How to crack a whip like Indiana Jones

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so you want to learn how to crack the whip like Indiana Jones well lucky for you it's fairly simple now the cracks that are seen in most Hollywood films are fairly simple ones you have the most common one the Cattleman's crack which looks like this you can see that one in the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indy disarms the guy with the gun then you got the overhand flick sidearm overhead crack and most whip cracking is just that of course there's other tricks that you can combine and use that to make stuff like that but most the time when you're seeing people doing fast cracking and all that stuff it's a combination or a variation of those very simple tricks just sped up to someone who is new at cracking whips that crack can seem intimidating but I assure you as you get to learning all these cracks and combinations the Cairo flash is going to become one of the easiest tricks that you know and what's really nice about this one is it's a combination crack so today you'll be learning two cracks at once that being the underhand flick and the Cattleman's crack I think the first thing we should discuss is how are you holding the whip if you're a new whip cracker it's very easy to make the mistake of holding the handle like this I mean I don't blame you it looks like it should be held there but what you're going to want to do instead is hold it by the heel knot like this now another thing your whip it curl it wants to curl in a certain direction this whip wants to curl like this you it's easier you can crack a whip with the thong going the way it wants to might find it easier to take it and spin it around like this and you'll definitely feel it in cracks like the flick and the Cattlemen so trust me on this take your whip turn it around that's how you should crack it I think I mean to each their own I'm not your mom I'm not telling you what to do so with that information in mind grabbing it by the heel not and against the way it wants to go we can start to crack it the two cracks that you'll be learning is the underhand effect and the Cattlemen let's start off with the underhand flick because it's part of the it's the main attraction of this crack so start with the whip out behind you if you don't want to do that curl you can just so start with the whip behind you that's very important kind of keep your wrist pointed straight because when you get to your front foot or wherever it feels comfortable to you you're going to flick up if you've ever bowled this is going to be kind of like bowling when you're throwing out like that that's like bowling and then when you get to your front foot snap up I'll give you a closer view in a second but you bring it crack like that okay give you that close-up snap right there back snap and just do that as many times as you need to give you a slow-mo let's rip off the Band-Aid and do the Cattleman's crack okay and go straight into the crack from the underhandle no time like the present to learn so a normal Cattleman's crack you can just bring up create a c shape if you watch my reverse Cattleman's crack I go into detail about the the way your arm needs to go it creates a c shape like this and then when you crack the thong of the whip for a reverse Cattleman's cracking you want your thong at a seven o'clock position because I refer to it as the hands of a clock seven o'clock for me five o'clock for you same thing with the Cattleman's crack except it's in reverse it's at the five o'clock for me seven o'clock for you so I will refer to this position as five o'clock you'll want to flick forward at five o'clock okay five o'clock I accidentally did a Coachman's crack there five o'clock flick forward here's a close-up foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] now would I recommend that speed for beginners absolutely not let the whip do what it wants to do so just bring it up let it fall naturally don't don't try to muscle it or anything especially if you have a new whip do not muscle a new whip that needs to be broken in crack it however it needs to be cracked but as you get more comfortable with the crack you can muscle it to make yourself look cooler I guess [Applause] and as you get more advanced you will realize that the chiro crack can be turned into so many things okay you can use it to start out hey crack bring it over your head if you do it where the whip thong goes past you to the right then you can bring it into a Cattleman's crack or not a Cattleman's crack sorry a overhead crack that was a little awkward because I'm not trying to hit my phone but you get the point you can use it in the middle of a cracking session [Applause] it really is just one of the most versatile combination cracks that you can learn so quick review start with the whip behind you bring it up like you're bowling and right as you would let the bowling ball go you flick up okay let the whip come down to the five o'clock position and flick forwards bring the whip like you're doing it like you were swinging it over your head okay let that thong go past you and just let it fall okay I can see when you go up if you want to do the regular Cattleman's crack do a follow through where you just make another C
Channel: cp_bullwhips
Views: 17,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R6QetJ0mfwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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