How to Cook when Bike Touring & Bikepacking // Cycling Around the World

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[Music] hey guys and welcome to our new bikes and gear video how to cook when bicycle touring we are recording this video in the middle of the ecuadorian andes at an altitude of about 4 200 meters above sea level we're on our way to chimborazo which you can not really see behind me this video is a follow-up and update to this video so if you've seen that some things might be a bit repetitive for you but we recorded that video about a year ago so in this time we've learned a lot and we want to share all that with you so we're going to talk about our multi-fuel cooking setup what we eat for breakfast lunch and dinner and how we store our food and we're gonna cook some nice dinner together [Music] all right so let's begin with talking about our multi-fuel cooking setup like always with our gear and setups this is our personal opinion our personal preference and it may not be suitable for everyone so let's take a look at our multi-field cooker our setup is actually a combination of several different brands and models um and we store it here in this front ortlieb sport roller the reason we have it in the front is we have quick access we don't have to take off our rack packs or something from the back when cooking for lunch for example which we don't do a lot but we might um and it's in a small bag because we usually cook with gasoline and therefore our burner our optimus polaris multi-fuel burner always smells a little bit a little bit like gasoline so we don't want to keep too much other stuff in here that might end up smelling like gasoline nevertheless i usually take some food louisa carries most of food and we'll get to that later but i usually take some compact heavy stuff so she doesn't have so much weight rice in this case which we're going to be cooking later my cup which we might also need later and then amongst other rain gear and so on which where it doesn't matter if it smells like gasoline we have our our cooker so at first you see this is a trender because we use the windshield and the pots and pans from chandra as you can see and we have this just to keep this from getting too dinged up but then when we open this up we have a pan the lid which you can also use as a chopping board and as a sieve we have our optimus polaris burner so these are already two different brands we actually have a product from a third brand which is here our primus fuel bottle this is a what is it no idea actually so worn out our almost uh six six hundred milliliter fuel bottle which um when we use it with gasoline like we usually do lasts us about a week of cooking also with not just heating water but also making coffee two pots and so on so it does last quite a long time all right so let's have a look here we have our burner [Music] which we've wrapped in the ziploc so just to keep the smell contained a bit of gasoline and there we have the pump because this is a multi-fuel burner you need to pressurize the gasoline so it comes out of the burner with this pump and the actual burner itself um we will now show you without commentary just how we set this up we put a little extra hole in the windshield of our of the transit windshield so as to accommodate our optimus burner and the reason we did this is because we really like the character windshield because it's yeah it's really really windproof and contains the heat really well it's more efficient um but we also really like this optimus burner and not so much the the burner from trinidad itself which isn't actually rated for gasoline last we checked at least because this can literally burn anything with the same needle you don't have to switch out needles like you do with for example uh primus um burners and yeah so far this has worked so well we do almost no maintenance on it and it's amazing before we get started i can also say you can use this if you just fold out the legs as a normal more compact burner as well but we never really do that we always use it with the trencher windshield alright let's have a look how we set it up [Music] do [Music] so one other reason why we chose the optimus polaris as our burner is because it fits absolutely perfectly into this hole of the transit windshield which is really great and when putting the other part of the windshield on there and using the pan which we do from time to time if you have a much greater distance between the flame and the pan then if you just were to put this on the original legs of the optimus polaris burner meaning that the heat is spread out much more evenly and you have a much better use of your pan instead of just it being really hot in the center and cold everywhere else the other things we still have in our little cooking setup is the grip for the pots and pan that comes with the transfer setup and a lighter which we use and we'll use right now and also for an emergency which we've never actually had to use though is just a little flint or fire starter all right so let's get this started the fuel bottle is pressurized this valve is open this valve is closed and before we can it's really burning properly with the blue flame we have to preheat it before we start we have to make sure the air holes of the windshield are facing into the wind so the wind is coming this way and this windshield when it's very windy i kind of have here um so that it kind of blocks out the