How to Cook For Your Mother | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 uh my role in the first course is is nothing really you know right off the Hop Chanel assigned me to do jerk chicken kind of worried about the jerk marinade the one time I did make it I shamelessly used the dry rub I bought from the store wow how many Scotch bonus do you have in here uh I have a lot of there I got 15 in there I want you to do something for me yeah I want you just rub this with your finger just a little bit I want you to just just tap it on your tongue my tongue is on fire this is just craziness that a pepper could be that hot ask yourself a question are these going to put someone in the hospital or not for sure CU these are very hot Josh is the jerk done yeah I'm just it's got some heat to it right o yeah yeah ooh it's got some heat yeah it's good the jerk sauce is on point Jerk it starts out spicy but subtle and then it ends like the back of your palette with this good like kick of heat that's really good that's so good Josh all right hey you guys Focus who's on Chicken on chicken I got it entree is a jerk chicken with beans and salsa I need you to start prepping dragon fruit and pineapple for the salsa okay after like the stressful end to the appetizer service we need to work quicker and we need to make sure we have enough okay 15 right I really just wanted one person to own the chicken and Josh is awesome he's kind of just like head down doing his thing oh I'm so happy I have Jos on my teeth the chicken is in there it is in there can you start taking can you start grilling some I am on the chicken don't worry about the chicken it's my only job is to cook this chicken all I keep thinking is don't ruin this lovely bride's wedding oh Josh oh Josh just dropped an entire tray of chicken oh man is there extra chickens I'm panicking I'm like do we have enough chicken can we count 9192 9394 95 96 100 I'm not I count Josh I only counted 115 okay so I got those ones right there5 16 17 18 19 21 how many 122 if my counts right that's the exact amount I know oh my God you guys we have the exact amount the blue team they still got to grill all those chickens make sure they're cooked and there's only salsa to do 30 portions we still got Lo to go Josh what are you doing right now just making more jerk sauce you got to move a little faster yes all right come on the service is coming quick come on let plate finish strong thank you the blue team is serving jerk chicken with beans and [Music] greens the Blue Plate the chicken was cooked perfectly it was nice and moist I'm really digging the jerk seasoning as well I'm making my take on on Fish and Chips I'm going to use pick roll cuz it reminds me of my dad and and going fishing with him when I was a kid I'm Ching my dad today the first time I cooked with these ingredients in the first Mystery Box I made a really homey plate but I didn't win today I want to take a humble idea and elevate it to Master Chef Canada quality Mary has gone with a pick roll the amount of work it takes to clean filet and make sure you get every single bone out that is going to chew up a ton of the cooking time for Mary oh yes I'm definitely taking a [Music] risk let talk 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 hi there Mary hi chef so trip down memory lane with these 13 ingredients uh it is definitely so how do you plan to cook the pick roll so I'm doing a take on on Fish and Chips fish and chips do not sound elevated and sophisticated given the audience that you're cooking for today I'm going to do a little light batter with some of the the Pino ggio I'm also doing a blueberry zucchini tomato ketchup wow and instead of capers in my tartar sauce I'm doing a pickled lentil when you look at the plate it won't seem like fish and chips so I'll let you carry on and look forward to trying your reinvented fish and chips perfect thank you so much thank you Mary good luck ouch this is literally the tightest for time I've ever been in this competition Mary is starting to feel the pressure the stress I need to get my fish on ASAP things are piling up for her I just can't fry them all at the same time they're all stuck it's just stuck um the amount of work I have left to do seems literally impossible I am literally falling apart and I hate it I really just want to sit down and give up one of my biggest flaws is wanting everything to go perfect I just need to keep telling myself nothing's going to go perfectly and I just need to get these plates done yeah Mary please describe your dish I did my take on Fish and Chips underneath I did a tarar sauce and I did a tomato blueberry ketchup for you thank you very much Mary thanks so much enjoy you're excited for this one beautiful looking PL the aroma coming off this is absolutely [Music] spectacular I've got to be honest I was worried about the idea she's doing fish and chips but she's elevated it yeah really unique dish I'm making a soup inspired by my favorite meal uh for my Sunday lunch all fresh ingredients and it's absolutely delicious I think you can tell a lot about a cook in the way that they make a soup she's actually very gifted when it comes to layering all those Caribbean Trinidadian flavors a soup to me it's just too simple and plain for a finale dish it's got to be really good to impress me is your soup here sorry Chef oh my God I am so sorry Chef claudo is wearing my soup this is definitely not a good start today all over his jacket