How to Cook Salmon in a Frying Pan

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hey everyone so today we are making salmon [Music] salmon is such a good meat for you especially fresh caught wild alaskan salmon and it has now become one of my favorite summertime foods because that's when you can get the freshest wild caught alaskan salmon so this recipe is a basic recipe i use olive oil because i love olive oil and i think fish cooks great in it you could also make this recipe and swap out the olive oil with butter and you kind of make a brown butter recipe so the first thing we're going to do is just add some olive oil and i like to give it a bath of olive oil and then you want to let the oil heat up to hot but not smoking if it starts to smoke take it off the heat and let it cool down unlike a lot of meats they want you to season them and marinate them for a long time salmon that is not what you want to do you want to wait until you're just about ready to cook it before you even put anything on it then when you cook it you'll want to cook the non-skin side down first so that you're finishing it with the skin side down and that's because you know a lot of people say you cook salmon about five minutes per side give or take depending on your heat so you want to finish on the skin side because that way if you only need to cook it for two minutes to get it done then you know you're not crisping that skin as much so my oil has been heating here for a little while so i'm gonna add you know coat this with some salt and this is you know kind of to taste her preference there we go and a little bit of pepper fresh pepper and that's it then you simply take your piece of salmon pull up it in the oil and let it cook for about five minutes now while this is sitting on here i'm gonna go ahead and add some salt to the skin side now you'll see that the way because i kind of gave it a bath here it's very noisy and it's bubbling i like that because i like that deep kind of fried oil feeling to it if you don't want to do that you can just put a tiny bit of oil on that or some people will just oil the piece of fish that works as well i like this extra oil because when i'm done i'm going to kind of baste the fish with it get a little pepper in there sometimes it will start to smoke um or it's making quite a mess you can see here you can actually do my little hack and just cover it with it lightly with a piece of tin foil that kind of helps keep the splashing oil if you do deep oil like i do off of it it also helps hold some heat in so it means you're not going to have to cook it quite as much once you flip it over now you're going to be tempted to check to see if it's done don't do that you don't want to touch it just let it cook it's not going to burn especially if you got good oil in there and you don't have the heat up too high it's not going to burn in fact i've made the mistake checking it too soon and the fish is actually stuck to the pan but if i don't check it it won't stick to the pan so also another good reason not to check it all right so this has been cooking for about five minutes you can see that it's really calmed down a lot of the water whatever that was in the fish and the oil mixing it's not making so much noise anymore um but it's looking pretty good all right you don't need to do this right now but i'm going to just test the internal temperature of the fish i like to do this because then it kind of gives me an idea of how long i need to cook it on the other side um i'm just going to kind of stick it in there and see what i'm at so you can see that so remember when i told you it's not going to burn it's not going to burn all right let's go ahead and flip it okay looks really good this is uh as you can see i like it kind of cooked deep but i love olive oil so you can put less oil in if you don't want that effect now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add some lemon juice [Music] and this is kind of just you know based on experience and taste i'm going to throw in a couple of things of garlic [Music] and this is just right off the pan oh yeah that is so good doesn't even need anything i just eat it straight like that yay look who came home jan came in just as i was doing my taste test review of the fish so i want you to try this live on camera and be honest live no pressure well the lemons do make it look good i know you got to do your garnishments to make it look fancy that's really good she's you heard it really good not just good really good little cup she's eating it no [Laughter] what was that life commercial it's mikey it's my it's jan she likes it but yeah it's super good though did you only make one piece yeah it was just going to be for me but since my lover came home you're a second round you can have it oh you can have it all over here i made it for you i was just testing to make sure it tasted good now i've heard it all all right everyone thanks again for watching and we'll see you on the next video thanks so much appreciate your support [Music] you
Channel: Dave Hales
Views: 1,731,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Cook Salmon in a Frying Pan, salmon recipe, how to cook salmon, how to fry salmon, healthy salmon recipe, plant paradox, plant paradox recipe, keto recipe, keto salmon, best tasting salmon, drgundry, az life, azlife cooking, wild caught salmon recipe
Id: D9excd9CJLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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