How To Connect Private RDS DB From EC2 Jump/Bastion Host | AWS | Dbeaver with SSH Tunnel From Local

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hi guys this is ABI from gokjdb in this video you're going to learn how to connect to a private RDS database using an ec2 jump host in AWS let's start by navigating to the RDS service then click on databases hit create database then choose standard create for engine I'm going to select MySQL and for template choose pre-tier give your DB instance a name choose a master username and password then select the allocated storage ensure that the public access option is set to no then choose an availability Zone hit create database then click on your DB identifier and ensure that your status is creating now let's navigate to the ec2 service then click on instances click on launch instances then give your instance a name select an Ami choose an instance type then select a key pair click on edit in network settings and choose a subnet in the same availability Zone as your RDS instance to avoid data charges I'm going to leave the default settings for the security group which allows SSH from anywhere then hit launch instance let's copy the public ipv4 address of our jump host and then navigate to the dbver software click on the connect button then choose MySQL and hit next navigate to the SSH Tab and click on use SSH tunnel paste the copied IP address then enter ec2 Dash user for username for authentication method choose public key and for private key select your pem file click on test tunnel configuration then click yes to add this host to the known host file and you should see the connected message now let's go back to the RDS window and grab the database endpoint navigate to the main Tab and paste the database endpoint in the server host text box enter the master username and password then go back to the RDS window and scroll down to the ec2 connected resources section click on setup ec2 connection then select the ec2 instance that we created earlier and hit continue review that RDS ec26 Security Group will be added to the database and ec2 or ds6 Security Group will be added to the ec2 instance then hit confirm let's go inside our database and confirm that we see a new ec2 connection in ec2 Connected resources section looks like it did not work let's go back to the ec2 dashboard and confirm that the ec2 rds6 security group was added to our instance or not looks like it was which means that the RDS ec2 6 security group was not added to our database I'm guessing that's because our RDS instance is still in the backing up status I'm going to wait until the database status changes to available and then add the security group manually click on modify then scroll down to the connectivity section select the RDS ec26 Security Group then hit continue choose apply immediately then hit modify go inside your database then confirm that you see RDS ec26 Security Group in the security section navigate back to D beaver and hit test connection and you should see the connected message now you should be able to execute queries in your new database from your local machine through an ec2 jump host there you have it make sure you like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell until next time [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gokce DB
Views: 9,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon web services, bastion host, jump box, private subnet, aws, connect RDS, connect private RDS, DBeaver RDS, RDS mysql, bastion host setup
Id: qLTNHkBlefE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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