How to Correctly UV Unwrap a CAD Model in KeyShot

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so i just got done publishing a video all about uv unwrapping and uv mapping not like my typical step-by-step tutorials but more of a lecture style video in which i answer as many questions on the subject as possible so if you don't have a really strong grasp on the subject i highly encourage you to watch it now that being said i wanted to make sure i followed that video up with more of a hands-on tutorial and that's exactly what this is so i went ahead and walk you through step by step exactly how to use the tools in keyshot to achieve this so if that sounds interesting to you let's dive in and if you want to follow along with today's tutorial head on over to will download so you can get your free model and learn how to unwrap uvs in keyshot today and while you're at it you might as well head on over to will gibbons there you can become a member and at different tiers you get different rewards and your contribution will go to supporting me and allowing me to create more quality content like this in the future alright let's go alright it's a good time to mention that i'm running keyshot 9.3 pro and if you do not have keyshot 9 you're not going to have access to the uv unwrapped tools go ahead and grab the step file that you got from my website drag that right on into keyshot's import window go ahead and take the default settings now this is a calculator i'm going to run through how to set up the uv unwrapping first and then we'll get to the other materials and lighting and all that stuff so if you're just here for the uvs we're going to we're going to deal with that first i'm going to go ahead and hit alt and left click on the blue part to hide everything else now if we go ahead and look at this material double click it go into textures right click on color go down to textures and choose a mesh texture and if we scale it down you'll see we get all of these little blue and black dots let's change the background to white and change it from mapping type box to uv and of course they're now too small so we make them bigger and this exposes all the issues that come with using the built-in uvs because this was modeled in fusion 360 a cad software so i had no control over the uvs in that software so we're going to go ahead and fix that now i'm going to right click and delete this texture the easiest way to get this done is to actually break this into multiple surfaces i tried a lot avoiding that method and while i had some degree of success it just didn't work out as well so we're going to have to break this into i think three separate surfaces or four maybe but it will work out now i'm going to go ahead and right click on here and go down to split object surfaces and let's make this window bigger so you guys can see all right now our splitting angle is set to 45 that's fine we're going to look underneath the model and click on the flat bottom surface and i want to take this splitting angle down to something small like 2 and hit enter and now it only selects surfaces with a threshold of two between the polygons so we are going to go ahead and just hit split surface and then hit apply so we've gone ahead and split that if we look in our scene tree we have another piece on the bottom and a piece up top so i'm going to hide the bottom piece and we're going to go ahead and split this object again right click and split object surfaces now we have the same model but without the bottom part we're going to go ahead and split this again and this is going to be a little bit trickier now i want to separate the sides from this top chamfered edge so i'm going to go ahead and click on the side and i'm going to hold ctrl and click on the other side now let's take a closer look here you'll notice that i'm actually i've got this this fillet here is is already selected and then on this side it's not selected not a huge deal but what i think i want to do is actually not have the fillet selected in here so i'm going to reduce my splitting angle to something like 20 not low enough let's go to 8 all right so 8 is good and now i've not selected that fillet now yes i modeled fillets into this model you're going to need to do that because uh you can't use keyshot's rounded edges on a model that has been split into separate surfaces so unfortunately we're going to use our fillets that we modeled into here as a tool so now i need to grab the fillets down below because they're not green yet that means they're not selected so i'm going to hold ctrl and left click to add rows of polygons to my selection until we've got that whole fillet selected same for the other side it's a little bit tricky you have to look at some weird angles here but i think we're good so we have the sides isolated from the top edge that also has the fillets as part of it so now i want to go ahead and split the surface and go ahead and hit apply now it's okay that key shot sees let's see that keyshot sees these two separate surfaces as a single part that's absolutely fine and we are left with the top part as well so now we're in a good spot to get into our uv unwrapping let's start with the simplest part first which is probably going to be the bottom we're going to go ahead and right click and get into our unwrap uv tool okay so i'm not going to give you a full tour of this tool necessarily there is a