How To Craft an Infinity Stone Beacon in Minecraft (Insane Craft)

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so dudes welcome back to insane craft you remember last episode i made armor that is now stronger than infinity armor look at me oh we looking good right this episode listen this episode is all about beacons hopefully this works i don't know and in honor of beacons listen dudes if you've ever crafted a beacon in minecraft hit the like button below the video and if you're not lying the like button will turn blue what does that mean hit the subscribe button let's do this okay so what i have to do i have this beacon right the first thing i need to make is this bound player right bound dislocator right uh oh i need that okay i need crap bound dislocator there we go and i need a dislocator there we go okay dab and dab there we go now i have the bound dislocator so i need to right click this to bind it to myself i need to bind this to sigils so i need to figure out a way to bind this to sigils what he has to do is hold in his hand and right click it and then give it back to me how can i do that i have an idea hold on hold on let me just hold on look at the top left slow sigils if i slow him sizzle just slowed is he gonna say anything in chat i will tell him i will free him from the slow if he binds this to himself and gives it back to me and i'll show you why i need to bind him to this i ran into a difficulty with sigils and i'll show you in a minute why why is everything slow now why what what do you want what dude i was just hit spawn i needed to get something i need to what what where are you what sanjol oh there you are hi what is this okay sigils listen listen listen listen listen right i just need something from you right just grab this grab this right grab that grab that grab that what the heck is this grab that and then right click it right click it yeah okay now throw it back to me okay if you want to be okay thank you very good thank you now you're slowing back up what was that what did i just participate in i just needed you to right click that all it look that's all it is just a little pink thing all it does is allow me to harvest your organs thank you what no i need my organs some of them you don't need i'm just kidding it's nothing bad it's it's literally nothing but i'll show you later okay it's really cool actually oh gosh he's fast okay all right all right so now that i have this bounded sigils here's the issue with him he is apparently in a different dimension in a different dimension in a different dimension i cannot get to him but now i can this allows me to teleport to him while he's anywhere and here's the issue he's always in that dimension like 99 of the time the only reason he came out now is because he was slowed i think i don't know in this dimension i can't kill him for whatever reason like the i'll show you hold on hold on here we go hold on let me put on my gauntlet i'm gonna put on my gauntlet he's essentially the only person on the server i cannot kill when he's in his dimension right check this out okay so i'm small i'm small so if i teleport to let me take off let me take this off if i teleport to him right now i'm going to be small here's his secret dimension i was here once and i was never able to come back oh here he is now check this out he's currently in infinity armor right i cannot kill him in here right like check this out check this out i got the sword of the cosmos right if i hit him with the sword of the cosmos there he is i'm so slow if i hit what is he doing okay here we go i'm gonna hit him with the sword of the cosmos see it doesn't kill him okay okay so that doesn't work let me try to shoot him i'm gonna try to shoot him with my bow doesn't work nothing works with a chaotic staff of power nothing works he just won't die okay let me and like my blade of the the convergence which one shots people when they get above a hundred uh y level look at his hold let me hit him with this let me hit him with this look look he doesn't even go he doesn't even go flying wait did he just see me he just saw me he just saw me he just like [Applause] go hide okay let me go invisible i'm going visible okay look you can see me i'm really teeny right i'm really teeny now i'm invisible yeah no he can't see me okay so look at the y level up here right there russell zoom in on it you see that i can't even kill him with this because his base only goes to y level 40. i literally can't hurt him i can't do anything i can't do anything to him in here he's too strong like even my bane of venoms that only does 20 of their health if they have a potion effect that's where that beacon comes in boys if this works i will be able to take him out come here mort oh he sees me he sees me he knows too much wait what is this wait why do i hear why did i just pick up cobblestone i gotta go invisible invisible invisible what is this anyways let's go home so if i can get this to work i am gonna be a mobile killing machine okay all right let's do uh i need a mounted crystal yeah this mounted crystal i think i have everything for this void cut metal that's easy got the ion crystal there we go and then a master cut diamond there we go now we have the mounted crystal i'll show you what this is in a minute now the next thing i need is this rod of deviation okay okay let's go out here now if i summon a zombie you guys know i have this ability where i can summon things because i'm op look at this hold on let me summon a zombie hey hi oh i summoned two you gotta die thank you and then let's click this on this one this is one of