How To Core Aerate Your Lawn | Lawn Renovation

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yo what is up so today we're not calling my place like he's from the title we are coring my mates place just over there so okay final beer it is ready let's go yo mate what up welcome to another lon tip vid so as I said at the start the video we are coring this lawn today at the front and at the back as well there's my house over in that direction so this is a Kaku u lawn so matt has release kept this lawn very very low Louis said when he's mower and he's got quite a few catches up it I think he said he got at least 30 or 40 off the front and the back and barn so heaps and heaps of grass came off this sucker you know the reason he escaped is so pulls out quite a lot of thatch hoods in there these things are called bluebirds these suckers not as good as the hydrostatic ones that punch down to the ground these things like a drum roller still do a good job that but they are a pain in the bum to you so I'm keen to see Matt use this sucker and not me [Music] at that deficits I say I'm gonna shoot you to inches or something isn't hmm yeah that'll be fine the reason we're going so deeper this today is because we don't hit those I'm sprinkle onto the here because they're only a couple of inches deep so you recommend you go about four inches if you can but if you have sprinkler lines that are running really really shallow on the ground then you're probably going to have to go you know not too deep with the core uh but it'll still make a good difference and get some air at the end of the root zone of this lon [Applause] presidency Matt those struggles with that whether they sketchy laziness possessor it's really hard to turn around get some big strong muscles and you know nobody beats me dude so what I'm doing anything who's watching but yeah they are quite heavy suckers to use so I'm not sure how where you can tell but we still got quite a bit of decent depth on these suckers so I put my finger down in one of these holes here it goes down to about the depth of my knuckle just there on my pointer finger so it's not too bad it's pretty good considering you know we're trying not to go too deep because of these sprinkler lines can you see that core is not too bad law still a couple of inches which is great pretty happy with that to be understand Matt's done a good job of the watering because it's nice and wet down to that depth which is what you want but it's not too wet that it gets all mushy so you want to make sure you water the night before and water enough so it's not too mushy but it's enough that you'll be able to penetrate down into the soil so when you do aerate I recommend you go over quite a few passes so go in a couple of different directions so go to if you want go three or four don't go too crazy because you'll have no long left after that but yeah so a couple of passes so you get as many cool holes as you can especially with these core machines whoever DS the one you don't really need to do too many passes but yet do quite a few passes so you get nice a bunch of holes in your lawn so we are doing a full-on renovation with Matt's lon so we're doing first Matt did a spare this is what I recommend to do it in this order I scout then you do a call next if you were going to scarify I'd scarify it next with the scarifying machines if Thatcher and then after that you pick up that you've done with that as well with your your rotary mower again so you put your rodeo on your lowest height again pick up all the cause and pick up all the scarifying x' and then you can top dress after that so with warm season grass lot pokey new boots and buffalo the best time to do this is when your lawn is actively growing now this is just starting to grow now actively and we're in the start of October today is the 3rd of October so yeah just that ago can see heaps of green shoots and quite a bit of growth going on it we've had a bit of rain you know 16db yeah make sure you do it in spring and not in autumn because you've got the rest of growing season for a cuppa whereas the cool season grass you actually want to do it in the autumn because that's the best time you do it because it's gonna have the best growing conditions for cool season grass so warm season grass pre cool season grass autumn in a boy oh right ok I'm pretty good yeah hey feeling after that come out pretty good there you can see cool holes absolutely everywhere which is what you want and heaps of nice plugs like this took some grass off here this is what you want when you scalp your lawn you want to look like this I can see a bit of dirt with kaku and couch anyway like this so this it's basically on the lowest setting on the mower so there's not really much leaf there at all it's just you know you pulled out most of fetch if you had something like buffalo don't go so crazy you don't wanna see dirt with buffalo because all the stolens which are your roots that run across the top actually what your lawn grows from because buffalo only has someone's not rhizomes kuchi kopi do so Matt is just doing some passes around the outside so give the to pass was around the outside but it's a bigger area and then he's gonna go to directions again it's going to go a little bit deeper at the back because the sprinkler lines are a bit deeper because he directly dug them with the trench to go weirdly at the back at the frame view by hand so fair enough that they're a little bit not quite as deep but yeah so two directions again same concept [Music] [Music] all right so what you want to do after you've caught is generally like I said before in that order process scalp call scarify top dress now while you've got days of in-between if you aren't top dressing say the same day or the day after make sure you keep the water up to your lawn because it is going to dry out because you have got some holes punched in now we're getting some rain supposed to get some rain tonight doesn't look like it right now so will patchy at the moment but we asked for us to get some rain so Matt will be fine and it's pretty wet as it is because your water the day before but just keep an eye on it and make sure you keep the water up to it some people like to water it once a day I wouldn't recommend doing it that much if you don't have to because it'll get mushy then your top dress won't rub in properly etc but yeah just make sure you keep a wore up toe and keep an eye on it so this season we've got quite a lot of things going on with Matt's lon I'll show you guys all the process of the renovation with this lawn from everything then top dressing fertilizing etc because we can try to keep this lawn back in a year and make it look really good Matt's struggle with his lawn a little bit last year because then you get enough water and it was compacted hence why we're doing this today but yeah I'm going to show you the process I'm going to put Matt on one of my lawn plans that I sell on my website as well just to show you guys how you get your lawn turned around pretty quickly in a season done stuff yep make sure when you do finish with these things because you're hiring it out be a good person little boy and wash it out so it's gonna get a little the dirt out of the tines there just get a screwdriver pop it out then just wash it down it's what you got to do when you have something oh no my pants are dirty now right here we'll wrap the video up there thanks guys so much for watching there qpi are we're gonna do more videos here at Matt's place in the coming couple of months we'll see how the lawn looks as we start to do a lot of things to it over the next couple of months so keep an eye on this subscribe to the channel so you get to see the rest of videos like this video if you enjoyed it and you have a good week so maths are the backbone but I'll sit before I go away words a bit quieter or not it's a dog just they're going crazy let's try that again so I camera at the front front here to be quieter so basically don't work
Channel: Lawn Tips
Views: 84,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn tips, ben sims lawn, how to aerate your lawn, dethatching lawn, how to aerate your yard, spring lawn care, lawn renovation, how to core aerate your lawn, how to core your lawn, how to renovate your yard, corer machine, aerator, lawn program, how to core aerate your lawn | lawn renovation
Id: NRoORaAE__c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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