How to copy a program from the machine's memory to a new program on a Haas Control.

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[Music] today i'm gonna teach you how to copy one program from the machine make it like a new program the first thing we're gonna do we're gonna find what is all the problem is in the machine to do that we're gonna go to program list and right here program list and then they're gonna show all the program the machine have right now and the memory so we're gonna highlight the program that we wanted to copy so in this case i want the program number one make a copy from number one so we're gonna go to number one right there and then after highlight we're gonna go to right enter right here in the corner right enter you hit that [Music] and then you're gonna write the name the program do you want it the new one anytime you want to write a program you have to use the letter o so we're going to use it i'm going to want the number seven so i'm gonna put up all seven oh seven and then again it's all right there anything you ride is gonna be right here and then you're gonna go to f2 and then the program is already there so it's right there so to see the program did you just copy you just made it we're gonna go to edit right here hit the edit and then the program is already there now i'm gonna teach you how copy one block the one program to the other program so we're gonna choose what program we're gonna work in that so we're gonna write the name the program that we wanted to cut this plot to the other program so the other program is gonna be a number five [Music] you're gonna write all five o five remember for that there has to be an edit the way anything you want to write it has to be an edit so and then you're going to go right here and uh arrow down and then each other program right there this is another program this is this is program number seven and this is number five so you wanna copy from number seven to number five so the first thing you're gonna do you're gonna go you edit anytime you hear edit they gonna switch which one do you want to change it they gonna mark it like a line this line around any time you hit it you're going to hit it again and then you're going to see how they change at this side oh we want to work in this side we're going to copy first here so here head again right there so after that with this wheel over here you can do it with this one too but this one is fast this one is better if you're gonna do that so you're gonna market where you're gonna start it we're gonna start it from there because we want the whole vlog so after that you're gonna hit f2 right there f2 and then mark it where do you want to go right there that's the whole block and then after that you're gonna hit it f2 again to highlight and then it's ready to pass to the other side and then you hit it edit again find where you want to put it on you're going to put it right there so gonna hit f1 and then they're gonna show all the options what do you wanna do and in this case you just wanna copy so you're gonna put it on copy select text and then when you got there you're gonna go to right enter over here again in the corner the machine right enter and then when you hit that you're gonna see it that is gonna be right here and blue see it you see it's right there so now you're gonna work in this program so you can hear uh reset the way the program is gonna be out all the blue and then hit memory [Music] that's the program do you want to work in that and then you hit edit again edit right there the edit is true if you want to edit do you want to change it do you want to do a like tool change it do you want to change something do you want it and speed or feed or whatever you want to do it so that's ready to edit that's it thank you everybody for watching my video um i see you in the next time subscribe to my channel if you're not subscribed yeah if you are thanks so much and god bless you and thank you very much you
Channel: R. el Negro
Views: 147
Rating: 4.6363635 out of 5
Id: HguE0TgT-WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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