the wind for the flame a bit so every most fuel burner is different obviously but for this one it works like this we kind of put a little bit of gasoline in here you can kind of see it like spraying up then we try to light it all right so now it's preheating and we did put a lot of gasoline in there because the air is super thin up here it's hardly any oxygen so the flame isn't so efficient and once this starts to kind of die down then we kind of start adding a bit more and this is going to take a while because it's so cold as well and now you can see it's a clear flame or blue flame and it's burning much more efficiently all right and then we already prepared some rice turn that up a bit more and pop the lid on so as you can see we put this bag here this is actually our food bank as well which we'll talk about in a second just to especially when starting it and it's windy to create some dead space to so it's easier to start it but now you can see it's having a hard time so when it's burning we take it away so it really gets all the oxygen that it needs so now that we've seen how to use the motif setup i'm going to talk about what food we have with us and how we store it so as to we mentioned this is the food bag we actually actually recently got a new one um i have these in my front although this is a rare pannier but especially now for the next months in south america we thought it might be good to have a bigger bag so we have some basic stuff that we always or try to always have with us let me get some stuff out so i can show you of course we have our bowls and we had two folding balls actually but unfortunately one was ripped and the other one is opening up too so not the best um [Music] so basic food for cooking we always have some spices with us so this is just salt chili and spice for everything then heavy but we like it some oil and soy sauce then very important my cup of coffee instant coffee it's just the easiest let's see what else do we have in here um so we usually either cook noodles or rice right now we're cooking rice um but we also have noodles with us that's actually yeah the basic food we always try to have and then every day we buy some fresh stuff and here i have onions bell pepper and some garlic and that's actually what we're gonna cook today for breakfast we usually have oatmeal it's not that much left but we have a combination of oatmeal and then some granola so it tastes better and vanilla which is like some sugar brown sugar yeah brown sugar and we put that just on top and if we have warm water we like to use that for our breakfast oatmeal if not we just use cold water [Music] apart from that for lunch we usually just have snacks right now we have some nutmeg left and this this day for example for lunch we had some bread rolls from yesterday some bananas and the nuts [Music] and that's actually right now everything we have in here we have to go buy some more food um also we for storage we have a little backpack that we can fold really small and always carry some bags for vegetables or if you need a trash bag you can use that so now i'm gonna cut some vegetables with yeah we have one knife which i store in here um so it doesn't rip everything so one knife one fork actually we hardly ever use and then two spoons and that's all the cutlery [Music] so in the upcoming months the area is going to be more remote especially in viennese in peru and then later in chile so we probably will have to change our way of eating or cooking a bit right now it is possible to buy fresh vegetables every day or every second day but we guess that won't be possible all the time so we have a lot of space to just store dry stuff like noodles rice and dry sauces or maybe beans lentils more stuff like that so we have to see how that's going to develop in the next month [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in case you're wondering if we ever cook meat while on the road no we don't we mostly cook vegan sometimes vegetarian if we have some cheese or yogurt or so on but even though we were strictly vegetarian for many years both of us since a few months we have started eating meat again but only when it is offered to us for example or we want to try something very specific for us the cuisine of a country or region is a very big and important part of the culture of a region and we sometimes felt like we were messing missing out when not trying certain dishes especially when they were offered to us by locals for example so yeah we have started eating meat again in certain situations so thank you for watching um that was our how to cook and bicycle touring video and we hope you learned something um do you guys do it differently we'd love to hear from you as always please leave it in the comments and yeah see you in the next video and now we're going to eat because we're really hungry and it's really cold [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Louisa & Tobi
Views: 71,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bicycle, travel, Adventure, fahrradweltreise, fahrradtour, bikecamping, wildcamping, bikewander, bikenomad, world by cycling, radreise, bike touring, travel by bike, bike life, bike packing, velo, velotravel, around the world, gear reviews, review, gadgets, cooking, multi-fuel, trangia, primus, optimus, outdoor kitchen, camping cooker
Id: RBieeAoEEy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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