Big Head Mode - Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial

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hello everyone this is how to create a big head mode we're going to go ahead and start in the character by creating a new bulion variable and naming it big head mode after that add an input which you can do by using right click to search and then typing the key you want followed by input after that to get a quicker result we're going to be using a flip-flop node which works by cycling between the A and B execute pins in a drag out the Boolean and set it to True with B setting it as false next let's go to the characters animation blueprint we're going to go ahead and add a cast to the third person character on the initialized animation event and we're going to plug in get owning actor to the object pin and then promote the return value from the cast to a variable after that we're going to get the character variable we just made and out of that we're going to get our big head Boolean from our character and then from this value return we're going to we're going to promote that to a new variable and connect that set variable to our update animation event next we're going to go ahead and add a modify bone node in our anom graph in that node we're going to set our bone to head and then in our scale settings we're going to set that to add to existing and then parent bone space after that in our scale pin we're going to drag out select vector and for the pick a pin we're going to use our big head mode variable for the a pin in the select Vector we're going to do 555 and for B it's going to be one one one to finish that up plug in your left pose pin to whatever you had before and then the right pose pin into your result and that's everything if you guys enjoyed this video go leave me a like if you'd like to see more subscribe and if you'd like to support me my patreon is in the description thanks for watching goodbye bye
Channel: Haez
Views: 106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big head mode, big head, unreal engine, ue5, ue5 tutorial, unreal engine tutorial, how to, tutorial
Id: jnfFbH2anpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 5sec (125 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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