How to Connect to Azure VM from your local machine using SSH keys | connect to Azure VM from local

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welcome back in this video we are going to learn how to connect to a virtual machine running in Azure cloud from our local machine let's say that you know you were able to create a VM in aure Cloud you wanted to connect from your local machine okay so how would you do that that's exactly what we are going to learn in this short video so if you look at this diagram uh so this is the Azure virtual machine running and this is you and then you have your laptop so how are we going to securely connect to our virtual machine running in Azure Cloud okay so if you look at the prerequisite I do have my VM up and running that is actually this one so you can see here this is my virtual machine running in Azure cloud and then I also have uh downloaded my perm key as well so this is the key I will be using in order to connect to that virtual machine running in Azure Cloud okay and then we also need to have our SSH client so which has been already downloaded here so you can also click on here in this particular link if you want to learn how to download item so you can you know use this I prefer to use item but again if you want to use terminal you can also use terminal as well uh in order to connect from your MacBook okay awesome so let's get started so what we have to do is yes we have to go to aure portal and then let me expand this and then click on connect okay so you see two different options here right so if you want to use Azure CLI without using your SSH Keys then you can use this but the scope of this video is you know to use SS um tool such as item or G bash so let's select this one select first of all choose which what is your Source machine right what is your local machine whether it is a Windows machine or Mac OS or Linux so you have to choose it so mine is Mac so I'm going to select that one and then this has provided all this option for me right all we have to do is enter the private key in the text box so this is my private key okay but make sure your private key does not have any right access okay so how you can do that you can maybe copy this particular command okay so when you do that this will ensure that your key is having only read only access okay so that is also mandatory for Mac operating system okay uh but anyway I already took care of that so I'm going to copy the key and then paste it over here enter there you go right you see here so this has provided me all the commands for me in order to perform so just copy that and then make sure you are actually in the download directory uh that is where I have downloaded the keys and then enter wow you all see here so that's it right so I'm actually connected to my uh UB to VM running an Azure Cloud so yeah so it is actually straightforward only thing you know people may sometime get confused is which option to select once is selected and then you can choose your Source local machine your local machine uh depending on that you can perform the operation but let's say you're using a Windows machine so you can click on this one and then you can go ahead and then you know execute these command very similar to that right you just need to locate uh your key name and then you would be entering the key name and then you would be uh you know performing these Command right all right folks so that's all I wanted to cover in this video thank you for watching
Channel: DevOps Coach
Views: 413
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Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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