How to connect vintage pre amp to power amp

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okay hello okay and I'm just going to talk about preamps power amps and what you can do with them and you can actually get some significant sound improvements if if you have the right gear and they've got that facility to separate the pre and the power amp so for those of you that don't know these are called this is an ordinary amplifier that's an ordinary receiver but they you know they're called integrated that's an integrated amplifier what they're talking about there is that the preamp and power amp throwing the thing together which is kind of normal until you get into high-end stuff just those you know the preamp pre amplifier yeah before the amplifier is essentially all your tone controls selectors probably your photo stage that means your turntable stage which is basically also another amplification system to get the signal from a turntable up to the same signal as say a CD player so turntable as a mine you signal you know Sony generated by a stylus going up and down is absolutely tiny so a turntable out to have its own term tangle stage so that's cool phone oh by the way but all of that sand the tone controls of the Halloween or another that that's all called the preamp the power amp is basically think of it as the engine the that's the large transformers that do the amplifying yeah and in old receivers and classic gear you know nice gear you will see I'll show you in a second the pre and the power amp can be separated at the back so you can plug into your preamp or you can plug in to your power amp now [Music] interesting point so what do we have here this is a thing called us and soui eight deluxe which is is actually a very sought-after secondhand bit of care they go for like I don't know three hundred quid four hundred quid this Sansui au three one seven this goes for about a hundred and twenty quid yeah both of these you can separate pre and poweramp now this is an older thing this Sansui eight this is a more modern thing so what I did recently as an experiment was to use the preamp of this the preamp essentially got more circuitry in it to use the preamp of this and the power amp of this and I got really great results so really what you're on discovering is the preamp of this older receiver amplifier it isn't that good yeah but the power amp is really good yeah everyone knows these are good things but you know the power amp is probably the better thing so if you have old gear like Moran's Sansui some pioneer a car thing of all the mates yeah yeah man I'll probably - lots of people do and you look on the back and I'll show you any second now and you see preamp out power around pin that means you can separate the pre and power amp so if you've got an old amp you knew were a partner it with a modern ish or more modern preamp you might finally get some really nice sounding results and this from 1973 or something whenever it is I was recently comparing this with a quad elite I think it's QSP who's about 700 quid quite amplifier yeah they basically sound pretty damn similar this is a bit brighter than the court but they're actually just as detailed really you know they're on I actually probably prefer this is a little bit more brightness the court is a little bit backward is a little bit dull there's meant to be vowel sound even though his transistor that quad but the point I'm making here is you've got a really good powerup in here and a lot of those old ham some receivers it's the power amp they's the best thing about them the preamp maybe you know not not as good as a bottom one and decayed over time so if you could partner that with a modern pre-owned because Saint Sam you could okay so I'll show you the back and you'll see whether you have that facility or not so I'm gonna spin these round I'm just gonna move the camera okay just hang on one second okay so what we are looking for to see if you have the facility to do this yeah you're looking for these things here these loop these metal loops it says preamp out power amp in and down here pre out power in and that metal there is linking the pre and the power amp in the side dis amplifier so if I want to do why I described to you earlier and use the Pat the preamp of this and the power amp of that first thing I'm going to do turn all the power off yeah make sure you do that do not do this while it's on now we're gonna join the preamp here into the power amp here so we've got just ordinary phone o2 phone no plugs this is a very long lead but it's just an ordinary phone no - phoner so first we're gonna do is pull all these out now we're gonna go preamp out let's go right already at the bottom so preamp out main in that's what you want yeah make sure you get that right preamp out main in yes and now your speakers which you couldn't I think you could just see here your speakers plug into your power amp yeah not your preamp the preamp is now not delivering any powers just it's just the control mechanism so your speakers that I've got one speaker lead just plugged in here to show you now you can turn it on turn your power ramp on first then your preamp and you know now you're going to put your CD player or your iPhone or whatever you want into the preamp yeah so just to show you in here and I mean the fact is this is a younger preamp and it sounds better this preamp is probably old and it's not sounding too good but if you've got old gear and you can do this pre power amp thing it's worth playing around with because this Sansui just sounds SuperDuper just using you know you would its power amp is really good it's as good as any modern power amp and it's beautiful sounding so that's what you can do with preamps and you don't have to switch any switches on the front by the way you just turn them both on select aux and the power this will just come on your volume is on the preamp yeah all your controls are on the preamp this power amp is it is basically you're not gonna touch it yeah it's just doing its work on its own all your controls doing the preamp okay that's it it's good fun and you might get so it sounded really good okay thanks bye now
Channel: Stereo review X
Views: 101,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c7xZZAHgrbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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