How to connect a subwoofer to a vintage amp

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connecting a sub woofer to a vintage receiver how's that for fascinating dug in this sack WA Washington writes hey Paul I have a Kenwood 105 VR receiver with a speakers or surround speaker output with Asia the subwoofer is an energy on cor 8 and since the receiver doesn't have a oh I see he only has a speaker output and he doesn't have a and B speaker outputs is it possible to connect the subwoofer the main speakers I have are homemade and built in the seventies thanks Doug I love the idea of homemade homemade speakers you never know sometimes I've seen some homemade speakers that are just freakin amazing really good stuff and I've seen some stuff that's really really bad but hey I'm gonna bet Doug's is just great okay so for whatever reason a lot of people have felt that receivers with a and B outputs are what you need to connect up several sets of speakers when the second set is a subwoofer and that's kind of a misnomer a miss thought okay so typically on a receiver you have if you have a and B outputs the idea is speaker set a maybe is over here in the living room and speaker set B is going to be out here your in walls or in the kitchen or whatever and you can switch between a and B and it's just a speaker switching routing business subwoofers are always kind of done in parallel with the a speakers or B speakers and my favorite way of doing it and the best way to do it if you can and I don't know this encore so well but if it has a high level input and many of them do you're gonna want to take the your a your main speaker outputs and run a separate set of cables over to this high level input now don't worry about it because you'll you'll read a lot of times oh don't don't don't hook to two speakers in parallel well the high-level input on a subwoofer is fifty thousand ohms maybe you know something like that where a speaker's 8 ohms now when you're delivering the amplifier output to your speaker if it's an 8 ohm speaker you're gonna draw watt right but if it's a 50,000 or min put like on a high level subwoofer input you're not drawing any current at all like milliwatts yeah you you could probably sneeze and then have a more energy consumed by what a subwoofers high-level input will take so that's the best way to do it and the easiest way to do it is don't run two wires have your central wire coming right off of your receiver and right over to your speakers and since your subwoofer is gonna want to sit close to your speaker's then just run a short little jumper to the back of the left and to the back of the right to the high level inputs on your subwoofer you're in that's the best way to do it I hope I understood your question well enough email me Paul at PS audio comm if you have specific questions like that because I look as I've said before I get thousands of people writing me from the YouTube channel and you were over a hundred thousand subscribers now Wow thank you that's that's inspiring that that is amazing but with all those people and asking questions and III can't get to all of them so if there's some way that I can personally help you Paul at PS or look call 800 PS audio if you need an answer on the phone I don't usually take phone calls only because I am one busy crazy person write write write books I do videos anyway I emails easy for me because then I can squeeze it in when I get up I start my day at about 5:00 in the morning and I started answering emails and then I have a business to run a family to maintain grandkids yeah all that stuff so yeah you know you can always email me the best ways you know gifts 800ps audio call us we're happy talk about equipment had one guy caught it was so sweet one guy called my son Scott and he said you know I'm thinking of getting one of these one of those he said but do you have a moment and Scott said sure because I just have no one to talk to about audio my family doesn't care none of my friends or neighbors care could we just chat about stereo for about 15 minutes Scott I love that kid he goes oh my god yes of course and I they were just there laughing and chatting and talking about stereos so look you're part of our community that's what we're here for so yeah call us do whatever you need okay have fun talk to you later and good luck with your system all right bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Paul McGowan, PS Audio
Views: 81,607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Paul 49, Paul 35
Id: jMruJ7d88GU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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