quick unwrap which is great for shells but this is not a shell shells are simpler objects and perhaps i'll do another tutorial on that but um in this case i wanted a more real world problem that's a little more difficult so we're using the advanced unwrap tools so the first thing we need to do if you remember from the lecture i did just the other day that um is the video you really should watch if you haven't yet we need to place our seams so we're going to break this surface and we're going to put a seam in here so click add seam and we're going to click the blue dot and another blue dot and it's going to draw a red line between them now it's important that you choose a seam that is going to give you a very straight path and ideally one that is perpendicular to the edge of the polygons so we don't want any of these weird ones in here we want a nice straight line cutting right across the surface and we hit the green check box to accept that the next thing that is important is we need to set a direction guide because if we don't key shot's not going to know that we want the uvs to follow this path so we're going to set that and we're going to do that by hitting the set direction guide and go to the same red dot that we selected here and to the right and hold shift and oh sorry double click not shift just double click and that will select the whole path all the way around and that's what we want now we hit the green check box and last we see this flood fill is blue that's already automatically selected so now we're going to click on the flat surface it's got the whole surface selected and we'll hit unwrap and there we go sure enough we've got those uvs following all the way around this flat surface very cool so now we're going to hit apply and we are one third of the way done looking good huh all right turning that off i'm going to turn on one of the next parts and that's going to be the the sides we're going to do the sides next all right same thing here we're going to right click and go into unwrap uv we'll make this a little bit bigger again and now we're dealing with two surfaces so we have to split seams twice and we have to set direction guides now it's important you consider where you're putting your seams i'm going to render this calculator facing the camera likely in this type of an orientation so i don't want seams anywhere that the camera can see that means i'm going to take us all the way over to the back side of this piece and we're going to set our seams over here so i want to click on add seam and again it's important that you find a straight line and look really closely if i zoom in you'll see there's two of these knots real close to each other that can cause problems so i want to select one and then move down and select the next one and you see the dashed line is keyshot suggesting the path that you continue to split this so we'll go ahead and move down to the next knot and just double click and that means it will accept keyshot's dashed line and we just want to make sure that it's not doing anything weird at the bottom here it's just following our fill it and it looks like it's good to go so we're going to hit that green check box and we need to do the same thing on the other side here for the other surface so again just going to get nice and close to make sure i'm selecting what i want and there's a fillet on this other side here click on add seam and we're going to zoom in and find where we want to go with this i think it's going to be this top one right here so i'll hit that and then i'll hit the next dot and you see how it suggests we go to the left i don't want that that's not a straight line so we're actually going to go down and select the next one and then double click and that should give us our straight path all the way down the inside of the surface and it looks good to me so i'll go ahead and hit the green check box now it's important we set our direction guide here because notice we have a flat bottom and then we have this weird angled edge toward the top if we let keyshot guess it's going to try to follow this top edge it gets a little bit messed up i actually want the brushing that we're going to put on here to go just horizontally right across this model without doing anything any weird directional changes the easiest way we can do that is do just what we did before so i'm going to go down here i'm going to use the bottom edge because the bottom edge is flat and i'm going to use the set direction guide now if i zoom in to where we've got this edge of the seam i'm going to click boy it's real hard to get in there okay so i'm going to start by clicking here i'm going to go to the right one and then double click and there we go that's my direction guide i want to hit the green check box and i'm going to do the same for the other side we'll go ahead and click set direction guide and i want to make sure i'm i'm choosing the right blue dot here it's it's a little bit awkward zoom in there we go i'm going to go one to the right oops try that again one to the right and double click looks like the selection is good i'll go ahead and hit the green check box okay now we just have to select both surfaces and we've got our two seams we've got our two directional guides hopefully if i did it right the unwrap goes smooth and it does you see it's almost perfect it's not perfect because we see a bit of a misalignment with these