oh my God calm and steady girl Cal and steady girl I'm cooking with salted pigtail it's a very cheap cut of meat but with packed with flavor and lots of fat so it's delicious Marita looks like she's falling behind here is her pig's tail fried that's what she's just been cutting up now the portions may be small but the flavor is Big please bring your plate up I wanted to take something that's traditional Trinidadian and take it up a notch I have a pumpkin callaloo soup soup a coconut lime cram fresh a nice bread fruit chip on top and some lime pepper sauce Rita I quite like what you've done presenting the garnish and then serving the soup separately on the side it's a nice way to help Elevate the service of a soup so well done on that thank you Chef Marita the flavors are absolutely delicious the gentle heat the creaminess and then garnishing it with these wonderful jewels of pumpkin the crispy fried pork tail the flavors of the cooked down carrots and onions the little Shadow Benny the contrasts this is an elevated Caribbean soup your presentation has improved dramatically I mean this is restaurant presentation The Taste absolutely spot on I mean I would come back again again and again for this soup it's a beautifully balanced soup what I find extraordinary about it is that you've taken ingredients from your Homeland and you combine them so brilliantly with some Western ingredients as well you just left me wanting more it's stunning thank you Chef Lynn hi chef having your two beautiful daughters here today that must have been an amazing surprise for you that was a wonderful surprise so they chose salmon for you yes so what are you going to do with that salmon maple syrup is one of my favorite ingredients so I'm going to make a maple garlic ginger glazed salmon and crunchy peanut butter chocolate Chun cookies with vanilla milkshake oh boy that sounds terrific was that the girls favorites oh yeah yeah so for a while it was just the three of you yes food was something that we sometimes ran out of and I'd have to go to the food bank I always found time to cook them something that tastes good and that's the way I showed them that I love them she going make me cry she's going to make me cry too [Music] Lynn I've made a maple ginger garlic glazed salmon with papaya and tomato SLO and aromatic rice my two daughters inspired me so much today look at that glistens full of moisture nice coloring from the marinade that is really really good that is so moist and buttery great big flavors to go with a rich Taste of salmon the Green Papaya SLO crisp fresh she'll be very proud thank you Chef this is one of the best presentation I've seen from you so far it's not overly fancy it's natural it's hard to do this in a kitchen you don't know this is her first time in the master Canada kitchen whenever she needs help I'll come in I'm going to cut this in two uh maybe two or or even four okay make it strips to Andre never yells he's calm and sweet just says Auntie remember to check this auntie remember to check that he's great so just salt and pepper vinegar sugar make it thin right what does it need I don't know if it's too T then you need sugar I do think I would probably go in right away because I think dissecting the chicken prepping the marinade is super important how you doing over there all spice we're making Scotch bonnet gravy and Jamaican style fried chicken what makes it special is the all spice I make chicken all the time I just don't usually fry it I'm doing the biscuits today because my antig one is not comfortable with it biscuits not very much part of our traditional meals so I'm doing chicken and I'm doing the co SLO he'll um make sure I don't mess this up too much a little salt yeah how's the taste I like it okay it's the perfect addition is a natural okay I think these are done shoot I run out of time I can't stick around for plating but I know she'll follow my instructions properly once you think it's done you can strain it to get all the lumps out okay Andre and Aunt Joan please bring up your dish this is Jamaican fried chicken and biscuits with Jamaican style Kosta and a side of scotch Bonn it gravy the chicken looks really crispy I can see just some of the batter coming up here and it looks very [Music] inviting this is not your first rodeo this is a very beautiful Fried Chicken it's crisp on the outside moist in the middle and that hit of all spice just brings it all to the next level oh thank you the biscuit has a wonderful golden brown color to the top the same on the underside could have been maybe a little bit on the thicker side okay you had to make sure that gravy kept us coming back for more you have done exactly that my friend oh my gosh it is Savory and Rich you get a little bit of that heat but it just sort of creeps in just gently and then it lingers long on the tongue well done Auntie Joan oh thank [Music] you Jennifer I'm going to you know be ballsy and do a pasta it is incredibly risky to make a torini in 45 minutes God but if you play it safe you may not get noticed always forget is such a bloody workout all right let's do this still short on time which seems to be my downfall I am very much under the gun and Alive why did I do this to myself how do you do this every week this is a lot of stress I haven't even stuffed my tortillini yet I don't think I'm going to finish so out of my element right now young T hi what's going on I'm making a torini so I've got like a ricotta sausage um