How to Count Cards in Blackjack

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hi everybody I'm stage tech marine and in this video I'm going to show you how to count cards when you're playing blackjack in a casino now card counting is 100% legal however the casinos do prefer you do not do it in their house and they do reserve the right to ask you to leave at any time for any reason so that being said let's get on down to the table and I'll show you the basics of how to count cards each card on the deck is assigned of value a two three four five and six have a value of one a seven eight nine have a value of zero and a ten Jack Queen King and ace have a value of minus one where we say m1 now that you know the value of each card we're gonna put it into practice I have here in my hand a standard 52-card deck and when you're counting one thing to know is that the deck will start and end at zero and you're going to be adding the value of the cards as I just showed you together and your accounts going to go up and it's gonna go down okay so we're gonna do that right now these have already been some football shuffle them again and deck starting at zero we're going to reveal our first card okay eight and eight is a zero value car so our count is still zero ten is a minus 1 or M one card so zero plus and M one our account is now minus 1 or M 1 a king is another M one card so on M 1 plus an M 1 is an M 2 seven is zero so our count is still at m2 Queen is an M one card so an M two plus and M one is M 3 and you can see how we're going down that's a plus one card so an M 3 plus one or up to M two plus one is M 1 down to M - still at em - you see how this is going still at m2 m3 m4 m5 still at m5 up to m4 up to M 3 down to m4 down to m5 still at m5 up to m4 down to m5 down to m6 up to m5 up to m4 still at m4 up to m3 m4 m5 m4 m5 m6 m7 still at m7 who are m7 us that's a pretty low count so you know there's gonna be a lot of little cards that are gonna bring the value back up to zero we're at m7 there's m6 still at m6 m5 m6 still at m6 m5 still at m5 m4 right here goes M 3 M 2 M 3 M 2 m1 back up to 0 still get a couple cards left 1 0 M 1 0 I got one card left so in order for the deck to remain at 0 this card needs to be a 7 8 or 9 that was a correct account the deck started at 0 it ended at 0 now did you see during that one moment we are count was down to m7 I said hey we got some small cards that are gonna be coming out because they got to bring the count back to 0 that's what you're looking for that's what you're paying attention to when you have a positive count when your account is plus six plus seven plus eight on a single cup single deck game you know that if you're at plus eight there's gonna be a lot of tens Jack's queens kings and aces that need to get played to bring the count down so when your count is high is when you're going to increase your bet I hope that was a good example for you we're gonna do the same thing again right now but with the close up of the card so you can see the cards better so these have already been shuffled I'm going to take one card off the tops put it to the side and we're gonna find out if we're right which card that is at the end so here we go I'm not gonna stop and explain I'm just going to run through the cards ready here we go 1 2 2 1 1 0 1 0 M 1 0 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 3 M 2 M 2 M 3 M 2 M 3 M 3 M 2 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 3 M 2 M 3 M 2 M 1 0 M 1 0 1 0 M 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 so this card is the last card if I count is 1 this should be a face card 10 Jack queen king or ace to bring this deck down to 0 our count is complete at 0 now I'm going to show you a drill that I call the Fanning drill what you do is take your deck of cards shuffle them up remove one card off the top place it aside and your turn the cards over look at them and you're going to be fanning the cards across your hands counting the cards as they go this is going to help you learn to ignore the zero value cards seven eight and nine and it's going to help you learn how to have a positive one card and an M one card cancel themselves out so you don't have to worry about counting yeah you're going to have your count going up and down as often so here we go we're gonna fan through and hopefully we'll get down to zero when we add this card at the end here we go looking for card pairs we ignore that seven right off the top the ACE and the two cancel each other out so we're still at zero the three and the five bring us up to two Jack to cancel out we're still at two four and ten cancel out we're still at two ten two cancels out we're still at two Jack 4 cancels out we're still at two Queen and the 10 M 2 brings us down to zero Jack three cancels out still zero six Jack cancels out we're still at zero Queen and ace brings us down to M two six six brings us up to to zero and the four to is gonna bring us up to two King King is going to bring this down to zero and the King three keeps as a zero ten ace is gonna bring us down to M 2 and H 3 is gonna keep us at M to the Queen 4 cancels out we're still at M to the King Queen brings us down to M 4 5 5 brings us up to M 2 and then this five will bring us up to M 1 so at the end of the deck we're right here at M 1 so in order for this deck to be back at zero this card needs to be a 2 3 4 5 or 6 to bring us back up to 0 we did it right that's the fanning drill okay now that you've done the Fanning drill and you've learned how to count multiple cards at once I'm gonna simulate a very rough face-up blackjack game I'm not gonna play the game properly I'm not gonna worry about hitting and all that kind of thing I'm just gonna lay the cards out and show you what it's actually going to look like so basic face-up game with three hands it's gonna look something like this and what I do is I wait for the second card to come out for the hand before I count that way I can count these two cards together okay so here our count is one and we're at zero and we're at two word m1 okay so our count at this point is m1 so you know you're gonna count these cards as they come out so there's two three three and then make sure you count the correct one okay - and there we go when we pay I don't even know what I've got here like I said I'm just throwing the cards now so we're to our count is two and then we're gonna do the next hand count is two and we're adding those together we're still at two and we're at four and we're still at four and we're