these white lines the inside is is much better than the outside so if we want we could see where it says number uh region number two selected i could select this outside which is region number one and we could try rotating it just a little if we needed to like 0.5 and hit enter and now it's rotated but unfortunately that moves it a lot let's try a teeny bit .01 so now let's try point zero two so now i've nudged this line so it pretty much lines up perfectly and now i've rotated this map and we should be super golden especially from up here where the camera is going to be seeing this part so we want to accept this we'll hit apply and guys we are two thirds the way done good job for hanging in there we're going to get on to the last part and by now you should be a pro you probably know what we're going to do here let's go ahead and right click and unwrap uv same thing as before let's go to that back corner to choose a region that's not likely going to be as visible to the camera all right so zooming in here i want a nice clean seam and i'm seeing some potentially problematic weird edges here so i'm going to add a seam one row of polygons in from that very edge and i'll hold shift and click and double click and uh actually you don't need to hold shift that's just a habit of mine um it's selected the seam very good so i'm gonna hit the green check box and last we want our directional guide just like before this is a little simpler we just have to set one of them on that bottom edge and let's go just like we did start with the red dot and then move one to the right double click so it should go all the way around and we'll hit the green checkbox to take that that direction guide and then we'll go ahead and select our surface and hit unwrap fingers crossed and bingo look at that very good we are going to have a slight seam here on the edge but again there's no way around that but from up front it looks very good we'll hit apply all right guys at this point you've successfully uv unwrapped this object now let's get to the rewarding part and see what this looks like let's go ahead and double click on here we're going to change our material let's actually do what we did before though just right click go to textures and set a mesh and set it to uv mapping and we're going to take the background and make it white and now if we go ahead and make a little bigger i'm going to shift left click shift right click and same on the bottom uh the bottom looks black so we have shadows on hit s to turn off shadows shift right click to paste and link that material now you can see the dots are following the uvs they wrap around this bottom edge they wrap around the outside edge and we have them wrapping around the top now of course the only thing we need to do is watch our texture to make sure that our scaling is not making our texture get cut off there are some limitations to this method but again using keyshot's uv on wrap tools this is the best we can do there are some things we simply can't do in keyshot with uv unwrap so we're going to have to just take what we got all right this is not what i want my calculator to look like we're going to make this look a lot cooler so let's go and change this to a anisotropic anisotropic if you watched my brushed stainless tutorial you would have seen this already this material okay so we want to set our roughness to let's say point one point zero one go to our textures and we're going to in the let's go into the specular actually yeah let's go to specular textures right click and do brushed and then we're going to get into our material graph and what we want to do is hit c on the keyboard to preview that brush pattern and we want to make sure that we're on the right texture mapping so make sure our mapping is set to uv and it looks really big so let's take our width and make it .01 and now look at that ladies and gentlemen we have a nice procedural uv mapped brush texture now we just have to dial it in i'm going to make my length something like 10. maybe it's a bit long let's go like five and then i wanna make this um maybe even smaller point zero zero five maybe very very fine and i wanna take my levels up to two just uh or three to make it even more noisy and i wanna take my contrast down a little bit and we'll take the color white and make it not quite so bright and we're going to take the black and make it not quite so black there we go and that is our specular value if we go to our anisotropic material we've got our diffuse set to black we can take another connector out of the brush and pop it into the bump channel i'm not going to go deep on how to make this material look super super amazing you can watch my other material tutorials for that if you want if this is blowing out you may have to watch your lighting sorry there's a little construction going on if there's some noise in the background um all right uh i think we're looking pretty good let's go ahead and get on to the rest of our material and again the the reward or the payout here is that look at that we've got this nice brushing following all the way around our object this is not something you could do normally without uv on map unwrapping sorry so we're going to change our environment let's hit uh m for our library and get into our environment let's go with this three panel straight 4k you probably all know by now that's my favorite next we're going to close