How to Cook Adobong Pusit Recipe - English

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welcome super-gang Pinoy but we loo to time we on my double proceed here are the ingredients 250 grams of speed 4 cloves of garlic chopped 1 small onion chopped 1 TSP of black pepper 1 tbsp of vinegar 2 tbsp of soy sauce and 2 tablespoon of oyster sauce first thing to do is hit and walk in a medium fire and add the cooking oil once the wok is hot enough we will simply the garlic [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay next we will add the speed so our strip here is cut into an inch size so it will be easier for you to meet me now we will pour the vinegar and we will let it talk for two minutes [Music] now for the soy sauce sprinkle the pepper stir it to spread the pepper even lastly we will put the oyster sauce this will give a sweet taste to our speak so we will now stir and simmer it for another two days [Music] oh goody so after 30 minutes we can out turn off the heat and serve if they're now adding a double proceed thank you for watching please don't forget to share and subscribe for more upcoming Panera recipes see you next time
Channel: PagkaingPinoyTV
Views: 1,834,118
Rating: 4.4859591 out of 5
Keywords: adobong pusit, recipe, osyter sauce, gata, gatas, milk, tagalog, sotanghon, English Language (Human Language), Food, Cooking, Cook (Profession), Kitchen, Sauces (Type Of Dish), Recipes, Squid (Organism Classification), sea food
Id: 0aF7xj3PQdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2013
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