at three and then they're gonna do what they do three so there's four five and this card comes out we're still at five now at four and this car comes out and now we're at five and now we're at six count the right card still at six and then they pay and they pay and they pay so for a count of six on a single cut a single deck game that's actually pretty good so you're gonna be looking for lots of face cards to come out so at this point with a count of six or eight on a single deck game increase your bets so here we go lots of face cards coming out because why it has to bring the deck down to zero it has to equalize so for a count of six still at 6:00 we're for still at 4:00 so I counts for and this person's gonna do whatever he they do for and then oh he's not gonna hit what he whatever so that brings us down to three and it brings us up to four five four so then they pay out that payout they pay out start counters at four but that's basically what you're looking at I don't know if I have enough to do another hand here so it counts for ooh four so that brings us down to two it brings us up to three and that stays at three we're still at three he gets paid three brings us down to two we doubled down he's gonna stay now he'll hit or what - so we're at one by our accounts at one our account is at zero bla bla bla bla bla so zero one zero one zero so we played that right again that I wasn't playing to win there I was just flipping cards over so you could know what cards to count together and we'll do another quick one just so you can see not really playing just showing you the procedure so play three hands here am I even doing the same thing every time I know that okay so there's two one and m-10 we used to play a card that were one or two well he wouldn't do that but he did that three to one account is one account is two is zero still at zero M 1 M 2 M 1 M 2 M 1 0 0 our count is at 0 and we're waiting we're at 0 and we're 1 we're at 0 we're still at 0 where m 1 for M 1 where m 2 still at M 2 where m 1 we're at m2 m2 or m1 still at M 1 here we go still at m1 and here we go last hand M 1 still with M 1 still at M 1 M 2 m 1 so 1 M 1 still at M 1 M 0 we're at zero and there's M 1 0 M 1 0 so we're done we went through the cards twice we held our count you can see when to count Dec starts and ends at zero that's how you're going to do a face up game counting into a blackjack game we actually hold the cards it's a little more difficult you need to pay serious attention when the player mucks their cards so as you know it's gonna look something like this person's gonna look at they're gonna take their cards first one's gonna look at their cards and they're gonna hit or are they gonna tuck their cards and they're gonna stay well if they're gonna take a hit you count the hit cards as they come out count them as they come out when the player busts and they muck the cards in because they're out the dealer will pick up the cards will show them and at that point that's when you have to count them and then they'll pick up all the cards discard off so this person's gonna hit boom count the cards as they come out on the hit off they busted he was gonna take the cards reveal them take them away this person's gonna stay in the dealer's gonna okay and then they're gonna reveal count them as they get revealed and they're gonna pay or take away or whatever they do it's very important if you miss the dealer revealing muqt cards and you lose your count keeping them at minimum bets until you can regain your count and how do you regain your count well you got to wait for the shuffle so don't ever lose your count that's what for this reason I definitely prefer to play a face-up game because it's a lot easier to see you don't have to wait to see what people are you know what they're mucking and when it gets revealed so so keep that in mind you may enjoy playing the holding the card game which is totally fine just pay attention when those cards are marked and that's the key to it in closing I just like to remind you of a couple things a couple rules here number one never show that your counting cards don't talk about it don't lead to anybody to believe that that's what you're doing number two well actually should be number one don't ever lose the count very important if you think that the count maybe five or six but you're not sure always go with the worst possibility go with the five do not play tables that have the automatic shufflers that are constantly shuffling because the count will be at zero every time they deal and that's no good for you the best odds that you have of winning the best game you can play is single deck you against the dealer just you just a dealer double deck games are not too bad they're easy to count into and the six deck shoes are possible takes a lot of concentration so when you're counting you need to have a lot of practice before you go on your trip you got to make sure that you can carry on a conversation with people that you can smile that you can act natural that you can laugh and have your drink and be social that will keep anybody away from thinking that you're counting cards you must practice another tip on the face up games when they're putting the cards down if you sit at the first base or the third base position your point of view is basically all the cars are in one straight line so it's easy to count up and down the line if you sit here in the middle of the table every time they deal you're gonna be doing this whole thing and it looks like you're just incredibly concentrating and what's happening so so I pay attention to that so thank you so much for watching I really have a great time making these videos I appreciate your support you can find me on Twitch at stage tech marine of course I'm here on YouTube at stage tech marine thank you so much good luck go out there and I hope it works for you you
Channel: StageTechMarine
Views: 103,623
Rating: 4.7287488 out of 5
Keywords: How To, How, To, Blackjack, Black, Jack, Count, Counting, Card, Cards, Casino, Las, Vegas, Las Vegas, Bet, Betting, M1, One, USMC, Marines, United, States, Marine, Corps, StageTechMarine, Help, Tutorial, Training, Train, Show Me, Face Up, Face Down, Dealer, Dealing, Make, Money, Win, Winning, Cash, Dollar, Gamble, Gambling, Game, Games, Gaming, Nevada, Fun, Entertainment, Budget, Vacation, Excite, Excitment, Exciting, Veteran, Veterans, Thank, You, Thank You, Legal
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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