How To Connect Your Laptop To The TV Using HDMI Cable - 2021 Update | WINDOWS 10 | STEP BY STEP

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today we're looking at how to connect your laptop to your tv using an hdmi cable now i bought this amazon basics high speed hdmi 2 cable the other day mountain male connector there are other sort of connect types out there like vga or there are other adapters for example there's even wireless connections but for the purpose of the today we're looking at purely hdmi only so just a quick look at what will the equipment we'll be using in the video today we'll be using a sonia bravia tv along with the power cable we'll also be using a little over laptop again with the power cable because i like the power switched on when i'm using it so it doesn't power out when i'm outputting to the tv we'll also be using a mouse just because i prefer using a mouse to the actual mouse board on the laptop itself and we'll of course be using the hdmi cable so let's jump into the detail now and get this all set up okay so the first thing we're going to do is to plug the power cable into the laptop itself so if we just do that okay and the next thing we're going to do is to actually plug in a mouse to the machine it's just i find it a lot easier to actually use okay so if we just plug the mouse in as well okay the next thing we're going to do is to actually plug in the hdmi cable so i've got the same as the amazon one here we're going to plug that into the back of the tv now ours is on the bottom left-hand side the hdmi port yours might be somewhere else left right we've got two ports so we are using hdmi port two today you may have more than one port so basically just make a note of the port which you're using in our case it was two okay and once that's all plugged in just move the tv back to where it was if we go to our laptop okay and we just sign in and basically what we need to do now is plug the hdmi cable into the laptop itself so find the hdmi port and basically plug it in there okay the last thing we need to do to output it to the screen is to actually choose the output which is hdmi 2 which we've just done okay so as you can see at the moment the screens are duplicated because they look exactly the same but we'll come back to display settings in a moment the first thing we need to do is to look at the power settings now the reason i say this is because if you're outputting to your larger screen and for example once that's set up and you close the lid on your laptop if it's not set up correctly it can hibernate power down etc so if we just type into the bottom here power settings and if we select power settings from there and if we go to the right hand side you've got additional power settings so if we select that and choose what closing the lid does now that's really important so when i close the lid on battery and plugged in currently it's on sleep so if we're outputting to the tv when we shut it it would sleep so what i tend to do is to say do nothing and what happens then is when we close the lid obviously nothing happens so that's quite a crucial point just wanted to point out to you okay so if we close both of those now the next point is the display settings so if we type in the display settings we have some control over how things are displayed between the laptop and the um the tv so as you can see here at the moment 102's got line through the middle so that's the sign it's duplicated and as you scroll down under multiple displays it says duplicate these displays okay so that's one option you can have if you wanted to do that so maybe you're showing photos for example let's just say you're going through a slideshow for example and the laptops away from the tv you can do that so you've got control so that's that's something you can do okay but if you go back into display settings other than duplicate you can obviously have extend these settings where you actually have two different screens okay so you can be doing something on here for example i don't know maybe using that as a monitor you could be doing a spreadsheet on here or you could be using it for something else over there which isn't spreadsheet related so that's something which you can do okay the other option let's just move that let's just move that back to the screen here the other option you can do is to show on your monitor one and two so monitor one is a laptop so probably don't want to do that for the purpose of the video but if you wanted for example to show only on two you can do that okay and you can keep the changes and if we shut that down like that and then what you can do is there's a file on here called a video file so for example if you wanted to start a movie or something just turn that dance a bit loud you could do that and basically get everything if you like so everything is purely outputted on here now without the laptop so and then obviously you have got some control over it so i put together some other computer related videos for you links appearing on screen now so be sure to check them out but thanks for watching our video today on how to connect your laptop to your tv using an hdmi cable we'll see you on the next video
Channel: The Tech Guru
Views: 677,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Connect Your Laptop To The TV Using HDMI Cable, how to connect laptop to tv, how to connect laptop to tv using hdmi with sound, how to connect laptop to tv with hdmi cable windows 10, laptop to tv, connect laptop to tv using hdmi
Id: g9xxQSr5Ts8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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