How to control poa annua and poa trivialis in fescue

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what's going on today guys today we're going to talk about two extremely difficult to control weeds in cool season grass like fescue and bluegrass and rye grass and such ah but one of them is very very prevalent and it's about that much easier to controlling the other one the other one is damn near impossible to control and I only see it in certain types of yards alright so we'll jump in here and talk about it stay tuned [Music] all right the first one is this this is a poet Ruby Alice or roughstock bluegrass I generally only see this in fescue lawns and in older fescue lawns especially that leads me to believe that at one time it was pretty prevalent in the seed and it spreads it spreads like mad it's a it's a rough one to get rid of the only treatment that I've had much success with well one you can wall us actively growing you can spray it with some glyphosate but then this actively grow it in the middle winter so you got big brown spots in the middle of the yard that they'll have to deal with and live with for a long time that's not really a viable option I've cut so I'm out before with a side cutter and replaced it with sod that's a pretty effective but labor intensive and expensive way to treat it it's a it's a perennial so it's going to come back and what you generally see is probably December January so it starts to show up in the lawn as just kind of a different colored looking bunchy grass that spreads and the generally by by the time it warms up May or so it's gone so it's it's impossible to spray out when you're doing renovations because it's not there it's dormant so in the spring in the fall when you're doing your renovations and spray out a lawn it it's still gonna be in there somewhere more more than likely so poet Ruby Alice is very hard to control and I'll show you some in the lawn and you can't tell right here from this because of the way the sun's filtering through the trees but I'll show you I'll put up a close-up of some in the lawn so you can see what it looks like [Music] okay now this one up camera right I forgot my tripod my corn pot mm this is every freaking way this time of year right now this is PO annual our annual bluegrass and you can see this guy con lime green color and gets that darn flower on it that seed head and that seed head is what makes it so visible in these fescue yards in warm season yards we got plenty of options to spray it out with that'll take it out but being that it is a cool season grass it is very similar and make up to your fescue or bluegrass rye grass whatever your favorable one is that you're trying to take it out of so not many options to get it out this yard in particular I ran three rounds of mezzo trial in the fall to eliminate weeds during seating and after seeding and that is somewhat pre-emergent and it has helped somewhat but it's not gonna be really control for PO annual because of the timing when it comes out of spec and then your other option is help of a few mistake but you're going to want to get that on early and in my area that usually means November December application or so inevitably you'll have breakthrough and so the tool baler hasn't been a lot of options when you had something at this stage absolutely zero options chemically that aren't just messy off the whole lawn to control rough stock bluegrass and a full season long I think we've got an answer there's a new thing out that I think might help with this a new thing see it's a new this is a growth regulator from a new farm they are seeing some pretty good results well I'm not going to say they people people are seeing some results on actually controlling poetry of Aeolus with two applications of Anu at one pound per acre so you would you would make one application follow-up about four weeks later with another application so this that's pretty exciting but the I've also seen pictures and have proof that at even just one application of one pound per acre it will control the seed heads on on PO annual and shrink it down below the grass canopy so if this will control you know either of those you know the two applications for the for the fo are for the grocery Alice and the one application will set back the PO annual and two applications PO in your pretty pretty good and regulated but there it is you get a the Senate comes in a one and a half pound bag and for our 50 rapes again we're gonna go one pound of acre to try to knock this PO a tree of them PO annual back again the poet rupee Alice I generally will see that on the older fescue lawns that have had inferior seed on them at one point and I'm pretty sure that that that we comes from the seed somebody put it there at one point they PO annual it's wild it's just every freaking where but difficult to control again in cool season grasses until now hopefully but I'm gonna run a run a test here I got I got a few yards we're gonna do a test on I sprayed it on some yesterday and I kind of wanted to do this video where I'd spray it and then at the end of the video showed results but I want to go ahead and get the video out there because now is the time frame even a little earlier than now actually that people should be spraying this I kind of wanted to get the word out so if people want to try this they can and then when we show I will actually I will show the results in another video later when I have some so so they'll be results I just I just wanted to go ahead and get this video out there to get the word out but anyway I've mixed up a pound of of the new growth regulator in my primer green along with a good non ionic surfactant because this is a leaf absorb it does not go through the roots so you kind of want to get it spread out well you know you want to be sure you're getting full coverage on your leaf and I'm not a bad idea the way I've been feeding this stuff and the season we're getting ready to roll into two to regulate this to put a growth regulator on this anyway because it's gonna it's going to divert the energy that that grass is going to spend elongate in those cells and shoot that grass straight up it's kind of making it thicker so and it'll also eliminate