and then I'm going to do a peach sauce but I'm running out of time right now you're all right remember those rabs only take a couple of minutes to cook only tip I would say is remember when you're doubling this pasta up SRS in the water right so just maybe question thickness of pasta right but don't freak out okay don't freak out be confident I'm going to try to do a couple thinner ones take what he said and hopefully I don't hyperventilate I did a indoya ricotta stuffed tortillini with white wine peach sauce and warm Peach salsa oh man I can't believe you're going to eat my food right now let's do [Music] Ito I mean for me it looks cute it looks pretty but then you eat it and it's like P big flavor you've got the big Smoky flavor of the Uya and the lightness that kind of comes with the Ricotta and then the sauce I've never had anything like that I like the introduction of Peach and actually across Italy they use peaches in many interesting Savory ways so good job girl very [Music] impressive The Filling is it's good the sausage has that heat component and the peach just cools it right down but I think the sauce is a little bit heavy but the dish is very ambitious and you're showing that you're here to push yourself yeah Chef I am great work thank you I had no idea if these flavors would work and they did and Jamie Oliver likes it oh man that was so good are you ready to find out which dish you'll have to master yes chef chef a classic French Neil [Music] Foy I'm going to be using things that I find in my Cottage raspberries blackberries it's a flower I'm going to be making passion fruit pastry cream with some toast of coconut and almonds I got this the first thing they need to do is start to make their pastry put the dry ingredients together sipped flour little pinch of salt then they will add their butter which will be cut into cubes cold so cold you need that cold temperature butter cuz you don't want to have a pastry that is soft and wet in texture need it until it is just firm enough where it holds together not too much you want to let it relax before you roll it out so throw it in the fridge for at least 5 to 10 [Music] minutes so there's so many different ways of making pastry cream the method that they're using in this particular challenge is the cornstarch version because it's fast come man you can do it bring it to a gentle simmer add the cornstarch keep stirring and whisking until it thickens to that perfect pastry cream consistency whisk to stand out I'm going to do two different types of pastry cream hey how are you doing um I'm doing pretty good I think for time I just want to make sure I bang my flavors out so what are those flavors I'm going to do an almond pastry cream and lemon as well you got two separate pastry cream yes [Music] chef H good it's a right texture nice and smooth make sure you get all the flavors right at the end of the day T you cooked a lot and you have surprises a lot I want to keep doing it Chef that's it that's the attitude thank you you can see TAA piping way down here my milight is coming along really well I am assembling it perfectly I am in the zone walk me through your miloy so I have a Blackberry miloy with almond and lemon pastry cream and then I did a raspberry overall it looks pretty decent you hear that yes sh that's the right sound oh good it's crisp h ta this is next level oh my God thank you so much I like the consistency of the cream delicious thank you thank you wow that's a fine looking meal floor you have here thank you you use two creams right yes so you have some almond have some lemon this is wonderful thank you so much you know I didn't think it would work the almond and the lemon but it works together perfect marriage in between that Blackberry a bit of texture and bit of freshness pastry very important you nailed it you know you're a little bit down at the beginning it doesn't feel good always having to cook because you feel like you feel like you're at the bottom I tell you you're not getting any sympathy point from me this was not made by Underdog every time you cook in this kitchen you get better remember that thank you chefin the judges don't think I'm an underdog so I got to stop thinking I am today I'm making peaches and cream it's ultimate Comfort feel like people think I can't cook sweet but I can I want to show up to these guys that I'm a little bit of a threat I think because I wasn't a runner up in my season that a lot of people here underestimate me I want to prove to the judges that I'm a competitor and I want to prove that I can do sweet as well as Savory when I was on Master Chef Canada the first time I really felt like I didn't show everything I had the pastry cream not so good I can't taste the vanilla at all back then I was tripped up by the dessert but I want to grow in this kitchen I need to push myself so I'm going to flate the peaches with Brandy and I'm going to do a chai spice vegan cremon glaz taking this risk is scary if I can't execute properly there's a great chance that I will go home hey Andrew Chef how are you looks like you're making something sweet I think I am and you notice how beautiful that camiz with the alternative butter because it doesn't burn as quickly tell me what are you doing there some nice caramelized peaches with crumble on top baked in the oven a nice pour of cremon glaze made with silk and tofu some of the soy milk chai spiced and then I'm doing a pistachio praline very excited about this