How to Cook Snapper with Curtis Stone

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I've got a great recipe for you. It's my pan-roast  and snapper. It's delicious with a side of roasted   cauliflower and mushrooms drizzled with a really  tangy vinaigrette. A lot of people say they don't   feel confident cooking fish and seafood at  home. But cooking perfect crispy-skin fish is   surprisingly easy, and it's a great way to impress  your guests when you’re having a dinner party.   So give it a go. All you have to do is get  yourself down to that seafood counter at Coles   and pick up some beautiful, Aussie snapper  fillets. Make sure they have the skin on.   While I do this, I'm going to preheat the oven  for the cauliflower at 230 Celsius, or 210   if you're using the fan setting. Alright, let's  grab a small saucepan like this one and add the   vinegar and then the currents, the shallots, the  brown sugar and the water. It's a really quick,   almost like a pickle mixture. The vinegar, the  water and the sugar is how you do a basic pickle.   But with the shallots and those beautiful currants  it really will give us a wonderful flavour.   Alright, so we're going to bring it up to a  simmer, so you want it on sort of a moderate   to high temperature. Once it starts to boil like  this, you drop the heat all the way down to just a   really gentle simmer. After about five minutes,  you'll see those currants really start to puff   up - they'll plump - and then the liquid will have  reduced down to about a quarter cupful. Alright,   it is ready to go, so I'm going to bring it over  here. Now just before I spoon it into that bowl,   I'm going to combine a little bit of olive oil,  just a tablespoon or two and a little bit of salt.   Give it a quick whisk. And that's it. Your  dressing is done. Now you just leave that at   room temperature, the flavours will get better and  better. Time to get the cauliflower in the oven.   Take your baking tray and toss your cauliflower  with a little bit of salt and some oil,   and some salt. Give those a little toss.   Okay, we popped that in a really nice, hot  oven. It's gonna be about 20 to 25 minutes,   and then they'll be tender and lightly  brown. Alright, while that's still roasting.   Let's get started on the mushrooms. Okay, for  this you need a hot pan and you need a little   bit of oil. Now mushrooms are a bit like sponges,  they'll absorb whatever you put in the pan. So   just give a little drizzle of oil to start.  And then in a nice big saute pan like this,   I'm using non-stick so the mushrooms  don't get stuck in, go ahead and drop   your mushrooms in. Now, the temptation is to  start shaking that pan immediately, isn't it?   You can give it a quick shake to make  sure that the oil found the mushroom,   but then leave it alone - we're gonna give it four  or five minutes - then what you're gonna want to   do is develop that golden colour on the bottom.  And then after that you stir them occasionally   and keep them cooking for about another  four minutes until they’re tender and brown.   If the pan looks a little dry, you can always come  back over and just hit it with a little bit more   of that olive oil. That's what you want to hear,  that little sizzle right then you know there's   some activity down there and something's getting  some colour. Okay, I think cauliflower is ready.   Sure is. Who knew that you could roast cauliflower  so simply and easily? And look at that beautiful   caramelisation on it. It's absorbed a little of  that oil, the seasoning’s gotten in there. So   we let that cool off for a minute. And now in  another pan, we're going to start our fish. So   go ahead, take a cold pan, you can see I can  put my hand in there, a decent amount of oil,   because what we're going to do is we're going to  add our fish to this pan. We've got this beautiful   snapper. Now, of course, we want it with that  skin on that looks absolutely wonderful. We're   going to score it really quick, which is very,  very easy to do. All you do is pop it onto your   cutting board. Give it a little pinch, just like  that. And then cut it straight through the skin   in a couple of places, maybe two or three scores.  With our fish, you need a good amount of salt. But   before we even do that, I want to show you another  little pro tip, you get yourself a piece of paper   and just dab it over that fish. You want to  make sure that skin is really nice and dry.   Then get a little bit of salt and season that fish  generously. Now you’re not just adding in salt for   the flavour. You're also adding the salt to draw  that last little bit of moisture out of the skin.   Then you pat it down again. And then this  way that skin's gonna get ultra crispy.   Now into a cold pan, you take your fish,  drop it in, move it around, just so you get   that oil, totally covering the fish.  Tiny bit more oil. Then you can go ahead,   turn on your heat, but just start it nice and  slow. I'm gonna turn mine up to three or four   for about five minutes and then eventually I'll  crank that heat up hotter. Check on my mushrooms,   oh they're looking great. Once they’re sort of  tender and you've got a little bit of colour,   that's it, it's time to add the garlic  and then next goes the cauliflower.   I'll tell you what the second that garlic hits  the pan you smell and it, and it smells wonderful.   Alright, let's get the cauliflower in  there. That beautiful roasted cauliflower,   add it to the pan. Give those mushrooms  and beautiful cauliflower a toss.   I'm happy with that, so I'm going to go ahead and  turn that off. We'll leave it in the pan so it   stays nice and warm. And the last thing I'll do is  take some of that beautiful flat-leaf parsley, and   just sprinkle it all the way through the mushrooms  and cauliflower. Okay, the fish has been in for   about three minutes now on a low temperature.  Now I'm going to turn it up. So I started it on   a four, I'm now turning it up to a seven, you're  about to see what's going to happen next, it's   going to start sizzling a little and then it is  important that we just give a tiny bit of pressure   using your spatula or your fish turner here just  to make sure that skin doesn't curl up too much.   Now you're starting to hear that sizzle,  right? When I first put these fish fillets in,   it covered the entire bottom of the pan. And now  you can see them starting to shrink up ever so   slightly. Now for the last minute while we cook  it on the skin side, you crank it up all the   way up, I’ll turn it up to a nine. You can see  they're still moving around my non-stick pan.   You notice I had that little peek right there. Now  you can see my fish are starting to change colour.   That's because it's almost fully cooked, and  guess what? We've done it all the way on the skin.   I'm going to season this side of the fish with  just a little bit of salt. And then we're going   to turn this puppy over. When you turn a piece  of fish. The best thing to do is use the rim of   the pan so you’re just gently pushing it into  the rim and then you let it fall back down.   Our fish has crispy skin and is perfectly cooked.  Our cauliflower and mushrooms look absolutely   wonderful. This is it. This is how simple it  is. You bring over that cauliflower and mushroom   straight onto the plate. I always put  it right in the middle of the plate,   and then a gorgeous snapper. Take that  lovely sauce that we made, and you just   drizzle that vinaigrette all over your fish and  all around the side of the plate. Tell you what,   this is gonna be delicious. It's a nice tangy  flavour for the sauce, a little bit of sweetness   from the currents. Here it is my pan-roasted  and snapper. I think this dish is the perfect   seafood dish when you're entertaining, and  I hope you do too. Oh yeah. That is tasty.
Channel: Coles
Views: 10,370
Rating: 4.7362638 out of 5
Keywords: Pan roasted snapper, best snapper recipes, how to cook snapper, pan-roasted snapper with cauliflower & mushrooms, fish and vegetable dinner ideas, Curtis stone, Light dinner ideas, family-friendly dinner, simple dinner ideas, sunday night dinner ideas, easy family dinners, Seafood recipes, best seafood dishes, how to cook seafood, seafood dinner ideas, Autumn recipes, coles & co recipes, recipes, coles recipes, food, how to, Coles, Coles supermarkets
Id: 1nHpbN9HrPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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