior year okay and these little notes are just mostly for me so we can remember what we're doing here and then let's see let's go into office supplies so office supplies this is going to be one of those sections that's going to have a lot of expenses sort of all over so you might want to do things for like office supplies or offices equipment you might want to just have kind of a flat budget for all of those together but in this situation we've got software lumped into office supplies and we you know want to get a good average for our software expense and then also we have some gifts that we did last year that are going to be actually accelerated in 2023 so there'll be a slightly different timing and then we let's see what do we do here Postage and delivery is like a little bit few and far between office supplies we just kind of need to have sort of a average across the year and then office equipment is really just when we hire somebody new we need to buy them a new laptop so we can put in an estimate for that here so based on when we were hiring well let's do postage First maybe postage is just like $10 a month and then office supplies let's see what we did on average so it was about $100 a month last year I feel fine with like average let's do $120 a month since we're going to have a few more employees this year and then office equipment is really those laptop purchases so remember that we were hiring up here on our payroll expense we hired in April and then we hired again in August so with that I want to put and we spent about $2,000 on a laptop maybe the more senior person might have a slightly nicer laptop so it's going to be 2500 and so actual hiring timing and then dues and subscriptions we're going to just take an average of what we did over prior year do and subscriptions might be something you could look at and say okay maybe there's some things that Renew at a very specific time like you can see there's obviously a subscription here for 27 27 27 and then maybe some annual subscriptions as well so if you want to get into some nitty-gritty there you can for the purposes of this video I'm just going to average it over the year and then gifts so we did gifts client gifts last year in January we're actually going to do December gifts this year and then probably do something at the end of the year maybe pay for everything in in November we have more clients so we're going to increase the cost there and that's just kind of a one time of for client gifts that's for client gifts and then we like to have budget just for other you know employee gifts little things here and there maybe somebody needs has we send flowers or we buy books or things for people that happens sometimes we're going to give a overall budget of 4,000 now that is less than last year so you might want to look and say what is our gifting strategy for this year is this enough do we want to be doing more gifts than we did last year was last year maybe like there were some extenuating circumstances where there was additional gifts you know you can decide if that makes sense or not and then we go into software so this is another one where we'd be looking at okay what's our average software costs you know we probably want to take almost everything we did last year and basically increase it based on headcount probably so software you could get into much more detail and try to look at it but I would I would wonder if it makes sense to actually just take exact costs from last year and increase them slightly it's probably not the best way to do it but if I take if I take all of software and I just copy it over because you've got monthly renewals and then you have new software that you might have I actually don't want to do that cuz that we did have probably new software cuz it looks like this average is higher than the beginning of the year beginning of the year was lower so I probably would take more recent monthly expenses and plan for that and then I know that there's always higher annual renewals so and again you guys you can get into some detail to try to like really get your software budget down like if you have an IT person in your team who keeps track of all your software licenses they should be able to put together a software budget for you and then you get to just like put the numbers into your budget or just do a review of all your software subscriptions and say like okay like what are we going to continue paying for your um month over month and then you can get a more accurate number to put in here but I would base this on actuals with some growth for new hiring okay now travel this is one that I often times will skip over the breakdown between meals airfare hotel because it doesn't really matter that much but I can kind of put in a lump sum of a budget when I know we're going to be traveling somewhere so for example up here there was a business development conference in March and then there was one in August so let's say that the March one was actually an away an away travel and we're going to put $5,000 in but then maybe the one in August is just in driving distance for everybody so nobody has to stay in a hotel or anything like that but you are going to have a little bit of mileage reimbursement for potentially we could put in like 500 for that and then maybe there's some other trips that need to be maybe like the CEO is taking some trips for business development or other things that aren't related to a conference so maybe just we can add in a little bit more budget for travel here and there based on what you know you think is going to happen so I think travel just it makes more sense to do it on a on a total line for me another reason why we like to have the chart of accounts separated by these categories so that we can create a budget based on the total category rather than having like hotels up here and airfare down there okay so let's see here we are let's see where we're at as far as our profit margin not looking great it's not looking good you guys o 7% okay so this is where you have to decide hm maybe something has to change last Year's profit margin is 18.2% so we have a Target profit margin of 20% but if you want to improve the profit margin just real quick you can reduce expenses or you can increase Revenue so if this has been helpful and you feel like you've learned something about budgeting today please tell me in the comment section below what you've learned I would love to know and then if you know any other business owners who also could use a budgeting tutorial please share this with them because this is not a lot of people are breaking down how to create a budget from scratch on the internet so I hope that this is helpful to you and please let me know if you have any questions or comments and if this video was helpful I would also really appreciate a thumbs up all right thank you so much happy budgeting
Channel: Clara CFO Group
Views: 12,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to budget, budgeting for beginners, budgeting tips, budgeting basics, budgeting 101, how to budget for business, business budgeting, small business budgeting, small business budget, create a business budget, how to use a budget, how to make a budget, business budgeting 101, jirav, budgeting in jirav, budgeting in excel, create a budget from scratch, how to create a budget, how to create a business budget, How to Create a Business Budget from Scratch in Excel, excel budget
Id: jK4D1JeT6iE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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