dish but remember must look good yes that's the plan thank you Chef I'm going to be making a praline for on top of the Peaches I need to cook some sugar to the right temperature then add some crushed nuts pumpkin seeds and hemp HS my goal is try to elevate it as much as I can let's go into the freezer my Prine is everything in this peaches and cream dish because of it's such a simple concept it needs to look perfect I'm taking so many small components flowers small leaves of mint coconut shavings coarse pistachios little bit of shaped chocolate and a little bit of grated lime and I'm perfectly placing it along the circle so that it looks very textural my goal for this dish is to make it look like a garden of excitement hopefully this works I don't know if it's going to it's I've never really done this before this prel is very thin and snappable I have to be very careful otherwise it's going to break apart the last time I cooked a sweet in the Master Chef Canada kitchen I was eliminated of course I'm nervous today I prepared for You Peaches and Cream all plant-based I've made a short crust and pistachio pring chai spice cremon glaze with silk and tofu and soy milk Andrew I love the look of this not only does it look like a restaurant quality dish it looks like three Michelin star dish good for you and you're no pastry chef right not at all wow look at that you've made an error in judgment [Music] you don't think you're a great pastry chef and you are thank you this is the best peaches and cream I've ever tasted you should be proud of yourself thank you that's amazing Andrew I guess you're feeling pretty good now I was worried for a second there but yes question is does it live up to the hype it exceeds it thank you I love the flavors the freshness of those peaches and the lemon i' saw you put in really accentuates the flavor of those fruits and your crong light and creamy and yet warming it really is a lovely lovely little dessert yes you knock that out of the park well done Andrew thank you good job Andrew awesome work Buddy amazing I feel so proud hearing the judges say that it looks like a three Michelin star dish it's the highest praise it's the highest [Applause] praise right now I'm working on my financier getting the dry ingredients all ready it's like a pound cake it's a little bit lighter there's egg whites that are folded into it she's pairing that with blueberries and a corn ice cream I think this sounds actually very intelligent corn and blueberries just kind of make sense to me they both grow at similar times so mother nature wants them to be eaten together I'm going to have to run to the blast chiller I'm sorry don't drop it I'm worried about this she's got to get here fast that's going to burn are you concerned about this at all no this is actually doing exactly what I wanted to do okay good you had me worried for a second this is uh just cream with a bit of sugar and salt and I'm cooking the heck out of it it's the brown buttercrumb to go under my ice cream it's really tasty trust me how close do you think this competition is right now super close super close like super close and I am feeling it I'm going to let you focus on your dessert thank [Music] you running to get the ice cream the galleries are looking in amazement right now they must be really jealous because we get to eat this and they don't I am so happy with my final dish this dessert is beautiful and it's exactly how I wanted it to look I made a blueberry financier with some brown buttercrumb some kettle corn for the plate a blueberry sauce for the bottom and a buttermilk corn ice cream all right let's [Music] taste no Mary this sophistication you know really appeals to the professional side of me but that popcorn you know I want to dive in like a kid all the flavors they all come together I can taste the corn I can taste the maple syrup the crunchiness the different textures so everything in this plate works thank you so much Chef Mary this is truly a lovely little dessert the actual cake itself has a sort of a humble quality to it but with your presentation you've been able able to elevate it the penena cake has a little bit of a lemon touch to it it has a little bit of that cornmeal which adds a nice little texture crunch to it beautiful blueberries in there wonderful absolutely wonderful thank you everything works so well together the corn ice cream is incredibly intense I like the way you reinforced the theme of the Corn ice cream with popcorn it feels like a road trip going up to your cottage stopping off picking up some blueberries grabbing some corn amazing in fact I'd love to have it on my menu at my restaurant I think it's playful it's intell ENT it's all those things you want in a dessert thank you so much [Music] [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 32,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #masterchef, Alvin Leung, MasterChef Australia, MasterChef Canada, MasterChef challenge, MasterChef pressure test, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, cooking show, how to cook, master chef, master chef world, masterchef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef world, recipe, masterchef canada, alvin leung, claudio aprile, michael bonacini, mothers day, three course meal, three course meal masterchef, dessert recipes, mother's day meal, cooking
Id: ODo6RfkqZV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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