How to convert you Flat-tappet cam to roller cam installation

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all right everyone in this video we're going to show you how to convert your old flat tappet style block to a roller camshaft roller lifter block so follow along and I'll step by step what we're doing here this block right here is a flat tappet block this is an old style block one way you can identify this is by the rear main seal it is the pull rope kind of style it's not the seal that actually slides in and by looking up here at the top one good way knowing this is not a a roller block just by looking down in it you don't have the little holes with the threads so that's one thing we want to change we want to convert this over to a roller block so this is exactly what we're going to be doing this video I have the Comp Cams kit I picked this kit up uh Mr Gone in 60 had this kit I didn't I ordered the wrong cam it's also better to have a roller than a flat tap it anyway you don't have no issues with it wearing out when you crank but here's the threads that you have to thread in drill and thread through your tap the motor there's several things you're going to need also your little spider hold down here we're gonna have that hold down tray and your little wishbones so this is a full kit that you can pick up from Comp Cams to convert your flat tap it over to a roller camshaft so we are going to use these right here now another method that you can do other than these right here is getting the ones that's linked together that just slides down in there A lot of times those tend to make a lot of noise if you buy the cheaper ones a lot of times people ain't gonna spend a whole bunch of money on a budget build but I've got a just a regular old crappy cam sticking in there and with this right here I'm just going to set it set it right down into there just like so now this right here is already in the back of the block that's where one hole is going to be but there's not one in the front so we're just sitting one right down in there now the wishbones will go up underneath this and that's what holds down in the lifters inside these little slots so I'm just gonna get one right here I'm gonna slide these right on in just like that slide another one in and I'll do one right over here closer to where the camera is so you can kind of see that all right just like so now these are slotted these will slide right over top of those let's make sure it's centered by all right just like that and that's going to hold these right here from coming out it's going to hold them straight right here in place the purpose of these right here are to keep your your lifter from turning while it's in that block because if that roller right there turns sideways it's going to cause some catastrophic damage to your engine so that's the whole purpose of that now all I'm going to do I'm just sitting these in here and I'm going to go ahead just sit them in there just to get the tray in there get it all lined up I want to make sure it's all lined up exactly how it should be also it makes sure that you got the right amount of parts that you need before you start assembling everything which is also a good thing to know and then kind of get it all assembled somewhat before you make your TAP Mark to drill your hole of course I'm going to take all this stuff out before I drill the actual hole I'm just going to go ahead and set all these in but this right here this tray is going to sit right over top of those just like that and then it's going to be pushed down that's going to hold them in place then you can make your marks so simply just line it up as best you can there with the center of each of those lifters and once you do you put your little uh your center punch down through these holes and make your marks that's what we're going to do now that right there is the one okay so I'm going to Center this right here up exactly between all those I see exactly where it needs to go make sure it's straight I place this one in I pull that off I can check I've got a mark there and I've got a mark there I can also measure side to side make sure that's Center oh I have a center punch hole slot there and there which I'll drill out for those quarter 20 Allen head bolts so now I'm just going to take all these lifters back out and put some paper on everything make sure there's no shaving that's going to get anywhere and then get those right there and get those drilled out and tight sure you cover all your holes you don't want any shavings to get down the block especially if your Block's assembled and you've just simply pulled off the intake and doing a cam change now when you want to drill these right here you want to use a 13 64 drill bit and make sure when you're drilling your hose you don't want to go any past 3 8 inch deep because if you go any further you're going to go down contact cam cam bear you can do any damage to the cam or cam bearings so when you're doing this right here I've already made sure my drill bit is extra sharp there's the first hole and there's the second one all I gotta do is tap them quarter 20 and we'll set everything back together and check make sure it's right okay I've got my oil here puts oil on my tap and I can go ahead and slowly start tapping it and this is a quarter twenty Don't just run it all the way in make sure you also back it out so that you don't get any shavings that might lock it up in there all right I'm gonna finish this one and this one we'll set the tray in okay now that I got it cleaned up just gonna fit that up there right there and then go ahead and screw my screws in and check to make sure they'll go in and don't bottom out but I make sure that my hole is in fact drilled deep enough for that it's all the way down right there is exactly a winner so let's go ahead put together okay so now that I know everything's working go ahead and put all these in now that I have all the lifters in go ahead and get these little wishbones put in place to line up my lifters and you want to make sure that your little bump of course it says up goes towards the top now once you have all those in you can set your tray in and go ahead and start putting your screws in so you're just going to be pushing down on that hold down tray and putting them in now I would have put thread sealant on these right here like lock tight to hold this down now you also want to make sure you've already assembled your roller camshaft do not put these on a nine roller cam and that's it now you're done you've fully successfully converted your flat tapped block to a roller block foreign
Channel: 1194video
Views: 78,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flat tappet to roller kit, Converting to roller cam, How to add a roller cam, How to turn your engine into a roller, Cam kits explained, Ford 5.0 cam kit install, 1194video, How do you put a roller cam in a non roller engine, Can I add a roller cam
Id: 3zzlwzaCAEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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