the new mobs the deviant zombies oh dude look at it ah why are there more why are there more why or why are you duplicating what is on your hands oh no oh no let's get let's get my start of the cosmos come here why are you duplicating what is on your hands why do you have knives as hands are you edward knives hands oh no oh you didn't duplicate oh gosh okay are you going to duplicate no you're not going to duplicate oh why are they duplicating i did not like that at all oh okay well that was not fun all right so we have 32 deviant flesh that's what i'm looking for that was a different mob i like that so now that i have a deviant flesh i got the star-lit globe you guys remember this oh crap all right let's do it all right so i got my stuff i got that i got my armor that makes me take less damage let's do it oh this looks different oh crap this looks different oh no um hi hey please don't kill me i mean i'm less likely to die since i have better armor than the infinity armor right dude this looks different you guys oh gosh oh god oh god oh ow wait you guys don't really hurt anymore wait they're not really doing damage i mean they're doing a little dude this armor is broken i am so strong now oh i used to be afraid of this dimension okay okay so what i'm looking out stop it dude this dimension looks awesome now i got an upgrade this looks sick okay so what i'm looking for i need the deviant flesh right i need to put that in one of these little thingies and then that'll spawn a mini boss on the other side of the maze and i need to go find the boss within two minutes before it despawns and kill it before it kills me so i can get the thingy ah crap all right let me go find this thingy yeah here it is okay okay hold on along so i remember i can't use the sword of the cosmos on these bosses it just don't work i don't think ah crap oh but once i get this upgraded ad thingy today i'm not gonna use the sword of the cosmos anymore okay okay so if i click this with the flesh deviant flesh let me just use one so i don't waste it all echo so you wish to play a game son you have two minutes to kill the aspect above you um how do i get up there where is it i don't know how much time i have oh crap another dead end this way where is it wait i think this is the room i'm close oh gosh okay i'm really strong i don't need to be scared but i'm scared it's right around here i gotta take it out don't stop it don't touch me oh oh i almost one-shot it let me take it out god die die please don't stop oh my health is still getting low oh oh you lost your arm your shell hi you wanna fight you wanna fight did i take it out it's dead there's the map boys i adore the explorer we got the map all right now that i got the map i think i can leave this dimension oh i don't like it here oh anything lost infinity is terrifying you know how many times i died last episode i think like 30 times and like half of them were edited out maybe more hi hello hi no i'm out of here no don't touch me get out get it don't touch me all right thank you okay so now that we're back home i need uh what is that is it head headdress what is it called yeah the head guard oh no that means i'm gonna lose this armor oh no oh i mean i look okay i guess okay so now what i need to do um ah gosh i'm so fast okay so i have this map a map to a lush seemingly peaceful place that hides its horrors in the gloom you will challenge the atlas spire so i need to find this dimension with that clue a lush peaceful place that hides its horrors in the gloom i don't like riddles what does that mean i mean we got horrors and gloom could that be a swamp no no way it's daddy oh gosh oh gosh why are there so many of you oh okay let me find a swamp all right here's a swampland so i have the mounted crystal i have the helmet on now if i click this since i have the crystal in my inventory if i click the map oh crap we're here boys you remember this right uh the walk of shame ah there's the boss that i'm eventually gonna fight maybe i want to fight you and end your life all right okay we're here oh okay all right so if i want this item right i have to defeat this boss and apparently this boss i don't fight it fights me i don't do damage to it i just have to survive so here's what i'm gonna do you remember uh this shield it negates or it blocks 10 of damage right plus my armor blocks two four six so i am blocking sixteen percent of incoming damage hey boys hit that like button if you think i can win hey sunday collects the looming voice interesting choice round one survive what are you how long do atlas spire survive i'm trying but you're shooting crap at me why are you telling me to survive while you're shooting stuff at me oh i gotta hold my shield okay how much damage do you do hit me hit me spawning rapidly ah that did nothing normally that takes like half of my health that took like 500 health what are these crystals all right all right am i too strong for this i can't even fight these things i just have to survive just keep jumping just keep jumping round three rapid fire mode enabled do you even do damage to me you're not even i'm blocking it with my shield [Music] oh that did nothing how much health are you taking you only take like 300 health from me dealing 80 health damage oh did you see my health drop i am losing look at my health it's going down to 2 000. it's just dealing damage to me i am just going to keep running nope i am not going to let you shoot your little snowballs at me anymore rapid fire mode round five how long do i have to survive you psycho oh okay it's not doing uh 80 of my health anymore okay hit