How To Connect To SFTP Using Filezilla and SSH Keys | Filezilla

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[Music] hi guys i'm owen from square balloon and today we're going to talk about how to set up filezilla using sftp rather than ftp so i'll show you how we do it you see a previous tutorial um which showed me how to create the ssh certificates um in certificates but keys in um cpanel so i've created i've clicked on file and then i'm on file manager i'm going to create a new site for versions for uk um over here i'm going to change this to sftp and it's going to be conversions this is the subdomain we're using in this one i'm going to change it to key file the user i'll need to get from cpanel so i'll grab that quickly so here's my user um so where's that part of the home directory so i'll stick that in there the key file i now need to grab which i've downloaded from cpanel so first thing i'll do is grab that so this id underscore rsa.ppk so i had to convert my um my ordinary key file into a ppk file you can do that online or there's loads of ways to do it or you can do it directly in cpanel which i showed you on the previous tutorial um so now that i've got that there set up next thing i normally do is set up the default local directory so we have it in htdocs so i'll select that and then what i want is this default remote directory now normally you might just do a public html or something slightly different than cpanel i'm going to choose this entire home directory i'm going to copy that and remembering your cpanel may look slightly different depending on your theme but you should still be able to find it somewhere i'll tip both of these and i'll show you why in a second um so what i've just done these are remote files where i'm on local files where i'm going to save everything on my computer remote ones all on the server i always want to be in my public html for a website in general i've got sftp my host is normally my domain name but you could also use an ip address if you don't have it set up yet um if you're trying to use a domain name which is live but you're trying to do on a remote server then you would want to use the hosts file in your windows i'm not sure how to do it on mac or linux but i can do a host file tutorial after this we're doing key file we're doing the user which we've got from our cpanel and we're selecting the key file to use and then when we connect we'll need to use our password i'm going to add this host and add this key to cash because it's my server and i trust it now it's going to ask for the password which we generated a minute ago so i'm going to copy that and paste it in there so this is the password for your key file which you should have created when you use cpanel or however you created your key files and that is that we are now connected via sftp you can see at the top sftp color slash so we've got secure connection now um it will reduce the risk of people eavesdropping on our files or whatever um not that it's um something i would totally rely on but it's way better than having just ftp and yeah if you're ever uploading anything secure passwords or anything like that you probably would prefer to do it this way rather than ftp i'm not sure if i would upload passwords this way but now you know how to do it thanks for watching we'll create some more tutorials soon if you like this tutorial please let us know in the comments so we know to create more similar tutorials
Channel: Square Balloon
Views: 11,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #100VideosIn100Days, joomla, squareballoon, square balloon, filezilla sftp, sftp filezilla, secure connection filezilla, secure ftp connection, ftp over https, https ftp, secure ftp, secure filezilla, filezilla, sftp
Id: -AExJthbiUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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