How to Configure SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for Your Domain

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so we're going to start with the domain there are three pillars of authentication from your domain okay uh what these These are essentially cryptographic techniques that good actors you know people who are who send legitimate email that they all engage in to let the rest of the internet and the rest of the email World know that they're not a bad actor that they're not a spammer or a spoofer or a Fisher so these three things are SPF dkim and dmarc okay and I could spend a long time talking about exactly how these work and it would be very boring so instead I'm going to tell you exactly what you need to know as a salesperson in order to get the most um out of your email deliverability and set things up properly so we'll talk about these in order SPF is the first thing that you set up and if this doesn't mean anything to you I'm going to show you how to do this in like two seconds so don't worry SPF is the first thing you set up okay it's a txt record you add to your domain name system you set this up first and then you set up dkim and that stands for domain Keys identified mail once you've set SPF and dkim up you need to set up dmarc and dmarc stands for domain-based message authentication reporting and performance it's very easy to remember of course as I mentioned this is like it's fairly complex technical stuff um but in practice it's not that scary so I'm going to show you exactly how to do this right right here I actually went and bought a domain uh to do an example here I bought Apollo loves and I use namecheap for this but there are a million providers this is what's called a DNS provider domain name system or service uh GoDaddy is one um Google is another there's a million out there so what you want to do when you go into your domain name system is go into advanced DNS something like this and if you don't know how to do this for your provider just Google it just Google you know SPF GoDaddy or whatever you use and what you're going to see here is these records there's a bunch of different records here cname record txt record URL redirect record okay now depending on the email provider that you use they all have slightly different um they all have slightly different setup uh steps we use Google so all I had to do is just Google you know Google SPF setup and Google has step-by-step instructions for what to do and what you do here for SPF basically is I'm going to hit add new record then I'm going to go to txt record all three of these are txt records okay go at and then I'm going to paste what Google tells me to paste here and then I hit save changes once I've done that for SPF I do the exact same thing for dkim and the exact same thing for dmarc the thing is guys it can take 24 to 48 hours for this to update and and be reflected so you can't you need to prepare accordingly if you set up a new email account or a new domain name it's going to take you a couple days to get your SPF dkim and dmarc in place before you can start sending outbound I'll zoom in Scott okay relax uh I will uh yes so you need to set these things up okay in order to start sending outbound so Jordan we'll send you the recording don't worry um if this looks complicated for you guys uh and you feel like hey I I don't even know how to do this like that was too fast that was too much I'm actually going to share with you something that I made uh right now I actually made a checklist for exactly how to do this so I'm going to share with you it's called our email deliverability checklist uh let me go back to my slides so I don't make you guys stare at me while I do that oh sorry and I'm actually going to send you guys a link right now where you can all download the checklist okay so here it is and this checklist is a step-by-step instruction on how to set up everything relating to deliverability and you guys can just download it right there uh it'll send it to you
Channel: Apollo
Views: 17,117
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Id: m7Q-gbuxzB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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