that up and we're going to go ahead and right click show all parts now this top part is glass let's make it a solid glass and set the glass color to white and we're going to hide that ctrl alt left click and we're going to hide the parts that we just made so let's turn off the frame now we have this other part called display let's go ahead and turn that off for now and we're going to work on the body now the body has two materials on it so we're going to double click the main part and just set it to plastic and we're going to make it a black plastic and i'm going to add a little bit of roughness let's just do 0.1 good enough now this top part that's shiny we don't want this to be glass it changed to glass because it was linked or is the same color as the glass material so let's make sure that we select this part right click unlink material double click it make it a diffuse and turn it to pretty much black this is going to be the border of the display so that'll make sense in a second um all right let's turn on our display we got to put our texture on here the background's distracting we'll hit c to do a solid color for the background and if we hold alt and left-click this display now we're looking at just the display i have included a decal or a label for you in the in the downloads you can get from the file vault um should have been in the same folder as the cad model drag that right onto your material and set it as a sorry onto our display part set it as a color we're going to change our mapping type to planer we're just going to project it down from the top and i'm going to scale it down let's go ahead and take our uh where's our size ah turn off dpi for size and then just drag down our width slider or your height slider until it looks small enough we're going to turn off repeat vertical and repeat horizontal now we need to rotate it 90 so take your angle to 90 and we need to flip it vertical and it's backwards so flip it horizontal now at this point just increase the width or height until it fills up your part pretty much now i didn't make this the exact right size for some reason so here's a quick and dirty way to fix that you're going to take the chain link here and unlock the aspect and we're just going to drag the height of this up until it covers our part so we stretch it out a little bit not a big deal or say do as i say not as i do whatever is that what they say okay uh back to your properties let's change it from a diffuse to a an emissive this is going to point shoot light out i guess so let's make it like a three this is like a dis like a digital uh digital calculator right click show all parts how are we looking guys we're looking good very cool so now my environment's a little bit bright i don't want it quite so bright so i'm going to drop the brightness down quite a bit of course this is um it's up to you to really dial in the cmf of this object make it look cool the way you want i don't want the white background so i'm going to change my background color to something pretty dark almost black and we get this weird banding around here so hit a ground plane ctrl g that should help out with that i'm going to go to my light bulb to make sure i'm in product mode and at this point we're basically done i'm just going to mess around until i get a thumbnail that i think does this justice if you want this to look like it's glowing a little bit more this display you could go to your image styles and turn on bloom let's take it up to 1 take your radius up to 30 and take your bloom threshold up until it doesn't have glowing stuff all over the place and then just cut your bloom intensity down like in half or maybe point three so now you just have a subtle glow if you want to spice things up with the camera you can always turn on depth of field go ahead and set that depth of field where you want it and then you can increase the f-stop to kind of mellow it out a little and if we really want to show off that uv unwrapping all that hard work we just did let's go ahead and take our camera up to 60 and let's take our uh focus distance right up to our uv unwrapped brushed surface and then we can kind of play with the f-stop if we want otherwise i think it looks pretty good alright guys i tried to keep this as quick and compact as possible there's a lot of basics in here this whole tutorial was not about how to make a great looking image this tutorial was of course all about uv unwrapping and again if you haven't watched my other video the lecture on uv unwrapping please please do it's got a lot of information that will allow you to intuitively prepare your 3d files for uv unwrapping and keyshot i also cover what your options are if for some reason keyshot cannot achieve what you need it to so without further ado guys thank you for spending time with me today and until next time happy rendering
Channel: Will Gibbons | 3D Rendering
Views: 33,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: will gibbons, wil gibbons, will gibbins, will gibons, will gibins, keyshot, rendering, tutorial, animation, studio, freelance, UV, UVW, UVW Texture, UV Unwrap, UV texture, texture mapping, uv mapping, uv unwrapping, nurbs, polygons, 3d rendering, product design, keyshot 9, keyshot3d, image texture, procedural texture, macro, texture map
Id: Oh4ibAlp9Q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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