me you only do like 700 damage i literally eat 700 damage for breakfast bring it to you frank okay okay don't don't corner me don't corner me oh no draining five percent hp per crystal wait do i have to kill the crystals let's kill the crit i have to kill the crystals i have to kill the crystals i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die no no no no no no i have to kill the crystals i didn't know i had to kill the crystals they almost killed me i thought i wasn't supposed to fight back okay put it put back up dealing damage survive i am i'm trying i gotta kill the crystals kill the crystals kill the crystals kill the crystals remember i can't use my sword of the cosmos on this stop it stop it stop it don't touch me okay bring back out the shield round eight spawning crystals rapidly if more than 15 exists you die oh i knew it i knew i had to fight back i gotta take out all of these come here can i shoot it can i shoot him i could shoot him but it doesn't one-shot him come on pick him up pick him up take him out take him out come on rapid fire enabled no round nine okay shoot me let's see how much damage you do none you do like 300 damage i am blocking half of your shots i am too strong for you don't you know who i'm is i own this server ah crap don't touch me yeah we're looking good round nine spawning crystals dealing five percent hp damage per crystal they're already dead get out i'm too strong i'm too strong boy what's wrong with you rapid fight round 11 this is too easy ow man what okay okay we're good i need to hold my shield all right so one shot does 700 damage but i blocked like over half of them too strong get it wait spawning crystals more than 15 excess you die okay you just gotta take out the girls check out the crystal easy easy easy get out get out too strong easy easy listen you keep yelling at me to survive what do you think i've been doing for like the past 20 minutes ah come at me bro are you gonna die oh no don't touch me don't tell me please don't tell me oh more crystals take them out take them out round 15 rapid fire oh that's cute i can block them all oh you're so cute you're a duck you look at you are you playing did your mommy teach you how to throw star challenge complete there's the stone give me that i gotta pick it up i gotta pick it up oh i have so much experience now okay i gotta pick it up another stone sunday don't make me intervene you cannot stop me i am becoming too strong soon where is he at i know it was you talking to me boy i know is you talking to me soon i will be taking you down and i will be your master all right let's go home we got the thingy all right we're home yay all right so now that i have this i have the lost stone of imposition so the first thing i need to do i need to contain this gem the the lost stone the lost infinity stone right just like that okay now we have a contained gem of in in position now i need an atlas beacon which you remember these stones right i got this one at last episode when i was running around fighting all those weird-looking mobs right okay so we got that need to make those and there we go we got the atlas beacon now we should have everything there we go this is called the portable beacon look at this thing it's so small but look okay okay so check this out how this works if i right click this look at this portable beacon now check this out let me go down here where i hid my other beacon my other beacons down here yeah look look at all my beacons down here okay so if i grab out this fire resistance potion and then put it in my portable beacon there we go it's just now it's in my portal vehicle let me grab this next one uh luck four grab this throw it up here there we go resistance four throw this in here there we go strength four put this in here there we go and water breathing there we go now put this in my off hand i am a portable beacon so check this out check this out you see i have all five of these effects right whenever i'm near my base whenever i fly far away look at this i still have the effects i am a portable beacon which means my bane of venoms which deals 20 max health per effect will do 100 damage to anybody that i'm nearby with this portable beacon boys sword of the cosmos is no longer needed because this gives the effects to mobs too hi you have five good effects right now right you're dead wait hold on oh you've respawned okay there you go i essentially have a sword of the cosmos that isn't blocked by infinity armor all right so i have my player dislocator or let me turn on uh video settings uh animations portion particles okay you can see i have all the particles right okay okay so let me let me become small there we go okay i'm becoming small look at all these potion particle effects okay if i teleport to him i'm here i'm here hold on oh i got i gotta go away go away okay go go go go go go go look at him he's got all the effects now he's got the same particle effects that i do hold on let me turn off the particle effect because this is ridiculously annoying so if i stand here with my bait of venoms he has the same effects that i do which means 5 times 20 equals 200 hey [Music] your lair is no longer safe sigils this is my house now all of your work is mine thank you sigils thank you for all of this stuff oh this is a nice base too oh snap this is like a sky factory base it's all mine now [Laughter] guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 3,546,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3HJMMQ17iyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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