How To Control Your Mind In 10 Minutes (USE This To BrainWash Yourself)

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95% of who we are by the time we're 35 years olds instead of memorize behaves like a computer program emotional reactions unconscious beliefs and perceptions so the first step to change is become conscious of how you think the notice how you I have to pay attention to how you feel and the act of observing those states of mind and body separates you from that program now you're the consciousness observing that program the act of mentally rehearsing something when you're truly present so now your brain is no longer a record of the past now it's a map to the future nobody changes until they change their energy and when you change your energy you change your life okay well most people number one they get up in the morning and the first thing they do is they think about the problems in their life and those problems are memories from the past so the moment they think about the problems are thinking in the past right every one of those problems has an emotion attached to them so that I start feeling unhappy or unworthy or whatever and how you think and how you feel is your state of being so most people's entire state of being is in the past when they start the day so if then the familiar past they're gonna live in a predictable future right let me get up and they check their cell phone they check their text or whatsapp their Facebook they post something on Facebook they tweet they Twitter they check the news then they go to the bathroom and get a cup of coffee take a shower get dressed check our emails drive to work the same way do the same thing so for the program they've actually lost their free will to the program if you get angry at a co-worker and all of a sudden you're getting arousal in your brain and body right you get a rush of energy when you start noticing that your body starts dropping your brain starts noticing your energy starts dropping you're automatically going to have the image of the coworker in order to what give your body the next soul the jolt right so all of a sudden people become addicted to their own thoughts right so these people realize that oh my god um I've been miss managing my attention and energy and I got to get beyond my past I got to get beyond these emotions I got to make some big changes I got to break the habit of being myself you know I got to stop being this person now that sounds really good theoretically and philosophically but change is such a hard thing right because the moment you come back to your senses and you step back into your life and you see that person or you go to that place or you're with that experience so many people are unconsciously reacting in their thoughts and feelings to everything in their environment so now their environment is controlling how they think and feel so they realize that in order to change they'll change environment they've got to be greater than their environment greater than the conditions in the world great in the circumstance because the moment you start reacting emotionally emotions are a record of the past and if those emotions are driving your thoughts your thinking in the past and if you can't think greater than how you feel and you believe your thoughts have something to do with your destiny you're creating more of your past right so it turns out that the repetition of thinking and feeling and feeling and thinking these loops that people get caught in condition their body to subconsciously become the mind of that emotion which means now their body is their unconscious mind is believing they're living in the same past experience 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year what's the relevance behind that well the latest research on gene says genes don't create disease it's the environment that signals the gene that creates disease if you're reacting emotionally to your environment the same way you're signalling the same gene in the same way and now you're headed for a genetic destiny so huh the hormones of stress push the genetic buttons that create disease if you can turn on the stress response just by thought alone your thoughts could make you sick and if your thoughts could make you sick is it possible that your thoughts could make you well so they began to realize that oh my god the repetition of thinking and feeling of the feeling of thinking caused me to feel guilt and I don't even know it's guilt it just feels like me I'm used to the same chemical continuity now the moment they decided to change anytime you decide to change and change it anything about yourself get ready because it's going to feel uncomfortable it's gonna hurt you're gonna leave the known yeah you're gonna leave the familiar and you gonna step into the unknown so if you start your day and you start your day with this simple question what is the greatest ideal of myself that I can be today now listen your body's gonna go like well you got to get a cup of coffee and you got hired I'm tired and you gotta go uh-uh body you're not the mind I'm the mind right now you're gonna get your coffee you're gonna do all those things but right now this is my time you're gonna obey me right so now the body's no longer the mind you're the mind and so when it wants to get up and you become aware of it and we turn back to the present moment every time you do that's a victory and you're changing some aspect of yourself so then ask yourself I do this all the time write down four thoughts that you're gonna stay conscious of the whole day I can't it's too hard you'd be surprised the moment you become conscious of what those thoughts are how unconscious you've been to them all day they offer weeks on in write down what you speak how you speak for things you want to change how you act how do you act you complain the blame you make excuses you feel sorry for yourself that's a victim consciousness what emotions do you live by is it possible that you're so used to living by guilt you don't even know it's a guilt it just feels like you do you allow your energy to drop become conscious of those states of mind body and review them and say this is the old self then say what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain and start firing and wiring and start feeling it what behaviors will I demonstrate today but choices will I make one day one time rehearse them rehearse the whole entire thing begin to install the neurological hardware in your brain and if you keep installing it the hardware's would become a software programming they start thinking and acting that way and then here's a tough part can you teach your body emotionally what your future is gonna feel like before it's made manifest then don't get up until you feel that way no practice that for a few days and then see if you can stay in that state and watch all of a sudden all those weird doors start opening frigates the producers synchronicities whatever they are number two take up time at the end of your day the end of your day before you lay down and give thanks for your life and feel gratitude and really teach your body what it feels like rata to means you're getting something if I give you something that some value you would say thank you because you would feel it right so when you're receiving you're giving thanks so gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving so then people only accept believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to their emotional state so if you're in a state of gratitude every thoughts gonna make it right down into your body if you're saying I'm I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm healthy and wealthy and wealthy and wealthy and your body's programmed the negativity it's saying no you're not no you're not no you're not thoughts gonna stop right here so if you elevate your state there are about 1,200 different chemical reactions that go on in the body that begin to restore and repair the body in a state of gratitude and so we've done the research to improve that ten minutes and just feel it with all of your heart that's it thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so then the question is if you keep practicing creating that state of being it should become familiar to you yes or no the word meditation literally means to become familiar with now do it for 30 minutes now do it for 60 minutes and you practice so when a person actually activates their heart the heart releases a chemical called oxytocin oxytocin is actually love chemical oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals another chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor what does that do causes the vessels in your heart to swell you will literally have energy in your heart you will literally feel like your heart is full now once you have that feeling you're not gonna want to trade that feeling for anyone or anything you're gonna say why would I judge that person if I judge that person to lose this feeling we are the creators of our lives and not the victims of our lives and that in taking time in your life to invest in yourself is to invest in a future and when you invest in yourself you invest in your future and when you believe in yourself you believe in possibility and I think that everybody secretly believes in themselves and so taking time to understand that we are just works in progress and and to find time to forgive ourselves and to forgive others and start fresh thus the next day is a blessing is a blessing and finally I think that it's not our purpose in life to be a popular or successful or beautiful or or intelligent our purpose in life is to remove those blocks those veils those limitations that stand in the way between us and that divine intelligence and when we do it begins to make its way through us and we become more like it we become more loving it is loving intelligence we become more giving it's a giver of life we become more conscious as a consciousness we become more mindful it has an infinite mind we become more willful it has an amazing will its nature becomes our nature its mind becomes our mind and and then we don't have to try to be liked or try to be important or try to be recognized we're just happy for no reason at all and I think that is the natural state of being and I think that we innately know that on some level you
Channel: Motivation Madness
Views: 645,060
Rating: 4.9169931 out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivational video for 2019, motivation, motivational speech, speech, 2019, motivational, success, inspirational video, motivational speeches, be inspired, motivation madness, joe dispenza, dr joe dispenza, joe dispenza speech, joe dispenza 2019, joe dispenza meditations, joe dispenza meditation, dr joe dispenza guided meditation, reprogram your mind, control your mind, use this to brainwash yourself, brainwash, joe dispenza interview, brainwash yourself
Id: T-l22hh5yDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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