a lot of that mowing debris that you have I mean you get tons and tons and tons of grass clippings off of this stuff when it kicks into that April May time frame it'll grow just crazy in a week but anyway because well I mean part of its my fault because I feed that I feed the heck out of these things over the winter I'm I'm trying to promote root root growth to make it live through the summer but with some of the other things we've been doing and now putting this growth regulator on it it should all be beneficial and but I mean the main aim that I'm going for here is to try to try to sit back this poetry of Gauss's yard has a lot of poetry of you Allison and actually and a slight bit of poo an you around some of the ages but I don't get this all and we'll go to another yard and talk about a little bit too y'all hang tight I've got this sprayed messes up my mowing stripes when I run buck over with a perm agree anyway I got this braid I'm got a lot of poo in you were right along these edges right down that strip and especially right here what happens here is this always thins out because the trees in the way of the sprinklers and there's a tree sized strip right there that the grass always has trouble and that opportunistic CO annua has sprung up thinner spots we're gonna come back and check to see the progress and let's see if it shows up camera I try to walk out over see how that works but there's some big patches of poetry gals in this thing can you see that oh that's poetry Alice so we'll see what one application does to it and in about four weeks follow it with another application I'm a little late on this because actually in four weeks we will be kind of sneaking into that time frame where this stuff is gonna start dwindle away anyhow are becoming less visible in the lawn but anyway this put getting this growth regulator out on this will really help me clip and wise and as far as the mowing here for the next next a little bit and we're gonna knock this PO an you out of and we'll see what it does to the poetry of your house let's move on to another one that is a brand new seated yard it's a first year as a fescue yard there's no poetry fee Allison but it's got a lot of PO annual in it that is just sprung up all of a sudden we're gonna hit it with this anew and see if we can take care of this is always one of my favorite places to show some jaw-dropping fescue it is super dark peptide power right there but anyway he's got one issue there is trouble in paradise there is PO annua and this stuff the only saving grace to having some poo annua is it is a pretty short-lived you know as far as how it looked when it looks bad because of the flour on but I would love to get it out I'm going to show you a little bit of it and I'm gonna run the ANU on it at 1 pound per acre and of course we'll have a follow-up video for some results [Music] it's spread throughout but I mean let it kind of give you the idea of what it's looking like in here you get the cracking knock the stuff out you alright I'm gonna hit this one with their new also it's got some paella new and actually a little bit of poetry realice on one corner you know some questions about this stuff could you spot spray it well you know not necessarily because it is a growth regulator it's not a herbicide so you spot spray you know you're gonna have varying degrees of growing out of here you're a favorable fescue but on the other hand if you just had some accounts with you know a few poetry of your house plants in them I don't see any reason why you couldn't mix up a backpack and go go around and pop those plants and see what it does just another question would be could you could you keep this pole suppressed with just any plant growth regulator I'm probably not the ANU has a new active ingredient in it called pro hex / hexa diene for hexa dome I'm getting a low-power mood here my back alright for hexa diene and it what it does according to the label is it suppresses the late-stage biosynthesis of gibberellins which is what makes the cells elongate and makes this grass just reach for the Sun causing all that vertical growth and hopeless going to keep it more compact and divert some of that energy toward root production anyway this is kind of experimental for me I'm pretty excited about it this is a damn game-changer if it if it works like I've seen I've seen it work on my PO annual for sure I've seen plenty of pictures of that so I'm really excited about this and I think it's nothing it's going to be good not the panic the golf world or anything not that any of them are gonna watch this crap but you know I I don't believe this well I know that it's not gonna kill PO nu because I mean they have PO annua greens and they all use growth regulators so you know it's gonna suppress it really well and keep it down under this you don't see those flowers so that's that's that's important for me and my cousin I'm gonna see if Canada rod will kind of monitor this and and answer some of y'all's questions on it cuz I'm just trying it out I'm not a hundred percent familiar with this I just know but I've read a little bit but maybe he can help out and answer some of these questions he's oh he's a really great dude and he could he's got a lot of knowledge he can really share some stuff with everybody but anyway I would I would check with my new farm rep and see if you can get some of this stuff or check your local weed killer superstore your psych ones and such and see if they've got any not a bad idea to growth regulate your fescue going into the spring anyway and you know you might as well see if you can control some of these uh tough to kill weeds with it as well ah that's really about all I got I don't I appreciate you guys watching and they'll definitely be a follow up please subscribe and like this stuff this channel and that way you'll be able to catch the follow up and see the results I appreciate you guys watching thanks a lot you [Music]
Channel: Paul's Prime Cuts
Views: 26,727
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Id: Onz2QceKhas
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Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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