How to CORRECT SKIN TONES in Final Cut Pro (Color Tools & ColorFinale Tutorial)

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today i'll show you how to make sure your  skin tones are perfect in final cut pro hey guys i'm rafael and welcome to the channel  where our goal is to always fix it in camera   and then finesse it in post ultimately helping  you achieve better creative and financial results   faster and i always appreciate the early thumbs  up on the video because skin tones are awesome   but sometimes they are not and they need  to be tweaked to make them look right   let's say the white balance was off a little bit  or the exposure of the footage wasn't perfect   or there are color casts from the environment or  even if your monitor isn't perfectly calibrated   you may not notice the skin tones are off the  process i will show you today will let you know   and correct any of those issues but this process  also assumes that the footage is already base   corrected if you shot in log you'll first have  to correct it to a color profile like rec 709   i made a video on how to color correct c-log  footage in final cut you can find it over here   i'll show two ways to do this one using the  color finale plug-in because i use it a lot   and one with the built-in tools at final cut  but the concepts can be translated to work in   premiere pro or davinci resolve though if you want  a tutorial in premiere or davinci let me know if   there's enough likes or comments i'll make one  the process is simple and with a little bit of   knowledge on how to use the built-in tools in the  application you'll learn to trust the numbers and   you'll have perfect skin tones every single time  let's jump into the computer and i'll show you how   as soon as you have the project open and ready  for color work i like to hide the browser and give   more space open the scopes i like to have a double  view vector scope on top with the scale set to 133   percent and make sure that the skin tone indicator  is set to on for the bottom i set lumoscope   with the ire set to 70. using the vector and  lumoscopes your monitor could be black and white   or you could be colorblind and you can still nail  your skin tones learn to trust the numbers and   the scopes first i'll use the color finale plugin  because this is log footage set it to assume log   you can also double click the top of the inspector  to expand it all the way down to give you more   working space next set the crop to just the  skin i usually choose the cheek or the forehead next open up the edit layers in  color finale and add color wheels here i'll bring the gain master exposure  up to brighten up the skin tone to 70 ire there's a bit of yellow in the skin  so i'll pull it towards magenta turn off the crop and take a look at the whole  image to assess where it is check the before   and after and do any final adjustments here like  bringing down the shadows to where you want them now let's do the same thing with just  the final cut built in color tools   add the color wheels because this is log  i'll add some contrast and saturation   i have a whole tutorial on how to color correct  c log footage there's a link in the description crop to the skin and make sure it's  lined up with the skin tone indicator turn off the crop and add curves to add a little  bit more contrast this feels pretty good let's   do another shot this one provided by hazel it's  c log from the eos r so let's add color finale go to color management add switch to assume log again crop it to just select the skin for this one let's bring down the highlights  because the skin tones feel a bit bright add the color wheels drop it down below 70 ire   all right this feels good let's check the other side of the face  it's around 50 ire so that's pretty good remove the crop and let's take a look at that color finale has some great image analysis tools  false color looks pretty good a little dark but   looks pretty good there seems to be a bit  of yellow in the skin in the highlights and   there definitely seems to be a bit of a color cast  that's that seems to be coming from the background   is looking pretty good fairly balanced this is  one way to know that the skin tone is correct   once again after you've done  the base color correct for log   you now can check the other colors it's  around the crop the exposure looks good the color is off check the cheek  check the other cheek and the forehead   play until you feel it's on the  markers and in the space that you like let's do another clip this one provided by jasim   who shot it on a nikon but  we'll forgive him for that   let's add color finale for this one we'll keep it  on a zoom video because this is not a log profile   let's see what we see crop to the skin   check the scope it's more on the  red side leaning towards magenta   so let's add the color wheels pull it  back towards yellow and away from red   the skin is below 70 ire let's take a  look without the crop before and after we are definitely affecting  the background a little bit but   that seems okay you can definitely see a shift  happening but this could be as simple as the   white balance being off just by a little bit now  let's do this with the final cut built-in tools add the color wheels turn on the crop on the  skin only make sure the skin is near or on the   skin tone indicator drop the luma below 70 ire and  remember that skin should be between 40 and 70 ire   but this is for these kind of shots if you  have a different mood that you're going for   that is where color grading comes into play alright one more shot this is from  thiago at classical technology   and with this we'll only use  the final cut built-in tools   so let's add the color wheels crop into  just the skin this is from the canon r5 raw   tweak it to line up closely to the skin tone  indicator and bring it down below 70 ire this is   before and after this is before and after after  this point it is up to you to adjust the look   to what you want if you want it to be moodier or  happier that is up to you the more you're pushing   the color grade this is a great way to check in to  make sure you're not doing anything crazy with the   skin colors and tone and now that you have perfect  skin tones check out this video on my full color   finale 2 real world review and here's a playlist  of great tips to make better content faster   as always thanks for watching give me a big thumbs  up subscribe i'm rafael i'll talk to you soon you
Channel: Rafael Ludwig
Views: 3,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fcpx, film making, video making, cinematography, video tutorials, final cut pro x, final cut pro x tutorial, how to color grade, skin tones in premiere pro, final cut pro tutorial 2020, final cut pro x tutorial 2020, final cut pro tutorial for beginners 2020, eos r5, final cut pro x color grading, skin tones, final cut pro tutorial, fix skin tones final cut, fix skin tones, correct skin tones, vectorscope final cut pro x, lumascope final cut pro, skin tone indicator final cut
Id: wO4KYDmr7BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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